123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #pragma once
- #include <AzCore/PlatformDef.h>
- #else
- #endif
- #include <ISystem.h>
- #include "Include/SandboxAPI.h"
- #include "Util/UndoUtil.h"
- #include <CryVersion.h>
- #include <AzCore/Component/EntityId.h>
- #include <AzCore/Debug/Budget.h>
- class QMenu;
- struct CRuntimeClass;
- struct QtViewPane;
- class QMainWindow;
- struct QMetaObject;
- class CBaseObject;
- class CCryEditDoc;
- class CAnimationContext;
- class CTrackViewSequenceManager;
- class CGameEngine;
- class CToolBoxManager;
- class CClassFactory;
- class CMusicManager;
- struct IEditorParticleManager;
- class CEAXPresetManager;
- class CErrorReport;
- class ICommandManager;
- class CEditorCommandManager;
- class CConsoleSynchronization;
- struct ISourceControl;
- struct IEditorClassFactory;
- class CDialog;
- #if defined(AZ_PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
- class C3DConnexionDriver;
- #endif
- class CSettingsManager;
- class CDisplaySettings;
- class CLevelIndependentFileMan;
- class CSelectionTreeManager;
- struct SEditorSettings;
- class CGameExporter;
- class IAWSResourceManager;
- struct ISystem;
- struct IRenderer;
- struct AABB;
- struct IErrorReport; // Vladimir@conffx
- struct IFileUtil; // Vladimir@conffx
- struct IEditorLog; // Vladimir@conffx
- struct IImageUtil; // Vladimir@conffx
- struct IEditorParticleUtils; // Leroy@conffx
- struct ILogFile; // Vladimir@conffx
- // Qt
- class QWidget;
- class QMimeData;
- class QString;
- class QColor;
- class QPixmap;
- typedef void* HANDLE;
- struct HWND__;
- typedef HWND__* HWND;
- #endif
- namespace Editor
- {
- class EditorQtApplication;
- }
- // Global editor notify events.
- enum EEditorNotifyEvent
- {
- // Global events.
- eNotify_OnInit = 10, // Sent after editor fully initialized.
- eNotify_OnQuit, // Sent before editor quits.
- eNotify_OnIdleUpdate, // Sent every frame while editor is idle.
- // Document events.
- eNotify_OnBeginNewScene, // Sent when the document is begin to be cleared.
- eNotify_OnEndNewScene, // Sent after the document have been cleared.
- eNotify_OnBeginSceneOpen, // Sent when document is about to be opened.
- eNotify_OnEndSceneOpen, // Sent after document have been opened.
- eNotify_OnBeginSceneSave, // Sent when document is about to be saved.
- eNotify_OnEndSceneSave, // Sent after document have been saved.
- eNotify_OnBeginLayerExport, // Sent when a layer is about to be exported.
- eNotify_OnEndLayerExport, // Sent after a layer have been exported.
- eNotify_OnCloseScene, // Send when the document is about to close.
- eNotify_OnSceneClosed, // Send when the document is closed.
- eNotify_OnBeginLoad, // Sent when the document is start to load.
- eNotify_OnEndLoad, // Sent when the document loading is finished
- // Editing events.
- eNotify_OnEditModeChange, // Sent when editing mode change (move,rotate,scale,....)
- eNotify_OnEditToolChange, // Sent when edit tool is changed (ObjectMode,TerrainModify,....)
- // Game related events.
- eNotify_OnBeginGameMode, // Sent when editor goes to game mode.
- eNotify_OnEndGameMode, // Sent when editor goes out of game mode.
- // AI/Physics simulation related events.
- eNotify_OnBeginSimulationMode, // Sent when simulation mode is started.
- eNotify_OnEndSimulationMode, // Sent when editor goes out of simulation mode.
- // UI events.
- eNotify_OnUpdateViewports, // Sent when editor needs to update data in the viewports.
- eNotify_OnReloadTrackView, // Sent when editor needs to update the track view.
