Debate.Linuxflaws 44 KB

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  3. author=mkf
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  5. csum=making hyperlinks
  6. ctime=1608983996
  7. host=
  8. name=Debate.Linuxflaws
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  10. targets=
  11. text=(:title Why Linux is Bad for Freedom:)%0a%0a'''WE THE USERS''' need an operating system that we control. We should reject operating systems that are controlled by trillion dollar corporations like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook. Although it may label itself as free software, we cannot rely on it to protect our freedoms.%0a%0a!! Linux is controlled by exploitative corporations%0a%0a# IBM%0a # [[|IBM Closes Landmark Acquisition of Red Hat for $34 Billion; Defines Open, Hybrid Cloud Future]].%0a # [[|Red Hat officially acquired by IBM]].%0a# Microsoft%0a # [[]]%0a # "The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and lead maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman and is supported by members such as AT&T, Cisco, Facebook,[5] Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft,[6] NEC, Oracle, Orange S.A., Qualcomm, Samsung,[7] Tencent, and VMware, as well as developers from around the world." These corporations donate tens of millions of dollars annually. [[]]%0a # Microsoft Azure is a proprietary platform and yet is actively being promoted by [[|the Linux Foundation]] because of Microsoft's financial contributions%0a# Google%0a # [[|Google, Money and Censorship in Free Software Communities]], [[]]%0a -> Google money pays for interns to do work for him. It appears he has a massive conflict of interest when using the former role to censor posts about Google, which relates to the latter role and its benefits.%0a -> Why are these donations and conflicts of interest hidden from the free software community who rely on, interact with and contribute to Debian in so many ways? Why doesn’t Debian provide a level playing field, why does money from Google get this veil of secrecy?%0a -> The Debian Social Contract[3] states that Debian does not hide our problems. Corporate influence is one of the most serious problems most people can imagine, why has nothing been disclosed?%0a%0aHere are the top donors to the Linux Foundation:%0a%0a|| border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"%0a||! Platinum Members (USD $500k annually) ||||||||||||||||%0a|| AT&T || Tencent || Fujitsu || Google || IBM || Microsoft || Oracle || VMware ||%0a|| Facebook || Cisco Systems || Intel || Qualcomm || Hitachi || Huawei || NEC || Samsung Electronics ||%0a||! Gold Members (USD $100k annually) ||||||||||||||||%0a|| Alibaba Cloud || Baidu || Citrix Systems || Dell EMC || Doky || SUSE || BlackRock || Accenture ||%0a|| Hart || Oath || Uber || Toyota || Renesas Electronics || Panasonic || Sony || Toshiba ||%0a||! Silver Members ||||||||||||||||%0a|| Aarna Networks || Comcast || Sprint || Arista Networks || Canonical || || Tencent || LinkedIn ||%0a|| Desotech || AMD || Fujitsu ||%0a%0aDo '''we the users''' have any voice or say in the development process? It may be nominally free but if we have no control over it, it is almost as bad as proprietary software.%0a%0a!! Source code is too complex, average users can no longer understand it%0a%0aAccording to a report from the [[|Linux Foundation]], these are the top 10 corporate contributors in 2015-2016:%0a%0a|| border=1 width=40%25 class="sortable simpletable"%0a|| Company || Changes || Percent of total ||%0a|| Intel || 14,384 || 12.9%25 ||%0a|| Red Hat || 8,987 || 8.0%25 ||%0a|| None || 8,571 || 7.7%25 ||%0a|| Unknown || 7,582 || 6.8%25 ||%0a|| Linaro || 4,515 || 4.0%25 ||%0a|| Samsung || 4,338 || 3.9%25 ||%0a|| SUSE || 3,619 || 3.2%25 ||%0a|| IBM || 2,995 || 2.7%25 ||%0a|| Consultants || 2,938 || 2.6%25 ||%0a|| Renesas Electronics || 2,239 || 2.0%25 ||%0a%0aCan a reasonably intelligent, amateur software developer be able to understand and modify the code that these corporations write? If not, then linux has become like proprietary software. It's so complex that we have lost the ability to view and modify the source code.%0a%0a!! Linux Foundation Board of Directors are Corporate%0a%0aThe Linux Foundation's [[|board of directors]] are not made up of users but entirely of corporate representatives. These corporations have repeatedly shown that they have no commitment towards user freedom. Why should we trust them to oversee our operating system?%0a%0a-> As of April 2014, the foundation collected annual fees worth at least US$6,245,000. [[|(wikipedia)]]%0a%0aLinux's developers are accountable to its corporate sponsors, not to us the users.%0a%0a#!! Aggressive censorship through code of conducts%0a%0aLinux adopted the [[|Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct]]%0a%0a-> In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.%0a%0aThis would make it possible for developers to be banned for disagreeing with homosexuality, affirmative action programs, or merely just criticizing poor code quality. The Contributor Covenant defines harassment to include:%0a%0a-> Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks%0a%0aThis would make it possible to ban anyone for almost any reason. In fact, even [[|Linus Torvalds was forced to take a break]] for his violation.%0a%0aThe author of the Contributor Covenant, Coraline Ada Ehmke, is also the author of several [[|"ethical licenses"]]. These unfree licenses would give software developers the power to sue a user for using software in a way they don't approve of if they consider it a human rights violation. This "ethical license" would not even require a court ruling to determine if it is a violation or not -- the developer gets to decide what constitutes a human rights violation.%0a%0aThis is an extreme form of censorship which will be used to sue opposition into silence.%0a%0a-> Before early 2018, the Linux Foundation's website stated that it "uses [donations] in part to help fund the infrastructure and fellows (like Linus Torvalds) who help develop the Linux kernel." However, the Foundation no longer sponsors kernel development and infrastructure through donations: while the donations page still claims that "The Linux Foundation is dedicated to protecting, promoting, and standardizing Linux", it currently also indicates that "100%25 of donations received go towards funding diversity programs." [[|(wikipedia)]]%0a%0aIt even affected the founder Linus Torvalds himself: [[]].%0a%0aThis implies censorship of people who disagree with "social justice" activism.
