parametercurvesformunit.lfm 7.5 KB

  1. object ParameterCurvesForm: TParameterCurvesForm
  2. Left = 307
  3. Height = 426
  4. Top = 188
  5. Width = 447
  6. Caption = 'Parameter Curves'
  7. ClientHeight = 426
  8. ClientWidth = 447
  9. Icon.Data = {
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  48. OnCreate = FormCreate
  49. LCLVersion = ''
  50. object ParamTabControl: TTabControl
  51. Left = 0
  52. Height = 32
  53. Top = 0
  54. Width = 447
  55. OnChange = ParamTabControlChange
  56. TabIndex = 0
  57. Tabs.Strings = (
  58. 'MHP'
  59. 'MMP'
  60. 'ATK'
  61. 'DEF'
  62. 'MAT'
  63. 'MDF'
  64. 'AGI'
  65. 'LUK'
  66. )
  67. Align = alTop
  68. TabOrder = 0
  69. end
  70. object MainPanel: TPanel
  71. Left = 0
  72. Height = 394
  73. Top = 32
  74. Width = 447
  75. Align = alClient
  76. ClientHeight = 394
  77. ClientWidth = 447
  78. Color = clForm
  79. ParentColor = False
  80. TabOrder = 1
  81. object QuickGenerationGroupBox: TGroupBox
  82. Left = 8
  83. Height = 64
  84. Top = 8
  85. Width = 176
  86. Caption = 'Quick generation'
  87. ClientHeight = 44
  88. ClientWidth = 172
  89. TabOrder = 0
  90. object PresetAButton: TButton
  91. Tag = 4
  92. Left = 8
  93. Height = 25
  94. Top = 8
  95. Width = 27
  96. Caption = 'A'
  97. OnClick = PresetButtonClick
  98. TabOrder = 0
  99. end
  100. object PresetBButton: TButton
  101. Tag = 4
  102. Left = 40
  103. Height = 25
  104. Top = 8
  105. Width = 27
  106. Caption = 'B'
  107. OnClick = PresetButtonClick
  108. TabOrder = 1
  109. end
  110. object PresetCButton: TButton
  111. Tag = 2
  112. Left = 72
  113. Height = 25
  114. Top = 8
  115. Width = 27
  116. Caption = 'C'
  117. OnClick = PresetButtonClick
  118. TabOrder = 2
  119. end
  120. object PresetDButton: TButton
  121. Tag = 1
  122. Left = 104
  123. Height = 25
  124. Top = 8
  125. Width = 27
  126. Caption = 'D'
  127. OnClick = PresetButtonClick
  128. TabOrder = 3
  129. end
  130. object PresetEButton: TButton
  131. Left = 136
  132. Height = 25
  133. Top = 8
  134. Width = 27
  135. Caption = 'E'
  136. OnClick = PresetButtonClick
  137. TabOrder = 4
  138. end
  139. end
  140. object ManualSettingsGroupBox: TGroupBox
  141. Left = 192
  142. Height = 137
  143. Top = 8
  144. Width = 248
  145. Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
  146. Caption = 'Manual setting'
  147. ClientHeight = 117
  148. ClientWidth = 244
  149. TabOrder = 1
  150. object LevelLabel: TLabel
  151. Left = 8
  152. Height = 18
  153. Top = 0
  154. Width = 38
  155. Caption = 'Level:'
  156. ParentColor = False
  157. end
  158. object LevelSpinEdit: TSpinEdit
  159. AnchorSideTop.Control = LevelLabel
  160. AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
  161. Left = 8
  162. Height = 28
  163. Top = 20
  164. Width = 226
  165. Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
  166. BorderSpacing.Top = 2
  167. MaxValue = 99
  168. MinValue = 1
  169. OnChange = LevelSpinEditChange
  170. TabOrder = 0
  171. Value = 1
  172. end
  173. object ValueLabel: TLabel
  174. AnchorSideTop.Control = LevelSpinEdit
  175. AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
  176. Left = 8
  177. Height = 18
  178. Top = 56
  179. Width = 145
  180. BorderSpacing.Top = 8
  181. Caption = 'Parameter at the level:'
  182. ParentColor = False
  183. end
  184. object ParamSpinEdit: TSpinEdit
  185. AnchorSideTop.Control = ValueLabel
  186. AnchorSideTop.Side = asrBottom
  187. Left = 8
  188. Height = 28
  189. Top = 76
  190. Width = 224
  191. Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
  192. BorderSpacing.Top = 2
  193. MaxValue = 999
  194. MinValue = 1
  195. OnChange = ParamSpinEditChange
  196. TabOrder = 1
  197. Value = 1
  198. end
  199. end
  200. object AdvancedGenerationGroupBox: TGroupBox
  201. Left = 8
  202. Height = 65
  203. Top = 80
  204. Width = 176
  205. Caption = 'Advanced generation'
  206. ClientHeight = 45
  207. ClientWidth = 172
  208. TabOrder = 2
  209. object GenerateButton: TButton
  210. Left = 8
  211. Height = 25
  212. Top = 8
  213. Width = 155
  214. Caption = 'Generate curve...'
  215. OnClick = GenerateButtonClick
  216. TabOrder = 0
  217. end
  218. end
  219. object GraphPaintBox: TPaintBox
  220. Left = 8
  221. Height = 169
  222. Top = 152
  223. Width = 433
  224. Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
  225. OnMouseDown = GraphPaintBoxMouseDown
  226. OnMouseMove = GraphPaintBoxMouseMove
  227. OnMouseUp = GraphPaintBoxMouseUp
  228. OnPaint = GraphPaintBoxPaint
  229. end
  230. object ResultButtonPanel: TButtonPanel
  231. Left = 7
  232. Height = 38
  233. Top = 349
  234. Width = 433
  235. OKButton.Name = 'OKButton'
  236. OKButton.DefaultCaption = True
  237. OKButton.OnClick = OKButtonClick
  238. HelpButton.Name = 'HelpButton'
  239. HelpButton.DefaultCaption = True
  240. CloseButton.Name = 'CloseButton'
  241. CloseButton.DefaultCaption = True
  242. CancelButton.Name = 'CancelButton'
  243. CancelButton.DefaultCaption = True
  244. CancelButton.OnClick = CancelButtonClick
  245. TabOrder = 3
  246. ShowButtons = [pbOK, pbCancel]
  247. end
  248. object SetValuesWithMouseCheckBox: TCheckBox
  249. Left = 8
  250. Height = 22
  251. Top = 322
  252. Width = 169
  253. Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
  254. Caption = 'Set values with mouse'
  255. Color = clDefault
  256. ParentColor = False
  257. TabOrder = 4
  258. end
  259. end
  260. end