123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637 |
- #!/bin/bash
- #=======================================
- #Colors
- #=======================================
- greenf="\033[1;32m"
- BlueF='\e[1;34m'
- end="\033[0m"
- red='\e[1;31m'
- slimred='\e[0;31m'
- #=======================================
- banner() {
- echo -e "${red} █████╗ ███╗ ██╗ █████╗ ███╗ ██╗██╗ ██╗ █████╗ ██╗ ██╗
- ██╔══██╗████╗ ██║██╔══██╗████╗ ██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██╔══██╗██║ ██║
- ███████║██╔██╗██║██║ ██║██╔██╗██║ ╚████╔╝ ██║ ██║██║ ██║
- ██╔══██║██║╚████║██║ ██║██║╚████║ ╚██╔╝ ██║ ██║██║ ██║
- ██║ ██║██║ ╚███║╚█████╔╝██║ ╚███║ ██║ ╚█████╔╝╚██████╔╝
- ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚══╝ ╚════╝ ╚═╝ ╚══╝ ╚═╝ ╚════╝ ╚═════╝ ${end}"
- echo ""
- }
- checkroot() {
- if (( "$EUID" != 0 ));then
- clear
- echo -e "${slimred}Sorry, I need root to do things.."
- echo -e "All actions provided by the program require root access."
- echo -e "Please use the sudo command or contact your system administrator.${end}"
- exit 1
- else
- clear
- installreq
- torcheck
- privoxycheck
- mac_c_check
- sdmemcheck
- echo "Press [ENTER] to go to main menu!"
- read aoshofhaiosfhsi
- main
- fi
- }
- installreq() {
- echo "Can I install depencies?(y/n)"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' caninstall
- case $caninstall in
- y)
- dinstall=1
- ;;
- n)
- dinstall=0
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Error input, exiting..."
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- }
- torcheck() {
- which tor > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
- echo -e "${end}Tor......................[ ${greenf}Found${end} ]"
- torinstalled=1
- elif [ "$?" -ne "0" ];then
- echo -e "Tor...........................[ ${orange}Not found${end} ]"
- if [ $dinstall -eq "1" ];then
- echo -e "Installing Tor...."
- sudo apt-get install tor -y > /dev/null 2>&1
- which tor > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then
- echo -e "${greenf}Succesfully installed Tor${end}"
- torinstalled=1
- else
- echo -e "${orange}Something went wrong while tor installation...Please, restart the program and try again!${end}"
- torinstalled=0
- fi
- fi
- else
- echo -e "Tor......................[ ${red}Not found${end} ]"
- torinstalled=0
- fi
- }
- sdmemcheck() {
- which sdmem > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
- echo -e "${end}sdmem......................[ ${greenf}Found${end} ]"
- sdmeminstalled=1
- elif [ "$?" -ne "0" ];then
- echo -e "sdmem...........................[ ${orange}Not found${end} ]"
- if [ $dinstall -eq "1" ];then
- echo -e "Installing secure-delete...."
- sudo apt-get install secure-delete -y > /dev/null 2>&1
- which sdmem > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then
- echo -e "${greenf}Succesfully installed sdmem${end}"
- sdmeminstalled=1
- else
- echo -e "${orange}Something went wrong while sdmem installation...Please, restart the program and try again!${end}"
- sdmeminstalled=0
- fi
- fi
- else
- echo -e "secure-delete......................[ ${red}Not found${end} ]"
- sdmeminstalled=0
- fi
- }
- mac_c_check() {
- which macchanger > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
- echo -e "${end}macchanger......................[ ${greenf}Found${end} ]"
- macchangerinstalled=1
- elif [ "$?" -ne "0" ];then
- echo -e "macchanger...........................[ ${orange}Not found${end} ]"
- if [ $dinstall -eq "1" ];then
- echo -e "Installing macchanger...."
