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  4. <title>The Website of Xenia</title>
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  11. var MessageText = "Welcome to my website, young Internet search astronaut!"
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  36. <p><center><img src="index.png" alt="Banner that says 'Welcome to Xenia's site!' on." title="Banner that says 'Welcome to Xenia's site!' on."></center></p>
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  40. <p><blockquote><strong>New: <a href="myrss.xml">Follow my RSS</a>!</strong></blockquote></p>
  41. <p>Hi all, welcome to my little website that has been kindly hosted on <a href="/">OwlyFans</a>! My name is <a href="about.html">Xenia</a>, I am a mid 40-year-old living on the 'Net. I am really passionate about open-source and free software and I love working on my own little projects. Right now I am playing around with Java in making my own Minecraft clone (yes, I know Java isn't the best :P).</p>
  42. <p>Please have a look 'round my website, I'm sure there will be somthing you'll enjoy >:D</p>
  43. <blockquote><h2>~Contents of the website~</h2></blockquote>
  44. <p><a href="art.html">Artwork</a>: People ahve made some Xenia art over the years, so feel free to have a look :0</p>
  45. <p><a href="minecraft.html">Minecraft</a>: One block at a time!</p>
  46. <blockquote><h2>~Blag~</h2></blockquote>
  47. <p>2023-10-27: <a href="newwebsitelook.html">New Website Look</a>: Say goodbye to the old!</p>
  48. <p>2023-10-17: <a href="lolcatz/">Laugh-Out-Loud Cats</a>: Posting the best comics from LOL Cats!</p>
  49. <p>2023-10-26: <a href="lifeonafarm.html">Life On A Farm</a>: Me talking about what it's like to live on... well, you can read it.</p>
  50. <p>2023-10-15: <a href="chicken.html">The Chicken and The Fox</a>: That bird is not okay.</p>
  51. <p>2023-09-16: <a href="eternalseptember.html">Eternal September</a>: The current WWW is horrible and you all know it.</p>
  52. <p>2023-09-11: <a href="winblows.html">Winblows</a>: Why Windows and Micrtosoft <yell>suck</yell>!</p>
  53. <blockquote><h2>~Banners~</h2></blockquote>
  54. <p>I've made a few web banners for this website that you can use on your own site :D</p>
  55. <center><img src="xenia_banner_8015.png" alt="Web banner that says '~Xenia'." title="Web banner that says '~Xenia'.">
  56. <p>
  57. <img src="xenia_banner_8831.png" alt="Web banner that says 'Xenia Online'." title="Web banner that says 'Xenia Online'.">
  58. </center>
  59. <hr>
  60. <p><center><img src="aifree.svg" width="96" height="96" alt="Sticker that says 'AI Free', made by Kilcat." title="Sticker that says 'AI Free', made by Kilcat."> <a href="myrss.xml"><img src="rss.png" width="96" height="96" alt="Yellow and orange RSS logo." title="Yellow and orange RSS logo."></a> <a href=""><img src="IRC_button.jpeg" width="96" height="96" alt="Text that says 'IRC'." title="Text that says 'IRC'."></a></center></p>
  61. <center><p><a href=""><img src="link_SO4.gif" alt="Large banner that is for the webcomic Sabrina Online." title="Large banner that is for the webcomic Sabrina Online."></a></p><p><a href=""><img src="Censor_PGc.png" alt="Small banner that says that this website is rated PG!" title="Small banner that says that this website is rated PG!"></a> <a href=""><img src="wikipedia.png" alt="Wikipedia banner" title="Wikipedia banner"></a> <a href=""><img src="gimp.png" alt="GIMP banner" title="GIMP banner"></a> <a href=""><img src="firefox.png" alt="Firefox banner" title="Firefox banner"></a> <img src="xenia.png" alt="Banner that says 'Linux' on with my face" title="Banner that says 'Linux' on with my face"> <a href=""><img src="thedigitallancabin.png" alt="Banner for thedigitallancabin dot net" title="Banner for thedigitallancabin dot net"></a> <a href=""><img src="arch.png" alt="Banner for Arch Linux" title="Banner for Arch Linux"></a>
  62. <a href=""><img src="mortalsins.png" alt="Banner for" title="Banner for"></a> <img src="twopaws.gif" alt="Banner that says 'Made with my own two paws'." title="Banner that says 'Made with my own two paws'."> <a href=""><img src="msiemoz.gif" alt="An animation showing a slide that says 'MSIE meets Mozilla', followed by the Internet Explorer logo being squished by the Mozilla dinosaur's foot" title="An animation showing a slide that says 'MSIE meets Mozilla', followed by the Internet Explorer logo being squished by the Mozilla dinadinosaursaw's foot"></a> <a href=""><img src="lq-link.png" alt="Banner that says LibreQuake on" title="Banner that says LibreQuake on"></a> <a href=""><img src="" alt="The website of Frills" title="The website of Frills"></a> <a href=""><img src="toki.png" width="88" height="31" alt="Cute little banner that says toki pona on" title="Cute little banner that says toki pona on" style="image-rendering:pixelated"></a>
  63. </p>
  64. <h3><a href="links.html">More links here!</a></h3>
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  66. <p><center><img src="wales.png" alt="Flag of Wales." title="Flag of Wales."></center></p>
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  68. <p>Copyright © Xenia <script data-cfasync="false" src="/cdn-cgi/scripts/5c5dd728/cloudflare-static/email-decode.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">
  69. var today = new Date()
  70. var year = today.getFullYear()
  71. document.write(year)
  72. </script>. <a href="license.html">Some rights reserved</a>. Please see <a href="humans.txt">humans.txt</a> for full credits!</p>
  73. <p>RSS image from <a href="">Wikimedia Commons</a>, AI image from <a href="">here</a> and was made by Kilcat. Welsh flag from <a href="">here</a>.</p>
  74. <p>If you have light mode on your computer, then the background image and the face below this text was taken from <a href="">the Freedoom game</a>, if you have dark mode, then it was taken from <a href="">LibreQuake</a>. IRC button taken <a href="">from Wikimedia Commons</a></p>
  75. <p><a href="">toki pona banner from here</a></p>
  76. <p>Made for Onfim.</p>
  77. <p><center><img src="sw2_3.png" onmouseover="this.src=' sw2_4.png '" onmouseout="this.src=' sw2_3.png '" alt="A creepy-looking green face with horns on the head with glowingread eyes." title="A creepy-looking green face with horns on the head with glowingread eyes."></center></p><p></p>
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