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  13. <h1 style= 'color:pink'><center>sicK girL</center></h1>
  14. <datalist>nbk</datalist>
  15. <p><center>The purpose of this blog is for me to document my life, to have something to be remembered by, maybe after death you can figure out what went wrong with me, because i never did. <a href="" style="color:#ffc">i'll always be sick.</a></center>
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  17. <marquee>i don't want what you have, i want to be <em>you</em>.</marquee>
  18. <h2 style='color: pink'><center>my innermost thoughts</center></h2> <a href="journalreal.html"> <center><img src="trauma.png"></a></center> <marquee>FALSE REALITY FALSE REALITY FALSE REALITY</marquee><h2 style='color: pink'><center>my music</center></h2> <a href="music.html"> <center><img src="suicide.png" width="250" height="220" alt="Computer Hope"></a></center> <marquee style="color:#ffc">curdled milk and baby teeth</marquee>
  19. <h2 style='color: pink'><center>b a n g</center></h2> <a href="peace.html"> <center><img src="bang.png" width="230" height="220" alt="image"></a></center>
  20. <marquee style="color:#ffc">SICK SICK SICK SICK SICK</marquee>
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