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  27. <tr><p><a href="../irc">See more logs here</a>.</p><h1>2023-04-17 on #neocities</h1><hr>
  28. <tt>**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Apr 17 11:45:42 2023
  29. <br>
  30. <br>2023-04-17 11:45:42* Now talking on #neocities
  31. <br>2023-04-17 11:48:17* Randyy has joined
  32. <br>2023-04-17 11:49:21 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: pee pee randee dee
  33. <br>2023-04-17 11:49:26 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;Guest7901&#x3E;</font>: HELL YES
  34. <br>2023-04-17 11:49:29 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;Guest7901&#x3E;</font>: USA
  35. <br>2023-04-17 11:49:30 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;Guest7901&#x3E;</font>: USA
  36. <br>2023-04-17 11:49:30 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;Guest7901&#x3E;</font>: USA
  37. <br>2023-04-17 11:49:41* Guest5048 is now known as Cass
  38. <br>2023-04-17 11:49:41* Cass is now known as Guest5049
  39. <br>2023-04-17 11:50:44 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: cas
  40. <br>2023-04-17 11:51:06* Guest5049 is now known as OwlGal
  41. <br>2023-04-17 11:51:32 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: &#x3E;:)
  42. <br>2023-04-17 11:52:11 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: :trollface:
  43. <br>2023-04-17 11:52:14 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: uwu
  44. <br>2023-04-17 11:52:43 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: who is quack giver
  45. <br>2023-04-17 11:52:57 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: IDK, they were there when I joined, so I am guessing it&#x27;s a bot?
  46. <br>2023-04-17 11:53:04 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: is he spy
  47. <br>2023-04-17 11:53:12 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: [Shrugs]
  48. <br>2023-04-17 11:53:39 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: bring a pyro then
  49. <br>2023-04-17 11:55:09 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: quackgyver a
  50. <br>2023-04-17 11:55:19 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: quackgyver b
  51. <br>2023-04-17 11:55:21 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: etc, etc
  52. <br>2023-04-17 11:55:55 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: nintendo 64 ultra super mario 64 2 coming soon september 11th 2001
  53. <br>2023-04-17 11:56:10 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: i cant wait
  54. <br>2023-04-17 11:56:37 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Oh geez, I bet that 2001-09-11 will be the bomb dot com
  55. <br>2023-04-17 11:57:32 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: in september 11th jesus will come to bring free ice cream to humanity if nothing bad happens
  56. <br>2023-04-17 11:57:51 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Yeeeah, &#x22;if nothing bad happens&#x22;
  57. <br>2023-04-17 11:57:59 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: I&#x27;m sure nothing bad will ever happen!
  58. <br>2023-04-17 11:59:05 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: pokemon 2
  59. <br>2023-04-17 11:59:21 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: More Pokemon is always a good thing
  60. <br>2023-04-17 11:59:22 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: ...
  61. <br>2023-04-17 11:59:23 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: I think
  62. <br>2023-04-17 11:59:32 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: r u gonna archive this
  63. <br>2023-04-17 11:59:48 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: I guess I might upload it to owly.fans
  64. <br>2023-04-17 11:59:54 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Why, do you not want me to?
  65. <br>2023-04-17 12:00:13 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: im gonna say something to be forever remembered
  66. <br>2023-04-17 12:00:18 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Oh dear
  67. <br>2023-04-17 12:00:20 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: its not piss
  68. <br>2023-04-17 12:02:15 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: [Sonic voice] I&#x27;m waitin&#x27;
  69. <br>2023-04-17 12:03:53 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: I was gonna say something important, but I had regret :(
  70. <br>2023-04-17 12:04:00 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: lmao
  71. <br>2023-04-17 12:04:09 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Well, I guess keep it to yourself?
  72. <br>2023-04-17 12:04:12 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: it was about someone
  73. <br>2023-04-17 12:04:54 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: but idk i should not messing you to the topic
  74. <br>2023-04-17 12:05:23 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Well, I guess it&#x27;s best to not say it if you&#x27;re going to regret it lol
  75. <br>2023-04-17 12:06:27 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: half life 2 coming soon 2024
  76. <br>2023-04-17 12:07:23 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Let&#x27;s be real, if/when HL3 comes out, it&#x27;s going to be like Duke Nukem Forever and... well kinda bad
  77. <br>2023-04-17 12:07:30 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: But, I do hope that I am wrong
  78. <br>2023-04-17 12:08:04 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: hl2 wasn&#x27;t announced already and you thinking about hl3
  79. <br>2023-04-17 12:08:13 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Hm
  80. <br>2023-04-17 12:08:17 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Am I jumping the gun?
  81. <br>2023-04-17 12:08:22 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: when hl2, the premise will be gordon freeman goes to burger king
  82. <br>2023-04-17 12:09:03 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: DOn&#x27;t be a dumbass.
