acadstrc.h 43 KB

  1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. //
  3. // Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
  4. //
  5. // Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
  6. // agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
  7. // otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
  8. //
  9. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  10. //
  11. // acadstrc.h: definition of struct Acad which contains the
  12. // ErrorStatus enumerated type values
  13. #ifndef AD_ACADSTRC_H
  14. #define AD_ACADSTRC_H 1
  15. #pragma pack (push, 8)
  16. #define eNotImplemented eNotImplementedYet
  17. struct Acad
  18. {
  19. enum ErrorStatus { eOk = 0,
  20. eNotImplementedYet = 1,
  21. eNotApplicable = 2,
  22. eInvalidInput = 3,
  23. eAmbiguousInput = 4,
  24. eAmbiguousOutput = 5,
  25. eOutOfMemory = 6,
  26. eBufferTooSmall = 7,
  27. eInvalidOpenState = 8,
  28. eEntityInInactiveLayout = 9,
  29. eHandleExists = 10,
  30. eNullHandle = 11,
  31. eBrokenHandle = 12,
  32. eUnknownHandle = 13,
  33. eHandleInUse = 14,
  34. eNullObjectPointer = 15,
  35. eNullObjectId = 16,
  36. eNullBlockName = 17,
  37. eContainerNotEmpty = 18,
  38. eNullEntityPointer = 20,
  39. eIllegalEntityType = 21,
  40. eKeyNotFound = 22,
  41. eDuplicateKey = 23,
  42. eInvalidIndex = 24,
  43. eDuplicateIndex = 25,
  44. eAlreadyInDb = 26,
  45. eOutOfDisk = 27,
  46. eDeletedEntry = 28,
  47. eNegativeValueNotAllowed = 29,
  48. eInvalidExtents = 30,
  49. eInvalidAdsName = 31,
  50. eInvalidSymbolTableName = 32,
  51. eInvalidKey = 33,
  52. eWrongObjectType = 34,
  53. eWrongDatabase = 35,
  54. eObjectToBeDeleted = 36,
  55. eInvalidDwgVersion = 37,
  56. eAnonymousEntry = 38,
  57. eIllegalReplacement = 39,
  58. eEndOfObject = 40,
  59. eEndOfFile = 41,
  60. eIsReading = 42,
  61. eIsWriting = 43,
  62. eNotOpenForRead = 44,
  63. eNotOpenForWrite = 45,
  64. eNotThatKindOfClass = 46,
  65. eInvalidBlockName = 47,
  66. eMissingDxfField = 48,
  67. eDuplicateDxfField = 49,
  68. eInvalidDxfCode = 50,
  69. eInvalidResBuf = 51,
  70. eBadDxfSequence = 52,
  71. eFilerError = 53,
  72. eVertexAfterFace = 54,
  73. eInvalidFaceVertexIndex = 55,
  74. eInvalidMeshVertexIndex = 56,
  75. eOtherObjectsBusy = 57,
  76. eMustFirstAddBlockToDb = 58,
  77. eCannotNestBlockDefs = 59,
  78. eDwgRecoveredOK = 60,
  79. eDwgNotRecoverable = 61,
  80. eDxfPartiallyRead = 62,
  81. eDxfReadAborted = 63,
  82. eDxbPartiallyRead = 64,
  83. eDwgCRCDoesNotMatch = 65,
  84. eDwgSentinelDoesNotMatch = 66,
  85. eDwgObjectImproperlyRead = 67,
  86. eNoInputFiler = 68,
  87. eDwgNeedsAFullSave = 69,
  88. eDxbReadAborted = 70,
  89. eFileLockedByACAD = 71,
  90. eFileAccessErr = 72,
  91. eFileSystemErr = 73,
  92. eFileInternalErr = 74,
  93. eFileTooManyOpen = 75,
  94. eFileNotFound = 76,
  95. eDwkLockFileFound = 77,
  96. eWasErased = 80,
  97. ePermanentlyErased = 81,
  98. eWasOpenForRead = 82,
  99. eWasOpenForWrite = 83,