- sudo apt-get install macchanger -y > /dev/null 2>&1
- which macchanger > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then
- echo -e "${greenf}Succesfully installed macchanger${end}"
- macchangerinstalled=1
- else
- echo -e "${orange}Something went wrong while macchanger installation...Please, restart the program and try again!${end}"
- macchangerinstalled=0
- fi
- fi
- else
- echo -e "macchanger......................[ ${red}Not found${end} ]"
- macchangerinstalled=0
- fi
- }
- privoxycheck() {
- which privoxy > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
- echo -e "${end}Privoxy......................[ ${greenf}Found${end} ]"
- privoxyinstalled=1
- elif [ "$?" -ne "0" ];then
- echo -e "Privoxy...........................[ ${orange}Not found${end} ]"
- if [ $dinstall -eq "1" ];then
- echo -e "Installing Privoxy...."
- sudo apt-get install privoxy -y > /dev/null 2>&1
- which privoxy > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -eq "0" ];then
- echo -e "${greenf}Succesfully installed Privoxy${end}"
- privoxyinstalled=1
- else
- echo -e "${orange}Something went wrong while Privoxy installation...Please, restart the program and try again!${end}"
- privoxyinstalled=0
- fi
- fi
- else
- echo -e "Privoxy......................[ ${red}Not found${end} ]"
- privoxyinstalled=0
- fi
- }
- main() {
- clear
- banner
- sleep 0.01
- echo "[1] Spoof MAC address"
- sleep 0.01
- echo "[2] Enable Tor-bridges"
- sleep 0.01
- echo "[3] Remove rsyslog(dangerous)"
- sleep 0.01
- echo "[4] Secure RAM wiping"
- sleep 0.01
- echo "[5] Secure swap space wiping"
- sleep 0.01
- echo "[6] File shreder"
- sleep 0.01
- echo "[7] User Guide"
- sleep 0.01
- echo "[8] Exit"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' main_choise
- case $main_choise in
- 1)
- if [ $macchangerinstalled -eq "1" ];then
- spoofer
- else
- echo "Seems like you haven't macchanger.."
- echo "Please, install macchanger and try again!"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read oiashfasiofjo
- main
- fi
- ;;
- 2)
- if [ $torinstalled -eq "1" ] && [ $privoxyinstalled -eq "1" ];then
- torbridges
- else
- echo "Seems like you haven't tor or privoxy.."
- echo "Please, restart the script and install requiements!"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read oiashfasiofjo
- main
- fi
- ;;
- 3)
- remrsyslog
- ;;
- 4)
- if [ $sdmeminstalled -eq "1" ];then
- wipemem
- else
- echo "Seems like you haven't secure-delete.."
- echo "Please, install secure-delete and try again!"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read oiashfasiofjo
- main
- fi
- ;;
- 5)
- if [ $sdmeminstalled -eq "1" ];then
- swapclean
- else
- echo "Seems like you haven't secure-delete.."
- echo "Please, install secure-delete and try again!"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read oiashfasiofjo
- main
- fi
- ;;
- 6)
- shreder
- ;;
- 7)
- userguide
- ;;
- 8)
- exit
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Error input, repeating.."
- sleep 1
- main
- ;;
- esac
- }
- spoofer() {
- clear
- echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- array_test=()
- for iface in $(ifconfig | cut -d ' ' -f1| tr ':' '\n' | awk NF)
- do
- printf "$iface\n" > /dev/null 2>&1
- array_test+=("$iface")
- done
- echo -e "Available interfaces : ${BlueF}${array_test[@]}${end}"
- echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo ""
- cur_interface=$(ip route show default | awk '/default/ {print $5}')
- cur_mac=$(ifconfig $cur_interface | grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}')
- echo "Changing the MAC-address for your current interface : $cur_interface($cur_mac)"
- echo ""
- echo "If it's right, just press [ENTER] to perform actions"
- echo "If it's not right - please, enter the name of your interface below"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' int
- case $int in
- "")
- inter=$cur_interface
- ;;
- *)
- inter=$int
- ;;
- esac
- clear
- banner
- echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- echo "1. Make random MAC address"
- echo "2. Make specified MAC address"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' whichmac
- case $whichmac in
- 1)
- echo "Performing actions, please wait.."
