Ircnow.Roadmap 59 KB

  1. version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
  2. agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20210102
  3. author=jrmu
  4. charset=UTF-8
  5. csum=
  6. ctime=1597538360
  7. host=
  8. name=Ircnow.Roadmap
  9. rev=79
  10. targets=Ircnow.Servers,Bouncer.Bouncer,Ircnow.Team,Minutemin.Training,Openbsd.Openbsd,Openbsd.Bitlbee,Shell.Shell,Www.Www,Openbsd.Sftp,Openbsd.Pmwiki,Openbsd.Php,Openbsd.Bchs,Openbsd.Gotweb,Openbsd.Eggdrop,Openbsd.Openrsync,Openbsd.Scp,Openbsd.Iked,Openbsd.Opensmtpd,Openbsd.Dovecot,Openbsd.Spamd,Openbsd.Pf,Openbsd.FilePermissions,Third.Third,Openbsd.Botnow,Openbsd.Opensnmpd,Openbsd.Identd,Openbsd.Asterisk,Ircnow.Todo
  11. text=(:title IRCNow Roadmap:)%0a%0a!! Plans for Profit%0a%0a# Build a free and open Internet platform for 3rd party businesses to easily buy/sell to users; charge transaction fees on each sale%0a # Provide an IRC marketplace and cryptocoin payment platform%0a # Provide an IRC platform for developers of IRC bots and games%0a # Provide an IRC analytics platform for advertisers (require user consent)%0a # These 3rd parties could sell proprietary software and services, ads, and physical goods%0a# Directly sell our users annual subscriptions for%0a # Extra file storage for web, file, and email hosting%0a # VPS hosting%0a # IRCd hosting%0a# Collect donations%0a%0a!! Ongoing%0a%0a# Invite your friends to [[ircnow/servers|connect to our network]] and [[bouncer/bouncer|request zncs]]%0a# Recruit new [[Ircnow/Team|teammates]]%0a# Finish [[Minutemin/Training|Minutemin Training]]%0a# Learn the [[Openbsd/Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]] thoroughly and train other teammtes%0a# Update your team's [[Ircnow/Servers|server page]] to show what services you offer%0a# Update the [[Openbsd/Openbsd|Sysadmin Almanack]] to improve it for other sysadmins%0a%0a!! Jan 2021 to Dec 2021%0a%0a# Provide [[bouncer/bouncer|znc accounts]]%0a # Install and configure [[openbsd/bitlbee|bitlbee]]%0a# Provide [[shell/shell|shell accounts]]%0a# Provide [[www/www|web hosting]]%0a # Offer [[openbsd/sftp|chrooted sftp]] access%0a # Offer [[openbsd/pmwiki|pmwiki]] for each user%0a # Offer [[openbsd/php|PHP]] web hosting%0a # Offer [[openbsd/bchs|BCHS]] web hosting%0a # Offer [[|undeadly's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a # Alternatively, offer [[|centroid's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a # Offer [[openbsd/gotweb|gotweb]] for version control%0a# Provide [[openbsd/eggdrop|eggdrops]]%0a# Provide file hosting%0a # Setup a [[openbsd/sftp|chrooted sftp]]%0a # For shell servers, provide [[openbsd/openrsync|openrsync]], rsync, and [[openbsd/scp|scp]]%0a# Provide IPSec VPNs with [[openbsd/iked|IKED]]%0a# Provide mail hosting%0a # Configure [[openbsd/opensmtpd|opensmtpd]] and [[openbsd/dovecot|dovecot]]%0a # Find a spam solution, possibly using [[openbsd/spamd|spamd]]%0a# Improve security:%0a # Set up server [[openbsd/pf|firewalls]]%0a # Harden [[Openbsd/FilePermissions|file permissions]]%0a # Set up DNS blacklists%0a # Implement quotas%0a# Experiment with suggested [[Third/Third|third party apps]]%0a%0a!! Jan 2022 to December 2022%0a%0a# Patch ngircd:%0a # Add support for ilines%0a # Toggle +r user mode based as determined by open proxy monitors%0a # Fix buffer exhausted errors%0a # Add ELIST functionality for IRCCloud since this client cannot use /list%0a # Add defcon mode%0a # Add /ns and /cs aliases%0a# Improve [[openbsd/botnow|botnow]], a script for registering IRCNow services%0a # Add support for instant registration of shell accounts%0a # Add support for automatic eggdrop compilation and configuration%0a# Add interactive UNIX tutorials for shell account users%0a# Add interactive VPS tutorials for teammates%0a# Update website theme%0a# Create disaster recovery plan%0a # Automated backups / restore testing%0a# Setup [[openbsd/opensnmpd|opensnmpd]] for alert monitoring%0a# Patch [[openbsd/identd|identd]] to allow spoofing%0a# CGI script to view znc logs%0a%0a!! Future%0a# Improve security:%0a # Automate check for abusive processes/malware on shell accounts%0a# Write interactive C programming tutorials%0a# Switch services from anope to fork of achurch%0a# Switch open proxy monitor from hopm to fork of acopm%0a# Encourage use of psybnc instead of znc%0a # Add playback feature to psybnc%0a # Allow searching of old IRC history%0a # Fix IPv6 connection issues with psybnc%0a # Add NickServ modules that 'just works' across all major IRC networks%0a# Add new features to achurch:%0a # MemeServ%0a # HoneyServ%0a # PasteServ%0a # TrapServ%0a # FileServ%0a # KeyServ%0a# Provide telephony using SIP%0a # Setup [[openbsd/asterisk]]%0a # Provide free sip accounts%0a # Register DIDs%0a # Provide free TURN/STUN servers%0a# Write web IRC app%0a%0a!! Marketing%0a# Get our IRC network listed%0a #, mIRC, androIRC%0a # # Get listed on false:)%0a # Use Yahoo's NSFW bot to scan for banned content%0a(:ifend:)%0a%0a# [[ircnow/todo|IRCNow Todo List]]%0a
  12. time=1633854882
  13. title=IRCNow Roadmap
  14. author:1633854882=jrmu
  15. diff:1633854882:1613298103:=76a77%0a> # Use Yahoo's NSFW bot to scan for banned content%0a105,109c106%0a%3c (:if false:)%0a%3c # Use Yahoo's NSFW bot to scan for banned content%0a%3c (:ifend:)%0a%3c %0a%3c # [[ircnow/todo|IRCNow Todo List]]%0a---%0a> # [[ircnow/todo|IRCNow Todo List]]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  16. host:1633854882=
  17. author:1613298103=jrmu
  18. diff:1613298103:1613297857:=38c38%0a%3c # Provide [[openbsd/eggdrop|eggdrops]]%0a---%0a> # Provide [[openbsd/eggdrop|eggdrop]]%0a40,42c40,44%0a%3c # Setup a [[openbsd/sftp|chrooted sftp]]%0a%3c # For shell servers, provide [[openbsd/openrsync|openrsync]], rsync, and [[openbsd/scp|scp]]%0a%3c # Provide IPSec VPNs with [[openbsd/iked|IKED]]%0a---%0a> # Use [[openbsd/openrsync|openrsync]], support rsync%0a> # Support [[openbsd/sftp|sftp]] and [[openbsd/scp|scp]]%0a> # Provide VPN hosting%0a> # Support [[openbsd/iked|IKED]]%0a> # Eventually, support [[openbsd/wireguard|wireguard]]%0a44c46%0a%3c # Configure [[openbsd/opensmtpd|opensmtpd]] and [[openbsd/dovecot|dovecot]]%0a---%0a> # Configure [[openbsd/opensmtpd|opensmtpd]], [[openbsd/dovecot|dovecot]]%0a48c50%0a%3c # Harden [[Openbsd/FilePermissions|file permissions]]%0a---%0a> # Harden shell accounts%0a
  19. host:1613298103=
  20. author:1613297857=jrmu
  21. diff:1613297857:1613297624:=31c31%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/sftp|chrooted sftp]] access%0a---%0a> # Create a new user and either allow shell access or use an sftp chroot%0a35,37c35,37%0a%3c # Offer [[|undeadly's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a%3c # Alternatively, offer [[|centroid's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/gotweb|gotweb]] for version control%0a---%0a> # Use [[|undeadly's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a> # Alternatively, use [[|centroid's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a> # Use gotweb for version control%0a
  22. host:1613297857=
  23. author:1613297624=jrmu