  100. eWasOpenForUndo = 84,
  101. eWasNotifying = 85,
  102. eWasOpenForNotify = 86,
  103. eOnLockedLayer = 87,
  104. eMustOpenThruOwner = 88,
  105. eSubentitiesStillOpen = 89,
  106. eAtMaxReaders = 90,
  107. eIsWriteProtected = 91,
  108. eIsXRefObject = 92,
  109. eNotAnEntity = 93,
  110. eHadMultipleReaders = 94,
  111. eDuplicateRecordName = 95,
  112. eXRefDependent = 96,
  113. eSelfReference = 97,
  114. eMissingSymbolTable = 98,
  115. eMissingSymbolTableRec = 99,
  116. eWasNotOpenForWrite = 100,
  117. eCloseWasNotifying = 101,
  118. eCloseModifyAborted = 102,
  119. eClosePartialFailure = 103,
  120. eCloseFailObjectDamaged = 104,
  121. eCannotBeErasedByCaller = 105,
  122. eCannotBeResurrected = 106,
  123. eWasNotErased = 107,
  124. eInsertAfter = 110,
  125. eFixedAllErrors = 120,
  126. eLeftErrorsUnfixed = 122,
  127. eUnrecoverableErrors = 123,
  128. eNoDatabase = 124,
  129. eXdataSizeExceeded = 125,
  130. eRegappIdNotFound = 126,
  131. eRepeatEntity = 127,
  132. eRecordNotInTable = 128,
  133. eIteratorDone = 129,
  134. eNullIterator = 130,
  135. eNotInBlock = 131,
  136. eOwnerNotInDatabase = 132,
  137. eOwnerNotOpenForRead = 133,
  138. eOwnerNotOpenForWrite = 134,
  139. eExplodeBeforeTransform = 135,
  140. eCannotScaleNonUniformly = 136,
  141. eNotInDatabase = 137,
  142. eNotCurrentDatabase = 138,
  143. eIsAnEntity = 139,
  144. eCannotChangeActiveViewport = 140,
  145. eNotInPaperspace = 141,
  146. eCommandWasInProgress = 142,
  147. eGeneralModelingFailure = 150,
  148. eOutOfRange = 151,
  149. eNonCoplanarGeometry = 152,
  150. eDegenerateGeometry = 153,
  151. eInvalidAxis = 154,
  152. ePointNotOnEntity = 155,
  153. eSingularPoint = 156,
  154. eInvalidOffset = 157,
  155. eNonPlanarEntity = 158,
  156. eCannotExplodeEntity = 159,
  157. eStringTooLong = 160,
  158. eInvalidSymTableFlag = 161,
  159. eUndefinedLineType = 162,
  160. eInvalidTextStyle = 163,
  161. eTooFewLineTypeElements = 164,
  162. eTooManyLineTypeElements = 165,
  163. eExcessiveItemCount = 166,
  164. eIgnoredLinetypeRedef = 167,
  165. eBadUCS = 168,
  166. eBadPaperspaceView = 169,
  167. eSomeInputDataLeftUnread = 170,
  168. eNoInternalSpace = 171,
  169. eInvalidDimStyle = 172,
  170. eInvalidLayer = 173,
  171. eUserBreak = 180,
  172. eUserUnloaded = 181,
  173. eDwgNeedsRecovery = 190,
  174. eDeleteEntity = 191,
  175. eInvalidFix = 192,
  176. eFSMError = 193,
  177. eBadLayerName = 200,
  178. eLayerGroupCodeMissing = 201,
  179. eBadColorIndex = 202,
  180. eBadLinetypeName = 203,
  181. eBadLinetypeScale = 204,
  182. eBadVisibilityValue = 205,
  183. eProperClassSeparatorExpected = 206,
  184. eBadLineWeightValue = 207,
  185. eBadColor = 208,
  186. eBadMaterialName = 209,
  187. ePagerError = 210,
  188. eOutOfPagerMemory = 211,
  189. ePagerWriteError = 212,
  190. eWasNotForwarding = 213,
  191. eInvalidIdMap = 220,
  192. eInvalidOwnerObject = 221,
  193. eOwnerNotSet = 222,