  83. <br>2023-04-17 12:09:08 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: He will go to KFC
  84. <br>2023-04-17 12:09:32 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: in team fortress 2 brotherhood of arms, heavy will go with gordon to kfc
  85. <br>2023-04-17 12:09:49 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: I think he would only order a sanvish
  86. <br>2023-04-17 12:09:56 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Or however you spell it lol
  87. <br>2023-04-17 12:10:04 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: chikn sandinch
  88. <br>2023-04-17 12:10:10 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: &#x22;Om!&#x22;
  89. <br>2023-04-17 12:11:53 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: in counter strike 1.2 we will have the HD Virtual reality of piss
  90. <br>2023-04-17 12:12:16 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: I both love and hate that NeoZones always goes back to piss
  91. <br>2023-04-17 12:12:27 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Piss this piss that, why don&#x27;t you piss some bitches!
  92. <br>2023-04-17 12:12:44 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: who is neosones
  93. <br>2023-04-17 12:12:49 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Oh, sorry
  94. <br>2023-04-17 12:12:50 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: I mean
  95. <br>2023-04-17 12:12:51 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Uhhh
  96. <br>2023-04-17 12:12:55 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Uh
  97. <br>2023-04-17 12:13:02 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: <a href="https://piss.club"><tt>Piss.club</tt></a>?
  98. <br>2023-04-17 12:13:04 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: <a href="https://sweed.net"><tt>sweed.net</tt></a>
  99. <br>2023-04-17 12:13:11 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: I MEAN <a href="https://PISS.CLUB"><tt>PISS.CLUB</tt></a>
  100. <br>2023-04-17 12:13:24 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: How did I missell it that bad?
  101. <br>2023-04-17 12:13:28 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: fgd;lfhnd
  102. <br>2023-04-17 12:13:34 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Kill me.
  103. <br>2023-04-17 12:13:34 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: you ment <a href="https://geocities.org/piss"><tt>https://geocities.org/piss</tt></a>
  104. <br>2023-04-17 12:13:42 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead
  105. <br>2023-04-17 12:14:01 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Related, but I know that Pornhub owns <a href="https://piss.com"><tt>piss.com</tt></a>
  106. <br>2023-04-17 12:14:10 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: nice :)
  107. <br>2023-04-17 12:14:15 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Because of course I know that
  108. <br>2023-04-17 12:14:35 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: If I owned <a href="https://piss.com"><tt>piss.com</tt></a>, I&#x27;d do something good with it, idk what, but I&#x27;m sure it would be funny
  109. <br>2023-04-17 12:14:50 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: i could make by website on <a href="https://piss.com"><tt>piss.com</tt></a>
  110. <br>2023-04-17 12:14:55 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: How long has this channel been up? How long did it take for us to talk about piss?
  111. <br>2023-04-17 12:14:58 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: my*
  112. <br>2023-04-17 12:15:06 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: who is hosting this chat
  113. <br>2023-04-17 12:15:10 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: <a href="https://piss.owly.fans"><tt>piss.owly.fans</tt></a> when?
  114. <br>2023-04-17 12:15:15 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: <a href="https://libera.chat"><tt>libera.chat</tt></a> is
  115. <br>2023-04-17 12:15:16 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: :)
  116. <br>2023-04-17 12:15:26 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: piss pics when
  117. <br>2023-04-17 12:15:55 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: I hate to tell you this... but IRC does not have image uploads... we&#x27;re never going to have any piss pics :(
  118. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:05 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: sad
  119. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:10 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Yeah :/
  120. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:12 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: Well I could improvise
  121. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:21 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Go on
  122. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:31 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: /msg ChanServ info #neocities
  123. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:31 <font color="#EB459E">&#x3E;ChanServ&#x3C;</font> INFO #neocities
  124. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:31 <font color="#EB459E">-ChanServ-</font> #neocities is not registered.
  125. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:34 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: o
  126. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:35 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: |---
  127. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:35 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: |8=D-------------------
  128. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:36 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: ^
  129. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:42 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Okay... now THIS is awesome
  130. <br>2023-04-17 12:16:52 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: sega dreamcast 2 coming soon 2007
  131. <br>2023-04-17 12:17:08 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: I think it would be funny if I could piss on the Dreamcast
  132. <br>2023-04-17 12:17:19 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: dreamcass
  133. <br>2023-04-17 12:18:48 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: nintendo game boy professional 2005 cuming soon
  134. <br>2023-04-17 12:19:01 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: bowser will be cumming in 2023
  135. <br>2023-04-17 12:19:03 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: STOP WITH THE CUM JOOOKES!!!
  136. <br>2023-04-17 12:19:14 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: what is better piss or cum
  137. <br>2023-04-17 12:19:26 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Cum is really unfunny. I&#x27;m sorry.
  138. <br>2023-04-17 12:19:27 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Piss is where it&#x27;s at.
  139. <br>2023-04-17 12:19:38 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: youre goddamn right
  140. <br>2023-04-17 12:19:49 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: this is my kingdom piss
  141. <br>2023-04-17 12:19:54 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Piss is like 20% cooler than cum
  142. <br>2023-04-17 12:20:13 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: uh oh future references
  143. <br>2023-04-17 12:20:21 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: THE TIMELINE!