  24. diff:1613297624:1613297486:=27c27,28%0a%3c # Provide [[bouncer/bouncer|znc accounts]]%0a---%0a> # Acquire users and provide customer support%0a> # Provide [[Bouncer|znc accounts]]%0a29,30c30,31%0a%3c # Provide [[shell/shell|shell accounts]]%0a%3c # Provide [[www/www|web hosting]]%0a---%0a> # Provide [[Shell|shell accounts]]%0a> # Provide [[Www|web hosting]]%0a
  25. host:1613297624=
  26. author:1613297486=jrmu
  27. diff:1613297486:1613296916:=18d17%0a%3c # Invite your friends to [[ircnow/servers|connect to our network]] and [[bouncer/bouncer|request zncs]]%0a20d18%0a%3c # Finish [[Minutemin/Training|Minutemin Training]]%0a23c21%0a%3c # Update the [[Openbsd/Openbsd|Sysadmin Almanack]] to improve it for other sysadmins%0a---%0a> # Update [[Openbsd/Openbsd|wiki pages]] to improve it for other sysadmins%0a
  28. host:1613297486=
  29. author:1613296916=jrmu
  30. diff:1613296916:1611583010:=1,5c1,3%0a%3c (:title IRCNow Roadmap:)%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Plans for Profit%0a%3c %0a%3c # Build a free and open Internet platform for 3rd party businesses to easily buy/sell to users; charge transaction fees on each sale%0a---%0a> !! Plans to Profit%0a> %0a> # Build an IRC platform for 3rd party businesses to easily buy/sell to users; charge transaction fees on each sale%0a14c12%0a%3c # Collect donations%0a---%0a> # Collect donations (start today!)%0a
  31. host:1613296916=
  32. author:1611583010=jrmu
  33. diff:1611583010:1609476016:=16c16%0a%3c # Recruit new [[Ircnow/Team|teammates]]%0a---%0a> # Recruit new [[Ircnow/Team|sysadmins]] and [[Ircnow/Helpers|helpers]]%0a
  34. host:1611583010=
  35. author:1609476016=jrmu
  36. diff:1609476016:1607736702:=103,105c103%0a%3c # Get listed on %0a%3c # [[ircnow/todo|IRCNow Todo List]]%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> # Get listed on\ No newline at end of file%0a
  37. host:1609476016=
  38. author:1607736702=jrmu
  39. diff:1607736702:1607736688:=12c12%0a%3c # Collect donations (start today!)%0a---%0a> # Collect donations%0a
  40. host:1607736702=
  41. author:1607736688=jrmu
  42. diff:1607736688:1606785049:=1,13d0%0a%3c !! Plans to Profit%0a%3c %0a%3c # Build an IRC platform for 3rd party businesses to easily buy/sell to users; charge transaction fees on each sale%0a%3c # Provide an IRC marketplace and cryptocoin payment platform%0a%3c # Provide an IRC platform for developers of IRC bots and games%0a%3c # Provide an IRC analytics platform for advertisers (require user consent)%0a%3c # These 3rd parties could sell proprietary software and services, ads, and physical goods%0a%3c # Directly sell our users annual subscriptions for%0a%3c # Extra file storage for web, file, and email hosting%0a%3c # VPS hosting%0a%3c # IRCd hosting%0a%3c # Collect donations%0a%3c %0a
  43. host:1607736688=
  44. author:1606785049=jrmu
  45. diff:1606785049:1606785005:=
  46. host:1606785049=
  47. author:1606785005=jrmu
  48. diff:1606785005:1604505308:=3,4c3,4%0a%3c # Recruit new [[Ircnow/Team|sysadmins]] and [[Ircnow/Helpers|helpers]]%0a%3c # Learn the [[Openbsd/Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]] thoroughly and train other teammtes%0a---%0a> # [[Ircnow/Team|Recruit new teammates]]%0a> # Train teammates in the [[Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]]%0a6,7c6,7%0a%3c # Update [[Openbsd/Openbsd|wiki pages]] to improve it for other sysadmins%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # Update [[Openbsd|wiki pages]] to improve it for other sysadmins%0a> %0a10c10%0a%3c # Acquire users and provide customer support%0a---%0a> # Acquire users%0a37d36%0a%3c # Experiment with suggested [[Third/Third|third party apps]]%0a
  49. host:1606785005=
  50. author:1604505308=jrmu
  51. diff:1604505308:1604505261:=38c38%0a%3c !! Jan 2022 to December 2022%0a---%0a> !! Jan 2021 to December 2021%0a
  52. host:1604505308=
  53. author:1604505261=jrmu
  54. diff:1604505261:1598614333:=8c8%0a%3c !! Jan 2021 to Dec 2021%0a---%0a> !! August to December 2020%0a
  55. host:1604505261=
  56. author:1598614333=jrmu
  57. diff:1598614333:1597907664:=57,58c57%0a%3c # CGI script to view znc logs%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a68d66%0a%3c # Allow searching of old IRC history%0a
  58. host:1598614333=
  59. author:1597907664=jrmu
  60. diff:1597907664:1597905960:=68d67%0a%3c # Add NickServ modules that 'just works' across all major IRC networks%0a75a75,76%0a> # Add new features to psybnc%0a> # Add NickServ modules that 'just works' across all major IRC networks%0a
  61. host:1597907664=
  62. author:1597905960=jrmu
  63. diff:1597905960:1597905865:=77,83c77%0a%3c # Provide telephony using SIP%0a%3c # Setup [[openbsd/asterisk]]%0a%3c # Provide free sip accounts%0a%3c # Register DIDs%0a%3c # Provide free TURN/STUN servers%0a%3c # Write web IRC app%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a88c82,123%0a%3c # Get listed on\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> # Get listed on> %0a> !! SIP%0a> # Setup asterisk%0a> # Provide free sip accounts for everyone%0a> # Register DIDs%0a> # Include SIP clients with IRC clients%0a> # Provide free TURN/STUN servers%0a> %0a> !! Ecommerce%0a> # Use oscommerce%0a> # Add organic food products%0a> # Add specialty handicraft goods%0a> %0a> %0a> * fix cloudmounter for mac%0a> * add rsync, sshfuse support for sftp%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> # Write web IRC app%0a> %0a> ===== Bridges =====%0a> %0a> * Add support for matrix%0a> * Add bitlbee support for slack, twitter, telegram, discord, signal%0a> * Improve bitlbee documentation%0a> * Add telegram/discord for bnc3%0a> * Research bitlbee-telegram usernames foreign charset problem%0a> %0a> ===== SIP =====%0a> %0a> * We want to build an open source competitor that can fight head to head with discord and Skype and TeamSpeak%0a> * Provide free SIP accounts using Asterisk. Connect asterisk to the PSTN using a provider like> * Free unlimited video calls within the network, outbound calls charge 20-50%25 premium%0a> * Put SIP softphone client in our custom IRC client, make it run natively on every major OS plus web%0a> * Add speech2text module to transcribe all audio into text for IRC for people who don't like typing/on mobile phones%0a> * Bake a SIP client into minetest so that virtual world gamers can have audio calls with our irc users%0a> * Bridge SIP to mumble so we can interop with the large mumble community%0a> * Create IRC/Web interface for registering DIDs so users can purchase their own phone numbers and get voicemail. We can charge 20-50%25 premium for DIDs%0a> * Provide free TURN/STUN services%0a> * Make software so easy to install and configure, a 10 year old child could do it, then charge enterprises money to help them install it in-house%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  64. host:1597905960=
  65. author:1597905865=jrmu