  194. eWrongSubentityType = 230,
  195. eTooManyVertices = 231,
  196. eTooFewVertices = 232,
  197. eNoActiveTransactions = 250,
  198. eNotTopTransaction = 251,
  199. eTransactionOpenWhileCommandEnded = 252,
  200. eInProcessOfCommitting = 253,
  201. eNotNewlyCreated = 254,
  202. eLongTransReferenceError = 255,
  203. eNoWorkSet = 256,
  204. eAlreadyInGroup = 260,
  205. eNotInGroup = 261,
  206. eAlreadyInferred = 262,
  207. eInvalidREFIID = 290,
  208. eInvalidNormal = 291,
  209. eInvalidStyle = 292,
  210. eCannotRestoreFromAcisFile = 300,
  211. eMakeMeProxy = 301,
  212. eNLSFileNotAvailable = 302,
  213. eNotAllowedForThisProxy = 303,
  214. eNotClonedPrimaryProxy = 304,
  215. eNotSupportedInDwgApi = 310,
  216. ePolyWidthLost = 311,
  217. eNullExtents = 312,
  218. eBadDwgHeader = 314,
  219. eLockViolation = 320,
  220. eLockConflict = 321,
  221. eDatabaseObjectsOpen = 322,
  222. eLockChangeInProgress = 323,
  223. eVetoed = 325,
  224. eNoDocument = 330,
  225. eNotFromThisDocument = 331,
  226. eLISPActive = 332,
  227. eTargetDocNotQuiescent = 333,
  228. eDocumentSwitchDisabled = 334,
  229. eInvalidContext = 335,
  230. eCreateFailed = 337,
  231. eCreateInvalidName = 338,
  232. eSetFailed = 340,
  233. eDelDoesNotExist = 342,
  234. eDelIsModelSpace = 343,
  235. eDelLastLayout = 344,
  236. eDelUnableToSetCurrent = 345,
  237. eDelUnableToFind = 346,
  238. eRenameDoesNotExist = 348,
  239. eRenameIsModelSpace = 349,
  240. eRenameInvalidLayoutName = 350,
  241. eRenameLayoutAlreadyExists = 351,
  242. eRenameInvalidName = 352,
  243. eCopyDoesNotExist = 354,
  244. eCopyIsModelSpace = 355,
  245. eCopyFailed = 356,
  246. eCopyInvalidName = 357,
  247. eCopyNameExists = 358,
  248. eProfileDoesNotExist = 359,
  249. eInvalidFileExtension = 360,
  250. eInvalidProfileName = 361,
  251. eFileExists = 362,
  252. eProfileIsInUse = 363,
  253. eCantOpenFile = 364,
  254. eNoFileName = 365,
  255. eRegistryAccessError = 366,
  256. eRegistryCreateError = 367,
  257. eBadDxfFile = 368,
  258. eUnknownDxfFileFormat = 369,
  259. eMissingDxfSection = 370,
  260. eInvalidDxfSectionName = 371,
  261. eNotDxfHeaderGroupCode = 372,
  262. eUndefinedDxfGroupCode = 373,
  263. eNotInitializedYet = 374,
  264. eInvalidDxf2dPoint = 375,
  265. eInvalidDxf3dPoint = 376,
  266. eBadlyNestedAppData = 378,
  267. eIncompleteBlockDefinition = 379,
  268. eIncompleteComplexObject = 380,
  269. eBlockDefInEntitySection = 381,
  270. eNoBlockBegin = 382,
  271. eDuplicateLayerName = 383,
  272. eBadPlotStyleName = 384,
  273. eDuplicateBlockName = 385,
  274. eBadPlotStyleType = 386,
  275. eBadPlotStyleNameHandle = 387,
  276. eUndefineShapeName = 388,
  277. eDuplicateBlockDefinition = 389,
  278. eMissingBlockName = 390,
  279. eBinaryDataSizeExceeded = 391,
  280. eObjectIsReferenced = 392,
  281. eNoThumbnailBitmap = 393,
  282. eGuidNoAddress = 394,
  283. eMustBe0to2 = 395, // setDimxxx() returns
  284. eMustBe0to3 = 396,
  285. eMustBe0to4 = 397,