- eNotify_OnSplashScreenCreated, // Sent when the editor splash screen was created.
- eNotify_OnSplashScreenDestroyed, // Sent when the editor splash screen was destroyed.
- eNotify_OnInvalidateControls, // Sent when editor needs to update some of the data that can be cached by controls like combo boxes.
- eNotify_OnStyleChanged, // Sent when UI color theme was changed
- // Object events.
- eNotify_OnSelectionChange, // Sent when object selection change.
- eNotify_OnPlaySequence, // Sent when editor start playing animation sequence.
- eNotify_OnStopSequence, // Sent when editor stop playing animation sequence.
- // Task specific events.
- eNotify_OnDataBaseUpdate, // DataBase Library was modified.
- eNotify_OnLayerImportBegin, //layer import was started
- eNotify_OnLayerImportEnd, //layer import completed
- eNotify_OnBeginSWNewScene, // Sent when SW document is begin to be cleared.
- eNotify_OnEndSWNewScene, // Sent after SW document have been cleared.
- eNotify_OnBeginSWMoveTo, // moveto operation was started
- eNotify_OnEndSWMoveTo, // moveto operation completed
- eNotify_OnSWLockUnlock, // Sent when commit, rollback or getting lock from segmented world
- eNotify_OnSWVegetationStatusChange, // When changed segmented world status of vegetation map
- eNotify_OnBeginUndoRedo,
- eNotify_OnEndUndoRedo,
- eNotify_CameraChanged, // When the active viewport camera was changed
- eNotify_OnTextureLayerChange, // Sent when texture layer was added, removed or moved
- eNotify_OnSplatmapImport, // Sent when splatmaps get imported
- eNotify_OnParticleUpdate, // A particle effect was modified.
- eNotify_OnAddAWSProfile, // An AWS profile was added
- eNotify_OnSwitchAWSProfile, // The AWS profile was switched
- eNotify_OnSwitchAWSDeployment, // The AWS deployment was switched
- eNotify_OnFirstAWSUse, // This should only be emitted once
- eNotify_OnRefCoordSysChange,
- // Entity selection events.
- eNotify_OnEntitiesSelected,
- eNotify_OnEntitiesDeselected,
- // More document events - added here in case enum values matter to any event consumers, metrics reporters, etc.
- eNotify_OnBeginCreate, // Sent when the document is starting to be created.
- eNotify_OnEndCreate, // Sent when the document creation is finished.
- };
- // UI event handler
- struct IUIEvent
- {
- virtual void OnClick(DWORD dwId) = 0;
- virtual bool IsEnabled(DWORD dwId) = 0;
- virtual bool IsChecked(DWORD dwId) = 0;
- virtual const char* GetUIElementName(DWORD dwId) = 0;
- };
- //! Add object that implements this interface to Load listeners of IEditor
- //! To receive notifications when new document is loaded.
- struct IDocListener
- {
- virtual ~IDocListener() = default;
- //! Called after new level is created.
- virtual void OnNewDocument() = 0;
- //! Called after level have been loaded.
- virtual void OnLoadDocument() = 0;
- //! Called when document is being closed.
- virtual void OnCloseDocument() = 0;
- };
- //! Derive from this class if you want to register for getting global editor notifications.
- struct IEditorNotifyListener
- {
- bool m_bIsRegistered;
- IEditorNotifyListener()
- : m_bIsRegistered(false)
- {
- }
- virtual ~IEditorNotifyListener()
- {
- if (m_bIsRegistered)
- {
- CryFatalError("Destroying registered IEditorNotifyListener");
- }
- }
- //! called by the editor to notify the listener about the specified event.
- virtual void OnEditorNotifyEvent(EEditorNotifyEvent event) = 0;
- };
- //! Axis constrains value.