  66. diff:1597905865:1597905785:=56,57c56%0a%3c # Patch [[openbsd/identd|identd]] to allow spoofing%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a123c122,162%0a%3c * Make software so easy to install and configure, a 10 year old child could do it, then charge enterprises money to help them install it in-house%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> * Make software so easy to install and configure, a 10 year old child could do it, then charge enterprises money to help them install it in-house%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a> ===== Question2Answer =====%0a> %0a> * Convert to IRCNow%0a> %0a> ===== Security =====%0a> %0a> * Build security community%0a> * Add livestreaming audio/video played by bot, !play url%0a> *> * create bot masquerades as a normal user and sets the user as +r upon receiving a PM %0a> %0a> ====== Low Priority ====== %0a> %0a> * Fileserv -- DCC%0a> * Pasteserv -- PRIVMSG%0a> * PM flood honeypot%0a> * Chan honeypot%0a> * NSFW scanbot%0a> * Write IRC games %0a> * Write IRC messenger for Android, iOS, and web%0a> %0a> ===== psyBNC =====%0a> %0a> * Add contact lists%0a> * Add file upload%0a> %0a> ===== squirrel mail =====%0a> %0a> 13:39 %3c gry> after clicking send the page stays there for a %0a> few secs, i feel tempted to click send again%0a> 13:39 %3c gry> this might result in messages being sent twice%0a> %0a> %0a> ===== ilines =====%0a> %0a> * mh approved 50 per IPv6 and 50? ipv4 on ircnet%0a> * available on,, (not ssl), and\ No newline at end of file%0a
  67. host:1597905865=
  68. author:1597905785=jrmu
  69. diff:1597905785:1597905703:=67,73c67%0a%3c # Add new features to achurch:%0a%3c # MemeServ%0a%3c # HoneyServ%0a%3c # PasteServ%0a%3c # TrapServ%0a%3c # FileServ%0a%3c # KeyServ%0a---%0a> %0a82a77,85%0a> !! IRC services%0a> %0a> # MemeServ%0a> # HoneyServ%0a> # PasteServ%0a> # TrapServ%0a> # FileServ%0a> # KeyServ%0a> %0a128a132,136%0a> %0a> ===== Minetest Gaming =====%0a> %0a> * Set up final minetest servers%0a> * Switch over to Fogle's craft because of better MIT license for Apple iOS and locked platforms%0a
  70. host:1597905785=
  71. author:1597905703=jrmu
  72. diff:1597905703:1597905571:=42c42%0a%3c # Toggle +r user mode based as determined by open proxy monitors%0a---%0a> # Toggle +P user mode based as determined by open proxy monitors%0a45,46d44%0a%3c # Add defcon mode%0a%3c # Add /ns and /cs aliases%0a102c100,114%0a%3c %0a---%0a> ===== ngircd =====%0a> %0a> * set up irc hidden service%0a> * Add connection/join/nick flood protection%0a> * Add +r restricted user mode%0a> * Add defcon mode%0a> * Add censor lists for unregistered users %0a> * Verify hopm accuracy%0a> * Update terms of service%0a> * Fix /var/log/messages syslog messages for ngircd%0a> * Clean up patches%0a> * Nickserv/Chanserv flood protection%0a> * Migrate to atheme?%0a> * Add /ns and /cs aliases%0a> * Block nick juping %0a
  73. host:1597905703=
  74. author:1597905571=jrmu
  75. diff:1597905571:1597905541:=44c44%0a%3c # Add ELIST functionality for IRCCloud since this client cannot use /list%0a---%0a> # Implement ELIST functionality for IRCCloud%0a
  76. host:1597905571=
  77. author:1597905541=jrmu
  78. diff:1597905541:1597905393:=44c44%0a%3c # Implement ELIST functionality for IRCCloud%0a---%0a> # Implement ELIST functionality (advertise in RPL_ISUPPORT) for more flexible /LiST searching. See and for specification details. Added to medium because currently IRCCloud cannot gain the /LIST at all, and it is a widely used client/bouncer%0a
  79. host:1597905541=
  80. author:1597905393=jrmu
  81. diff:1597905393:1597905049:=53,55d52%0a%3c # Setup [[openbsd/opensnmpd|opensnmpd]] for alert monitoring%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Future%0a58a56,59%0a> # Setup [[openbsd/opensnmpd|opensnmpd]] for alert monitoring%0a> %0a> !! Dec 2021%0a> %0a65a67%0a> !! Dec 2022%0a68a71,73%0a> %0a> %0a> %0a70,71c75,77%0a%3c # Get our IRC network listed%0a%3c #, mIRC, androIRC%0a---%0a> %0a> # Get our IRC network added:%0a> #,74c79,99%0a%3c # Get listed on %0a---%0a> - Get added to:> -> - Get listed on> - Post on stack exchange:> - %3cdel>> -- Sent suggestion%0a> -> %0a> For bouncer providers, get added here:%0a> %0a> -> -> -> %0a> !! Advertising%0a> %0a> %0a> !! IRC Spam%0a> # Test out spam repos%0a> # Fork acopm for spam defenses%0a> # Fork achurch, write anti-spam services%0a> %0a77,83c102,108%0a%3c # MemeServ%0a%3c # HoneyServ%0a%3c # PasteServ%0a%3c # TrapServ%0a%3c # FileServ%0a%3c # KeyServ%0a%3c %0a---%0a> - MemeServ%0a> - HoneyServ%0a> - PasteServ%0a> - TrapServ%0a> - FileServ%0a> - KeyServ%0a> %0a96c121,128%0a%3c %0a---%0a> ===== shell accounts =====%0a> %0a> * offer prizes and competitions for dev%0a> * ask for help with wikis%0a> * set up easy eggdrops%0a> * fix cumulus cloud and h5ai%0a> * add rsync support%0a> * ffmpeg?%0a98a131,150%0a> * See for reference%0a> *> *> *> *> *> *> *> *> %0a> Implement ssh automated account creation:%0a> %0a>> %0a> [[vps:vps|Hosting plans]]%0a> %0a> %0a> !! cronjobs =====%0a> %0a> write cronjobs to automate wraith, bnc, acme-client%0a
  82. host:1597905393=
  83. author:1597905049=jrmu
  84. diff:1597905049:1597904869:=44d43%0a%3c # Implement ELIST functionality (advertise in RPL_ISUPPORT) for more flexible /LiST searching. See and for specification details. Added to medium because currently IRCCloud cannot gain the /LIST at all, and it is a widely used client/bouncer%0a56,57c55%0a%3c # Setup [[openbsd/opensnmpd|opensnmpd]] for alert monitoring%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a70a69,86%0a> %0a> # Discuss privacy policy%0a> # Setup DNSSEC%0a> ===== Medium Priority =====%0a> * Setup **mx2**%0a> * Implement both mx across whole infrastructure%0a> * Setup **cgit** and **cvsweb**%0a> * Setup **snmpd**%0a> * Monitor:%0a> * Resource utilization (CPU, RAM, swap. Disk IOps and space) globally%0a> * Filesystem inconsistencies, SSD/HDD errors/failure trough sysutils/smartmontools%0a> * Stopped daemons%0a> * Failed backups%0a> * Failed scripts%0a> * Send email and/or output on #mon%0a> * **Block undesired content** (ads, porn, malware) with hosts/DNS%0a> * Blacklist current $domain A/AAAA records and block outgoing packets to those IPS %0a> * Implement ELIST functionality (advertise in RPL_ISUPPORT) for more flexible /LiST searching. See and for specification details. Added to medium because currently IRCCloud cannot gain the /LIST at all, and it is a widely used client/bouncer%0a
  85. host:1597905049=
  86. author:1597904869=jrmu
  87. diff:1597904869:1597904684:=52,55c52,53%0a%3c # Improve security:%0a%3c # Automate check for abusive processes/malware on shell accounts%0a%3c # Use Yahoo's NSFW bot to scan for banned content%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a> %0a88c86,104%0a%3c %0a---%0a> ===== Low Priority =====%0a> * Setup **carp**%0a> * Write and deploy **compliance.ksh** to make sure our users are not breaking the terns they agreed)%0a> * Check processes%0a> * NSFW scanbot%0a> * Write and deploy IRC bot so users can easily request 1 or more services%0a> * !request [$service]%0a> * Invoke **$ircnowctl**%0a> * Write and deploy **ircnowctl** (k(sh) or perl)%0a> * Controller to automate:%0a> * **User management** (add/mod/del/suspend/ban)%0a> * Enable **ssh access** (pubkeys)%0a> * Update **DNS records**%0a> * **Quota management** (enable/disable/++/--)%0a> * Setup **chroot**%0a> * **Check and fix permissions**%0a> * **Service management** (add/del/suspend/ban)%0a> * Pipe to **$servicectl**%0a> * Setup **tor hidden services** for each service%0a
  88. host:1597904869=
  89. author:1597904684=jrmu
