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  23. <h1>Thank You Gift Towards @styluscat</h1>
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  26. <img src="../../odds/notepad.svg" align=left hspace=15 vspace=5 width="42" height="42" title="An SVG of a notepad and pencil." alt="An SVG of a notepad and pencil.">
  27. <h3><p>Corrections and Updates</p></h3>
  28. <p>After the publication of this blog post, catwithastylus has changed her Tumblr handle to @styluscat.</p>
  29. <p>The URL and title of this blog have been updated. Before it was &#xAB;Thank You Gift Towards @<strong>catwithastylus</strong>&#xBB;, however despite this, the filenames of <tt>catwithastylus.png</tt> and <tt>catwithastylus_bg.png</tt> will not be updated.</p>
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  31. <p>This update was published on 2023-09-09.</p>
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  34. </p>
  35. <p>Hi all, Cass here to show off this drawing that I made for <a href="">@styluscat</a> after <a href="">she was kind enough to draw my own OC</a>, <a href="../../oc/#Pitt, The Evil Bat Boi">Pitt the Bat</a>.</p>
  36. <p><center><img src="catwithastylus.png" title="Furry artwork showing an anthro cat (I think) with glasses doing the v for victory hand sign. They have pink hair and big ears and are smiling, She also has a collar on and a gray t-shirt." alt="Furry artwork showing an anthro cat (I think) with glasses doing the v for victory hand sign. They have pink hair and big ears and are smiling, She also has a collar on and a grey t-shirt." width="716" height="538"></center></p>
  37. <p>Artwork was made in <a href="">Pinta</a>, background <a href="catwithastylus_bg.png">found here</a>.</p>
  38. <p>Thank you again for your kind artwork! <img src="../../emoji/symbols/hearts/purple_heart.svg" title="Purple heart emoji (&#x1F49C;)." alt="Purple heart emoji (&#x1F49C;)." width="19" height="19"> <img src="../../emoji/symbols/hearts/purple_heart.svg" title="Purple heart emoji (&#x1F49C;)." alt="Purple heart emoji (&#x1F49C;)." width="19" height="19"> <img src="../../emoji/symbols/hearts/purple_heart.svg" title="Purple heart emoji (&#x1F49C;)." alt="Purple heart emoji (&#x1F49C;)." width="19" height="19"></p>
  39. <p>Cass</p>
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  42. Copyright 2023-08-04 - <script type="text/javascript">
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