9.Ideas 11 KB

  1. version=pmwiki-2.2.130 ordered=1 urlencoded=1
  2. agent=w3m/0.5.3+git20210102
  3. author=jrmu
  4. charset=UTF-8
  5. csum=
  6. ctime=1632882316
  7. host=
  8. name=9.Ideas
  9. rev=25
  10. targets=
  11. text=Fork of 9Front:%0a%0aGoals:%0a%0a* Separate non-free software from free software. Make sure non-free software is not downloaded by default but instead placed in a separate repository.%0a * Replace Aladdin Ghostscript with freely licensed version%0a* Allow contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses. Create a tolerant base for users with different beliefs and skill levels.%0a* Provide OpenSSH access -- Done with OpenBSD->drawterm bridge%0a* Accessibility for blind, Keyboard-only access: -- Write Serial Console Guide%0a* Fix VNC server bug; slows to a crawl after long uptime%0a* Add protection against bitrot in file system%0a* Write Plan101 course%0a* Support all Linux and BSDs%0a* Provide 9fs for every operating system%0a* Port Drawterm to every platform:%0a * iOS -- may be impossible, use vncs instead%0a * Android%0a * Linux%0a * Debian%0a * OpenSuSE%0a * FreeBSD, NetBSD?%0a* Keep plan9port up to date for every platform%0a* Inferno?%0a* Host files -- tech books, gutenberg.org, RFCs, librivox, wikipedia, survival books%0a* Add filesystems: ircfs, xmppfs, matrixfs, check nntpfs, activitypubfs, check gopherfs, geminifs, check rssfs%0a%0aLow Priority%0a* Perhaps: searchable package manager with prebuilt binaries%0a* Write free drivers for wifi%0a* SMTP/IMAP/POP servers%0a* Add support for niche operating systems in the hypervisor, including Haiku, ReactOS, (all BSDs and Linux if not already done)%0a* Write a working firewall%0a%0aObsolete:%0a* Make it easy to port existing UNIX applications%0a* X11 -- just use unix and install plan9port%0a* Get working servers for:%0a * IRC%0a * psybnc fork%0a * DNS ([[https://pirata.dev/delphinusdnsd/|delphinusdnsd]])%0a* HTTP server: provide compatibility with most web apps%0a
  12. time=1636112800
  13. author:1636112800=jrmu
  14. diff:1636112800:1636103875:=25d24%0a%3c * Add filesystems: ircfs, xmppfs, matrixfs, check nntpfs, activitypubfs, check gopherfs, geminifs, check rssfs%0a
  15. host:1636112800=
  16. author:1636103875=jrmu
  17. diff:1636103875:1636102050:=8,10c8,24%0a%3c * Provide OpenSSH access -- Done with OpenBSD->drawterm bridge%0a%3c * Accessibility for blind, Keyboard-only access: -- Write Serial Console Guide%0a%3c * Fix VNC server bug; slows to a crawl after long uptime%0a---%0a> * Provide support for legacy applications including:%0a> * X11%0a> * Teletype Terminals -- Write Serial Console Guide%0a> * OpenSSH server -- Done with OpenBSD->drawterm bridge%0a> * Make it easy to port existing UNIX applications%0a> * Write free drivers for wifi%0a> * Write a working firewall%0a> * Get working servers for:%0a> * IRC%0a> * psybnc fork%0a> * DNS ([[https://pirata.dev/delphinusdnsd/|delphinusdnsd]])%0a> * Improve reliability and quality of:%0a> * VNC server%0a> * SMTP/IMAP/POP servers%0a> * HTTP server: provide compatibility with most web apps%0a> * Perhaps: searchable package manager with prebuilt binaries%0a> * Add support for niche operating systems in the hypervisor, including Haiku, ReactOS, (all BSDs and Linux if not already done)%0a13,16c27,33%0a%3c * Support all Linux and BSDs%0a%3c * Provide 9fs for every operating system%0a%3c * Port Drawterm to every platform:%0a%3c * iOS -- may be impossible, use vncs instead%0a---%0a> * In addition to creating /mnt/term on 9, also create filesystem on drawterm's host operating system, so the user can use his own file manager and apps%0a> %0a> Drawterm:%0a> %0a> Cons: %0a> * Missing on:%0a> * iOS%0a21,40c38,47%0a%3c * FreeBSD, NetBSD?