Digit d7f5a42683 libera sed 1 kuukausi sitten
cauldren.d d7f5a42683 libera sed 1 kuukausi sitten
deskfig.d fb647aec09 quick simple unchecked rearrangement done 9 vuotta sitten
mixprocedure.d d7f5a42683 libera sed 1 kuukausi sitten
procedure.d d7f5a42683 libera sed 1 kuukausi sitten
README.md 71cdb9daac sleeping but i think i just moved n activated witchcraft readme 9 vuotta sitten
cauldren.sh fb647aec09 quick simple unchecked rearrangement done 9 vuotta sitten
color.sh fb647aec09 quick simple unchecked rearrangement done 9 vuotta sitten
deskfig.sh fb647aec09 quick simple unchecked rearrangement done 9 vuotta sitten
distroselect.sh fb647aec09 quick simple unchecked rearrangement done 9 vuotta sitten
reformation.sh fb647aec09 quick simple unchecked rearrangement done 9 vuotta sitten
rewic.sh d7f5a42683 libera sed 1 kuukausi sitten
witchcraft.sh fb647aec09 quick simple unchecked rearrangement done 9 vuotta sitten
witchcraft2012-1-0.sh fb647aec09 quick simple unchecked rearrangement done 9 vuotta sitten



WARNING - THIS STUFF IS HELLA OUTTA DATE... read with that caution in mind.

witchcraft is where /most/ of the action is at these days. here's my notion for it:


~ HEAVY REFACTOR-LIFTING DONE, please help (or pester digit) to clean up comments etc. ~

witch version 0.00 come to a witch chat here: http://wastedartist.com/distros/witch/witchat.html (that's where all the action happens. lurkers welcome.)

(Run at your own risk. Strongly advised to read and debug if necessary before attempting to run. ~ digit)

(Warning, This will probaly most likely cause damage to your system. It might not even run. Not for the faint hearted. ~jony123) (Don't you beleave me? Im serious, I probaly wont even run the script myself for ages to build a system!!! ~jony123) (You still want to try, Well I cant stop you ~jony123)

(actually it's pretty close to being called a beta test now - Digit 20121221) (well, maybe not that close. lol. - Digit 20130314)

to run witchcraft, download https://github.com/Digit/witch/archive/master.zip and away you go from there.

To run the witch installer script simply execute it on a command line. Before you do so, you'll need to chmod +x the whole directory you've git cloned.

chmod -R +x ./witch
cd ./witch

Then, you run the script:



sh witchcraft*.sh

Please note that you'll need to be in the current directory for the script to run successfully.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%% warning, out of date, from pre-refactoring %%%%%% %%%%%%%% tester help sugestion tip thingy %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% to test the witchcraft script's gentoo instalation: first, you'll need to: download the systemrescuecd download & install virtualbox

launch virtualbox
    create a new linux gentoo machine,
        give it as much ram as you think is healthy for your computer to handle virtualising,
        and a reasonably large virtual hd  (idk how small is safe)
    set virtualbox's cd drive to have the systemrescuecd's iso file in it
    start the new virtual machine
    wait for systemrescuecd to finish booting, then type startx, and hit enter.
        open midori, go get the witchcraft script. 
                ^ probably the right branch, check with digit in #witchlinux
        copy n paste that into a file somewhere in "$PATH"
            (i.e. /bin/witchcraft is good)
        make it executable
            (chmod +x /bin/witchcraft)
        then run it
            (i.e just type witchcraft into the terminal and hit enter).
            follow the steps,
            heed the warnings,
            take great care to enter everything correctly.
            but feel safe, knowing this is just a virtual machine.
            to test the script portion that's being worked on:
                first question: answer b
                second question: answer b again
                third question: answer 1
                i'll let you figure out the rest from there.
            or feel free to explore other paths in the script, 
                but be prepared for disapointment, and messages of incomplete

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%% %% %

~alpha notes ~

Until witchcraft gets out of alpha, you may want to do this in a virtual machine running systemrescuecd or another gentoo-based live distro (or other distro even).

iso remastery has been removed for a complete re-write.
only the proper gentoo install section is written so far. (will go through a second refunctionising and revariablising to accomodate funtoo, exherbo etc with greater ease, later, once we suss the chroot issue, and get working installs out of it)

soon. ''_''