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- # Configurations
- title: Education
- longtitle: EPuters Education
- author: EPuters.net
- email: admin@eputers.net
- description: >
- Build Jekyll site with the GitBook style.
- version: 1.0
- gitbook_version: 3.2.3
- url: 'https://edu.eputers.net'
- baseurl: '/docs'
- rss: RSS
- toc:
- enabled: true
- h_min: 1
- h_max: 3
- # Search settings
- tipue_search:
- include:
- pages: true
- exclude:
- files: [index.md, search.html]
- # markdown render engine.
- markdown: kramdown
- kramdown:
- auto_ids: true
- input: GFM
- math_engine: mathjax
- smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo
- toc_levels: 1..6
- syntax_highlighter: rouge
- syntax_highlighter_opts:
- guess_lang: true
- markdown_ext: markdown,mkdown,mkdn,mkd,md
- # Permalinks
- permalink: /:categories/:year-:month-:day-:title:output_ext
- exclude:
- - _drafts
- destination: ./_site
- incremental: false
- regenerate: true
- plugins:
- - jekyll-feed
- - jemoji