fetchtest 862 B

  1. #!/bin/fish
  2. # original notion to test...
  3. #20230529 mozart jentoo /home/digit % sudo brl fetch -n test-alpine alpine ;and bedrockascii ; sudo brl remove test-alpine
  4. # do wat? all the fetches.
  5. function fetchtests
  6. #for i in (brl fetch --list --experimental)
  7. #for i in (brl fetch --list) ; sudo brl fetch -n test-$i $i ;and bedrockascii ;and echo "$i test worked" ; sudo brl remove test-$i ; end
  8. for i in (brl fetch --list --experimental)
  9. # [ 1 ] say which
  10. # bedrockascii
  11. echo "### FETCHING $i ### "
  12. # bedrockascii-shadey
  13. # [ 2 ] do it
  14. ; sudo brl fetch -n test-$i $i
  15. # [ 3 ] success?
  16. # ;and success
  17. ;and echo "$i test worked" | tee >> fetchtests
  18. # bedrockascii
  19. # [ 4 ] delete it
  20. sudo brl remove -d test-$i ;and echo "$i removal worked" | tee >> fetchtests
  21. end
  22. end
  23. # do it!
  24. fetchtests