  286. eMustBe0to5 = 398,
  287. eMustBe0to8 = 399,
  288. eMustBe1to8 = 400,
  289. eMustBe1to15 = 401,
  290. eMustBePositive = 402,
  291. eMustBeNonNegative = 403,
  292. eMustBeNonZero = 404,
  293. eMustBe1to6 = 405,
  294. eNoPlotStyleTranslationTable = 406,
  295. ePlotStyleInColorDependentMode = 407,
  296. eMaxLayouts = 408,
  297. eNoClassId = 409,
  298. eUndoOperationNotAvailable = 410,
  299. eUndoNoGroupBegin = 411,
  300. eHatchTooDense = 420,
  301. eOpenFileCancelled = 430,
  302. eNotHandled = 431,
  303. eMakeMeProxyAndResurrect = 432,
  304. eFileSharingViolation = 433,
  305. eUnsupportedFileFormat = 434,
  306. eObsoleteFileFormat = 435,
  307. eFileMissingSections = 436,
  308. eRepeatedDwgRead = 437,
  309. eSilentOpenFileCancelled = 438,
  310. eWrongCellType = 440,
  311. eCannotChangeColumnType = 441,
  312. eRowsMustMatchColumns = 442,
  313. eNullNodeId = 450,
  314. eNoNodeActive = 451,
  315. eGraphContainsProxies = 452,
  316. eDwgShareDemandLoad = 500,
  317. eDwgShareReadAccess = 501,
  318. eDwgShareWriteAccess = 502,
  319. // Plot
  320. eLoadFailed = 503,
  321. eDeviceNotFound = 504,
  322. eNoCurrentConfig = 505,
  323. eNullPtr = 506,
  324. eNoLayout = 507,
  325. eIncompatiblePlotSettings = 508,
  326. eNonePlotDevice = 509,
  327. eNoMatchingMedia = 510,
  328. eInvalidView = 511,
  329. eInvalidWindowArea = 512,
  330. eInvalidPlotArea = 513,
  331. eCustomSizeNotPossible = 514,
  332. ePageCancelled = 515,
  333. ePlotCancelled = 516,
  334. eInvalidEngineState = 517,
  335. ePlotAlreadyStarted = 518,
  336. eNoErrorHandler = 519,
  337. eInvalidPlotInfo = 520,
  338. eNumberOfCopiesNotSupported = 521,
  339. eLayoutNotCurrent = 522,
  340. eGraphicsNotGenerated = 523,
  341. eCannotPlotToFile = 524,
  342. eMustPlotToFile = 525,
  343. eNotMultiPageCapable = 526,
  344. eBackgroundPlotInProgress = 527,
  345. eNotShownInPropertyPalette = 528,
  346. // Sub Selection for Table Object
  347. //
  348. eSubSelectionSetEmpty = 550,
  349. // Geometric Modeling
  350. eNoIntersections = 551,
  351. eEmbeddedIntersections = 552,
  352. // Layer property overrides
  353. //
  354. eNoOverride = 570,
  355. eNoStoredOverrides = 571,
  356. eUnableToRetrieveOverrides = 572,
  357. eUnableToStoreOverrides = 573,
  358. eUnableToRemoveOverrides = 574,
  359. // Layer Reconciliation
  360. //
  361. eNoStoredReconcileStatus = 580,
  362. eUnableToStoreReconcileStatus = 581,
  363. // View Association
  364. //
  365. eInvalidObjectId = 600,
  366. eInvalidXrefObjectId = 601,
  367. eNoViewAssociation = 602,
  368. eNoLabelBlock = 603,
  369. eUnableToSetViewAssociation = 604,
  370. eUnableToGetViewAssociation = 605,
  371. eUnableToSetLabelBlock = 606,
  372. eUnableToGetLabelBlock = 607,
  373. eUnableToRemoveAssociation = 608,
  374. eUnableToSyncModelView = 609,
  375. // Data links
  376. eDataLinkAdapterNotFound = 650,
  377. eDataLinkInvalidAdapterId = 651,
  378. eDataLinkNotFound = 652,
