aboutformunit.lfm 2.2 KB

  1. object AboutForm: TAboutForm
  2. Left = 298
  3. Height = 240
  4. Top = 116
  5. Width = 320
  6. Caption = 'About Rainbow RPG Editor'
  7. ClientHeight = 240
  8. ClientWidth = 320
  9. Constraints.MinHeight = 240
  10. Constraints.MinWidth = 320
  11. LCLVersion = ''
  12. object HeaderLabel: TLabel
  13. Left = 8
  14. Height = 32
  15. Top = 8
  16. Width = 305
  17. Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
  18. AutoSize = False
  19. Caption = 'Rainbow RPG Editor v.0.0.1'
  20. Font.Height = -19
  21. ParentColor = False
  22. ParentFont = False
  23. end
  24. object AboutMemo: TMemo
  25. Left = 8
  26. Height = 154
  27. Top = 40
  28. Width = 305
  29. Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
  30. Lines.Strings = (
  31. 'Rainbow RPG Editor'
  32. 'Copyright 2019—2020, Garbata Team'
  33. 'and Rainbow RPG Editor contributors'
  34. ''
  35. 'Rainbow RPG Editor is double-licensed'
  36. 'under either The Hippocratic License 2.1'
  37. '(or newer version of the The Hippocratic License):'
  38. 'https://firstdonoharm.dev/version/2/1/license.html'
  39. 'or the GNU AGPL v.3 license (or newer):'
  40. 'https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html'
  41. 'You can choose either of the available licenses,'
  42. 'at your discretion.'
  43. ''
  44. 'It is written using FreePascal and Lazarus,'
  45. 'using the standard libraries available under'
  46. 'LGPL with a static linking exception (FPC-modified LGPL):'
  47. 'https://freepascal.org/'
  48. 'https://www.lazarus-ide.org/'
  49. ''
  50. 'It uses code from Kadokawa''s RPG Maker MV''s'
  51. 'corescript, available under the MIT license:'
  52. 'https://github.com/rpgtkoolmv/corescript/'
  53. ''
  54. 'It uses Fugue Icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane,'
  55. 'available under CC-BY 3.0 license:'
  56. 'https://p.yusukekamiyamane.com/'
  57. 'https://github.com/yusukekamiyamane/fugue-icons'
  58. ''
  59. '____________________________'
  60. ''
  61. 'For full list of licensing terms, refer to the'
  62. 'LICENSE file in the project directory'
  63. )
  64. ReadOnly = True
  65. ScrollBars = ssVertical
  66. TabOrder = 0
  67. end
  68. object OkButton: TButton
  69. Left = 128
  70. Height = 25
  71. Top = 208
  72. Width = 75
  73. Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
  74. Caption = 'OK'
  75. OnClick = OkButtonClick
  76. TabOrder = 1
  77. end
  78. end