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  24. <center><pre><font color="#F7ED00"><span aria-hidden="true">ooooo ooo</font> <font color="#86C351">ooo ooooo o8o oooo</font>
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  36. <td valign="top"><tt>Subject: NeoMail - Re: Thought you'd get a kick out of this ;)<br>
  37. From: Jeremy Wilhelm<br>
  38. Date: Tuesday, 2018-09-18 09:44</tt>
  39. <p></p>
  40. <div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr"><ubuntu>A friend online sent me this link, a review of MS Frontpage from 1997: <a href=" software/microsoft/Frontpg98/FrontPage 98 Elegant &amp; Exquisite.htm">"FrontPage 98: Elegant &amp; Exquisite"</a></div><div><ubuntu>It's pretty interesting some of the features shown, like what appears to be a diagram of where links go, or "<font face="Tahoma">Channel Definition Format</font>", which to me kinda sounds like a precursor to <a href="">Progressive Web Apps</a>, or web notifications maybe.</div><div><ubuntu>And a built-in gif editor! \o/</div><div><ubuntu>Okay that's all for now<br></div></div>
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