  379. eDataLinkBadConnectionString = 653,
  380. eDataLinkNotUpdatedYet = 654,
  381. eDataLinkSourceNotFound = 655,
  382. eDataLinkConnectionFailed = 656,
  383. eDataLinkSourceUpdateNotAllowed = 657,
  384. eDataLinkSourceIsWriteProtected = 658,
  385. eDataLinkExcelNotFound = 659,
  386. eDataLinkOtherError = 660,
  387. // Xref notification
  388. //
  389. eXrefReloaded = 700,
  390. eXrefReloadImpossibleAtThisTime = 701,
  391. // DWG Security
  392. //
  393. eSecInitializationFailure = 1001,
  394. eSecErrorReadingFile = 1002,
  395. eSecErrorWritingFile = 1003,
  396. //
  397. // Status codes specific to Digital Signatures
  398. //
  399. eSecInvalidDigitalID = 1101,
  400. eSecErrorGeneratingTimestamp = 1102,
  401. eSecErrorComputingSignature = 1103,
  402. eSecErrorWritingSignature = 1104,
  403. //
  404. // Status codes specific to password-based protection
  405. //
  406. eSecErrorEncryptingData = 1201,
  407. eSecErrorCipherNotSupported = 1202,
  408. eSecErrorDecryptingData = 1203,
  409. eNoAcDbHostApplication = 1300,
  410. eNoUnderlayHost = 1301,
  411. // Status codes for Point Cloud indexing
  412. ePCUnknown = 1400,
  413. ePCLargeData = 1401,
  414. ePCUnknownFileType = 1402,
  415. ePCFileNotFound = 1403,
  416. ePCFileNotCreated = 1404,
  417. ePCFileNotOpened = 1405,
  418. ePCFileNotClosed = 1406,
  419. ePCFileNotWritten = 1407,
  420. ePCFileWrongFormat = 1408,
  421. ePCFileDataSelectorInvalid = 1409,
  422. ePCCoordSysReprojectFail = 1410,
  423. ePCDiskSpaceTooSmall = 1411,
  424. ePCThreadTerminated = 1412,
  425. ePCFileNotErased = 1413,
  426. ePCCoordSysAssignFail = 1414,
  427. ePCLastImporterUnfinished = 1415,
  428. ePCNoEngineInfo = 1416,
  429. ePCInProgress = 1417,
  430. // BEGIN: Internet-related status codes
  431. // eveything went through just fine
  432. //
  433. eInetBase = 20000,
  434. eInetOk = eInetBase,
  435. eInetInCache, // file already downloaded
  436. // File access
  437. //
  438. eInetFileNotFound, // CFileException::fileNotFound
  439. eInetBadPath, // CFileException::badPath
  440. eInetTooManyOpenFiles, // CFileException::tooManyOpenFiles
  441. eInetFileAccessDenied, // CFileException::accessDenied
  442. eInetInvalidFileHandle,// CFileException::invalidFile
  443. eInetDirectoryFull, // CFileException::directoryFull
  444. eInetHardwareError, // CFileException::hardIO
  445. eInetSharingViolation, // CFileException::sharingViolation
  446. eInetDiskFull, // CFileException::diskFull
  447. eInetFileGenericError, // CFileException::generic
  448. // AcadInet-specific
  449. //
  450. eInetValidURL,
  451. eInetNotAnURL, // Not a valid URL
  452. eInetNoWinInet, // Could not locate WININET.DLL on the system
  453. eInetOldWinInet, // an old version of WININET.DLL was found
  454. eInetNoAcadInet, // Could not locate ACADINET.DLL on the system
  455. eInetNotImplemented, // probably a result of ::GetProcAddress() failure
  456. eInetProtocolNotSupported,// gopher, mailto, etc.
