category.h 3.2 KB

  1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. //
  3. // Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
  4. //
  5. // Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
  6. // agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
  7. // otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
  8. //
  9. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  10. //
  11. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. // ICategorizeProperties interface
  13. // components can implement this interface to categorize an
  14. // object's properties.
  15. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. #ifndef OPM_CATEGORY_H
  17. #define OPM_CATEGORY_H
  18. // category ID: negative values are 'standard' categories, positive are control-specific
  19. #define PROPCAT_Nil -1
  20. #define PROPCAT_Misc -2
  21. #define PROPCAT_Font -3
  22. #define PROPCAT_Position -4
  23. #define PROPCAT_Appearance -5
  24. #define PROPCAT_Behavior -6
  25. #define PROPCAT_Data -7
  26. #define PROPCAT_List -8
  27. #define PROPCAT_Text -9
  28. #define PROPCAT_Scale -10
  29. #define PROPCAT_DDE -11
  30. #define PROPCAT_General -12
  31. #define PROPCAT_Mass -13
  32. #define PROPCAT_Pattern -14
  33. #define PROPCAT_DataPoints -15
  34. #define PROPCAT_Mesh -16
  35. #define PROPCAT_ImageAdjust -17
  36. #define PROPCAT_ControlPoints -18
  37. #define PROPCAT_PrimaryUnits -19
  38. #define PROPCAT_AltUnits -20
  39. #define PROPCAT_Fit -21
  40. #define PROPCAT_LinesArrows -22
  41. #define PROPCAT_Tolerances -23
  42. #define PROPCAT_Table -24
  43. #define PROPCAT_Geometry -25
  44. #define PROPCAT_Section -26
  45. #define PROPCAT_UnderlayAdjust -27
  46. #define PROPCAT_Solid_History -28
  47. #define PROPCAT_Fillet -29
  48. #define PROPCAT_Chamfer -30
  49. #define PROPCAT_3DVisualization -31
  50. #define PROPCAT_Table_Breaks -32
  52. #define PROPCAT_SURFACE_TRIM -34
  53. #define PROPCAT_ViewDefinition -35
  54. #define PROPCAT_Annotation -36
  55. #define PROPCAT_ReferenceData -37
  56. #define PROPCAT_Representation -38
  57. #define PROPCAT_PointcloudAdjust -39
  58. #define PROPCAT_GeomapImageAdjust -40
  59. #ifndef _ADESK_MAC_
  60. // {4D07FC10-F931-11ce-B001-00AA006884E5}
  61. DEFINE_GUID(IID_ICategorizeProperties, 0x4d07fc10, 0xf931, 0x11ce, 0xb0, 0x1, 0x0, 0xaa, 0x0, 0x68, 0x84, 0xe5);
  62. typedef int PROPCAT;
  63. #undef INTERFACE
  64. #define INTERFACE ICategorizeProperties
  65. interface DECLSPEC_UUID("4D07FC10-F931-11ce-B001-00AA006884E5") ICategorizeProperties : public IUnknown
  66. {
  68. // *** IUnknown methods ***
  69. STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) PURE;
  72. // *** ICategorizeProperties ***
  73. //Provide a category ID for the property, provide your own or see standards
  74. STDMETHOD(MapPropertyToCategory)(THIS_
  75. /* [in] */ DISPID dispid,
  76. /* [out] */ PROPCAT* ppropcat) PURE;
  77. // Get the name for the category ID
  78. STDMETHOD(GetCategoryName)(THIS_
  79. /* [in] */ PROPCAT propcat,
  80. /* [in] */ LCID lcid,
  81. /* [out] */ BSTR* pbstrName) PURE;
  82. };
  83. typedef ICategorizeProperties FAR* LPCATEGORIZEPROPERTIES;
  84. #endif // _ADESK_MAC_
  85. #endif