- macchanger -s $inter > /dev/null 2>&1
- ifconfig $inter down > /dev/null 2>&1
- macchanger -r $inter > /dev/null 2>&1
- ifconfig $inter up > /dev/null 2>&1
- macchanger -s $inter > /dev/null 2>&1
- newmac=$(ifconfig $inter | grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}')
- echo "Done!"
- echo "Your new mac-address is $newmac"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read kasjfsa
- main
- ;;
- 2)
- clear
- echo "Input new MAC address in the next format : 1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' custommac
- echo "Performing actions, please wait..."
- ifconfig $inter down > /dev/null 2>&1
- macchanger -m $custommac $inter > /dev/null 2>&1
- ifconfig $inter up > /dev/null 2>&1
- macchanger -s $inter > /dev/null 2>&1
- newmac=$(ifconfig $inter | grep -o -E '([[:xdigit:]]{1,2}:){5}[[:xdigit:]]{1,2}')
- echo "Done!"
- echo "Your new mac-address is $newmac"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read kasjfsa
- main
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Error input, repeating.."
- sleep 1
- spoofer
- ;;
- esac
- }
- swapclean() {
- clear
- echo "How do you want to wipe the swap space?"
- echo ""
- echo "1. Wipe fast(insecure)"
- echo "2. Wipe secure(slow)"
- echo "3. I've changed my mind, go to main menu!"
- echo "4. Exit"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' how2wipeswap
- case $how2wipeswap in
- 1)
- echo "Unmounting swap devices"
- swapoff -a
- echo "Mounting swap devices"
- swapon -a
- echo "Done! Swap space cleared succesfully"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read ioasjfasf
- main
- ;;
- 2)
- swapon -s
- echo "Enter your swap device manually(example : /dev/dm-2)"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' swapdev
- echo "Device : $swapdev selected, unmounting.."
- swapoff -a
- echo "Wiping $swapdev, process may be very slow"
- sswap -v $swapdev
- echo "Device $swapdev succesfully wiped, mounting it back.."
- swapon -a
- echo "Done! Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read asjfaspfp
- main
- ;;
- 3)
- main
- ;;
- 4)
- exit 0
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Error input, repeating.."
- sleep 1
- swapclean
- ;;
- esac
- }
- userguide() {
- clear
- banner
- echo "------------------------------------------------------"
- echo "1. What is TOR?"
- echo "2. What is MAC address and why I need to change it?"
- echo "3. What is RSYSLOG?"
- echo "4. What is RAM wiping?"
- echo "5. What is swap space wiping?"
- echo "6. What is shreder?"