  457. eInetCreateInternetSessionFailed, // CAcInternetSessionFactory::CreateSession() failed
  458. eInetInternetSessionConnectFailed,
  459. eInetInternetSessionOpenFailed,
  460. eInetInvalidAccessType, // something other than a download/upload request
  461. eInetFileOpenFailed, // specifically, the OpenFile() method returned NULL
  462. eInetHttpOpenRequestFailed,// OpenRequest() returned 0
  463. eInetUserCancelledTransfer,
  464. // WinInet-specific
  465. //
  466. eInetHttpBadRequest, // HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST 400 - invalid syntax
  467. eInetHttpAccessDenied, // HTTP_STATUS_DENIED 401 - access denied
  468. eInetHttpPaymentRequired, // HTTP_STATUS_PAYMENT_REQ 402 - payment required
  469. eInetHttpRequestForbidden, // HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN 403 - request forbidden
  470. eInetHttpObjectNotFound, // HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND 404 - object not found
  471. eInetHttpBadMethod, // HTTP_STATUS_BAD_METHOD 405 - method is not allowed
  472. eInetHttpNoAcceptableResponse, // HTTP_STATUS_NONE_ACCEPTABLE 406 - no response acceptable to client found
  473. eInetHttpProxyAuthorizationRequired, // HTTP_STATUS_PROXY_AUTH_REQ 407 - proxy authentication required
  474. eInetHttpTimedOut, // HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TIMEOUT 408 - server timed out waiting for request
  475. eInetHttpConflict, // HTTP_STATUS_CONFLICT 409 - user should resubmit with more info
  476. eInetHttpResourceGone, // HTTP_STATUS_GONE 410 - the resource is no longer available
  477. eInetHttpLengthRequired, // HTTP_STATUS_LENGTH_REQUIRED 411 - the server refused to accept request w/o a length
  478. eInetHttpPreconditionFailure, // HTTP_STATUS_PRECOND_FAILED 412 - precondition given in request failed
  479. eInetHttpRequestTooLarge, // HTTP_STATUS_REQUEST_TOO_LARGE 413 - request entity was too large
  480. eInetHttpUriTooLong, // HTTP_STATUS_URI_TOO_LONG 414 - request URI too long
  481. eInetHttpUnsupportedMedia, // HTTP_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA 415 - unsupported media type
  482. eInetHttpServerError, // HTTP_STATUS_SERVER_ERROR 500 - internal server error
  483. eInetHttpNotSupported, // HTTP_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED 501 - required not supported
  484. eInetHttpBadGateway, // HTTP_STATUS_BAD_GATEWAY 502 - error response received from gateway
  485. eInetHttpServiceUnavailable, // HTTP_STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAIL 503 - temporarily overloaded
  486. eInetHttpGatewayTimeout, // HTTP_STATUS_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT 504 - timed out waiting for gateway
  487. eInetHttpVersionNotSupported, // HTTP_STATUS_VERSION_NOT_SUP 505 - HTTP version not supported
  488. eInetInternetError, // all other error codes
  489. // corresponding to the MFC CException
  490. //
  491. eInetGenericException,
  492. // all others
  493. //
  494. eInetUnknownError,
  495. // END: Internet-related status codes
  496. // AcDbCustomOsnapManager specific
  497. eAlreadyActive,
  498. eAlreadyInactive,
  499. // End AcDbCustomOsnapManager specific
