Here are mirrors of stuff that I have stared on GitHub. Just an FYI to the owner of NotABug, if this is taking up too much room on the server, feel free to delete without note.
Undiscord - Delete all messages in a Discord channel or DM (Easy and fast) Bulk delete
Päivitetty 4 kuukautta sitten
Anime Girls Holding Programming Books
Päivitetty 4 kuukautta sitten
Yet another hobby x86 UNIX-like operating system written in C and C++. Features a dynamically linked userspace, an in-house c standard library, and more! And yes, it runs DOOM.
Päivitetty 4 kuukautta sitten
Minecraft: Pi Edition Modding Project
Päivitetty 4 kuukautta sitten
Päivitetty 4 kuukautta sitten
A timeline of some of 2021's greatest hits in cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other web3 projects.
Päivitetty 5 kuukautta sitten
A Dark Mode Resource Pack for Minecraft: Java Edition
Päivitetty 5 kuukautta sitten