- enum AxisConstrains
- {
- AXIS_NONE = 0,
- //! Follow terrain constrain
- };
- //! Reference coordinate system values
- enum RefCoordSys
- { // Don't change this order. Should be in the same order as MainWindow::CreateRefCoordComboBox()
- LAST_COORD_SYSTEM, // Must always be the last member
- };
- // Insert locations for menu items
- enum EMenuInsertLocation
- {
- // Custom menu of the plugin
- eMenuPlugin,
- // Predefined editor menus
- eMenuEdit,
- eMenuFile,
- eMenuInsert,
- eMenuGenerators,
- eMenuScript,
- eMenuView,
- eMenuHelp
- };
- //! Global editor operation mode
- enum EOperationMode
- {
- eOperationModeNone = 0, // None
- eCompositingMode, // Normal operation mode where objects are composited in the scene
- eModellingMode // Geometry modeling mode
- };
- //! Mouse events that viewport can send
- enum EMouseEvent
- {
- eMouseMove,
- eMouseLDown,
- eMouseLUp,
- eMouseLDblClick,
- eMouseRDown,
- eMouseRUp,
- eMouseRDblClick,
- eMouseMDown,
- eMouseMUp,
- eMouseMDblClick,
- eMouseWheel,
- eMouseLeave,
- };
- //! Viewports update flags
- enum UpdateConentFlags
- {
- eUpdateHeightmap = 0x01,
- eUpdateStatObj = 0x02,
- eUpdateObjects = 0x04, //! Update objects in viewport.
- eRedrawViewports = 0x08 //! Just redraw viewports..
- };
- enum MouseCallbackFlags
- {
- };
- enum EEditorPathName
- {
- };
- enum EModifiedModule
- {
- eModifiedNothing = 0x0,
- eModifiedTerrain = BIT(0),
- eModifiedBrushes = BIT(1),
- eModifiedEntities = BIT(2),
- eModifiedAll = -1
- };
- //! Class provided by editor for various registration functions.
- struct CRegistrationContext
- {
- CEditorCommandManager* pCommandManager;
- CClassFactory* pClassFactory;
- };
- //! Interface provided by editor to reach status bar functionality.
- struct IMainStatusBar
- {
- virtual void SetStatusText(const QString& text) = 0;
- virtual QWidget* SetItem(QString indicatorName, QString text, QString tip, int iconId) = 0;
- virtual QWidget* SetItem(QString indicatorName, QString text, QString tip, const QPixmap& icon) = 0;
- virtual QWidget* GetItem(QString indicatorName) = 0;
- };
- // forward declaration
- struct IAnimSequence;
- class CTrackViewSequence;
- //! Interface to expose TrackViewSequenceManager functionality to SequenceComponent
- struct ITrackViewSequenceManager
- {
- virtual IAnimSequence* OnCreateSequenceObject(QString name, bool isLegacySequence = true, AZ::EntityId entityId = AZ::EntityId()) = 0;
- //! Notifies of the delete of a sequence entity OR legacy sequence object
- //! @param entityId The Sequence Component Entity Id OR the legacy sequence object Id packed in the lower 32-bits, as returned from IAnimSequence::GetSequenceEntityId()
- virtual void OnDeleteSequenceEntity(const AZ::EntityId& entityId) = 0;
- //! Get the first sequence with the given name. They may be more than one sequence with this name.
- //! Only intended for use with scripting or other cases where a user provides a name.
- virtual CTrackViewSequence* GetSequenceByName(QString name) const = 0;
- //! Get the sequence with the given EntityId. For legacy support, legacy sequences can be found by giving
- //! the sequence ID in the lower 32 bits of the EntityId.
- virtual CTrackViewSequence* GetSequenceByEntityId(const AZ::EntityId& entityId) const = 0;
- virtual void OnCreateSequenceComponent(AZStd::intrusive_ptr<IAnimSequence>& sequence) = 0;
- virtual void OnSequenceActivated(const AZ::EntityId& entityId) = 0;
- };
- //! Interface to expose TrackViewSequence functionality to SequenceComponent
- struct ITrackViewSequence
- {
- virtual void Load() = 0;
- };
- //! Interface to permit usage of editor functionality inside the plugin
- struct IEditor
- {
- virtual void DeleteThis() = 0;
- //! Access to Editor ISystem interface.
