Bouncer.Konversation 1.4 KB

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  3. author=mkf
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  6. ctime=1628952372
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  8. name=Bouncer.Konversation
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  11. text=create an server, and set following as written:%0a[@%0aserver: 31337%0aenable Secure connection%0aserver password: User/Network:Password%0a@]%0areplace with what stated on your email, replace "User" on password with your username replace Network as Network you want to connect, for example if your username is john, your network is ircnow and your account password is abc123 your server password would be:%0a@@john/ircnow:abc123@@
  12. time=1628952372
  13. author:1628952372=mkf
  14. diff:1628952372:1628952372:=1,9d0%0a%3c create an server, and set following as written:%0a%3c [@%0a%3c server: port: 31337%0a%3c enable Secure connection%0a%3c server password: User/Network:Password%0a%3c @]%0a%3c replace with what stated on your email, replace "User" on password with your username replace Network as Network you want to connect, for example if your username is john, your network is ircnow and your account password is abc123 your server password would be:%0a%3c @@john/ircnow:abc123@@%0a\ No newline at end of file%0a
  15. host:1628952372=