Freedom.Federation 13 KB

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  3. author=jrmu
  4. charset=UTF-8
  5. csum=
  6. ctime=1596457093
  7. host=
  8. name=Freedom.Federation
  9. rev=15
  10. targets=Servers.Rights,Ircnow.Constitution
  11. text=%25width=300px rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/unitedweserve.jpg%0a%0a->Networks are strongest where every user feels himself a part.%0a%0a->To have fair staff, do not to trust all power to one person; but divide it among many.%0a%0a->Thirteen independent servers, one united network with one user community and one common desire for freedom. By their joint effort, they have established a network of liberty.%0a%0aIRCNow is a federation of self-governing servers. Each server provides its own services, has its own staff, writes its own policies, and manages its own money. [[servers/rights|Each server governs itself]]. We unite together to provide a strong, united network; to work on software development; and to aid one another against outside threats.%0a%0aIn the future, each server on the network will be bound by the [[ircnow/constitution|IRCNow Constitution]]. IRCNow's governance is modeled after the US constitution and its principles of government. This network exists for the public interest, to promote liberty and justice on the Internet.
  12. time=1612611873
  13. author:1612611873=jrmu
  14. diff:1612611873:1612611864:=1c1%0a%3c %25width=300px rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/unitedweserve.jpg%0a---%0a> %25width=300px rfloat%25 Attach:unitedweserve.jpg%0a
  15. host:1612611873=
  16. author:1612611864=jrmu
  17. diff:1612611864:1612611156:=1,2d0%0a%3c %25width=300px rfloat%25 Attach:unitedweserve.jpg%0a%3c %0a
  18. host:1612611864=
  19. author:1612611156=jrmu
  20. diff:1612611156:1612611103:=5c5%0a%3c ->Thirteen independent servers, one united network with one user community and one common desire for freedom. By their joint effort, they have established a network of liberty.%0a---%0a> ->Thirteen independent servers, one united network with one user community, attached to the same desire for freedom. By their joint effort, they have established a network of liberty.%0a
  21. host:1612611156=
  22. author:1612611103=jrmu
  23. diff:1612611103:1612611090:=
  24. host:1612611103=
  25. author:1612611090=jrmu
  26. diff:1612611090:1612610968:=4,5d3%0a%3c %0a%3c ->Thirteen independent servers, one united network with one user community, attached to the same desire for freedom. By their joint effort, they have established a network of liberty.%0a
  27. host:1612611090=
  28. author:1612610968=jrmu
  29. diff:1612610968:1612525417:=
  30. host:1612610968=
  31. author:1612525417=jrmu
  32. diff:1612525417:1612450615:=5c5%0a%3c IRCNow is a federation of self-governing servers. Each server provides its own services, has its own staff, writes its own policies, and manages its own money. [[servers/rights|Each server governs itself]]. We unite together to provide a strong, united network; to work on software development; and to aid one another against outside threats.%0a---%0a> IRCNow is a federation of self-governing servers. Each server provides its own services, has its own staff, writes its own policies, and manages its own money. Each server governs itself. We unite together to provide a strong, united network; to work on software development; and to aid one another against outside threats.%0a
  33. host:1612525417=
  34. author:1612450615=jrmu
  35. diff:1612450615:1612450003:=5,7c5,17%0a%3c IRCNow is a federation of self-governing servers. Each server provides its own services, has its own staff, writes its own policies, and manages its own money. Each server governs itself. We unite together to provide a strong, united network; to work on software development; and to aid one another against outside threats.%0a%3c %0a%3c In the future, each server on the network will be bound by the [[ircnow/constitution|IRCNow Constitution]]. IRCNow's governance is modeled after the US constitution and its principles of government. This network exists for the public interest, to promote liberty and justice on the Internet.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> IRCNow is an experiment to create a network run by users for the benefit of users. It is an experiment to create a truly open and free network.%0a> %0a> IRCNow is a federation that unites together self-governing servers to provide a common network for the free and open source software community. Each server provide its own services, has its own staff, writes its own policies, and manages its own money. Each server is almost independent. However, each server unites together to provide a strong unified network, contributing software, money, and other help to protect our common infrastructure and defense.%0a> %0a> In the future, each server in IRCNow will be bound by the [[ircnow/constitution|IRCNow Constitution]]. IRCNow's governance is modeled after the US constitution and its principles of government. The network is run in the public interest: all the source code is available free of charge and you can use it for any purpose without asking for permission.%0a> %0a> IRCNow is a free network: of the users, by the users, for the users.%0a> %0a> Each server is semi-independent financially. Each server registers a business or non profit organization in its own country. It registers a bank account and some form of payment processor (eg, PayPal, Skrill, Patreon, or sets up its own cryptocurrency wallet. It collects its own donations and revenues.%0a> %0a> Each team controls its own income and expenses and pays its own salaries. The money is not handled by the network directly. Instead. it goes to each team's account. When the network needs money, the teams later vote to voluntarily collect it as a team to fund common expenses like software development and networking infrastructure.%0a> %0a> We do ask that each server provide an accounting of all bank transactions, so that we have transparency about how much each team earns and spends. Providing an account transaction ledger is enough.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  36. host:1612450615=
  37. author:1612450003=jrmu
  38. diff:1612450003:1606886901:=0a1,2%0a> ->We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all users are created equal. That network staff are chosen and obtain just powers from the consent of their users. That whenever the network betrays its duties, it is the right of the users to fork and create a new one.%0a> %0a11,17c13%0a%3c IRCNow is a free network: of the users, by the users, for the users.%0a%3c %0a%3c Each server is semi-independent financially. Each server registers a business or non profit organization in its own country. It registers a bank account and some form of payment processor (eg, PayPal, Skrill, Patreon, or sets up its own cryptocurrency wallet. It collects its own donations and revenues.%0a%3c %0a%3c Each team controls its own income and expenses and pays its own salaries. The money is not handled by the network directly. Instead. it goes to each team's account. When the network needs money, the teams later vote to voluntarily collect it as a team to fund common expenses like software development and networking infrastructure.%0a%3c %0a%3c We do ask that each server provide an accounting of all bank transactions, so that we have transparency about how much each team earns and spends. Providing an account transaction ledger is enough.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> IRCNow is a free network: of the users, by the users, for the users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  39. host:1612450003=