  12. time=1624176215
  13. title=Why Linux is Bad for Freedom
  14. author:1624176215=mkf
  15. csum:1624176215=making hyperlinks
  16. diff:1624176215:1609005696:minor=8,9c8,9%0a%3c # [[|IBM Closes Landmark Acquisition of Red Hat for $34 Billion; Defines Open, Hybrid Cloud Future]].%0a%3c # [[|Red Hat officially acquired by IBM]].%0a---%0a> # IBM Closes Landmark Acquisition of Red Hat for $34 Billion; Defines Open, Hybrid Cloud Future - [[]]%0a> # Red Hat officially acquired by IBM - [[]]%0a15c15%0a%3c # [[|Google, Money and Censorship in Free Software Communities]], [[]]%0a---%0a> # Google, Money and Censorship in Free Software Communities - [[]], [[]]%0a
  17. host:1624176215=
  18. author:1609005696=jrmu
  19. diff:1609005696:1609005676:=74c74%0a%3c This would make it possible to ban anyone for almost any reason. In fact, even [[|Linus Torvalds was forced to take a break]] for his violation.%0a---%0a> This would make it possible to ban anyone for almost any reason. In fact, even [[|Linus Torvalds almost got fired]] for his violation.%0a
  20. host:1609005696=
  21. author:1609005676=jrmu
  22. diff:1609005676:1609001412:=74c74%0a%3c This would make it possible to ban anyone for almost any reason. In fact, even [[|Linus Torvalds almost got fired]] for his violation.%0a---%0a> This would make it possible to ban anyone for almost any reason.%0a
  23. host:1609005676=
  24. author:1609001412=jrmu
  25. diff:1609001412:1609001168:=75,78d74%0a%3c %0a%3c The author of the Contributor Covenant, Coraline Ada Ehmke, is also the author of several [[|"ethical licenses"]]. These unfree licenses would give software developers the power to sue a user for using software in a way they don't approve of if they consider it a human rights violation. This "ethical license" would not even require a court ruling to determine if it is a violation or not -- the developer gets to decide what constitutes a human rights violation.%0a%3c %0a%3c This is an extreme form of censorship which will be used to sue opposition into silence.%0a
  26. host:1609001412=
  27. author:1609001168=jrmu
  28. diff:1609001168:1609001156:=13c13%0a%3c # Microsoft Azure is a proprietary platform and yet is actively being promoted by [[|the Linux Foundation]] because of Microsoft's financial contributions%0a---%0a> # Microsoft Azure is entirely proprietary software and yet is actively being promoted by [[|the Linux Foundation]] because of Microsoft's financial contributions%0a
  29. host:1609001168=
  30. author:1609001156=jrmu
  31. diff:1609001156:1609001057:=13d12%0a%3c # Microsoft Azure is entirely proprietary software and yet is actively being promoted by [[|the Linux Foundation]] because of Microsoft's financial contributions%0a
  32. host:1609001156=
  33. author:1609001057=jrmu
  34. diff:1609001057:1609001021:=79c79,96%0a%3c This implies censorship of people who disagree with "social justice" activism.%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a---%0a> This implies censorship of people who disagree with "social justice" activism.%0a> %0a> 19:52 %3c~jrmu> Microsoft has invested billions of dollars into their Azure linux stack%0a> 19:52 %3c~jrmu> and so have Google and Amazon%0a> %0a> 19:54 %3c~jrmu> the US congress has sued them in court for abuse of monopoly power%0a> 19:54 %3c~jrmu> one of these days I will document it but see United States vs Google %0a> 19:55 %3c~jrmu> for a preview%0a> 19:55 %3c~jrmu> :)%0a> 19:55 %3c~jrmu> I'm glad the Department of Justice has helped document their abuse of %0a> power for me%0a> 19:55 %3c~jrmu> Facebook and Amazon are being sued also%0a> 19:55 %3c~jrmu> it's about time%0a> 19:56 %3c~jrmu> basically they 1) never share their source code, 2) censor people %0a> arbitrarily, 3) steal trade secrets from their own customers%0a> 19:56 %3c~jrmu> 4) prevent competition%0a> 19:57 %3c~jrmu> they bully the competition%0a> 19:58 %3c~jrmu> they also undermine democracy%0a
  35. host:1609001057=
  36. author:1609001021=jrmu
  37. diff:1609001021:1609000216:=65,74d64%0a%3c Linux adopted the [[|Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct]]%0a%3c %0a%3c -> In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.%0a%3c %0a%3c This would make it possible for developers to be banned for disagreeing with homosexuality, affirmative action programs, or merely just criticizing poor code quality. The Contributor Covenant defines harassment to include:%0a%3c %0a%3c -> Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks%0a%3c %0a%3c This would make it possible to ban anyone for almost any reason.%0a%3c %0a76,77d65%0a%3c %0a%3c It even affected the founder Linus Torvalds himself: [[]].%0a