%0a%3c * Keep plan9port up to date for every platform%0a%3c * Inferno?%0a%3c * Host files -- tech books, gutenberg.org, RFCs, librivox, wikipedia, survival books%0a%3c %0a%3c Low Priority%0a%3c * Perhaps: searchable package manager with prebuilt binaries%0a%3c * Write free drivers for wifi%0a%3c * SMTP/IMAP/POP servers%0a%3c * Add support for niche operating systems in the hypervisor, including Haiku, ReactOS, (all BSDs and Linux if not already done)%0a%3c * Write a working firewall%0a%3c %0a%3c Obsolete:%0a%3c * Make it easy to port existing UNIX applications%0a%3c * X11 -- just use unix and install plan9port%0a%3c * Get working servers for:%0a%3c * IRC%0a%3c * psybnc fork%0a%3c * DNS ([[https://pirata.dev/delphinusdnsd/|delphinusdnsd]])%0a%3c * HTTP server: provide compatibility with most web apps%0a---%0a> * BSDs?%0a> %0a> Pros:%0a> * Can share audio%0a> * Better security with namespaces%0a> * Uses 9P%0a> * Can access filesystem%0a> * TLS Encryption (vncs supports it, but what about vnc clients?)%0a> %0a> %0a
  18. host:1636103875=
  19. author:1636102050=jrmu
  20. diff:1636102050:1636102008:=27d26%0a%3c * In addition to creating /mnt/term on 9, also create filesystem on drawterm's host operating system, so the user can use his own file manager and apps%0a
  21. host:1636102050=
  22. author:1636102008=jrmu
  23. diff:1636102008:1634546968:=10,11c10,11%0a%3c * Teletype Terminals -- Write Serial Console Guide%0a%3c * OpenSSH server -- Done with OpenBSD->drawterm bridge%0a---%0a> * Teletype Terminals%0a> * OpenSSH server%0a
  24. host:1636102008=
  25. author:1634546968=mkf
  26. diff:1634546968:1633357382:=44,46d43%0a%3c * TLS Encryption (vncs supports it, but what about vnc clients?)%0a%3c %0a%3c %0a
  27. host:1634546968=
  28. author:1633357382=jrmu
  29. diff:1633357382:1633357229:=23c23%0a%3c * Perhaps: searchable package manager with prebuilt binaries%0a---%0a> * Searchable package manager with prebuilt binaries%0a
  30. host:1633357382=
  31. author:1633357229=jrmu
  32. diff:1633357229:1632899859:=23d22%0a%3c * Searchable package manager with prebuilt binaries%0a
  33. host:1633357229=
  34. author:1632899859=jrmu
  35. diff:1632899859:1632898952:=20d19%0a%3c * VNC server%0a25d23%0a%3c * Write Plan101 course%0a
  36. host:1632899859=
  37. author:1632898952=jrmu
  38. diff:1632898952:1632896935:=24,40d23%0a%3c %0a%3c Drawterm:%0a%3c %0a%3c Cons: %0a%3c * Missing on:%0a%3c * iOS%0a%3c * Android%0a%3c * Linux%0a%3c * Debian%0a%3c * OpenSuSE%0a%3c * BSDs?%0a%3c %0a%3c Pros:%0a%3c * Can share audio%0a%3c * Better security with namespaces%0a%3c * Uses 9P%0a%3c * Can access filesystem%0a
  39. host:1632898952=
  40. author:1632896935=jrmu
  41. diff:1632896935:1632893415:=17d16%0a%3c * psybnc fork%0a
  42. host:1632896935=
  43. author:1632893415=jrmu
  44. diff:1632893415:1632884074:=17d16%0a%3c * DNS ([[https://pirata.dev/delphinusdnsd/|delphinusdnsd]])%0a
  45. host:1632893415=
  46. author:1632884074=jrmu
  47. diff:1632884074:1632883864:=21d20%0a%3c * Add protection against bitrot in file system%0a
  48. host:1632884074=
  49. author:1632883864=jrmu
