Openbsd.Chroot 1.4 KB

  1. version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
  2. agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20210102
  3. author=jrmu
  4. charset=UTF-8
  5. csum=
  6. ctime=1604495173
  7. host=
  8. name=Openbsd.Chroot
  9. rev=2
  10. targets=
  11. text=(:redirect chroot.intro:)%0aChroot refers to '''ch'''anging the '''root'''. When a process runs inside a chroot, you change the apparent root directory it runs inside. It normally is unable to access any files outside of the new root and is stuck in a chroot jail.%0a%0aBenefits include:%0a%0a# A chroot sandboxes an insecure process so that it cannot view or modify files outside the chroot%0a
  12. time=1627699670
  13. author:1627699670=jrmu
  14. diff:1627699670:1604495173:=1d0%0a%3c (:redirect chroot.intro:)%0a6c5%0a%3c # A chroot sandboxes an insecure process so that it cannot view or modify files outside the chroot%0a---%0a> # A chroot sandboxes an insecure process so that it cannot view or modify files outside the chroot%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  15. host:1627699670=
  16. author:1604495173=jrmu
  17. diff:1604495173:1604495173:=1,5d0%0a%3c Chroot refers to '''ch'''anging the '''root'''. When a process runs inside a chroot, you change the apparent root directory it runs inside. It normally is unable to access any files outside of the new root and is stuck in a chroot jail.%0a%3c %0a%3c Benefits include:%0a%3c %0a%3c # A chroot sandboxes an insecure process so that it cannot view or modify files outside the chroot%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  18. host:1604495173=