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  32. <p>Being a bi-weekly newsletter, <em>nb21</em> has been made by the NeoZones community for your reading pleasure and our writing pain.</p>
  33. <p>Enjoy nb21 and want to get updates? <a href="nb21.xml">Follow the feed, yo</a>.</p>
  34. <p>Read if you want. Or not.</p>
  35. <blockquote><a href="#Issue 2: The Astonishing World of AI: A Deep Dive into the History, Applications, and Uses of Artificial Intelligence"><h3><img src="../emoji/objects/other/anchor.svg" alt="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." title="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." width="20" height="20"></a><a name="Issue 2: The Astonishing World of AI: A Deep Dive into the History, Applications, and Uses of Artificial Intelligence"></a> <a href="002/">Issue 2: The Astonishing World of AI: A Deep Dive into the History, Applications, and Uses of Artificial Intelligence</a></h3></blockquote>
  36. <p>Publish date: 2023-07-25</p>
  37. <p>I can't believe that AI is going to take over my job.</p>
  38. <blockquote><a href="#Issue 1a: 1KB Edition"><h3><img src="../emoji/objects/other/anchor.svg" alt="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." title="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." width="20" height="20"></a><a name="Issue 1a: 1KB Edition"></a> <a href="001a/">Issue 1a: 1KB Edition</a></h3></blockquote>
  39. <p>Publish date: 2023-03-15</p>
  40. <p>How small can a newsletter get? About 999 bytes, I guess...</p>
  41. <blockquote><a href="#Issue 1: Beyond the Black"><h3><img src="../emoji/objects/other/anchor.svg" alt="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." title="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." width="20" height="20"></a><a name="Issue 1: Beyond the Black"></a> <a href="001/">Issue 1: Beyond the Black</a></h3></blockquote>
  42. <p>Publish date: 2023-02-21</p>
  43. <p>Eat up carrots</p>
  44. <blockquote><a href="#Issue 0B: So Here It Is"><h3><img src="../emoji/objects/other/anchor.svg" alt="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." title="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." width="20" height="20"></a><a name="Issue 0B: So Here It Is"></a> <a href="000b/">Issue 0B: So Here It Is</a></h3></blockquote>
  45. <p>Publish date: 2022-12-25</p>
  46. <p>Oh dear -- it's Christmas!</p>
  47. <blockquote><a href="#Issue 0A: Help! Vampires Turned Me Gay"><h3><img src="../emoji/objects/other/anchor.svg" alt="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." title="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." width="20" height="20"></a><a name="Issue 0A: Help! Vampires Turned Me Gay"></a> <a href="000a/">Issue 0A: Help! Vampires Turned Me Gay</a></h3></blockquote>
  48. <p>Publish date: 2022-10-31</p>
  49. <p>Oh nooo, it seems as if vampires have turned me gay in this Halloween edition of nb21.</p>
  50. <blockquote><a href="#Issue 0: Jumping The Shark"><h3><img src="../emoji/objects/other/anchor.svg" alt="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." title="The Twemoji emoji for the anchor (⚓) emoji." width="20" height="20"></a><a name="Issue 0: Jumping The Shark"></a> <a href="000/">Issue 0: Jumping The Shark</a></h3></blockquote>
  51. <p>Publish date: 2022-08-22</p>
  52. <p>This issue, we look at artwork from Twitter, what it's like to work at a Forest Service lookout, and some Shock Treatment! Oh my.</p>
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  56. <p>Font for the big text was <a href="">found from here</a>.</p>
  57. <p><p><strong>Want to support OwlyFans? <a href="/nft/">See our NFTs</a>!</strong></p> <p>Copyright 2021 - <script type="text/javascript">
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