  90. diff:1597904684:1597904656:=65,266c65%0a%3c # Add NickServ modules that 'just works' across all major IRC networks%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c # Discuss privacy policy%0a%3c # Setup DNSSEC%0a%3c ===== Medium Priority =====%0a%3c * Setup **mx2**%0a%3c * Implement both mx across whole infrastructure%0a%3c * Setup **cgit** and **cvsweb**%0a%3c * Setup **snmpd**%0a%3c * Monitor:%0a%3c * Resource utilization (CPU, RAM, swap. Disk IOps and space) globally%0a%3c * Filesystem inconsistencies, SSD/HDD errors/failure trough sysutils/smartmontools%0a%3c * Stopped daemons%0a%3c * Failed backups%0a%3c * Failed scripts%0a%3c * Send email and/or output on #mon%0a%3c * **Block undesired content** (ads, porn, malware) with hosts/DNS%0a%3c * Blacklist current $domain A/AAAA records and block outgoing packets to those IPS %0a%3c * Implement ELIST functionality (advertise in RPL_ISUPPORT) for more flexible /LiST searching. See and for specification details. Added to medium because currently IRCCloud cannot gain the /LIST at all, and it is a widely used client/bouncer%0a%3c %0a%3c ===== Low Priority =====%0a%3c * Setup **carp**%0a%3c * Write and deploy **compliance.ksh** to make sure our users are not breaking the terns they agreed)%0a%3c * Check processes%0a%3c * NSFW scanbot%0a%3c * Write and deploy IRC bot so users can easily request 1 or more services%0a%3c * !request [$service]%0a%3c * Invoke **$ircnowctl**%0a%3c * Write and deploy **ircnowctl** (k(sh) or perl)%0a%3c * Controller to automate:%0a%3c * **User management** (add/mod/del/suspend/ban)%0a%3c * Enable **ssh access** (pubkeys)%0a%3c * Update **DNS records**%0a%3c * **Quota management** (enable/disable/++/--)%0a%3c * Setup **chroot**%0a%3c * **Check and fix permissions**%0a%3c * **Service management** (add/del/suspend/ban)%0a%3c * Pipe to **$servicectl**%0a%3c * Setup **tor hidden services** for each service%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Marketing%0a%3c %0a%3c # Get our IRC network added:%0a%3c # # - Get added to: - - Get listed on - Post on stack exchange: - %3cdel>> -- Sent suggestion%0a%3c - %0a%3c For bouncer providers, get added here:%0a%3c %0a%3c - - - %0a%3c !! Advertising%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c !! IRC Spam%0a%3c # Test out spam repos%0a%3c # Fork acopm for spam defenses%0a%3c # Fork achurch, write anti-spam services%0a%3c %0a%3c !! IRC services%0a%3c %0a%3c - MemeServ%0a%3c - HoneyServ%0a%3c - PasteServ%0a%3c - TrapServ%0a%3c - FileServ%0a%3c - KeyServ%0a%3c %0a%3c !! SIP%0a%3c # Setup asterisk%0a%3c # Provide free sip accounts for everyone%0a%3c # Register DIDs%0a%3c # Include SIP clients with IRC clients%0a%3c # Provide free TURN/STUN servers%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Ecommerce%0a%3c # Use oscommerce%0a%3c # Add organic food products%0a%3c # Add specialty handicraft goods%0a%3c %0a%3c ===== shell accounts =====%0a%3c %0a%3c * offer prizes and competitions for dev%0a%3c * ask for help with wikis%0a%3c * set up easy eggdrops%0a%3c * fix cumulus cloud and h5ai%0a%3c * add rsync support%0a%3c * ffmpeg?%0a%3c * fix cloudmounter for mac%0a%3c * add rsync, sshfuse support for sftp%0a%3c * See for reference%0a%3c * * * * * * * * %0a%3c Implement ssh automated account creation:%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c [[vps:vps|Hosting plans]]%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c !! cronjobs =====%0a%3c %0a%3c write cronjobs to automate wraith, bnc, acme-client%0a%3c %0a%3c ===== ngircd =====%0a%3c %0a%3c * set up irc hidden service%0a%3c * Add connection/join/nick flood protection%0a%3c * Add +r restricted user mode%0a%3c * Add defcon mode%0a%3c * Add censor lists for unregistered users %0a%3c * Verify hopm accuracy%0a%3c * Update terms of service%0a%3c * Fix /var/log/messages syslog messages for ngircd%0a%3c * Clean up patches%0a%3c * Nickserv/Chanserv flood protection%0a%3c * Migrate to atheme?%0a%3c * Add /ns and /cs aliases%0a%3c * Block nick juping %0a%3c %0a%3c # Write web IRC app%0a%3c %0a%3c ===== Bridges =====%0a%3c %0a%3c * Add support for matrix%0a%3c * Add bitlbee support for slack, twitter, telegram, discord, signal%0a%3c * Improve bitlbee documentation%0a%3c * Add telegram/discord for bnc3%0a%3c * Research bitlbee-telegram usernames foreign charset problem%0a%3c %0a%3c ===== SIP =====%0a%3c %0a%3c * We want to build an open source competitor that can fight head to head with discord and Skype and TeamSpeak%0a%3c * Provide free SIP accounts using Asterisk. Connect asterisk to the PSTN using a provider like * Free unlimited video calls within the network, outbound calls charge 20-50%25 premium%0a%3c * Put SIP softphone client in our custom IRC client, make it run natively on every major OS plus web%0a%3c * Add speech2text module to transcribe all audio into text for IRC for people who don't like typing/on mobile phones%0a%3c * Bake a SIP client into minetest so that virtual world gamers can have audio calls with our irc users%0a%3c * Bridge SIP to mumble so we can interop with the large mumble community%0a%3c * Create IRC/Web interface for registering DIDs so users can purchase their own phone numbers and get voicemail. We can charge 20-50%25 premium for DIDs%0a%3c * Provide free TURN/STUN services%0a%3c * Make software so easy to install and configure, a 10 year old child could do it, then charge enterprises money to help them install it in-house%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c ===== Question2Answer =====%0a%3c %0a%3c * Convert to IRCNow%0a%3c %0a%3c ===== Minetest Gaming =====%0a%3c %0a%3c * Set up final minetest servers%0a%3c * Switch over to Fogle's craft because of better MIT license for Apple iOS and locked platforms%0a%3c %0a%3c ===== Security =====%0a%3c %0a%3c * Build security community%0a%3c * Add livestreaming audio/video played by bot, !play url%0a%3c * * create bot masquerades as a normal user and sets the user as +r upon receiving a PM %0a%3c %0a%3c ====== Low Priority ====== %0a%3c %0a%3c * Fileserv -- DCC%0a%3c * Pasteserv -- PRIVMSG%0a%3c * PM flood honeypot%0a%3c * Chan honeypot%0a%3c * NSFW scanbot%0a%3c * Write IRC games %0a%3c * Write IRC messenger for Android, iOS, and web%0a%3c %0a%3c ===== psyBNC =====%0a%3c %0a%3c * Add contact lists%0a%3c * Add file upload%0a%3c %0a%3c ===== squirrel mail =====%0a%3c %0a%3c 13:39 %3c gry> after clicking send the page stays there for a %0a%3c few secs, i feel tempted to click send again%0a%3c 13:39 %3c gry> this might result in messages being sent twice%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c ===== ilines =====%0a%3c %0a%3c * mh approved 50 per IPv6 and 50? ipv4 on ircnet%0a%3c * available on,, (not ssl), and\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> # Add NickServ modules that 'just works' across all major IRC networks%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  91. host:1597904684=
  92. author:1597904656=jrmu
  93. diff:1597904656:1597904561:=32,37c32%0a%3c # Improve security:%0a%3c # Set up server [[openbsd/pf|firewalls]]%0a%3c # Harden shell accounts%0a%3c # Set up DNS blacklists%0a%3c # Implement quotas%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a50,52d44%0a%3c # Create disaster recovery plan%0a%3c # Automated backups / restore testing%0a%3c %0a
