help.txt 2.4 KB

  1. = Help Freedoom!
  2. // See COPYING.adoc for license terms of this file.
  3. Freedoom is always looking for help. This is a short list of some of
  4. the resources that the project is in need of. If you can help out,
  5. please check the forum or Discord links in the sidebar to get in contact!
  6. == Musicians
  7. **In-level music**: Freedoom needs music for its levels. Presently
  8. some of the music tracks are serving double duty for multiple levels.
  9. FreeDM, the deathmatch spinoff project, also needs some appropriate
  10. music for its levels.
  11. **OPL synth instruments**: If you like chiptunes, particularly for the
  12. Yamaha OPL2/OPL3 synth chips, then Freedoom needs instruments for its
  13. OPL MIDI instrument bank. Check out the
  15. to find out more.
  16. == Level authors
  17. **New levels**: Freedoom is still in need of new single player levels
  18. in order to get a complete set of levels. If you see a level that is
  19. just a square room with an exit switch, that is a currently unfilled
  20. slot. If you are experienced making Doom levels and can spend the
  21. time to make a level for Freedoom, or maybe you have levels you've
  22. made and can donate to the project, please get in touch.
  23. **Bugs**: Sometimes bugs get reported in Freedoom's levels. Check out
  24. the[bug list] to
  25. see what currently needs fixing.
  26. == Bug reports
  27. Freedoom is an ongoing project, and issues may always be found. The
  28. preferred place, and the one that will not have reports lost in
  29. memory, is the[GitHub
  30. issue tracker]. Information about all kinds of issues is much
  31. appreciated, but if you find an issue in the latest release, don't be
  32. so quick to report it! Check the
  33.[latest and greatest builds] to see if
  34. the problem still persists there: much of Freedoom may have changed in
  35. the interim!
  36. == Website
  37. This website is also managed via git. If you have suggestions please
  38. either raise issues or pull requests at
  40. GitHub project].
  41. == Financial contributions
  42. Freedoom does not accept financial donations nor bug bounties. While
  43. such desires to support us this way are appreciated, we do not have a
  44. present need for financial assistance with development or hosting.
  45. As an alternative, evangelize! Spread the word of Freedoom and share
  46. your love for the game and encourage others to try it.