- echo "7. Go back to menu"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' usg
- case $usg in
- 1)
- echo "TOR (The onion router) is a special network of hundreds of computers around the world to anonymize your traffic"
- echo "This network works like this: there are only 3 nodes through which all your traffic before getting to the target server, at the same time imposing a layer of encryption on all traffic (except for the last node on the output), from this came the name 'onion network'"
- echo ""
- echo "More information about Tor you can read on the official site of the developers"
- echo "https://www.torproject.org/"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return back"
- read oaisofhaspfj
- userguide
- ;;
- 2)
- echo "MAC is a special 'physical' address of your device (media access control address)"
- echo "Each computer component has its own default MAC address ( mouses, keyboards have their own MAC address as well)"
- echo "MAC address is used for a kind of identification of the device in the network, and system administrators can put 'filters' on the MAC address, thus creating white and black lists"
- echo ""
- echo "An example of such filtering is Wi-Fi. A person can enter in the router settings a list of his own MAC addresses, and only they will be able to connect to the network, and others will not"
- echo "By changing the MAC address, you can bypass some of the 'hardware' blockages, as well as complicate the identification of your devices within the network"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return back"
- read oaisofhaspfj
- userguide
- ;;
- 3)
- echo "rsyslog is a special system log that stores information about almost every action of the system"
- echo ""
- echo "On the one hand, it is a very important element for system administrators, allowing them to monitor system usage and timely detect any intrusion attempts or suspicious user activity"
- echo ""
- echo "On the other hand, if you are an ordinary user, you will not need rsyslog very much, because it also takes a lot of space over time and contains information that can be read by intruders"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return back"
- read oaisofhaspfj
- userguide
- ;;
- 4)
- echo "Clean up RAM - the process of removing data from RAM and speeding up the system"
- echo "When the system is running, a lot of data is stored in RAM"
- echo ""
- echo "This data is deleted after a system reboot, however, in digital forensics there is a process of 'cold reboot' when RAM is removed from a powered-up computer by freezing (dry nitrogen)"
- echo "It remains switched on for some time, during which it can be connected to a special computer and the RAM dumped, thus compromising all the information from it (including the system's encryption keys)"
- echo ""
- echo "Secure RAM cleanup offers a complete, but not a quick RAM cleanup, thus protecting such data from all possible compromise"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return back"
- read oaisofhaspfj
- userguide
- ;;
- 5)
- echo "Swap space wiping is the process of removing data from a special space reserved by the system"
- echo "When you run out of RAM, the data starts to be processed in the swap file, which makes the system run much faster"
- echo ""
- echo "Such files can be read and restored"
- echo "For this purpose, there is a special utility that can safely clear this space, making it impossible to read and restore data from it"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return back"
- read oaisofhaspfj
- userguide
- ;;
- 6)
- echo "The shredder is a feature that allows you to irretrievably delete files."
- echo "The function uses the built-in 'shred' utility."
- echo ""
- echo "When you delete a file, it is not actually deleted, but 'invisible' to the system until it is overwritten later."
- echo "A newly deleted file can very easily be recovered with special utilities and equipment."
- echo "Once a file has been overwritten several times (usually about 30) it cannot be recovered"
- echo ""
- echo "shred deletes files by multiple overwrites of the deleted file so it is almost impossible to recover a rewritten file even with very expensive hardware."
- echo "In addition, the file name and size are overwritten, making it impossible to identify the file even if you try to restore it."
- echo ""
- echo "It is worth mentioning that it is strongly not recommended to use this feature when cleaning a file from solid-state drives (SSDs), because SSDs have a different structure than HDDs, which can be irreparably damaged by such overwriting."
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return back"
- read oaisofhaspfj
- userguide
- ;;
- 7)
- main
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Error input, repeating.."
- sleep 1
- userguide
- ;;
- esac
- }
- shreder() {
- clear
- banner
- echo "1. I want to remove all from directory"
- echo "2. I want to remove single file"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' shredopt
- case $shredopt in
- 1)
- echo "Enter or Drag'n'Drop directory path to shred"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' directory
- dir2shred=$directory*
- echo "Shredding all from directory $directory, please wait"
- shred -v -f -n 30 -z $dir2shred
- echo "Done! Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read asihofhasof
- main
- ;;
- 2)
- echo "Drag'n'Drop or enter your file to shred"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' file2shred
- echo "Shredding your file ($file2shred). Please wait.."
- shred -v -f -n 30 -z $file2shred
- echo "Done! Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read asihofhasof
- main
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Error input, repeating.."
- sleep 1
- shreder
- ;;
- esac
- }
- wipemem() {
- clear
- banner
- echo "Wiping RAM memory is slow process,but very effective in the sense that after such a rewrite it is almost impossible to 'take out' anything from the RAM."