  94. host:1597904656=
  95. author:1597904561=jrmu
  96. diff:1597904561:1597904519:=10d9%0a%3c # Acquire users%0a
  97. host:1597904561=
  98. author:1597904519=jrmu
  99. diff:1597904519:1597903478:=10,30c10,31%0a%3c # Provide [[Bouncer|znc accounts]]%0a%3c # Install and configure [[openbsd/bitlbee|bitlbee]]%0a%3c # Provide [[Shell|shell accounts]]%0a%3c # Provide [[Www|web hosting]]%0a%3c # Create a new user and either allow shell access or use an sftp chroot%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/pmwiki|pmwiki]] for each user%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/php|PHP]] web hosting%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/bchs|BCHS]] web hosting%0a%3c # Use [[|undeadly's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a%3c # Alternatively, use [[|centroid's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a%3c # Use gotweb for version control%0a%3c # Provide [[openbsd/eggdrop|eggdrop]]%0a%3c # Provide file hosting%0a%3c # Use [[openbsd/openrsync|openrsync]], support rsync%0a%3c # Support [[openbsd/sftp|sftp]] and [[openbsd/scp|scp]]%0a%3c # Provide VPN hosting%0a%3c # Support [[openbsd/iked|IKED]]%0a%3c # Eventually, support [[openbsd/wireguard|wireguard]]%0a%3c # Provide mail hosting%0a%3c # Configure [[openbsd/opensmtpd|opensmtpd]], [[openbsd/dovecot|dovecot]]%0a%3c # Find a spam solution, possibly using [[openbsd/spamd|spamd]]%0a---%0a> # Acquire users:%0a> # Provide [[Bouncer|znc accounts]]%0a> # Install and configure [[openbsd/bitlbee|bitlbee]]%0a> # Provide [[Shell|shell accounts]]%0a> # Provide [[Www|web hosting]]%0a> # Create a new user and either allow shell access or use an sftp chroot%0a> # Offer [[openbsd/pmwiki|pmwiki]] for each user%0a> # Offer [[openbsd/php|PHP]] web hosting%0a> # Offer [[openbsd/bchs|BCHS]] web hosting%0a> # Use [[|undeadly's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a> # Alternatively, use [[|centroid's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a> # Use gotweb for version control%0a> # Provide [[openbsd/eggdrop|eggdrop]]%0a> # Provide file hosting%0a> # Use [[openbsd/openrsync|openrsync]], support rsync%0a> # Support [[openbsd/sftp|sftp]] and [[openbsd/scp|scp]]%0a> # Provide VPN hosting%0a> # Support [[openbsd/iked|IKED]]%0a> # Eventually, support [[openbsd/wireguard|wireguard]]%0a> # Provide mail hosting%0a> # Configure [[openbsd/opensmtpd|opensmtpd]], [[openbsd/dovecot|dovecot]]%0a> # Find a spam solution, possibly using [[openbsd/spamd|spamd]]%0a
  100. host:1597904519=
  101. author:1597903478=jrmu
  102. diff:1597903478:1597903378:=16,18c16,18%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/pmwiki|pmwiki]] for each user%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/php|PHP]] web hosting%0a%3c # Offer [[openbsd/bchs|BCHS]] web hosting%0a---%0a> # Offer PMWiki for each user%0a> # Offer PHP web hosting%0a> # Offer kcgi web hosting%0a
  103. host:1597903478=
  104. author:1597903378=jrmu
  105. diff:1597903378:1597903355:=57c57,70%0a%3c # Add NickServ modules that 'just works' across all major IRC networks%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> # Add NickServ modules that 'just works' across all major IRC networks%0a> * provide free bouncers that can connect to unlimited networks which are online 24/7 and resistant to DDoS attacks%0a> * provide an easy way to upload a file in-band (you can't share code snippets, photos, or videos without using an http client)%0a> * sync messages properly on phones (messages are often lost or repeated)%0a> * provide message received confirmations (echo-message only provides message sent confirmations)%0a> * provide buddy lists (this is partially implemented in some networks with NOTIFY and/or ISON. --[[gry]])%0a> * provide HTTP tunneling to bypass firewalls%0a> * handle frequent disconnects from mobile clients%0a> * add support for audio/video calls%0a> * UI in many clients for the said new uniform way to register on the client-side%0a> * friendly and intuitive and sensible web chat%0a> * bouncer that does not confuse users, and works from a single connection for any number of IRC networks%0a> %0a> # (IRCNow Orange experiment) write an IRC bot to keep track of shifts and/or new users to encourage competition among team members for longer and more efficient irc monitoring shifts%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  106. host:1597903378=
  107. author:1597903355=jrmu
  108. diff:1597903355:1597902496:=8,9c8,9%0a%3c !! August to December 2020%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! August to November 2020%0a> %0a33,34c33,34%0a%3c !! Jan 2021 to December 2021%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! Stage 2 (Dec 2020): improve ircd; improve bnc and eggdrop registrations%0a> %0a38,41c38,40%0a%3c # Fix buffer exhausted errors%0a%3c # Improve [[openbsd/botnow|botnow]], a script for registering IRCNow services%0a%3c # Add support for instant registration of shell accounts%0a%3c # Add support for automatic eggdrop compilation and configuration%0a---%0a> # Improve botnow, a script for registering IRCNow services%0a> # Provide first-class support for eggdrop%0a> # Automate eggdrop compilation and configuration for users%0a
  109. host:1597903355=
  110. author:1597902496=jrmu
  111. diff:1597902496:1597902477:=12c12%0a%3c # Install and configure [[openbsd/bitlbee|bitlbee]]%0a---%0a> # Install and configure Bitlbee%0a
  112. host:1597902496=
  113. author:1597902477=jrmu
  114. diff:1597902477:1597902461:=10c10%0a%3c # Acquire users:%0a---%0a> # Means to acquire users:%0a
  115. host:1597902477=
  116. author:1597902461=jrmu
  117. diff:1597902461:1597902267:=24,25c24%0a%3c # Use [[openbsd/openrsync|openrsync]], support rsync%0a%3c # Support [[openbsd/sftp|sftp]] and [[openbsd/scp|scp]]%0a---%0a> # Use [[openbsd/openrsync|openrsync]], support rsync, [[openbsd/sftp|sftp]], and [[openbsd/scp|scp]]%0a27,28d25%0a%3c # Support [[openbsd/iked|IKED]]%0a%3c # Eventually, support [[openbsd/wireguard|wireguard]]%0a
  118. host:1597902461=
  119. author:1597902267=jrmu
  120. diff:1597902267:1597902203:=22c22%0a%3c # Provide [[openbsd/eggdrop|eggdrop]]%0a---%0a> # Provide eggdrops%0a24d23%0a%3c # Use [[openbsd/openrsync|openrsync]], support rsync, [[openbsd/sftp|sftp]], and [[openbsd/scp|scp]]%0a28c27,28%0a%3c # Find a spam solution, possibly using [[openbsd/spamd|spamd]]%0a---%0a> # Find a spam solution, possibly using spamd%0a> %0a
  121. host:1597902267=
  122. author:1597902203=jrmu
  123. diff:1597902203:1597902178:=8,9c8,9%0a%3c !! August to November 2020%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! August to November 2020 Stage 1 (November 2020): get at least 20 users for each team; working email verification for each service%0a> %0a31a32%0a> # Teammates%0a
  124. host:1597902203=
  125. author:1597902178=jrmu
  126. diff:1597902178:1597901398:=41d40%0a%3c # Update website theme%0a
  127. host:1597902178=
  128. author:1597901398=jrmu
