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  17. <p>By <font color="#8b0000">Xenia</font>, 2023-09-11</p>
  18. <p>Hi, so little blog/rat here from ya gal Xenia on why I think that Microsoft and WIndows is just ... Crap!</p>
  19. <p>Being a teenager in the 90s was a lot of fun, honestly, we had a ton of stuff; we had loads of fun games like Duke Nukem, Sonic, and my personal favorite, Quake, as well as classic cartoons, plus the World Wide Web was just coming into force. So yeah, a lot of fun, but here's the thing, when I moved to England to study, I could not afford to buy myself a computer.</p>
  20. <p>Now, keep in mind that back in the days, the good old days!, computers were a lot of money, and if you didn't know, I'm from a small farmer town in the middle of Wales, so I could afford a computer if I wanted to also be bankrupt. So, my only option would be [drum roll] to use the computers in the university. Yay!</p>
  21. <p>These were big and ugly things that ran slowly, but I had a lot of fun on them, trust me, logging on and talking on places like IRC was a lot of fun... But the only problem was it was running Windows! Windows 95 to be more accurate! It sucked! Windows was broken in the 90s, was broken in the 00s, in the 10s and is still broken now. Windows is horrible.</p>
  22. <p>There's a lot of things wrong with Windows and Microsoft... The first sign that something is bad is the fact that you need to pay money to use it... Looking it up, it still costs A LOT of money to buy a stupid key for Windows. Boy, I sure will love wasting over £100 on your broken bit of stupid s0ftware that doesn't even want to work half of the time!</p>
  23. <p>Oh yeah, that's another thing, it DOESN'T WORK. Yeah, I sure love using vanilla s0ftware on WinBLOWS. You can't honestly tell me that Internet Explorer is any good (plus they basically ripped off Netscape Navigater!).</p>
  24. <p>MS Paint is a joke, you can't do anything good with it apart from basic pixel art. I'm sorry, but I'm NEVER going to trust an "art" program that you can't even make a transparent background for. It's a joke, a stupid joke!</p>
  25. <p><center><img src="winblows_mugshot.png" alt="Bill Gates's mugshot" title="Bill Gates's mugshot"></center></p>
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