  50. diff:1632883864:1632883844:=7c7%0a%3c * Allow contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses. Create a tolerant base for users with different beliefs and skill levels.%0a---%0a> * Perhaps: Allow contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses. Create a tolerant base for users with different beliefs and skill levels.%0a
  51. host:1632883864=
  52. author:1632883844=jrmu
  53. diff:1632883844:1632883648:=6d5%0a%3c * Replace Aladdin Ghostscript with freely licensed version%0a
  54. host:1632883844=
  55. author:1632883648=jrmu
  56. diff:1632883648:1632883630:=6c6%0a%3c * Perhaps: Allow contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses. Create a tolerant base for users with different beliefs and skill levels.%0a---%0a> * Perhaps: Allow contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses. Create a tolerant base for users with different beliefs.%0a
  57. host:1632883648=
  58. author:1632883630=jrmu
  59. diff:1632883630:1632883600:=6c6%0a%3c * Perhaps: Allow contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses. Create a tolerant base for users with different beliefs.%0a---%0a> * Perhaps: Allow contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses. Create a tolerant OS for users of different beliefs.%0a
  60. host:1632883630=
  61. author:1632883600=jrmu
  62. diff:1632883600:1632883120:=6c6%0a%3c * Perhaps: Allow contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses. Create a tolerant OS for users of different beliefs.%0a---%0a> * Perhaps: Allow contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses.%0a
  63. host:1632883600=
  64. author:1632883120=jrmu
  65. diff:1632883120:1632883085:=18c18%0a%3c * HTTP server: provide compatibility with most web apps%0a---%0a> * HTTP server%0a
  66. host:1632883120=
  67. author:1632883085=jrmu
  68. diff:1632883085:1632883018:=16,18c16%0a%3c * Improve reliability and quality of:%0a%3c * SMTP/IMAP/POP servers%0a%3c * HTTP server%0a---%0a> * SMTP/IMAP/POP%0a
  69. host:1632883085=
  70. author:1632883018=jrmu
  71. diff:1632883018:1632882621:=6c6,7%0a%3c * Perhaps: Allow contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses.%0a---%0a> * Accept contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses.%0a> * %0a
  72. host:1632883018=
  73. author:1632882621=jrmu
  74. diff:1632882621:1632882479:=18d17%0a%3c * Add support for niche operating systems in the hypervisor, including Haiku, ReactOS, (all BSDs and Linux if not already done)%0a
  75. host:1632882621=
  76. author:1632882479=jrmu
  77. diff:1632882479:1632882431:=14,17d13%0a%3c * Write a working firewall%0a%3c * Get working servers for:%0a%3c * IRC%0a%3c * SMTP/IMAP/POP%0a
  78. host:1632882479=
  79. author:1632882431=jrmu
  80. diff:1632882431:1632882381:=13d12%0a%3c * Write free drivers for wifi%0a
  81. host:1632882431=
  82. author:1632882381=jrmu
  83. diff:1632882381:1632882316:=8,12d7%0a%3c * Provide support for legacy applications including:%0a%3c * X11%0a%3c * Teletype Terminals%0a%3c * OpenSSH server%0a%3c * Make it easy to port existing UNIX applications%0a
  84. host:1632882381=
  85. author:1632882316=jrmu
  86. diff:1632882316:1632882316:=1,7d0%0a%3c Fork of 9Front:%0a%3c %0a%3c Goals:%0a%3c %0a%3c * Separate non-free software from free software. Make sure non-free software is not downloaded by default but instead placed in a separate repository.%0a%3c * Accept contributions from any free license, whether it is GPL or BSD. All licenses must respect the four basic freedoms. Avoid discrimination based on licenses.%0a%3c * %0a
  87. host:1632882316=