1. pkgbase = dwmblocks-distrotube-git
  2. pkgdesc = My own build of dwmblocks for use with my build of dwm.
  3. pkgver = 1.0.r20.0821b9d
  4. pkgrel = 1
  5. url = https://gitlab.com/dwt1/dwmblocks-distrotube.git
  6. arch = x86_64
  7. license = ISC
  8. makedepends = make
  9. depends = ttf-hack
  10. depends = ttf-joypixels
  11. depends = dwm-distrotube-git
  12. depends = libxft-bgra-git
  13. provides = dwmblocks
  14. conflicts = dwmblocks
  15. source = git+https://gitlab.com/dwt1/dwmblocks-distrotube.git
  16. md5sums = SKIP
  17. pkgname = dwmblocks-distrotube-git