  129. diff:1597901398:1597901051:=1,2c1,2%0a%3c !! Ongoing%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! Ongoing (forever without an end)%0a> %0a8,9c8,9%0a%3c !! August to November 2020 Stage 1 (November 2020): get at least 20 users for each team; working email verification for each service%0a%3c %0a---%0a> !! Stage 1 (November 2020): get at least 20 users for each team; working email verification for each service%0a> %0a26,27d25%0a%3c # Configure [[openbsd/opensmtpd|opensmtpd]], [[openbsd/dovecot|dovecot]]%0a%3c # Find a spam solution, possibly using spamd%0a
  130. host:1597901398=
  131. author:1597901051=jrmu
  132. diff:1597901051:1597900888:=
  133. host:1597901051=
  134. author:1597900888=jrmu
  135. diff:1597900888:1597900755:=37,39c37,38%0a%3c # Add interactive UNIX tutorials for shell account users%0a%3c # Add interactive VPS tutorials for teammates%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Stage NNN: Training course for C and OpenBSD. (Currently there are lots of documentation in this wiki, and unix101 tutorials.)%0a> %0a42d40%0a%3c # Write interactive C programming tutorials%0a49,51c47,48%0a%3c !! Dec 2022%0a%3c # Add new features to psybnc%0a%3c # Add NickServ modules that 'just works' across all major IRC networks%0a---%0a> * provide an easy, uniform way to register and login to networks with different services on the server-side%0a> * protect users from spam and online stalking/harassment (without also blocking innocent users)%0a
  136. host:1597900888=
  137. author:1597900755=jrmu
  138. diff:1597900755:1597900469:=26,27c26,27%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> # (IRCNow Orange experiment) write an IRC bot to keep track of shifts and/or new users to encourage competition among team members for longer and more efficient irc monitoring shifts%0a> %0a59,61c59%0a%3c * bouncer that does not confuse users, and works from a single connection for any number of IRC networks%0a%3c %0a%3c # (IRCNow Orange experiment) write an IRC bot to keep track of shifts and/or new users to encourage competition among team members for longer and more efficient irc monitoring shifts%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> * bouncer that does not confuse users, and works from a single connection for any number of IRC networks%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  139. host:1597900755=
  140. author:1597900469=jrmu
  141. diff:1597900469:1597900340:=
  142. host:1597900469=
  143. author:1597900340=jrmu
  144. diff:1597900340:1597898255:=11c11%0a%3c # Provide [[Bouncer|znc accounts]]%0a---%0a> # Provide [[Bouncer|znc accounts]] (orange provides znc; lemon to provide psybnc?)%0a13,25c13,18%0a%3c # Provide [[Shell|shell accounts]]%0a%3c # Provide [[Www|web hosting]]%0a%3c # Create a new user and either allow shell access or use an sftp chroot%0a%3c # Offer PMWiki for each user%0a%3c # Offer PHP web hosting%0a%3c # Offer kcgi web hosting%0a%3c # Use [[|undeadly's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a%3c # Alternatively, use [[|centroid's]] [[|source code]] for blogs%0a%3c # Use gotweb for version control%0a%3c # Provide eggdrops%0a%3c # Provide file hosting%0a%3c # Provide VPN hosting%0a%3c # Provide mail hosting%0a---%0a> # Provide [[Shell|shell accounts]] (grape already provides)%0a> # Provide [[Www|web hosting]] (grape already provides)%0a> # Provide eggdrops (grape will do this)%0a> # Provide file hosting (orange will try to do this)%0a> # Provide VPN hosting (which team?)%0a> # Provide mail hosting (grape already provides)%0a
  145. host:1597900340=
  146. author:1597898255=gry
  147. csum:1597898255=updated
  148. diff:1597898255:1597898116:=11c11%0a%3c # Provide [[Bouncer|znc accounts]] (orange provides znc; lemon to provide psybnc?)%0a---%0a> # Provide [[Bouncer|znc accounts]] (orange provides znc; grape to provide psybnc?)%0a15,18c15,18%0a%3c # Provide eggdrops (grape will do this)%0a%3c # Provide file hosting (orange will try to do this)%0a%3c # Provide VPN hosting (which team?)%0a%3c # Provide mail hosting (grape already provides)%0a---%0a> # Provide eggdrops (grape)%0a> # Provide file hosting%0a> # Provide VPN hosting%0a> # Provide mail hosting%0a
  149. host:1597898255=
  150. author:1597898116=jrmu
  151. diff:1597898116:1597898087:=37,38c37,38%0a%3c # Add playback feature to psybnc%0a%3c # Fix IPv6 connection issues with psybnc%0a---%0a> %0a> This is a mixed list. We will need to re-order it chronologically and divide into several stages.%0a
  152. host:1597898116=
  153. author:1597898087=jrmu
  154. diff:1597898087:1597897997:=3c3%0a%3c # [[Ircnow/Team|Recruit new teammates]]%0a---%0a> # [[Ircnow/Team|Recruit new teammates ]]%0a17,18d16%0a%3c # Provide VPN hosting%0a%3c # Provide mail hosting%0a36a35,40%0a> %0a> Stage 0: get as many users as possible, while maximizing their involvement in irc chat and training. Means to do this are not clear and are open to discussion and experiments. (Currently [[ircnow.servers]] offers some services which are in popular demand, with heavy focus on IRC-related and BSD-related services.)%0a> %0a> Stage 1: Bouncer with one connection gives user access to many networks, playback is available, interface for settings is irc-based, and is not confusing. (ZNC has playback, but not other features. psybnc has one connection but no playback.)%0a> %0a> %0a
  155. host:1597898087=
  156. author:1597897997=jrmu
  157. diff:1597897997:1597897981:=28,29c28%0a%3c Stage NNN: Training course for C and OpenBSD. (Currently there are lots of documentation in this wiki, and unix101 tutorials.)%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a40c39%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Stage NNN: Training course for C and OpenBSD. (Currently there are lots of documentation in this wiki, and unix101 tutorials.)%0a
  158. host:1597897997=
  159. author:1597897981=jrmu
  160. diff:1597897981:1597897693:=33a34,46%0a> %0a> !! Obsoleted notes%0a> %0a> Majority to be implemented in C with help from Perl. Not C++.%0a> %0a> Eggdrop will be a first class citizen with full support because it uses C and has an enormous library of premade scripts%0a> Our current relay pylink will be phased out with a custom bot built either by forking eggdrop or forked from ii/sic%0a> %0a> I have no plans to support CPAN because users find the installation and configuration process confusing, and because many cpan modules are now very old. A lot of CPAN also requires teaching OOP which is not trivial for novices to use properly and would eat up a lot of time. The IRC ecosystem for perl is also much smaller than eggdrop's and user demand is much less.%0a> %0a> I plan to allow users to run python bots such as limnoria, sopel, as well as install nodejs, rust, ruby, and go, but I do not plan to offer any support. I also do not plan to offer any support for perl bots, nor do I want to depend upon software like weechat for bots. %0a> %0a> My goal is to streamline all the software to just use one language -- C -- and if scripts are necessary, just a tiny touch of korn shell and perl. This is so that we can have a true citizen militia. The only way to accomplish this is by training the users in the language so they can write the code and not just use it, and we only have enough time at this moment for one language -- C. But since almost everything on openbsd is C, learning that one language is enough.%0a
