AcHTMLApi.h 2.1 KB

  1. //
  2. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  3. //
  4. // Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
  5. //
  6. // Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
  7. // agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
  8. // otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
  9. //
  10. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  11. //
  12. #if !defined(_ACHTMLAPI_H_INCLUDED_)
  13. #define _ACHTMLAPI_H_INCLUDED_
  14. #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
  15. #pragma once
  16. #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
  17. class CAdUiPaletteSet;
  18. int acedAddHTMLPalette(CAdUiPaletteSet* ps, const ACHAR* name, const ACHAR* uriOfHtmlPage );
  19. bool acedShowHTMLModalWindow(HWND owner, const ACHAR* uriOfHtmlPage, bool persistSizeAndPosition = true);
  20. HWND acedShowHTMLModelessWindow(HWND owner, const ACHAR* uriOfHtmlPage, bool persistSizeAndPosition = true);
  21. struct HtmlWindowOptions {
  22. enum HtmlWindowFlags {
  23. eAllowResize = 0x0001, // allow dialog to be resizable
  24. eAllowMinimize = 0x0002, // enable minimize button
  25. eAllowMaximize = 0x0004, // enable maximize button
  26. eInitPosition = 0x0008, // specify initial position (x and y fields are used)
  27. eInitSize = 0x0010, // specify initial size (width and height fields are used)
  28. eMaxSize = 0x0020, // specify maximum size (maxWidth and maxHeight fields are used)
  29. eMinSize = 0x0040, // specify minimum size (minWidth and minHeight fields are used)
  30. ePersistSizeAndPosition = 0x0080, // allow dialog size and position to be persisted in registry
  31. };
  32. UINT flags;
  33. UINT x;
  34. UINT y;
  35. UINT width;
  36. UINT height;
  37. UINT maxWidth;
  38. UINT maxHeight;
  39. UINT minWidth;
  40. UINT minHeight;
  41. };
  42. bool acedShowHTMLModalWindow(HWND owner, const ACHAR* uriOfHtmlPage, HtmlWindowOptions opts);
  43. class AcApDocWindow;
  44. AcApDocWindow* acedAddHTMLDocWindow(const ACHAR* title, const ACHAR* uriOfHtmlPage);
  45. extern "C" void acedLoadJSScript(const ACHAR* pUriOfJSFile);
  46. #endif // !defined(_ACHTMLAPI_H_INCLUDED_)