  144. <br>2023-04-17 12:20:24 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: IT&#x27;S BREAKING
  145. <br>2023-04-17 12:20:35 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: you broke the tim
  146. <br>2023-04-17 12:20:38 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: /msg ChanServ REGISTER #neozones
  147. <br>2023-04-17 12:20:38 <font color="#EB459E">&#x3E;ChanServ&#x3C;</font> REGISTER <a href="2023-04-17_neozones.html"><tt>#neozones</tt></a>
  148. <br>2023-04-17 12:20:39 <font color="#EB459E">-ChanServ-</font> The channel <a href="2023-04-17_neozones.html"><tt>#neozones</tt></a> must exist in order to register it.
  149. <br>2023-04-17 12:20:45 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: fix the tom
  150. <br>2023-04-17 12:20:52 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Tom, I am so sorry
  151. <br>2023-04-17 12:20:55 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Tom from Myspace
  152. <br>2023-04-17 12:21:01 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: tom cum
  153. <br>2023-04-17 12:21:11 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: NO
  154. <br>2023-04-17 12:21:13 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: tom piss
  155. <br>2023-04-17 12:21:16 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: :)
  156. <br>2023-04-17 12:21:27 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: tom piss
  157. <br>2023-04-17 12:21:35 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Crap
  158. <br>2023-04-17 12:21:41 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: SHould have said that
  159. <br>2023-04-17 12:21:47 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Tome shit
  160. <br>2023-04-17 12:21:51 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: &#x22;Tome&#x22;
  161. <br>2023-04-17 12:21:54 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: tom cass
  162. <br>2023-04-17 12:21:59 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: cass cass
  163. <br>2023-04-17 12:22:12 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: hey did you know
  164. <br>2023-04-17 12:22:34 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Know....
  165. <br>2023-04-17 12:22:36 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: owly.fans is a slang for take a oppy woopy in new zembawa
  166. <br>2023-04-17 12:22:48 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: [citation needed]
  167. <br>2023-04-17 12:22:56 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Let&#x27;s see if I can do ASCII art here
  168. <br>2023-04-17 12:22:57 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: {O,O} {O,O}
  169. <br>2023-04-17 12:22:57 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: &#x22;&#x22; &#x22; &#x22;
  170. <br>2023-04-17 12:23:01 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: oh...
  171. <pre>2023-04-17 12:23:18 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: | {O,O} {O,O}
  172. 2023-04-17 12:23:19 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: | /)_) (__(\
  173. 2023-04-17 12:23:21 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: source: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/Cass_Python#owly.fans_oppy_woopy"><tt>https://en.wikipedia.org/Cass_Python#owly.fans_oppy_woopy</tt></a>
  174. 2023-04-17 12:23:22 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: | &#x22;&#x22; &#x22; &#x22;
  175. 2023-04-17 12:23:24 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: die
  176. 2023-04-17 12:23:40 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: | {O,O} {O,O}
  177. 2023-04-17 12:23:40 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: | /)_) (__(\
  178. 2023-04-17 12:23:40 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: #
  179. 2023-04-17 12:23:42 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: | &#x22;&#x22; &#x22; &#x22;
  180. 2023-04-17 12:23:43 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: dgl;digj
  181. 2023-04-17 12:23:49 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: I MESSED UP MYSELF AHHHH
  182. 2023-04-17 12:23:54 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: | {O,O} {O,O}
  183. 2023-04-17 12:23:56 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: | /)_) (__(\
  184. 2023-04-17 12:23:58 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: | &#x22;&#x22; &#x22; &#x22;</pre>
  185. </tt><tt>2023-04-17 12:24:04 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Thank Christ
  186. <br>2023-04-17 12:24:14 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: is that your parents pic
  187. <br>2023-04-17 12:24:23 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: You know it
  188. <br>2023-04-17 12:24:44 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: (8|:())
  189. <br>2023-04-17 12:24:46 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: Crazy Cunt
  190. <br>2023-04-17 12:24:53 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: wtf
  191. <br>2023-04-17 12:24:54 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Hahaha
  192. <br>2023-04-17 12:25:13 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Here we go
  193. <br>2023-04-17 12:25:16 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: Join <a href="2023-04-17_neozones.html"><tt>#neozones</tt></a>
  194. <br>2023-04-17 12:25:25 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal&#x3E;</font>: I should own it now
  195. <br>2023-04-17 12:25:32 <font color="#2F94F4">&#x3C;Randyy&#x3E;</font>: A
  196. <br>2023-04-17 13:02:08* Randyy has quit (Quit: Client closed)
  197. <br>2023-04-17 14:04:49* Randyy has joined
  198. <br>2023-04-17 14:10:20* OwlGal-alt has joined
  199. <br>2023-04-17 14:11:20 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal-alt&#x3E;</font>: That was me trying to work out how to get a little pin gnoise to play when someone posts a message
  200. <br>2023-04-17 14:11:23 <font color="#9B4F96">&#x3C;OwlGal-alt&#x3E;</font>: B)
  201. <br>2023-04-17 14:11:27* OwlGal-alt has quit (Client Quit)
  202. <br>2023-04-17 15:11:41* Randyy has quit (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))</tt><p><hr><p><a href="../irc">See more logs here</a>.</p><p><font color="black"><center>&#x2605;</center></font></p><script src="../script.js"></script>
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