  38. host:1609001021=
  39. author:1609000216=jrmu
  40. diff:1609000216:1608999894:=57,60d56%0a%3c -> As of April 2014, the foundation collected annual fees worth at least US$6,245,000. [[|(wikipedia)]]%0a%3c %0a%3c Linux's developers are accountable to its corporate sponsors, not to us the users.%0a%3c %0a62c58,59%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # %0a> %0a64,67d60%0a%3c %0a%3c -> Before early 2018, the Linux Foundation's website stated that it "uses [donations] in part to help fund the infrastructure and fellows (like Linus Torvalds) who help develop the Linux kernel." However, the Foundation no longer sponsors kernel development and infrastructure through donations: while the donations page still claims that "The Linux Foundation is dedicated to protecting, promoting, and standardizing Linux", it currently also indicates that "100%25 of donations received go towards funding diversity programs." [[|(wikipedia)]]%0a%3c %0a%3c This implies censorship of people who disagree with "social justice" activism.%0a
  41. host:1609000216=
  42. author:1608999894=jrmu
  43. diff:1608999894:1608999384:=53,56d52%0a%3c !! Linux Foundation Board of Directors are Corporate%0a%3c %0a%3c The Linux Foundation's [[|board of directors]] are not made up of users but entirely of corporate representatives. These corporations have repeatedly shown that they have no commitment towards user freedom. Why should we trust them to oversee our operating system?%0a%3c %0a61a58,61%0a> %0a> %0a> 19:51 %3c~jrmu> and Google actively funds debian%0a> 19:51 %3c~jrmu> IBM Closes Landmark Acquisition of Red Hat for $34 Billion ... %0a
  44. host:1608999894=
  45. author:1608999384=jrmu
  46. diff:1608999384:1608999243:=50,51d49%0a%3c %0a%3c Can a reasonably intelligent, amateur software developer be able to understand and modify the code that these corporations write? If not, then linux has become like proprietary software. It's so complex that we have lost the ability to view and modify the source code.%0a
  47. host:1608999384=
  48. author:1608999243=jrmu
  49. diff:1608999243:1608998902:=38,49c38,48%0a%3c || border=1 width=40%25 class="sortable simpletable"%0a%3c || Company || Changes || Percent of total ||%0a%3c || Intel || 14,384 || 12.9%25 ||%0a%3c || Red Hat || 8,987 || 8.0%25 ||%0a%3c || None || 8,571 || 7.7%25 ||%0a%3c || Unknown || 7,582 || 6.8%25 ||%0a%3c || Linaro || 4,515 || 4.0%25 ||%0a%3c || Samsung || 4,338 || 3.9%25 ||%0a%3c || SUSE || 3,619 || 3.2%25 ||%0a%3c || IBM || 2,995 || 2.7%25 ||%0a%3c || Consultants || 2,938 || 2.6%25 ||%0a%3c || Renesas Electronics || 2,239 || 2.0%25 ||%0a---%0a> || Company || Changes || Percent of total ||%0a> || Intel || 14,384 || 12.9%25 ||%0a> || Red Hat || 8,987 || 8.0%25 ||%0a> || None || 8,571 || 7.7%25 ||%0a> || Unknown || 7,582 || 6.8%25 ||%0a> || Linaro || 4,515 || 4.0%25 ||%0a> || Samsung || 4,338 || 3.9%25 ||%0a> || SUSE || 3,619 || 3.2%25 ||%0a> || IBM || 2,995 || 2.7%25 ||%0a> || Consultants || 2,938 || 2.6%25 ||%0a> || Renesas Electronics || 2,239 || 2.0%25 ||%0a
  50. host:1608999243=
  51. author:1608998902=jrmu
  52. diff:1608998902:1608998855:=5c5%0a%3c !! Linux is controlled by exploitative corporations%0a---%0a> !! Linux is controlled by abusive corporations%0a
  53. host:1608998902=
  54. author:1608998855=jrmu
  55. diff:1608998855:1608998827:=22c22%0a%3c ||! Platinum Members (USD $500k annually) ||||||||||||||||%0a---%0a> ||! Platinum Members (USD $500k annually) ||||||||||%0a25c25%0a%3c ||! Gold Members (USD $100k annually) ||||||||||||||||%0a---%0a> ||! Gold Members (USD $100k annually) ||||||||||%0a28c28%0a%3c ||! Silver Members ||||||||||||||||%0a---%0a> ||! Silver Members ||||||||||%0a
  56. host:1608998855=
  57. author:1608998827=jrmu
  58. diff:1608998827:1608998780:=22c22%0a%3c ||! Platinum Members (USD $500k annually) ||||||||||%0a---%0a> ||! Platinum Members (USD $500k annually) ||%0a25c25%0a%3c ||! Gold Members (USD $100k annually) ||||||||||%0a---%0a> ||! Gold Members (USD $100k annually) || %0a28c28%0a%3c ||! Silver Members ||||||||||%0a---%0a> ||! Silver Members ||%0a
  59. host:1608998827=
  60. author:1608998780=jrmu