- echo "But in case, if you want to wipe your RAM fast, select the 2nd option"
- echo "However, some things can be restored if you will select fast option"
- echo ""
- echo "1. Wipe my RAM securely, I have a lot of time"
- echo "2. Wipe my RAM fast(non-secure)"
- echo "3. Do nothing, I've changed my mind. Go to main menu"
- echo "4. Exit"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' how2wipemem
- case $how2wipemem in
- 1)
- wiperamsec
- ;;
- 2)
- wiperamfast
- ;;
- 3)
- main
- ;;
- 4)
- exit 0
- ;;
- esac
- }
- wiperamsec() {
- echo "Wiping your RAM hard, please wait"
- echo "Try to not use your computer now"
- sleep 5
- echo "Dropping your caches.."
- echo 1024 > /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes
- echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/oom_kill_allocating_task
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
- echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/oom_dump_tasks
- echo "Wiping your RAM(may take some time)"
- sdmem -v
- echo "Done! Your RAM is wiped succesfully"
- echo "Shutting down your machine. Have a nice day!"
- }
- wiperamfast() {
- echo "Wiping your RAM fast, please wait"
- echo "Try to not use your computer now"
- sleep 5
- echo "Dropping your caches.."
- echo 1024 > /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes
- echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/oom_kill_allocating_task
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory
- echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/oom_dump_tasks
- echo "Wiping your RAM(may take some time)"
- sdmem -fllv
- }
- torbridges() {
- clear
- banner
- grep -iRl "forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 ." /etc/privoxy/config > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] || [ "$?" -eq "130" ];then
- echo "Config already added, starting services.."
- echo "Starting tor service"
- service tor start
- echo "Done"
- echo "Starting privoxy service"
- service privoxy start
- echo "Done!"
- echo "Now, manually add this proxies in your system proxy parameters"
- echo "HTTP Proxy : localhost:8118"
- echo "HTTPS Proxy : localhost:8118"
- echo "SOCKS Proxy : localhost:9050"
- echo "After adding proxy, you visit any site through TOR network!"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read kdskpjpf
- main
- else
- echo "Configuring Privoxy, please wait.."
- echo "forward-socks5 / localhost:9050 ." >> /etc/privoxy/config
- echo "forward-socks4 / localhost:9050 ." >> /etc/privoxy/config
- echo "forward-socks4a / localhost:9050 ." >> /etc/privoxy/config
- echo "Starting tor service"
- service tor start
- echo "Done..."
- echo "Starting privoxy service"
- service privoxy start
- echo "Done!"
- echo "Now, manually add this proxies in your system proxy parameters"
- echo "HTTP Proxy : localhost:8118"
- echo "HTTPS Proxy : localhost:8118"
- echo "SOCKS Proxy : localhost:9050"
- echo "After adding proxy, you visit any site through TOR network!"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read kdskpjpf
- main
- fi
- }
- remrsyslog() {
- which rsyslogd > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
- echo "Are you sure that you want to remove rsyslog?"
- echo "In case your system may be hacked, you couldn't check the logs"
- echo "Enter : 'YES REMOVE RSYSLOG' to continue or 'back' to return to main menu"
- read -p $'\e[1;31m>>>\e[0m ' removeornot
- case $removeornot in
- echo "Removing rsyslog, please wait"
- sudo apt-get remove rsyslog -y > /dev/null 2>&1
- which rsyslogd > /dev/null 2>&1
- if [ "$?" -eq "1" ]; then
- echo "Done. rsyslog has been removed succesfully"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read oashfoadshig
- main
- else
- echo "Something went wrong while removing rsyslog"
- echo "Please, try again"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read aisohfahfp
- main
- fi
- ;;
- "back")
- main
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Error input, going back to main menu!"
- sleep 1
- main
- ;;
- esac
- else
- echo "No rsyslog detected, so not removed!"
- echo "Press [ENTER] to return to main menu!"
- read hashfkahshf
- main
- fi
- }
- checkroot