AcTcUiManager.h 3.3 KB

  1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. //
  3. // Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
  4. //
  5. // Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
  6. // agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
  7. // otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
  8. //
  9. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  10. //
  11. // Name: AcTcUiManager.h
  12. //
  13. // Description:
  14. //
  15. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  16. #ifndef __ACTCUIMANAGER_H__
  17. #define __ACTCUIMANAGER_H__
  18. #if _MSC_VER > 1000
  19. #pragma once
  20. #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
  21. #include "gepnt3d.h"
  22. #include "AcTcUiToolPaletteSet.h"
  23. #include "AcTcUi.h"
  24. class AcTcUiSystemInternals;
  25. #ifndef _ADESK_MAC_
  26. class ACTCUI_PORT CAcTcUiManager
  27. {
  28. public:
  29. CAcTcUiManager();
  30. virtual ~CAcTcUiManager();
  31. CAcTcUiToolPaletteSet* GetToolPaletteWindow(void);
  32. BOOL Load (IUnknown* pUnknown);
  33. BOOL Save (IUnknown* pUnknown);
  34. BOOL SetApplicationWindow(HWND hWndApp);
  35. HWND GetApplicationWindow(void);
  36. COleDropTarget* GetDropTarget (void);
  37. CAcTcUiToolPalette* CreatePalette (LPCTSTR pszPalName = NULL,
  38. DWORD dwFlags = 0);
  39. BOOL Export (LPCTSTR pszFile,
  40. const AcTcUiToolPaletteArray* palettes = NULL);
  41. BOOL Import (LPCTSTR pszFile);
  42. BOOL FindPalette (const AcTcCatalogItem* pItem,
  43. CAcTcUiToolPalette** ppToolPalette) const;
  44. BOOL FindPalette (const GUID& itemId,
  45. CAcTcUiToolPalette** ppToolPalette) const;
  46. BOOL ShowToolPaletteWindow(BOOL bShow = TRUE);
  47. BOOL IsToolPaletteWindowVisible(void) const;
  48. int GetToolFilterCount (void) const;
  49. int AddToolFilter (LPCTSTR pszProductName,
  50. int nMajorVersion,
  51. int nMinorVersion,
  52. DWORD dwLocaleId);
  53. BOOL GetToolFilter (int iIndex,
  54. LPTSTR pszProductName,
  55. int* pMajorVersion,
  56. int* pMinorVersion,
  57. DWORD* pLocaleId) const;
  58. BOOL DeleteToolFilter (int iIndex);
  59. CAcTcUiScheme* GetScheme (LPCTSTR pszName) const;
  60. CAcTcUiScheme* GetScheme (int nIndex);
  61. int GetSchemeCount (void);
  62. int AddScheme (CAcTcUiScheme* pUiScheme);
  63. BOOL RemoveScheme (CAcTcUiScheme* pUiScheme);
  64. void NotifyDropPoint (const AcGePoint3d& point);
  65. protected:
  66. void * mpImpObj;
  67. private:
  68. friend class AcTcUiSystemInternals;
  69. };
  70. #endif // Nodef _ADESK_MAC_
  71. #endif //__ACTCUIMANAGER_H__