  61. diff:1608998780:1608998753:=23,24c23,24%0a%3c || AT&T || Tencent || Fujitsu || Google || IBM || Microsoft || Oracle || VMware ||%0a%3c || Facebook || Cisco Systems || Intel || Qualcomm || Hitachi || Huawei || NEC || Samsung Electronics ||%0a---%0a> || AT&T || Tencent || Fujitsu || Google || IBM || Microsoft || Oracle || VMware || Facebook ||%0a> || Cisco Systems || Intel || Qualcomm || Hitachi || Huawei || NEC || Samsung Electronics ||%0a29,30c29,30%0a%3c || Aarna Networks || Comcast || Sprint || Arista Networks || Canonical || || Tencent || LinkedIn ||%0a%3c || Desotech || AMD || Fujitsu ||%0a---%0a> || Aarna Networks || Comcast || Sprint || Arista Networks || Canonical || || Tencent ||%0a> || LinkedIn || Desotech || AMD || Fujitsu ||%0a
  62. host:1608998780=
  63. author:1608998753=jrmu
  64. diff:1608998753:1608998715:=21,22c21%0a%3c || border=1 width=100%25 class="sortable simpletable"%0a%3c ||! Platinum Members (USD $500k annually) ||%0a---%0a> || Platinum Members || (USD $500k annually) ||%0a25c24%0a%3c ||! Gold Members (USD $100k annually) || %0a---%0a> || Gold Members || (USD $100k annually) || %0a28c27%0a%3c ||! Silver Members ||%0a---%0a> || Silver Members || ||%0a
  65. host:1608998753=
  66. author:1608998715=jrmu
  67. diff:1608998715:1608994911:=8,9c8,10%0a%3c # IBM Closes Landmark Acquisition of Red Hat for $34 Billion; Defines Open, Hybrid Cloud Future - [[]]%0a%3c # Red Hat officially acquired by IBM - [[]]%0a---%0a> # IBM Closes Landmark Acquisition of Red Hat for $34 Billion; Defines Open, Hybrid Cloud Future - [[]]%0a> # Red Hat officially acquired by IBM - [[]]%0a> %0a11,12c12,14%0a%3c # [[]]%0a%3c # "The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and lead maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman and is supported by members such as AT&T, Cisco, Facebook,[5] Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft,[6] NEC, Oracle, Orange S.A., Qualcomm, Samsung,[7] Tencent, and VMware, as well as developers from around the world." These corporations donate tens of millions of dollars annually. [[]]%0a---%0a> # [[]]%0a> # "The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and lead maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman and is supported by members such as AT&T, Cisco, Facebook,[5] Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft,[6] NEC, Oracle, Orange S.A., Qualcomm, Samsung,[7] Tencent, and VMware, as well as developers from around the world." These corporations donate tens of millions of dollars annually. [[]]%0a> %0a14,18c16,20%0a%3c # Google, Money and Censorship in Free Software Communities - [[]], [[]]%0a%3c -> Google money pays for interns to do work for him. It appears he has a massive conflict of interest when using the former role to censor posts about Google, which relates to the latter role and its benefits.%0a%3c -> Why are these donations and conflicts of interest hidden from the free software community who rely on, interact with and contribute to Debian in so many ways? Why doesn’t Debian provide a level playing field, why does money from Google get this veil of secrecy?%0a%3c -> The Debian Social Contract[3] states that Debian does not hide our problems. Corporate influence is one of the most serious problems most people can imagine, why has nothing been disclosed?%0a%3c %0a---%0a> # Google, Money and Censorship in Free Software Communities - [[]], [[]]%0a> -> Google money pays for interns to do work for him. It appears he has a massive conflict of interest when using the former role to censor posts about Google, which relates to the latter role and its benefits.%0a> -> Why are these donations and conflicts of interest hidden from the free software community who rely on, interact with and contribute to Debian in so many ways? Why doesn’t Debian provide a level playing field, why does money from Google get this veil of secrecy?%0a> -> The Debian Social Contract[3] states that Debian does not hide our problems. Corporate influence is one of the most serious problems most people can imagine, why has nothing been disclosed?%0a> %0a31c33%0a%3c Do '''we the users''' have any voice or say in the development process? It may be nominally free but if we have no control over it, it is almost as bad as proprietary software.%0a---%0a> Where do '''we the users''' fit in? Do you have any voice in the decision or development process?%0a
  68. host:1608998715=
  69. author:1608994911=jrmu
  70. diff:1608994911:1608994868:=16c16%0a%3c # Google, Money and Censorship in Free Software Communities - [[]], [[]]%0a---%0a> # Google, Money and Censorship in Free Software Communities - [[]]%0a
  71. host:1608994911=
  72. author:1608994868=jrmu