  161. host:1597897981=
  162. author:1597897693=gry
  163. csum:1597897693=headings added
  164. diff:1597897693:1597897396:=1,4c1,2%0a%3c !! Ongoing (forever without an end)%0a%3c %0a%3c # [[Ircnow/Team|Recruit new teammates ]]%0a%3c # Train teammates in the [[Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]]%0a---%0a> !! Sysadmins%0a> # Learn the [[Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]]%0a5a4,10%0a> # Acquire users%0a> # Provide [[Bouncer|znc accounts]]%0a> # Install and configure Bitlbee%0a> # Provide [[Shell|shell accounts]]%0a> # Provide [[Www|web hosting]]%0a> # Provide eggdrops%0a> # Provide file hosting%0a8,20c13,21%0a%3c !! Stage 1 (November 2020): get at least 20 users for each team; working email verification for each service%0a%3c %0a%3c # Means to acquire users:%0a%3c # Provide [[Bouncer|znc accounts]] (orange provides znc; grape to provide psybnc?)%0a%3c # Install and configure Bitlbee%0a%3c # Provide [[Shell|shell accounts]] (grape already provides)%0a%3c # Provide [[Www|web hosting]] (grape already provides)%0a%3c # Provide eggdrops (grape)%0a%3c # Provide file hosting%0a%3c # (IRCNow Orange experiment) write an IRC bot to keep track of shifts and/or new users to encourage competition among team members for longer and more efficient irc monitoring shifts%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Stage 2 (Dec 2020): improve ircd; improve bnc and eggdrop registrations%0a%3c %0a---%0a> ----%0a> %0a> !! Ongoing%0a> %0a> # [[Ircnow/Team|Recruit new teammates ]]%0a> # Train teammates in the [[Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]]%0a> %0a> !! Dec 2020%0a> %0a24a26%0a> #%0a28a31,33%0a> !! June 2021%0a> %0a> %0a34,35d38%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Obsoleted notes%0a
  165. host:1597897693=
  166. author:1597897396=jrmu
  167. diff:1597897396:1597897304:=17d16%0a%3c # [[Ircnow/Team|Recruit new teammates ]]%0a
  168. host:1597897396=
  169. author:1597897304=jrmu
  170. diff:1597897304:1597897234:=6d5%0a%3c # Install and configure Bitlbee%0a
  171. host:1597897304=
  172. author:1597897234=jrmu
  173. diff:1597897234:1597897164:=6,7c6,7%0a%3c # Provide [[Shell|shell accounts]]%0a%3c # Provide [[Www|web hosting]]%0a---%0a> # Provide shell accounts%0a> # Provide web hosting%0a
  174. host:1597897234=
  175. author:1597897164=jrmu
  176. diff:1597897164:1597897035:=1c1%0a%3c !! Sysadmins%0a---%0a> !! Teammates%0a3d2%0a%3c # Update your team's [[Ircnow/Servers|server page]] to show what services you offer%0a5c4%0a%3c # Provide [[Bouncer|znc accounts]]%0a---%0a> # Provide znc accounts%0a10d8%0a%3c # Update [[Openbsd|wiki pages]] to improve it for other sysadmins%0a
  177. host:1597897164=
  178. author:1597897035=jrmu
  179. diff:1597897035:1597896975:=9,10d8%0a%3c %0a%3c ----%0a
  180. host:1597897035=
  181. author:1597896975=jrmu
  182. diff:1597896975:1597896953:=2d1%0a%3c # Learn the [[Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]]%0a
  183. host:1597896975=
  184. author:1597896953=jrmu
  185. diff:1597896953:1597896914:=1,7c1%0a%3c !! Teammates%0a%3c # Acquire users%0a%3c # Provide znc accounts%0a%3c # Provide shell accounts%0a%3c # Provide web hosting%0a%3c # Provide eggdrops%0a%3c # Provide file hosting%0a---%0a> %0a
  186. host:1597896953=
  187. author:1597896914=jrmu
  188. diff:1597896914:1597896847:=1,2d0%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a
  189. host:1597896914=
  190. author:1597896847=jrmu
  191. diff:1597896847:1597896818:=
  192. host:1597896847=
  193. author:1597896818=jrmu
  194. diff:1597896818:1597896685:=11,15c11%0a%3c #%0a%3c # Improve botnow, a script for registering IRCNow services%0a%3c # Provide first-class support for eggdrop%0a%3c # Automate eggdrop compilation and configuration for users%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a18d13%0a%3c %0a21,24d15%0a%3c # Switch services from anope to fork of achurch%0a%3c # Switch open proxy monitor from hopm to fork of acopm%0a%3c # Encourage use of psybnc instead of znc%0a%3c %0a26a18,20%0a> temporary use of hopm and anope and znc, to be phased out%0a> %0a> , acopm, achurch, psybnc%0a
  195. host:1597896818=
  196. author:1597896685=jrmu
  197. diff:1597896685:1597896655:=10c10%0a%3c # Toggle +P user mode based as determined by open proxy monitors%0a---%0a> # Add support to toggle +P user mode based on spamminess probabilities as determined by open proxy monitors%0a
  198. host:1597896685=
  199. author:1597896655=jrmu
  200. diff:1597896655:1597896626:=10c10%0a%3c # Add support to toggle +P user mode based on spamminess probabilities as determined by open proxy monitors%0a---%0a> #%0a
  201. host:1597896655=
  202. author:1597896626=jrmu
  203. diff:1597896626:1597896390:=1,15c1,2%0a%3c !! Ongoing%0a%3c %0a%3c # Train teammates in the [[Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]]%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Dec 2020%0a%3c %0a%3c # Teammates%0a%3c # Patch ngircd:%0a%3c # Add support for ilines%0a%3c #%0a%3c %0a%3c !! June 2021%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Dec 2021%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Train teammates in the [[Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]]%0a> %0a20c7%0a%3c , acopm, achurch, psybnc%0a---%0a> ngircd, acopm, achurch, psybnc%0a
  204. host:1597896626=
  205. author:1597896390=jrmu
  206. diff:1597896390:1597893759:=1,2d0%0a%3c Train teammates in the [[Openbsd|OpenBSD software stack]]%0a%3c %0a
  207. host:1597896390=
  208. author:1597893759=jrmu
  209. diff:1597893759:1597884456:=
  210. host:1597893759=
  211. author:1597884456=jrmu
  212. diff:1597884456:1597883149:=
  213. host:1597884456=
  214. author:1597883149=jrmu
  215. diff:1597883149:1597883078:=11,13c11%0a%3c I plan to allow users to run python bots such as limnoria, sopel, as well as install nodejs, rust, ruby, and go, but I do not plan to offer any support. I also do not plan to offer any support for perl bots, nor do I want to depend upon software like weechat for bots. %0a%3c %0a%3c My goal is to streamline all the software to just use one language -- C -- and if scripts are necessary, just a tiny touch of korn shell and perl. This is so that we can have a true citizen militia. The only way to accomplish this is by training the users in the language so they can write the code and not just use it, and we only have enough time at this moment for one language -- C. But since almost everything on openbsd is C, learning that one language is enough.%0a---%0a> I plan to allow users to run python bots such as limnoria, sopel, as well as install nodejs, rust, ruby, and go, but I do not plan to offer any support. I also do not plan to offer any support for perl bots, nor do I want to depend upon software like weechat for bots.%0a
  216. host:1597883149=
  217. author:1597883078=jrmu
  218. diff:1597883078:1597883024:=10,11d9%0a%3c %0a%3c I plan to allow users to run python bots such as limnoria, sopel, as well as install nodejs, rust, ruby, and go, but I do not plan to offer any support. I also do not plan to offer any support for perl bots, nor do I want to depend upon software like weechat for bots.%0a
