Freedom.Privacy 15 KB

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  3. author=jrmu
  4. charset=UTF-8
  5. csum=
  6. ctime=1596201573
  7. host=
  8. name=Freedom.Privacy
  9. rev=16
  10. targets=
  11. text=(:title Right to Privacy:)%0a%0a->Users have a right to be secure from unreasonable searches of their personal information and data. Search warrants can be given only upon probable cause where the data to be searched and seized are described. %0a%0aIRCNow supports anonymity and privacy. Our network allow users to connect anonymously. Users do not have to provide us with their real name, phone number, or ID to register and use services. We support cryptography such as TLS, ssh, PGP, and cryptocoins. We allow access from Tor. We provide VPN services.%0a%0aEach local server sets its own privacy policy. Each server can collect user data to provide extra features, prevent abuse, and to ensure security. Each server has the freedom to set its own privacy policy, and users in turn can pick the privacy policy and server staff they like best.
  12. time=1612510015
  13. title=Right to Privacy
  14. author:1612510015=jrmu
  15. diff:1612510015:1612509971:=5c5%0a%3c IRCNow supports anonymity and privacy. Our network allow users to connect anonymously. Users do not have to provide us with their real name, phone number, or ID to register and use services. We support cryptography such as TLS, ssh, PGP, and cryptocoins. We allow access from Tor. We provide VPN services.%0a---%0a> IRCNow supports anonymity and privacy. Our network allow users to connect anonymously. Users do not have to provide us with their real name, phone number, or ID to register and use services. We support cryptography such as TLS, ssh, PGP, and cryptocoins. We allow access from Tor.%0a
  16. host:1612510015=
  17. author:1612509971=jrmu
  18. diff:1612509971:1612509327:=5c5%0a%3c IRCNow supports anonymity and privacy. Our network allow users to connect anonymously. Users do not have to provide us with their real name, phone number, or ID to register and use services. We support cryptography such as TLS, ssh, PGP, and cryptocoins. We allow access from Tor.%0a---%0a> IRCNow supports anonymity and privacy. Our network allow users to connect anonymously. Users do not have to provide us with their real name, phone number, or ID to register and use services. We support encryption and allow connections from tor. %0a
  19. host:1612509971=
  20. author:1612509327=jrmu
  21. diff:1612509327:1612509110:=5c5%0a%3c IRCNow supports anonymity and privacy. Our network allow users to connect anonymously. Users do not have to provide us with their real name, phone number, or ID to register and use services. We support encryption and allow connections from tor. %0a---%0a> IRCNow supports anonymity and privacy. Our network allow users to connect anonymously using tor and does not require a phone number or ID to register. We support encryption.%0a
  22. host:1612509327=
  23. author:1612509110=jrmu
  24. diff:1612509110:1606886945:=5,7c5,9%0a%3c IRCNow supports anonymity and privacy. Our network allow users to connect anonymously using tor and does not require a phone number or ID to register. We support encryption.%0a%3c %0a%3c Each local server sets its own privacy policy. Each server can collect user data to provide extra features, prevent abuse, and to ensure security. Each server has the freedom to set its own privacy policy, and users in turn can pick the privacy policy and server staff they like best.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> Internet service providers have the power to collect a tremendous amount of metadata: your legal name, age, email, social media accounts, photos, residential address, and browsing history. They have the power to profile you based on a wide array of fingerprinting techniques. On most networks, anonymity is impossible.%0a> %0a> There are many dangers that could result from an abuse of this data. Identity theft, online harassment, selling data to advertisers are just a few of the many possible abuses of private data.%0a> %0a> IRCNow strives to ensure your privacy. The network does collect some metadata in order to provide necessary internet services and to ensure security. This is necessary to prevent abuse. However, all other collection of information requires users' active consent. IRCNow gives each server on its network the freedom to choose its own privacy policy, and the users in turn have freedom to choose their servers.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  25. host:1612509110=
  26. author:1606886945=jrmu
  27. diff:1606886945:1597046633:=3c3%0a%3c ->Users have a right to be secure from unreasonable searches of their personal information and data. Search warrants can be given only upon probable cause where the data to be searched and seized are described. %0a---%0a> ->The right of users to be secure in their data and personal information against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. Searches should only be done upon probable cause describing the items to be searched.%0a