  73. diff:1608994868:1608994827:=3,4d2%0a%3c '''WE THE USERS''' need an operating system that we control. We should reject operating systems that are controlled by trillion dollar corporations like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook. Although it may label itself as free software, we cannot rely on it to protect our freedoms.%0a%3c %0a33,34c31,32%0a%3c Where do '''we the users''' fit in? Do you have any voice in the decision or development process?%0a%3c %0a---%0a> Where do WE THE USERS fit in? Do you have any voice in the decision or development process?%0a> %0a56c54%0a%3c %0a---%0a> WE THE USERS need an operating system that we control. We should reject operating systems that are controlled by trillion dollar corporations like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook. Although it may label itself as free software, we cannot rely on it to protect our freedoms.%0a
  74. host:1608994868=
  75. author:1608994827=jrmu
  76. diff:1608994827:1608994761:=19,20c19%0a%3c Here are the top donors to the Linux Foundation:%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a30,31d28%0a%3c %0a%3c Where do WE THE USERS fit in? Do you have any voice in the decision or development process?%0a
  77. host:1608994827=
  78. author:1608994761=jrmu
  79. diff:1608994761:1608994698:=17d16%0a%3c -> The Debian Social Contract[3] states that Debian does not hide our problems. Corporate influence is one of the most serious problems most people can imagine, why has nothing been disclosed?%0a
  80. host:1608994761=
  81. author:1608994698=jrmu
  82. diff:1608994698:1608994663:=15,16c15,16%0a%3c -> Google money pays for interns to do work for him. It appears he has a massive conflict of interest when using the former role to censor posts about Google, which relates to the latter role and its benefits.%0a%3c -> Why are these donations and conflicts of interest hidden from the free software community who rely on, interact with and contribute to Debian in so many ways? Why doesn’t Debian provide a level playing field, why does money from Google get this veil of secrecy?%0a---%0a> > Google money pays for interns to do work for him. It appears he has a massive conflict of interest when using the former role to censor posts about Google, which relates to the latter role and its benefits.%0a> > Why are these donations and conflicts of interest hidden from the free software community who rely on, interact with and contribute to Debian in so many ways? Why doesn’t Debian provide a level playing field, why does money from Google get this veil of secrecy?%0a
  83. host:1608994698=
  84. author:1608994663=jrmu
  85. diff:1608994663:1608994650:=15,16c15,16%0a%3c > Google money pays for interns to do work for him. It appears he has a massive conflict of interest when using the former role to censor posts about Google, which relates to the latter role and its benefits.%0a%3c > Why are these donations and conflicts of interest hidden from the free software community who rely on, interact with and contribute to Debian in so many ways? Why doesn’t Debian provide a level playing field, why does money from Google get this veil of secrecy?%0a---%0a> >> Google money pays for interns to do work for him. It appears he has a massive conflict of interest when using the former role to censor posts about Google, which relates to the latter role and its benefits.%0a> >> Why are these donations and conflicts of interest hidden from the free software community who rely on, interact with and contribute to Debian in so many ways? Why doesn’t Debian provide a level playing field, why does money from Google get this veil of secrecy?%0a
  86. host:1608994663=
  87. author:1608994650=jrmu
  88. diff:1608994650:1608994541:=12,17d11%0a%3c %0a%3c # Google%0a%3c # Google, Money and Censorship in Free Software Communities - [[]]%0a%3c >> Google money pays for interns to do work for him. It appears he has a massive conflict of interest when using the former role to censor posts about Google, which relates to the latter role and its benefits.%0a%3c >> Why are these donations and conflicts of interest hidden from the free software community who rely on, interact with and contribute to Debian in so many ways? Why doesn’t Debian provide a level playing field, why does money from Google get this veil of secrecy?%0a%3c %0a
  89. host:1608994650=
  90. author:1608994541=jrmu