  219. host:1597883078=
  220. author:1597883024=jrmu
  221. diff:1597883024:1597883013:=9c9%0a%3c I have no plans to support CPAN because users find the installation and configuration process confusing, and because many cpan modules are now very old. A lot of CPAN also requires teaching OOP which is not trivial for novices to use properly and would eat up a lot of time. The IRC ecosystem for perl is also much smaller than eggdrop's and user demand is much less.%0a---%0a> I have no plans to support CPAN because users find the installation and configuration process confusing, and because many cpan modules are now very old. A lot of CPAN also requires teaching OOP which is not trivial for novices to use properly and would eat up a lot of time. The IRC ecosystem for perl is also much smaller than eggdrop's.%0a
  222. host:1597883024=
  223. author:1597883013=jrmu
  224. diff:1597883013:1597882989:=9c9%0a%3c I have no plans to support CPAN because users find the installation and configuration process confusing, and because many cpan modules are now very old. A lot of CPAN also requires teaching OOP which is not trivial for novices to use properly and would eat up a lot of time. The IRC ecosystem for perl is also much smaller than eggdrop's.%0a---%0a> I have no plans to support CPAN because users find the installation and configuration process confusing, and because many cpan modules are now very old. A lot of CPAN also requires teaching OOP which is not trivial for novices to use properly and would eat up a lot of time.%0a
  225. host:1597883013=
  226. author:1597882989=jrmu
  227. diff:1597882989:1597882981:=9c9%0a%3c I have no plans to support CPAN because users find the installation and configuration process confusing, and because many cpan modules are now very old. A lot of CPAN also requires teaching OOP which is not trivial for novices to use properly and would eat up a lot of time.%0a---%0a> I have no plans to support CPAN because users find the installation and configuration process confusing, and because many cpan modules are now very old. A lot of CPAN also requires teaching OOP which is not trivial for novices and would eat up a lot of time.%0a
  228. host:1597882989=
  229. author:1597882981=jrmu
  230. diff:1597882981:1597882924:=8,9d7%0a%3c %0a%3c I have no plans to support CPAN because users find the installation and configuration process confusing, and because many cpan modules are now very old. A lot of CPAN also requires teaching OOP which is not trivial for novices and would eat up a lot of time.%0a
  231. host:1597882981=
  232. author:1597882924=jrmu
  233. diff:1597882924:1597882867:=6,7c6%0a%3c Eggdrop will be a first class citizen with full support because it uses C and has an enormous library of premade scripts%0a%3c Our current relay pylink will be phased out with a custom bot built either by forking eggdrop or forked from ii/sic%0a---%0a> Eggdrop%0a
  234. host:1597882924=
  235. author:1597882867=jrmu
  236. diff:1597882867:1597882583:=2,6d1%0a%3c %0a%3c temporary use of hopm and anope and znc, to be phased out%0a%3c %0a%3c ngircd, acopm, achurch, psybnc%0a%3c Eggdrop%0a
  237. host:1597882867=
  238. author:1597882583=gry
  239. csum:1597882583=link fix
  240. diff:1597882583:1597882556:minor=3c3%0a%3c Stage 0: get as many users as possible, while maximizing their involvement in irc chat and training. Means to do this are not clear and are open to discussion and experiments. (Currently [[ircnow.servers]] offers some services which are in popular demand, with heavy focus on IRC-related and BSD-related services.)%0a---%0a> Stage 0: get as many users as possible, while maximizing their involvement in irc chat and training. Means to do this are not clear and are open to discussion and experiments. (Currently [[Servers.servers]] offers some services which are in popular demand, with heavy focus on IRC-related and BSD-related services.)%0a
  241. host:1597882583=
  242. author:1597882556=gry
  243. csum:1597882556=+
  244. diff:1597882556:1597882484:=2,3d1%0a%3c %0a%3c Stage 0: get as many users as possible, while maximizing their involvement in irc chat and training. Means to do this are not clear and are open to discussion and experiments. (Currently [[Servers.servers]] offers some services which are in popular demand, with heavy focus on IRC-related and BSD-related services.)%0a
  245. host:1597882556=
  246. author:1597882484=gry
  247. csum:1597882484=+
  248. diff:1597882484:1597882407:=3,5c3,11%0a%3c Stage 1: Bouncer with one connection gives user access to many networks, playback is available, interface for settings is irc-based, and is not confusing. (ZNC has playback, but not other features. psybnc has one connection but no playback.)%0a%3c %0a%3c Stage NNN: Training course for C and OpenBSD. (Currently there are lots of documentation in this wiki, and unix101 tutorials.)%0a---%0a> Stage 1:%0a> %0a> * bouncer with %0a> ** one connection gives user access to many networks%0a> ** playback is available%0a> ** interface for settings is irc-based, and is not confusing%0a> %0a> ZNC has playback, but not other features. psybnc has one connection but no playback.%0a> %0a
  249. host:1597882484=
  250. author:1597882407=gry
  251. csum:1597882407=+
  252. diff:1597882407:1597538360:=1,12d0%0a%3c Majority to be implemented in C with help from Perl. Not C++.%0a%3c %0a%3c Stage 1:%0a%3c %0a%3c * bouncer with %0a%3c ** one connection gives user access to many networks%0a%3c ** playback is available%0a%3c ** interface for settings is irc-based, and is not confusing%0a%3c %0a%3c ZNC has playback, but not other features. psybnc has one connection but no playback.%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a
  253. host:1597882407=
  254. author:1597538360=gry
  255. csum:1597538360=created
  256. diff:1597538360:1597538360:=1,15d0%0a%3c This is a mixed list. We will need to re-order it chronologically and divide into several stages.%0a%3c %0a%3c * provide an easy, uniform way to register and login to networks with different services on the server-side%0a%3c * protect users from spam and online stalking/harassment (without also blocking innocent users)%0a%3c * provide free bouncers that can connect to unlimited networks which are online 24/7 and resistant to DDoS attacks%0a%3c * provide an easy way to upload a file in-band (you can't share code snippets, photos, or videos without using an http client)%0a%3c * sync messages properly on phones (messages are often lost or repeated)%0a%3c * provide message received confirmations (echo-message only provides message sent confirmations)%0a%3c * provide buddy lists (this is partially implemented in some networks with NOTIFY and/or ISON. --[[gry]])%0a%3c * provide HTTP tunneling to bypass firewalls%0a%3c * handle frequent disconnects from mobile clients%0a%3c * add support for audio/video calls%0a%3c * UI in many clients for the said new uniform way to register on the client-side%0a%3c * friendly and intuitive and sensible web chat%0a%3c * bouncer that does not confuse users, and works from a single connection for any number of IRC networks%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  257. host:1597538360=