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  5. ## bedrock
  6. read -p "enter the name of your new distro: " DISTRONAME
  7. echo $DISTRONAME > $WITCH/config.base.txt #1st line
  9. echo $METADISTRO >> $WITCH/config.base.txt #2nd line
  10. # Add ARCH and PACKAGEMGR!!!
  11. echo "======================"
  12. DISTRONAME=$(sed -n '1p' $WITCH/config.base.txt)
  13. METADISTRO=$(sed -n '2p' $WITCH/config.base.txt)
  14. ARCH=$(sed -n '3p' $WITCH/config.base.txt)
  15. PACKAGEMGR=$(sed -n '4p' $WITCH/config.base.txt)
  18. echo "ARCH: $ARCH"
  20. echo "======================"
  21. sleep 1
  22. # you are going to want to make extensive use of this link: ; for the making of this variable.
  23. echo "sorry this part is just a place-holder so far. please check out to garner some idea why digit is so keen to start to include bedrock ahead of funtoo and exherbo, and ahead of even getting the gentoo install completed."
  24. echo
  25. sleep 2
  26. echo
  27. echo "you may want to review before deciding how to partition"
  28. ./tools.d/
  29. echo "you may want to review \" the directory structure\" to see what's going on here."
  30. echo "cd /mnt/$DISTRONAME"
  31. cd /mnt/$DISTRONAME
  32. echo "mkdir -p bin boot/extlinux dev etc/init.d home lib/modules opt/bedrock/bin opt/bedrock/sbin opt/bedrock/etc proc root sbin sys tmp usr/src var/lib/urandom"
  33. mkdir -p bin boot/extlinux dev etc/init.d home lib/modules opt/bedrock/bin opt/bedrock/sbin opt/bedrock/etc proc root sbin sys tmp usr/src var/lib/urandom
  34. echo "The default permissions on most of these should be fine. However, /tmp needs to be writable by no-root users:"
  35. echo "chmod a+rwxt tmp"
  36. chmod a+rwxt tmp
  37. echo "you may want to review directories before answering this question:"
  38. echo "do you want these optional directories?"
  39. read -p "mkdir -p lib/firmware \#(y/n)?"
  40. if [ "REPLY" == "y" ]
  41. then
  42. mkdir -p lib/firmware
  43. read -p "mkdir -p var/chroot \#(y/n/e)"
  44. if [ "REPLY" == "y" ]
  45. then
  46. mkdir -p var/chroot
  47. elif [ "REPLY" == "e" ]
  48. then
  49. echo "where would you like to put it then?"
  50. read $BEDCHROOTS
  51. mkdir -p $BEDCHROOTS
  52. fi
  53. fi
  54. echo "you may want to review \" core Bedrock Linux component sources\" for downloading of core components"
  55. echo "i tried to warn you that this bedrock section was incomplete, now look what you've done... stuck where you left off. ... that's ok though, just follow the last link it was suggested you may have wanted to review, and carry on from there."