  91. diff:1608994541:1608994410:=44,45c44,60%0a%3c WE THE USERS need an operating system that we control. We should reject operating systems that are controlled by trillion dollar corporations like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Facebook. Although it may label itself as free software, we cannot rely on it to protect our freedoms.%0a%3c %0a---%0a> %0a> 19:48 %3c~jrmu> because linux is owned and controlled by mega corporations like microsoft %0a> and amazon and google%0a> 19:48 %3c~jrmu> I won't argue about that, if your goal is looking to get a job, you'd %0a> probably want linux%0a> 19:49 %3c~jrmu> and you would not want to spend time on openbsd, because it's going to be %0a> much harder to get a job with this%0a> 19:49 %3c~jrmu> however in my opinion linux has sold out%0a> 19:49 %3c~jrmu> and no longer cares about user freedom%0a> 19:50 %3c~jrmu> so when it comes to the kind of free network that we want for IRCNow, %0a> linux is not going to get us there%0a> 19:50 %3c~jrmu> there's about 30-50%25 overlap between the two OSes so learning openbsd %0a> will help a bit with linux, but I really don't care at all about linux%0a> 19:51 %3c how-hiGh> is it some kind of conspiracy theory about linux and %0a> microsoft/amazon/google?%0a> 19:51 %3c~jrmu> not a conspiracy theory%0a> 19:51 %3c~jrmu> for example IBM literally owns Red Hat Linux%0a46a62%0a> 19:51 %3c~jrmu>,75%0a%3c %0a---%0a> 19:52 %3c~jrmu> I'll try to document this later on our wiki%0a> 19:53 %3c~jrmu> The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds %0a> and lead maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman and is supported by members such %0a> as AT&T, Cisco, Facebook,[5] Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, %0a> Intel, Microsoft,[6] NEC, Oracle, Orange S.A., Qualcomm, Samsung,[7] %0a> Tencent, and VMware, as well as developers from around the world. %0a> 19:53 %3c~jrmu> so many companies I hate have financial control over Linux%0a> 19:53 %3c~jrmu>> 19:54 %3c how-hiGh> Why do hate those corporations? I only neglect google for privacy %0a> reasons%0a
  92. host:1608994541=
  93. author:1608994410=jrmu
  94. diff:1608994410:1608994327:=14,15c14%0a%3c || AT&T || Tencent || Fujitsu || Google || IBM || Microsoft || Oracle || VMware || Facebook ||%0a%3c || Cisco Systems || Intel || Qualcomm || Hitachi || Huawei || NEC || Samsung Electronics ||%0a---%0a> || AT&T || Tencent || Fujitsu || Google || IBM || Microsoft || Oracle || VMware || Facebook || Cisco Systems || Intel || Qualcomm || Hitachi || Huawei || NEC || Samsung Electronics ||%0a17,18c16%0a%3c || Alibaba Cloud || Baidu || Citrix Systems || Dell EMC || Doky || SUSE || BlackRock || Accenture ||%0a%3c || Hart || Oath || Uber || Toyota || Renesas Electronics || Panasonic || Sony || Toshiba ||%0a---%0a> || Alibaba Cloud || Baidu || Citrix Systems || Dell EMC || Doky || SUSE || BlackRock || Accenture || Hart || Oath || Uber || Toyota || Renesas Electronics || Panasonic || Sony || Toshiba ||%0a20,21c18%0a%3c || Aarna Networks || Comcast || Sprint || Arista Networks || Canonical || || Tencent ||%0a%3c || LinkedIn || Desotech || AMD || Fujitsu ||%0a---%0a> || Aarna Networks || Comcast || Sprint || Arista Networks || Canonical || || Tencent || LinkedIn || Desotech || AMD || Fujitsu ||%0a
  95. host:1608994410=
  96. author:1608994327=jrmu
  97. diff:1608994327:1608994308:=39c39%0a%3c !! Aggressive censorship through code of conducts%0a---%0a> !! Aggressively religious/political censorship through code of conducts%0a
  98. host:1608994327=
  99. author:1608994308=jrmu
  100. diff:1608994308:1608993898:=38,41d37%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Aggressively religious/political censorship through code of conducts%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a
  101. host:1608994308=
  102. author:1608993898=jrmu
  103. diff:1608993898:1608993635:=12a13,14%0a> #> %0a21,34d22%0a%3c %0a%3c According to a report from the [[|Linux Foundation]], these are the top 10 corporate contributors in 2015-2016:%0a%3c %0a%3c || Company || Changes || Percent of total ||%0a%3c || Intel || 14,384 || 12.9%25 ||%0a%3c || Red Hat || 8,987 || 8.0%25 ||%0a%3c || None || 8,571 || 7.7%25 ||%0a%3c || Unknown || 7,582 || 6.8%25 ||%0a%3c || Linaro || 4,515 || 4.0%25 ||%0a%3c || Samsung || 4,338 || 3.9%25 ||%0a%3c || SUSE || 3,619 || 3.2%25 ||%0a%3c || IBM || 2,995 || 2.7%25 ||%0a%3c || Consultants || 2,938 || 2.6%25 ||%0a%3c || Renesas Electronics || 2,239 || 2.0%25 ||%0a
  104. host:1608993898=
  105. author:1608993635=jrmu
