123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119 |
- extends KinematicBody2D
- const AutoRotate = true # Autorotate player to move direction
- const DefaultSpeedValue = 200 # Player speed value
- var Speed = DefaultSpeedValue # Player speed value (for processing)
- var Velocity = Vector2() # Player velocity
- var Health = 60 # Player's health
- var Power = 100 # Player's power
- var second_jump = true # Flag for double jump (Is allow second jump?)
- var release_up = true # Flag for double jump (The space was released?)
- var is_squat = false # Is squat state?
- var allow_power = true
- var shot_button_release = true # Flag for shot key
- const Floor = Vector2(0, -1) # Floor
- const Gravity = 2500 # Gravity value
- const JumpPowerUp = 800 # Jump power value
- const ShiftPower = 2.5 # Shift turbo value
- const SitPower = -150 # Sit down power
- # Load Plasma
- const Plasma = preload("res://assets/Bullet/Bullet.tscn")
- func _ready():
- Input.set_mouse_mode(Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED)
- func step():
- if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_left"):
- Velocity.x = -Speed
- if AutoRotate:
- $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = true
- $AnimatedSprite.play("Walk")
- elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_right"):
- Velocity.x = Speed
- if AutoRotate:
- $AnimatedSprite.flip_h = false
- $AnimatedSprite.play("Walk")
- else:
- Velocity.x = 0
- Speed = DefaultSpeedValue
- $AnimatedSprite.stop()
- $AnimatedSprite.play("posible")
- func jump():
- # Jump buttons processing
- if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"):
- if is_on_floor():
- Velocity.y = -JumpPowerUp
- $AnimatedSprite.play("jump")
- release_up = false
- elif second_jump and release_up:
- Velocity.y -= JumpPowerUp
- second_jump = false
- release_up = false
- func run_and_squat():
- # Run
- if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_acceleration") and \
- !is_squat and Power > 0 and allow_power:
- Speed = DefaultSpeedValue * ShiftPower
- # Squat
- elif Input.is_action_pressed("ui_squat"):
- Speed = DefaultSpeedValue + SitPower
- $AnimatedSprite.play("SquatAction")
- $Collision.set_disabled(true)
- $CollisionSit.set_disabled(false)
- is_squat = true
- else:
- Speed = DefaultSpeedValue
- $Collision.set_disabled(false)
- $CollisionSit.set_disabled(true)
- is_squat = false
- if Power == 0:
- $RecoveryPower.start()
- allow_power = false
- func reset_flags():
- # Reset flags
- if is_on_floor():
- second_jump = true
- if !Input.is_action_pressed("ui_up"):
- release_up = true
- if !Input.is_action_pressed("ui_shot"):
- shot_button_release = true
- func shot_check():
- # Shot key proccesing
- if Input.is_action_pressed("ui_shot") and shot_button_release:
- var plasma = Plasma.instance()
- plasma.position.x = $GunPosition.global_position.x
- plasma.position.y = $GunPosition.global_position.y
- if $AnimatedSprite.flip_h: # Left player direction
- plasma.SPEED = -plasma.SPEED
- get_parent().add_child(plasma)
- shot_button_release = false
- func add_health(quantity):
- if Health < 100:
- Health += quantity
- func _physics_process(_delta):
- step()
- jump()
- run_and_squat()
- shot_check()
- reset_flags()
- # Calculate the physics and move the player
- Velocity.y += (Gravity * _delta)
- Velocity = move_and_slide(Velocity, Floor)
- func _on_RunTimer_timeout():
- if Speed == DefaultSpeedValue * ShiftPower:
- Power -= 25
- elif Power < 100:
- Power += 20
- func _on_RecoveryPower_timeout():
- allow_power = true
- $RecoveryPower.stop()