  28. host:1606886945=
  29. author:1597046633=jrmu
  30. diff:1597046633:1597046500:=9c9%0a%3c IRCNow strives to ensure your privacy. The network does collect some metadata in order to provide necessary internet services and to ensure security. This is necessary to prevent abuse. However, all other collection of information requires users' active consent. IRCNow gives each server on its network the freedom to choose its own privacy policy, and the users in turn have freedom to choose their servers.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> IRCNow does collect metadata and some user data in order to provide necessary internet services and to ensure security. All public services, by necessity, must collect at least some metadata to prevent abuse. IRCNow attempts to minimize the collection of user data to only what is needed for security. We allow anonymity and avoid selling data to 3rd parties. IRCNow gives each server on its network the freedom to further dictate its own privacy policy, and the users in turn have freedom to choose their servers. It also gives users the ability to host their own servers or fork the network if they want a different privacy policy.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  31. host:1597046633=
  32. author:1597046500=jrmu
  33. diff:1597046500:1596431050:=3c3%0a%3c ->The right of users to be secure in their data and personal information against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. Searches should only be done upon probable cause describing the items to be searched.%0a---%0a> ->The right of users to be secure in their data and personal information against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. No search warrants should be given but upon probable cause describing the items to be searched.%0a
  34. host:1597046500=
  35. author:1596431050=jrmu
  36. diff:1596431050:1596430963:=9c9%0a%3c IRCNow does collect metadata and some user data in order to provide necessary internet services and to ensure security. All public services, by necessity, must collect at least some metadata to prevent abuse. IRCNow attempts to minimize the collection of user data to only what is needed for security. We allow anonymity and avoid selling data to 3rd parties. IRCNow gives each server on its network the freedom to further dictate its own privacy policy, and the users in turn have freedom to choose their servers. It also gives users the ability to host their own servers or fork the network if they want a different privacy policy.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> IRCNow does collect metadata and some user data in order to provide necessary internet services and to ensure security. All public services, by necessity, must collect at least some metadata to prevent abuse. IRCNow gives each server on its network the freedom to decide upon its privacy policy, and the users in turn have freedom to choose their servers. It also gives users the ability to host their own servers or fork the network if they want a different privacy policy.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  37. host:1596431050=
  38. author:1596430963=jrmu
  39. diff:1596430963:1596430750:=9c9,15%0a%3c IRCNow does collect metadata and some user data in order to provide necessary internet services and to ensure security. All public services, by necessity, must collect at least some metadata to prevent abuse. IRCNow gives each server on its network the freedom to decide upon its privacy policy, and the users in turn have freedom to choose their servers. It also gives users the ability to host their own servers or fork the network if they want a different privacy policy.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> IRCNow does collect metadata and some user data in order to provide necessary internet services and to ensure security. All public services, by necessity, must collect at least some metadata to prevent abuse. However, IRCNow attempts to limit searches only where there is probable cause. It also allows each server freedom in its privacy policy. It also gives users the ability to host their own servers or fork the network if they want a different privacy policy.%0a> %0a> General principles:%0a> %0a> * Minimize collection of user data except as needed for security%0a> * Do not sell data to 3rd parties%0a> * Allow anonymity so long as it does not harm security%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  40. host:1596430963=
  41. author:1596430750=jrmu
  42. diff:1596430750:1596364868:=3c3%0a%3c ->The right of users to be secure in their data and personal information against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. No search warrants should be given but upon probable cause describing the items to be searched.%0a---%0a> ->The right of users to be secure in their personal information and data against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. No search warrants should be given but upon probable cause describing the items to be searched.%0a