  106. diff:1608993635:1608993581:=15,20c15,19%0a%3c || Platinum Members || (USD $500k annually) ||%0a%3c || AT&T || Tencent || Fujitsu || Google || IBM || Microsoft || Oracle || VMware || Facebook || Cisco Systems || Intel || Qualcomm || Hitachi || Huawei || NEC || Samsung Electronics ||%0a%3c || Gold Members || (USD $100k annually) || %0a%3c || Alibaba Cloud || Baidu || Citrix Systems || Dell EMC || Doky || SUSE || BlackRock || Accenture || Hart || Oath || Uber || Toyota || Renesas Electronics || Panasonic || Sony || Toshiba ||%0a%3c || Silver Members || ||%0a%3c || Aarna Networks || Comcast || Sprint || Arista Networks || Canonical || || Tencent || LinkedIn || Desotech || AMD || Fujitsu ||%0a---%0a> || Platinum Members || (USD $500k annually) || AT&T || Tencent || Fujitsu || Google || IBM || Microsoft || Oracle || VMware || Facebook || Cisco Systems || Intel || Qualcomm || Hitachi || Huawei || NEC || Samsung Electronics ||%0a> %0a> || Gold Members || (USD $100k annually) || Alibaba Cloud || Baidu || Citrix Systems || Dell EMC || Doky || SUSE || BlackRock || Accenture || Hart || Oath || Uber || Toyota || Renesas Electronics || Panasonic || Sony || Toshiba ||%0a> %0a> || Silver Members || Aarna Networks || Comcast || Sprint || Arista Networks || Canonical || || Tencent || LinkedIn || Desotech || AMD || Fujitsu ||%0a
  107. host:1608993635=
  108. author:1608993581=jrmu
  109. diff:1608993581:1608993448:=
  110. host:1608993581=
  111. author:1608993448=jrmu
  112. diff:1608993448:1608992728:=15,24d14%0a%3c || Platinum Members || (USD $500k annually) || AT&T || Tencent || Fujitsu || Google || IBM || Microsoft || Oracle || VMware || Facebook || Cisco Systems || Intel || Qualcomm || Hitachi || Huawei || NEC || Samsung Electronics ||%0a%3c %0a%3c || Gold Members || (USD $100k annually) || Alibaba Cloud || Baidu || Citrix Systems || Dell EMC || Doky || SUSE || BlackRock || Accenture || Hart || Oath || Uber || Toyota || Renesas Electronics || Panasonic || Sony || Toshiba ||%0a%3c %0a%3c || Silver Members || Aarna Networks || Comcast || Sprint || Arista Networks || Canonical || || Tencent || LinkedIn || Desotech || AMD || Fujitsu ||%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Source code is too complex, average users can no longer understand it%0a%3c %0a%3c # # %0a
  113. host:1608993448=
  114. author:1608992728=jrmu
  115. diff:1608992728:1608992481:=11,13c11,13%0a%3c # "The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and lead maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman and is supported by members such as AT&T, Cisco, Facebook,[5] Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft,[6] NEC, Oracle, Orange S.A., Qualcomm, Samsung,[7] Tencent, and VMware, as well as developers from around the world." These corporations donate tens of millions of dollars annually. [[]]%0a%3c %0a%3c #> # "The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and lead maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman and is supported by members such as AT&T, Cisco, Facebook,[5] Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft,[6] NEC, Oracle, Orange S.A., Qualcomm, Samsung,[7] Tencent, and VMware, as well as developers from around the world." [[]]%0a> %0a>
  116. host:1608992728=
  117. author:1608992481=jrmu
  118. diff:1608992481:1608992421:=10,11c10,11%0a%3c # [[]]%0a%3c # "The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and lead maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman and is supported by members such as AT&T, Cisco, Facebook,[5] Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft,[6] NEC, Oracle, Orange S.A., Qualcomm, Samsung,[7] Tencent, and VMware, as well as developers from around the world." [[]]%0a---%0a> # # [[]]%0a> # # "The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and lead maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman and is supported by members such as AT&T, Cisco, Facebook,[5] Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft,[6] NEC, Oracle, Orange S.A., Qualcomm, Samsung,[7] Tencent, and VMware, as well as developers from around the world." [[]]%0a
  119. host:1608992481=
  120. author:1608992421=jrmu
  121. diff:1608992421:1608992152:=11,13d10%0a%3c # # "The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and lead maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman and is supported by members such as AT&T, Cisco, Facebook,[5] Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Microsoft,[6] NEC, Oracle, Orange S.A., Qualcomm, Samsung,[7] Tencent, and VMware, as well as developers from around the world." [[]]%0a%3c %0a%3c
  122. host:1608992421=
