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  17. <p>By <font color="#8b0000">Xenia</font>, 2023-10-26</p>
  18. <p>Hi all, <font color="#8b0000">Xenia</font> here</p>
  19. <p>Soo last blog I talked about how a wild fox had gotten one of our chickens, and I got me thinking, I never talked about it here.</p>
  20. <p>So yeah, I thought that seeing I have this website <strike>(thank you for hosting me, <a href="../~digikitty_x86">Kitty</a>!)</strike>, I thought that I should use this *platform* (I feel like that word is VERY 2010s internet term) as a way to talk about what I know best (no, not computers :P) and how myself and my family make a living - that being... Farming!</p>
  21. <p>To give a little bit of context, I am a fox and if you know anything about foxes, we *love* farming, it's our main thing (uh, that and being chefs... For some reason). And yeah, my dad was a farmer, his dad was one, and so on. You get the picture.</p>
  22. <p>And because of this, it's really no shocker that I would end up as a farmer also. I live on a farm with my parents (in another house but still on the farmland). We have a few things on the farm, like chickens, geese, pigs, as well as crops like pumpkins, cabbage, and just loads of other random stuff. It's a lot of fun working there, I especially like working with the animals - lots of fun. And yeah, mum and dad have a sheep dog called Dak and Vik, both being Border collies :></p>
  23. <p>A lot of the time, once the crops have been fully grown, we'll just sell the food at markets or, and we find this to be better, we'll just sell them directly to mom 'n pop shops, sometimes we are paid in cold hard cash, other times we will trade our food for stuff like toilet paper, soap, animal feed, just stuff like that. Our family is known (In a good way LOL) where we live, so we can sometimes get good discounts when we buy from people!</p>
  24. <p>For our animals, i already said that we have birds and pigs. The chickens and geese are used for their eggs while the pigs are, uh, sold off for ... Well, meat.</p>
  25. <p>Yeah, I know that people don't enjoy the idea of thinking about how their sausage roll or their KFC is made, but the fact of the matter is that the meat in their food has to come from somewhere! And look, I know that this is upsetting to some, but the pigs on our farm are happy animals and are treated well.</p>
  26. <p>To be honest, if it were up to me, I'd get rid of the pigs on our farm. I hate having pigs; they love to bite, they live in muck, they are ugly as sin, and did I say that they bite? Owie. I think next time I'm out, I'm picking a vegetable pizza over a meat one. I honestly feel like meat is overrated.</p>
  27. <p>Not sure if this is an autism thing, but the texture of a lot of meat is *weird* and feels... Off? I am not sure, but yeah. We have a few pigs here at any given time that are sold. We don't slaughter them on the farm, but instead they are sold at market (I hate going to market) or sometimes on some rare occurrences, we'll have someone come on the farm and pick out a few that they want to buy.</p>
  28. <p>I think I've covered a lot of what it's like to live on a farm? I didn't talk about tractors yet, but that's mostly as I don't really drive one. I mean, I *do have* my own one that I can drive off the farm, but I don't really have to use it much apart from using the trailer when I have a lot to move. (I don't think you need a license to drive the tractor or a car on private land like a farm, but I have a license so I can driv it on the main road). I have a New Holland copact, if that means anything to anyone.</p>
  29. <p>Anyway, this is all I have to say about that, so <font color="#8b0000">Xenia</font> over and out!</p>
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  31. <p>Art on the banner is by Puapka from Newgrounds. Copyright © Xenia <script type="text/javascript">
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