  500. // AcDbEval
  501. eGraphEdgeNotFound,
  502. eGraphNodeNotFound,
  503. eGraphNodeAlreadyExists,
  504. eGraphEdgeAlreadyExists,
  505. eGraphCyclesFound,
  506. // AcDbBlockRepresentation
  507. eAlreadyHasRepresentation,
  508. eNoRepresentation,
  509. // solid chamfer/fillet
  510. eFailedToSetEdgeChamfers,
  511. eNoConnectedBlendSet,
  512. eFailedToBlend,
  513. eFailedToSetEdgeRounds,
  514. eFailedToSetVertexRounds,
  515. // visual styles
  516. eVSNotFound,
  517. eVSTrue,
  518. eVSFalse,
  519. eVSAlreadyExists,
  520. eVSOneOffCreated,
  521. eVSAPIOnlyValues,
  522. eVSIsInUse,
  523. eVSIsAcadDefault,
  524. // solid history evaluation
  525. eEmptyOperand,
  526. eNoEntitiesFromPersistentIds,
  527. eFailedCurveCheck,
  528. eMaxNodes,
  529. //Associative Network related errors.
  530. eFailedToEvaluate,
  531. eFailedToEvaluateDependents,
  532. eInvalidExpression,
  533. eCyclicDependency,
  534. eInconsistentConstraint,
  535. eOverDefinedConstraint,
  536. eAllInSameRigidSet,
  537. eInvalidParameterName,
  538. eReferencedInEquation,
  539. eEntityRestricedInDOF,
  540. // large object support
  541. eDataTooLarge,
  542. eNearSizeLimit,
  543. // string user parameters
  544. eStringNotAllowedInExpression,
  545. eTooManyActiveCommands,
  546. // parametric surface
  547. eUnableToTrimLastPiece,
  548. eUnableToTrimSurface,
  549. eModifyingAssociativeEntity,
  550. eModifyingDimensionWithExpression,
  551. eDependentOnObjectErased,
  552. eSelfIntersecting,
  553. eNotOnBoundary,
  554. eNotConnected,
  555. eNoInputPath,
  556. eNotAssociative,
  557. // ASM G1 discontinuity error
  558. eNotG1Continuous,
  559. eOwnerToBeTransformed,
  560. eMustBeInteger,
  561. eMustBePositiveInteger,
  562. // Associative Array
  563. eChangedAgainstAssociativity,
  564. eItemCountChanged,
  565. // AdIntImgServices error
  566. eGetAdIntImgServicesFailed,
  567. // Atil::Image error
  568. eReadImageBufferFailed,
  569. eWriteImageBufferFailed,
  570. eGetImageBytesFailed,
  571. eGetImageDIBFailed,
  572. eConvertImageFormatFailed,
  573. // get preview image error
  574. eGetPreviewImageFailed,
  575. eInvalidPreviewImage,
  576. // Live Preview error
  577. eDelayMore,
  578. ePreviewFailed,
  579. eAbortPreview,
  580. eEndPreview,
  581. eNoPreviewContext,
  582. // Cloud error
  583. eFileNotInCloud,
  584. };
  585. // The following enums represent bits in a "history" value, which indicates
  586. // what all point filters had an effect on the point on a particular
  587. // system event.
  588. //
  589. // The bits are independent from one another, except:
  590. // - only one flag out of eOrtho and ePolarAng will be returned at any
  591. // given callout.
  592. // - If eNotDigitizer is set, then none of the following will ever be
  593. // set: eGripped, eCartSnapped, eOrtho, eCyclingPt
  594. // but the rest of the flags are independent. In eNotDigitizer events,
  595. // the rawPoint, postGrippedPoint, cartesianSnappedPoint and orthoPoint
  596. // values will all be identical.
  597. // - (history & eCoordPending) is really an mask for any of the 3 coordinate
  598. // point enums directly preceding it.
