3.9 KB

Network 1.1.0 Analysis

Headings are ordered by stage of the game.

Non-relevant addresses are censored after the second full stop (ex.* (just in case).


Hosts to block

See of the current version.

1 Launcher

Connection type: entirely TCP / TLSv1.2

DNS requests:

  • sdk-os-static.mihoyo.*
  • log-upload-os.*
  • api-static.mihoyo.* Game update information (trigger by launcher button)
  • webstatic.*
  • genshin.mihoyo.*

2 Startup & login

Connection type: TCP/TLSv1.2 and TCP/HTTP

DNS requests, sorted by appearance:

  • dispatchosglobal.* Server listing (required, error 4201)
  • osasiadispatch.* Asia server
  • oseurodispatch.* Europa server
  • osusadispatch.* USA server
  • webstatic-sea.mihoyo.* In-game news (optional, deprecated)
  • webstatic.h* tbc, Possibly in-game news (optional)
  • apm-log-upload(-os).*: Yet unknown (>= 4.2.0)
  • log-upload(-os).* Log server (optional, < 4.2.0)

  • hk4e-sdk-os.h* Central login and sales server (required)

  • hk4e-api-os.h* Announcements, alerts (optional)

  • (hk4e-)sdk-os(-static).h* Authentication/login related data

  • sdk-os-static.h* Accessed at late game / exit

List of logging domains for general system information: (optional)

  • ys-log-upload(-os).* after login (>= 4.0.0)
  • overseauspider.* before login
    • To report kernel driver loading errors. No Wine specifics included.
  • (os)uspider.* after login (>= 4.2.0)
  • (sg-)public-data-api.* before login (< 3.7.0, >= 4.1.0)
  • sdk-log-upload(-os).* before login (>= 5.0.0)

Login (captcha) servers:

  • Image-based captcha
  • Image-based captcha
  • account.h* Game/special central account server
  • api-account-os.h*
  • abtest-api-data-sg.h*

In addition to a few unity3d hosts which have no effect when blacklisted in /etc/hosts.

Driver error log

POST request to /log when mhypbase.dll is present.

  • Host: overseauspider.* or uspider.*
  • Data:

    "deviceModel": "possibly unique GUID",
    "stackTrace":"[onInstallDriverError] Status=0Error=0State=0"

3 Game data loader

Connection type: UDP

Untouched section until it becomes necessary.

  • autopatchhk.yuanshen.* "Persistent" data updates

4 Gameplay

  • autopatchhk.yuanshen.* Presumably xLua/HotFix patch server
  • minor-api.m* / minor-api-os.h* "apm" reporting (Telemetry.dll)
    • Yet unused. Unknown trigger.

5 Crash reporter

Connection type: TCP/HTTP

POST request to /log:

  • Host: overseauspider.yuanshen.* or uspider.yuanshen.*
  • Data:

  "userName": "Test",    /* Constant */
  "time": "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.0000",
  "frame": "",           /* Unclear, perhaps game frame count */
  "stackTrace": "Log::Logger() ....", /* Partially readable backtrace */
  "logStr": "[Login] OnPlayerLoginRsp: 31", /* Error 31-4302 or .. */
  "logStr": "[Login] OnGetPlayerTokenRsp: 21", /* Error 21-4301 aka BANNED */
  "logType": "Error",
  "deviceName": "NX",    /* Unclear */
  "deviceModel": "Wine (The Wine Project)",
  "operatingSystem": "Windows 10  (10.0...",
   /* ^ Data from HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion  */
  "version": "1.0_rel OSRELWin1.0.1_...", /* Game version (bottom left) */
  "exceptionSerialNum": "0",
  "pos": "",             /* Unclear, perhaps position on the map */
  "guid": "sha256 hash",
  "errorCode": "Default",
  "errorCodeToPlatform": 4302, /* Error 31-4302 or .. */
  "errorCodeToPlatform": 4301, /* Error 21-4301 aka BANNED */
  "serverName": "os_euro"  /* European server */

Answer, status 200 OK:

  "code": 0