  123. author:1608992152=jrmu
  124. diff:1608992152:1608985366:=5d4%0a%3c # IBM%0a9,10d7%0a%3c # Microsoft%0a%3c # # [[]]%0a
  125. host:1608992152=
  126. author:1608985366=jrmu
  127. diff:1608985366:1608983996:=1,8c1,7%0a%3c (:title Why Linux is Bad for Freedom:)%0a%3c %0a%3c !! Linux is controlled by abusive corporations%0a%3c %0a%3c # IBM Closes Landmark Acquisition of Red Hat for $34 Billion; Defines Open, Hybrid Cloud Future - [[]]%0a%3c # Red Hat officially acquired by IBM - [[]]%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a---%0a> 19:47 %3c~jrmu> would it make sense for a person to try to learn four separate %0a> disciplines: engineering and medicine and accounting and music theory%0a> 19:47 %3c how-hiGh> for instance a guy that only knows Linux can still get a job, right?%0a> 19:48 %3c~jrmu> most likely the answer is no, he will probably just want to learn one and %0a> learn it well%0a> 19:48 %3c~jrmu> instead of trying to learn 4 and doing each badly%0a> 19:48 %3c~jrmu> so for the linux one -- linux is going to be easier to get a job with%0a
  128. host:1608985366=
  129. author:1608983996=jrmu
  130. diff:1608983996:1608983996:=1,51d0%0a%3c 19:47 %3c~jrmu> would it make sense for a person to try to learn four separate %0a%3c disciplines: engineering and medicine and accounting and music theory%0a%3c 19:47 %3c how-hiGh> for instance a guy that only knows Linux can still get a job, right?%0a%3c 19:48 %3c~jrmu> most likely the answer is no, he will probably just want to learn one and %0a%3c learn it well%0a%3c 19:48 %3c~jrmu> instead of trying to learn 4 and doing each badly%0a%3c 19:48 %3c~jrmu> so for the linux one -- linux is going to be easier to get a job with%0a%3c 19:48 %3c~jrmu> because linux is owned and controlled by mega corporations like microsoft %0a%3c and amazon and google%0a%3c 19:48 %3c~jrmu> I won't argue about that, if your goal is looking to get a job, you'd %0a%3c probably want linux%0a%3c 19:49 %3c~jrmu> and you would not want to spend time on openbsd, because it's going to be %0a%3c much harder to get a job with this%0a%3c 19:49 %3c~jrmu> however in my opinion linux has sold out%0a%3c 19:49 %3c~jrmu> and no longer cares about user freedom%0a%3c 19:50 %3c~jrmu> so when it comes to the kind of free network that we want for IRCNow, %0a%3c linux is not going to get us there%0a%3c 19:50 %3c~jrmu> there's about 30-50%25 overlap between the two OSes so learning openbsd %0a%3c will help a bit with linux, but I really don't care at all about linux%0a%3c 19:51 %3c how-hiGh> is it some kind of conspiracy theory about linux and %0a%3c microsoft/amazon/google?%0a%3c 19:51 %3c~jrmu> not a conspiracy theory%0a%3c 19:51 %3c~jrmu> for example IBM literally owns Red Hat Linux%0a%3c 19:51 %3c~jrmu> and Google actively funds debian%0a%3c 19:51 %3c~jrmu> 19:51 %3c~jrmu> IBM Closes Landmark Acquisition of Red Hat for $34 Billion ... %0a%3c 19:52 %3c~jrmu> Microsoft has invested billions of dollars into their Azure linux stack%0a%3c 19:52 %3c~jrmu> and so have Google and Amazon%0a%3c 19:52 %3c~jrmu> I'll try to document this later on our wiki%0a%3c 19:53 %3c~jrmu> The Linux Foundation sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds %0a%3c and lead maintainer Greg Kroah-Hartman and is supported by members such %0a%3c as AT&T, Cisco, Facebook,[5] Fujitsu, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, IBM, %0a%3c Intel, Microsoft,[6] NEC, Oracle, Orange S.A., Qualcomm, Samsung,[7] %0a%3c Tencent, and VMware, as well as developers from around the world. %0a%3c 19:53 %3c~jrmu> so many companies I hate have financial control over Linux%0a%3c 19:53 %3c~jrmu> 19:54 %3c how-hiGh> Why do hate those corporations? I only neglect google for privacy %0a%3c reasons%0a%3c 19:54 %3c~jrmu> the US congress has sued them in court for abuse of monopoly power%0a%3c 19:54 %3c~jrmu> one of these days I will document it but see United States vs Google %0a%3c 19:55 %3c~jrmu> for a preview%0a%3c 19:55 %3c~jrmu> :)%0a%3c 19:55 %3c~jrmu> I'm glad the Department of Justice has helped document their abuse of %0a%3c power for me%0a%3c 19:55 %3c~jrmu> Facebook and Amazon are being sued also%0a%3c 19:55 %3c~jrmu> it's about time%0a%3c 19:56 %3c~jrmu> basically they 1) never share their source code, 2) censor people %0a%3c arbitrarily, 3) steal trade secrets from their own customers%0a%3c 19:56 %3c~jrmu> 4) prevent competition%0a%3c 19:57 %3c~jrmu> they bully the competition%0a%3c 19:58 %3c~jrmu> they also undermine democracy%0a
  131. host:1608983996=