API Global Functions
Genshin این صفحه 4 سال پیش را ویرایش کرده است

Here are the global functions that modders can use for their mods.

Table of Contents

ezformmaker.register_form_page(formname, def)

Description: Registers a new Formspec page.

Example of Usage:


    --Function when this form is being sent to a player
    on_send_form = function(player)

        --The Formspec Itself
        local form_page = {
                "label[2.30,0.80;This is a sample formspec page]",
                "label[1.69,3.12;Press these buttons to see what would happen]",

        local to_send = table.concat(form_page, "")

    --Returns the form page as a table concatenation format, which is faster than a string concatenation format.
    return to_send

    --Function which handles it's own field input executions if the form page contains any fields. 
    on_receive_fields = function(player, formname, fields)
        local name = player:get_player_name()

        if fields.apply then
        minetest.chat_send_player(name, "[TEST COMPLETE]: Something was applied!")
        elseif fields.cancel then
        minetest.chat_send_player(name, "[TEST COMPLETE]: Something was Canceled!")



ezformmaker.show_form_page(name, formname)

Description: Sends a specified formspec page (if registered) to a specific player.

Example of Usage:

ezformmaker.show_form_page("Bob", "test:test_page")

NOTE: This will send the form page "test:test_page" to a player with the username "Bob"

ezformmaker.set_string(string, value)

Description: Sets a specified string with a user defined value (used for form context handling)

Example of Usage:

ezformmaker.set_string("my_string", "Bob")


Description: Gets a specified string's value (used for form context handling)

Example of Usage:

ezformmaker.set_string("my_string", "Bob")

local string = ezformmaker.get_string("my_string")

NOTE: In this case, local string returns "Bob". Since string "my_string" contains a string value of "Bob".