mergence 2.6 KB

  1. #! /bin/bash
  2. clear
  3. echo "before running this script you might want to run something like:"
  4. echo "sudo emerge -qv --sync && sudo layman -S && sudo eix-update"
  5. echo "mergence does not include this by default, as multiple syncs per day is generally bad manners."
  6. sleep 1
  7. #update
  8. #sudo emerge -DuvaN world
  9. echo "###########################################################################" && echo "now doing..."
  10. echo "sudo emerge -DuvaN --complete-graph --keep-going --with-bdeps=y --backtrack=25 world"
  11. sudo emerge -DuvaN --complete-graph --keep-going --with-bdeps=y --backtrack=25 world
  12. #depclean
  13. #sudo emerge -cav world
  14. #check n fix dependancies
  15. echo "###########################################################################" && echo "now doing..."
  16. echo "sudo revdep-rebuild -v -- --ask --keep-going"
  17. sudo revdep-rebuild -v -- --ask --keep-going
  18. #some other clean up thing to keep it tidyish, but still have some redundancy backup just incase.
  19. echo "###########################################################################" && echo "now doing..."
  20. echo "sudo eclean -d distfiles
  21. sudo eclean -d packages"
  22. sudo eclean -d distfiles
  23. sudo eclean -d packages
  24. # config updaters
  25. echo "###########################################################################" && echo "now doing..."
  26. echo "sudo etc-update -p"
  27. #etc-update with -p merges trivial, n quits other changes
  28. sudo etc-update -p
  29. #OR try...
  30. #dispatch-conf has savvierness than etc-update for rollback
  31. #uncomment if u wanna get things done properly, interactively. commented out by default for smoothness.
  32. #sudo dispatch-conf
  33. #just a little note of curiosity,#though not quite same as the config updaters, still interesting,#check out
  34. #quickpkg
  35. #seems rather plausibly handy. like for making live cds n that. ken?
  36. #may want to reposition this one
  37. #ooh, you forgot about this one didnt you. emaint, nice.
  38. echo "###########################################################################" && echo "now doing..."
  39. echo "sudo emaint all"
  40. sudo emaint all
  41. #maywant to reposition this one
  42. #it does clever haskell things that emerge can miss
  43. echo "###########################################################################" && echo "now doing..."
  44. echo "sudo haskell-updater"
  45. sudo haskell-updater
  46. #news
  47. #pay attention, stuff is going on with your system... maybe.
  48. echo "###########################################################################" && echo "now doing..."
  49. echo "eselect news read new"
  50. eselect news read new
  51. echo "ok, so you've read the news."
  52. sleep 1
  53. echo "now go run..."
  54. sleep 1
  55. echo "
  56. etc-update or dispatch-conf like you were told
  57. "