page.html 1.3 KB

  1. {% extends "base.html" %}
  2. {% block html_lang %}{{ page.lang }}{% endblock%}
  3. {% block extra_head %}
  4. {% import 'translations.html' as translations with context %}
  5. {% if translations.entry_hreflang(page) %}
  6. {{ translations.entry_hreflang(page) }}
  7. {% endif %}
  8. <meta name="author" content="{{ author }}">
  9. {% endblock %}
  10. {% block title %}{{ page.title }}{% endblock %}
  11. {% block head %}
  12. {{ super() }}
  13. {% if page.styles %}
  14. {% for style in page.styles %}
  15. {{ style|format(SITEURL) }}
  16. {% endfor %}
  17. {% endif %}
  18. {% if page.js %}
  19. {% for script in page.js %}
  20. {% if 'top' in script[-7:] %}
  21. {{ script[:-5]|format(SITEURL) }}
  22. {% endif %}
  23. {% endfor %}
  24. {% endif %}
  25. {% endblock %}
  26. {% block content %}
  27. <article class="page type-page status-publish hentry">
  28. <header class="entry-header">
  29. <h1 class="entry-title">{{ page.title }}</h1>
  30. </header>
  31. <div class="entry-content">
  32. {{ page.content }}
  33. </div>
  34. {% import 'translations.html' as translations with context %}
  35. {% if translations.translations_for(page) %}
  36. <footer class="entry-footer">
  37. <span class="icon-language" title="{{ ngettext('Traducción', 'Traducciones', page.translations|length) }}">
  38. {{ translations.translations_for(page) }}
  39. </span>
  40. </footer>
  41. {% endif %}
  42. </article>
  43. {% endblock %}