  599. enum PointHistory { eTablet = 0x0001, // !eTablet implies window
  600. // cursor tracking, as opposed
  601. // to tablet mode.
  602. eNotDigitizer= 0x0002, // Implies rawPoint was typed,
  603. // at keyboard or fed by
  604. // by program or script or
  605. // menu macro expansion or
  606. // digitizer pick event;
  607. // anything but digitizer
  608. // motion.
  609. eLastPt = 0x0004, // indicates lastPoint is
  610. // valid.
  611. eGripped = 0x008, // Fell into grip gravity
  612. eCartSnapped= 0x0010, // Snap mode on ("old"
  613. // cartesian snap, that is.)
  614. eOrtho = 0x0020, // Ortho on
  615. eCyclingPt = 0x0040, // indicates caller is
  616. // "cycling" so this is not
  617. // the necessarily the
  618. // "best" osnap/alignment
  619. // computation.
  620. eOsnapped = 0x0080, // Osnap did something
  621. ePolarAngle = 0x0100, // Polar Snap on
  622. eAligned = 0x0400, // AutoAlign did something
  623. eAppFiltered = 0x0800, // If a point filter is
  624. // registered (only monitors
  625. // will get this bit).
  626. eForcedPick = 0x1000, // "Forced Picking" is enabled
  627. ePickMask = 0xE000, // AND mask to strip out "pick
  628. // mode" bits to compare with
  629. // eDidNotPick,
  630. // eUsedPickBox and
  631. // eUsedOsnapBox as enums.
  632. // more of the 7 values may
  633. // be used in the future.
  634. eDidNotPick = 0x0000, // No picking was done, i.e.
  635. // !eForcedPick & no OSNAP
  636. // was performed.
  637. eUsedPickBox = 0x2000, // "Forced picking" used Pick
  638. // box. used as enum within
  639. eUsedOsnapBox = 0x4000,// "Forced picking" used OSNAP
  640. // box.
  641. ePickAborted = 0x8000,// If picking of the
  642. // apertureEntities has been
  643. // aborted because of out-
  644. // stating mouse move messages
  645. // in AutoCAD's message queue.
  646. eXPending = 0x10000, // XCoord Pending
  647. eYPending = 0x20000, // YCoord Pending
  648. eZPending = 0x40000, // ZCoord Pending
  649. eCoordPending =
  650. 0x70000, // Mask for preceding
  651. // pending coordinate bits.
  652. eFromKeyboard =
  653. 0x80000, // Coordinate has been typed
  654. // in by the user
  655. eNotInteractive =
  656. 0x100000, // Coordinate came from script,
  657. // menu macro expansion, a LISP
  658. // (command) call or ads_command().
  659. eDirectDistance =
  660. 0x200000, // Direct Distance has been input
  661. // for a point
  662. eGizmoConstrainted =
  663. 0x400000, // Gizmo constraint has been used
  664. // on the point
  665. };
  666. // Acad::PromptStatus
  667. //
  668. // Define an enum sequence
  669. // in the image of the RT* return statuses defined in ADSCODES.H.
  670. // In fact, these values can be directly interchanged with ads_get*()
  671. // function return statuses, except for eDirect as noted below.
  672. // I suggest it be scoped in class Acad, which
  673. // also scopes ErrorStatus.
  674. //
  675. enum PromptStatus {
  676. eNone = 5000,
  677. eModeless = 5027,
  678. eNormal = 5100,
  679. eError = -5001,
  680. eCancel = -5002,
  681. eRejected = -5003,
  682. eFailed = -5004,
  683. eKeyword = -5005,
  684. eDirect = -5999 // Passed to endGetPoint if the getpoint was
  685. // nested within another geometric value prompt,
  686. // (such as angle) and the entered response was
  687. // such a value rather than a point.
  688. };
  689. };
  690. #pragma pack (pop)
  691. #endif