README.txt 4.2 KB

  1. This directory contains files relevant to the patch development.
  2. Relevant game changes:
  3. 1.0.1
  4. (accidental) 10 day "no-service" period
  5. 1.1.0
  6. "sc stop" & "sc delete" are no longer run on login
  7. 1.2.0
  8. xLua: Introduction of the sb_* check
  9. 1.3.0
  10. xLua: lparser.c is no longer included
  11. UserAssembly: Modified login function
  12. UnityPlayer: Random crash on certain systems (patched)
  13. 1.3.2
  14. UnityPlayer: Random crash fixed
  15. 1.4.0
  16. (no relevant changes)
  17. 1.5.0
  18. Patch: Removal of old/unnecessary patches. (checkout c50c174)
  19. UnityPlayer: "10 second" delayed crash no longer happens
  20. UnityPlayer: Various runtime and startup crashes
  21. 1.5.1
  22. UnityPlayer: Crashes fixed
  23. 1.6.0
  24. New library: HDiffPatch
  25. Launcher: Obfuscated web request params
  26. Removed crash logging of non-crashy events (startup)
  27. 1.6.1
  28. (no relevant changes)
  29. 2.0.0
  30. Crash report directory format changed from "crash_*" to "mihoyocrash_*"
  31. 2.1.0
  32. 2.2.0
  33. (no relevant changes)
  34. 2.3.0
  35. Patch: Removal of old/unnecessary patches. (checkout 32d6ee4)
  36. xLua: sb_* check is not called any more
  37. 2.4.0
  38. New library: mhypbase.dll (more anti-debugger code)
  39. Introduction of "query_security_file"
  40. UnityPlayer: "10 second" delayed crash occurs again, but on startup
  41. 2.5.0
  42. Moved library: mhypbase.dll (exists temporarily only)
  43. New binaries: mhyprot3.Sys (+ garbage), Plugins/crashreport.exe, Plugins/metakeeper.dll
  44. UnityPlayer: delayed crash is gone again
  45. Partial use of HDiffPatch for game updates
  46. 2.6.0
  47. (no relevant changes)
  48. 2.7.0
  49. Moved library: mhypbase.dll (exists again permanently)
  50. Removed libraries: InControlNative.dll, XInputInterface64.dll
  51. New binary: blueReporter.exe (BSoD reporter)
  52. 2.8.0
  53. Removed libraries: d3dcompiler_43.dll, sqlite3.dll, widevinecdmadapter.dll
  54. New libraries: MiHoYoMTRSDK.dll, vk_swiftshader.dll, vulkan-1.dll
  55. -> Vulkan child window rendering breaks certain Wine versions
  56. Patch: Correction of the computer system information.
  57. 3.0.0
  58. Removed library: metakeeper.dll
  59. New libraries: kcp.dll
  60. Astrolabe.dll: telemetry and game logging (unused?, JSON HTTP POST)
  61. Telemetry.dll: (almost the same library again)
  62. 3.1.0
  63. Removed library: mhyprot2.sys
  64. Unknown starting time of mhyprot3 -> add to registry regardless
  65. Patch: Optional analytics server blocking. Removal of unused Unity3D block lists.
  66. Patch: Secondary patch to reduce CPU usage on kernels with tick rates < 1 kHz
  67. 3.2.0
  68. Patch: Removal of patches 2.1.0 - 3.0.0. (checkout dbfe761)
  69. (no relevant changes)
  70. 3.3.0
  71. New libraries: mailbox.dll, HoYoKProtect.sys
  72. Patch process: CE approach broken
  73. 3.4.0
  74. (no relevant changes)
  75. 3.5.0
  76. Optional Kernel driver (?). Needs clarification.
  77. CN server: device-specific "Data error, please log in again." upon login
  78. 3.6.0
  79. (no relevant changes)
  80. 3.7.0
  81. xlua.dll statically linked into UserAssembly.dll
  82. xLua: sb_* check is not called any more
  83. Game is playable patchless after a few days
  84. 3.8.0
  85. Game is playable from day 0 via Wine/Proton/CrossOver
  86. 4.0.0
  87. VRAM leak in menus
  88. New "BundleDownload" progress logging to the uspider domain
  89. New "UserBehavior" logging (system specifications)
  90. 4.0.1
  91. Fixed VRAM leak
  92. 4.1.0
  93. Removed mhyprot3.sys
  94. Patch: Removal of patches 3.1.0 - 3.8.0. (checkout b404916)
  95. 4.2.0
  96. New library: APMLog.dll
  97. Removed bluereporter.exe
  98. 4.3.0
  99. New library: xxHash (in UserAssembly.dll)
  100. New file: Managed/Metadata/startup-metadata.dat
  101. + Native/Data/Metadata/startup-metadata.dat
  102. 4.4.0
  103. (no relevant changes)
  104. 4.5.0
  105. Launcher: "sophon_chunk" delta patching A/B test
  106. 4.6.0
  107. (no relevant changes)
  108. 4.7.0
  109. 2024-06-11: High CPU usage returns due to a new security file (via HTTPS)
  110. 4.8.0
  111. Deprecated "resource" JSON (launcher fade-out)
  112. UnityPlayer.dll and UserAssembly.dll statically linked into the main game binary
  113. 2024-07-18: "query_security_file" on startup, yet no excessive CPU usage
  114. 2024-07-22: High CPU usage returns due to a new security file
  115. "*.exe:GMS000000[NNN].log" is generated, "driverError.log" not updated.
  116. 5.0.0
  117. Patch: Removal of directories 4.0.0 - 4.6.0. (checkout f642d34)
  118. New library: AccountPlatNative.dll (multiple hoyo domains)
  119. bundles TapTap login webpage (CN), OpenSSL, libcurl
  120. references to HoYoSDKBridge.dll (N/A on OSRel)
  121. 2024-08-28: "query_security_file" on startup, yet no excessive CPU usage