  43. host:1596430750=
  44. author:1596364868=jrmu
  45. diff:1596364868:1596364457:=5,11c5,19%0a%3c Internet service providers have the power to collect a tremendous amount of metadata: your legal name, age, email, social media accounts, photos, residential address, and browsing history. They have the power to profile you based on a wide array of fingerprinting techniques. On most networks, anonymity is impossible.%0a%3c %0a%3c There are many dangers that could result from an abuse of this data. Identity theft, online harassment, selling data to advertisers are just a few of the many possible abuses of private data.%0a%3c %0a%3c IRCNow does collect metadata and some user data in order to provide necessary internet services and to ensure security. All public services, by necessity, must collect at least some metadata to prevent abuse. However, IRCNow attempts to limit searches only where there is probable cause. It also allows each server freedom in its privacy policy. It also gives users the ability to host their own servers or fork the network if they want a different privacy policy.%0a%3c %0a%3c General principles:%0a---%0a> %0a> %0a> age name residential address%0a> browsing history%0a> anonymity%0a> identity theft%0a> online harassment%0a> email%0a> social media history%0a> cookies%0a> advertising profiling%0a> fingerprinting%0a> big data%0a> %0a> %0a
  46. host:1596364868=
  47. author:1596364457=jrmu
  48. diff:1596364457:1596364349:=5,6d4%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a19a18,22%0a> %0a> %0a> Closed info providers deliberately design their systems so it is difficult or impossible to leave. They do this to ensure you become dependent on their ecosystem. For example, if you shop with Apple, you become dependent on their expensive ecosystem of iPhones and Macs. You must regularly pay them taxes in the form of new hardware/software upgrades and iCloud fees. These are part of the taxes they force you to pay. Over time, you find yourself becoming part of their property. But if you try to leave, you find it is extremely difficult to get out, often requiring months of work. This is their deliberate design -- closed info is designed to enforce economic feudalism.%0a> %0a> When designs follow open protocols, open standards, and open designs, it has much greater interoperability. You become the owner of your own info. Your data, software, and hardware are free, so you can choose any provider from the marketplace. In fact, you could become your own provider. You are no longer forced to pay unreasonable prices, and you are no longer treated like chattel. No more abusive monopolies!%0a
  49. host:1596364457=
  50. author:1596364349=jrmu
  51. diff:1596364349:1596364130:=1c1%0a%3c (:title Right to Privacy:)%0a---%0a> !! Privacy%0a
  52. host:1596364349=
  53. author:1596364130=jrmu
  54. diff:1596364130:1596258846:=2,18d1%0a%3c %0a%3c ->The right of users to be secure in their personal information and data against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated. No search warrants should be given but upon probable cause describing the items to be searched.%0a%3c %0a%3c age name residential address%0a%3c browsing history%0a%3c anonymity%0a%3c identity theft%0a%3c online harassment%0a%3c email%0a%3c social media history%0a%3c cookies%0a%3c advertising profiling%0a%3c fingerprinting%0a%3c big data%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a%3c %0a
  55. host:1596364130=
  56. author:1596258846=jrmu
  57. diff:1596258846:1596201573:=2,5d1%0a%3c %0a%3c Closed info providers deliberately design their systems so it is difficult or impossible to leave. They do this to ensure you become dependent on their ecosystem. For example, if you shop with Apple, you become dependent on their expensive ecosystem of iPhones and Macs. You must regularly pay them taxes in the form of new hardware/software upgrades and iCloud fees. These are part of the taxes they force you to pay. Over time, you find yourself becoming part of their property. But if you try to leave, you find it is extremely difficult to get out, often requiring months of work. This is their deliberate design -- closed info is designed to enforce economic feudalism.%0a%3c %0a%3c When designs follow open protocols, open standards, and open designs, it has much greater interoperability. You become the owner of your own info. Your data, software, and hardware are free, so you can choose any provider from the marketplace. In fact, you could become your own provider. You are no longer forced to pay unreasonable prices, and you are no longer treated like chattel. No more abusive monopolies!%0a
  58. host:1596258846=
  59. author:1596201573=jrmu
  60. diff:1596201573:1596201573:=1,5d0%0a%3c !! Privacy%0a%3c %0a%3c * Minimize collection of user data except as needed for security%0a%3c * Do not sell data to 3rd parties%0a%3c * Allow anonymity so long as it does not harm security%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  61. host:1596201573=