  40. author:1606886901=jrmu
  41. diff:1606886901:1597053099:=1,2c1,2%0a%3c ->We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all users are created equal. That network staff are chosen and obtain just powers from the consent of their users. That whenever the network betrays its duties, it is the right of the users to fork and create a new one.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> ->We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all users are created equal. That to secure their rights, networks are created among users, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any network becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the users to fork and create a new one.%0a> %0a5c5%0a%3c ->To have fair staff, do not to trust all power to one person; but divide it among many.%0a---%0a> ->To have fair staff, do not to trust it all to one; but divide it among the many.%0a
  42. host:1606886901=
  43. author:1597053099=jrmu
  44. diff:1597053099:1597053081:=3a4,5%0a> %0a> ->The happiness of the users is the only goal of a network's staff, so the consent of the people is the only foundation of it.%0a
  45. host:1597053099=
  46. author:1597053081=jrmu
  47. diff:1597053081:1597046866:=2,7d1%0a%3c %0a%3c ->Networks are strongest where every user feels himself a part.%0a%3c %0a%3c ->The happiness of the users is the only goal of a network's staff, so the consent of the people is the only foundation of it.%0a%3c %0a%3c ->To have fair staff, do not to trust it all to one; but divide it among the many.%0a
  48. host:1597053081=
  49. author:1597046866=jrmu
  50. diff:1597046866:1597046844:=9c9%0a%3c IRCNow is a free network: of the users, by the users, for the users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> IRCNow is a free republic: a network of the users, by the users, for the users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  51. host:1597046866=
  52. author:1597046844=jrmu
  53. diff:1597046844:1596457093:=3,7c3,7%0a%3c IRCNow is an experiment to create a network run by users for the benefit of users. It is an experiment to create a truly open and free network.%0a%3c %0a%3c IRCNow is a federation that unites together self-governing servers to provide a common network for the free and open source software community. Each server provide its own services, has its own staff, writes its own policies, and manages its own money. Each server is almost independent. However, each server unites together to provide a strong unified network, contributing software, money, and other help to protect our common infrastructure and defense.%0a%3c %0a%3c In the future, each server in IRCNow will be bound by the [[ircnow/constitution|IRCNow Constitution]]. IRCNow's governance is modeled after the US constitution and its principles of government. The network is run in the public interest: all the source code is available free of charge and you can use it for any purpose without asking for permission.%0a---%0a> Most Internet platforms today are designed to exploit the user, often by locking-in users with proprietary software, by selling user data to advertisers, or by arbitrarily censoring criticism of the company. Increasingly, platforms are now censoring Christian users. IRCNow tries to fix that by creating an open and free network.%0a> %0a> IRCNow is a federation that unites together self-governing servers to provide a common network for the free and open source software community. Each server provide its own services, has its own staff, specifies its own policies, and manages its own income and expenses. However, to achieve a strong unified network, each server contributes software and funds to provide for common infrastructure and the common defense.%0a> %0a> In the future, each server in IRCNow will be bound by the [[ircnow/constitution|IRCNow Constitution]]. IRCNow's governance is modeled after the US constitution, with its system of checks and balances; a bill of rights; and delegation of much authority to self-governing servers. The network is run in the public interest: all the source code is available free of charge and you can use it for any purpose without asking for permission. It is also a Christian network that guarantees Christians will remain welcome on the network and that the Bible will not be censored.%0a
  54. host:1597046844=
  55. author:1596457093=jrmu
  56. diff:1596457093:1596457093:=1,9d0%0a%3c ->We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all users are created equal. That to secure their rights, networks are created among users, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any network becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the users to fork and create a new one.%0a%3c %0a%3c Most Internet platforms today are designed to exploit the user, often by locking-in users with proprietary software, by selling user data to advertisers, or by arbitrarily censoring criticism of the company. Increasingly, platforms are now censoring Christian users. IRCNow tries to fix that by creating an open and free network.%0a%3c %0a%3c IRCNow is a federation that unites together self-governing servers to provide a common network for the free and open source software community. Each server provide its own services, has its own staff, specifies its own policies, and manages its own income and expenses. However, to achieve a strong unified network, each server contributes software and funds to provide for common infrastructure and the common defense.%0a%3c %0a%3c In the future, each server in IRCNow will be bound by the [[ircnow/constitution|IRCNow Constitution]]. IRCNow's governance is modeled after the US constitution, with its system of checks and balances; a bill of rights; and delegation of much authority to self-governing servers. The network is run in the public interest: all the source code is available free of charge and you can use it for any purpose without asking for permission. It is also a Christian network that guarantees Christians will remain welcome on the network and that the Bible will not be censored.%0a%3c %0a%3c IRCNow is a free republic: a network of the users, by the users, for the users.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  57. host:1596457093=