- virtual ISystem* GetSystem() = 0;
- //! Access to class factory.
- virtual IEditorClassFactory* GetClassFactory() = 0;
- //! Access to commands manager.
- virtual CEditorCommandManager* GetCommandManager() = 0;
- virtual ICommandManager* GetICommandManager() = 0;
- // Executes an Editor command.
- virtual void ExecuteCommand(const char* sCommand, ...) = 0;
- virtual void ExecuteCommand(const QString& sCommand) = 0;
- virtual void SetDocument(CCryEditDoc* pDoc) = 0;
- //! Get active document
- virtual CCryEditDoc* GetDocument() const = 0;
- //! Check if there is a level loaded
- virtual bool IsLevelLoaded() const = 0;
- //! Set document modified flag.
- virtual void SetModifiedFlag(bool modified = true) = 0;
- virtual void SetModifiedModule(EModifiedModule eModifiedModule, bool boSet = true) = 0;
- virtual bool IsLevelExported() const = 0;
- virtual bool SetLevelExported(bool boExported = true) = 0;
- //! Check if active document is modified.
- virtual bool IsModified() = 0;
- //! Save current document.
- virtual bool SaveDocument() = 0;
- //! Legacy version of WriteToConsole; don't use.
- virtual void WriteToConsole(const char* string) = 0;
- //! Write the passed string to the editors console
- virtual void WriteToConsole(const QString& string) = 0;
- //! Set value of console variable.
- virtual void SetConsoleVar(const char* var, float value) = 0;
- //! Get value of console variable.
- virtual float GetConsoleVar(const char* var) = 0;
- //! Shows or Hides console window.
- //! @return Previous visibility flag of console.
- virtual bool ShowConsole(bool show) = 0;
- // Get Main window status bar
- virtual IMainStatusBar* GetMainStatusBar() = 0;
- //! Change the message in the status bar
- virtual void SetStatusText(const QString& pszString) = 0;
- //! Query main window of the editor
- virtual QMainWindow* GetEditorMainWindow() const = 0;
- //! Returns the path of the editors Primary CD folder
- virtual QString GetPrimaryCDFolder() = 0;
- //! Get current level name (name only)
- virtual QString GetLevelName() = 0;
- //! Get path to folder of current level (Absolute, contains slash)
- virtual QString GetLevelFolder() = 0;
- //! Get path to folder of current level (absolute)
- virtual QString GetLevelDataFolder() = 0;
- //! Get path to folder of current level.
- virtual QString GetSearchPath(EEditorPathName path) = 0;
- //! This folder is supposed to store Sandbox user settings and state
- virtual QString GetResolvedUserFolder() = 0;
- //! Execute application and get console output.
- virtual bool ExecuteConsoleApp(
- const QString& CommandLine,
- QString& OutputText,
- bool bNoTimeOut = false,
- bool bShowWindow = false) = 0;
- //! Sets the document modified flag in the editor
- virtual void SetDataModified() = 0;
- //! Tells if editor startup is finished
- virtual bool IsInitialized() const = 0;
- //! Check if editor running in gaming mode.
- virtual bool IsInGameMode() = 0;
- //! Check if editor running in AI/Physics mode.
- virtual bool IsInSimulationMode() = 0;
- //! Set game mode of editor.
- virtual void SetInGameMode(bool inGame) = 0;
- //! Return true if Editor runs in the testing mode.
- virtual bool IsInTestMode() = 0;
- //! Return true if Editor runs in the preview mode.
- virtual bool IsInPreviewMode() = 0;
- //! Return true if Editor runs in the console only mode.
- virtual bool IsInConsolewMode() = 0;
- //! return true if editor is running the level load tests mode.
- virtual bool IsInLevelLoadTestMode() = 0;
- //! Enable/Disable updates of editor.
- virtual void EnableUpdate(bool enable) = 0;
- virtual SFileVersion GetFileVersion() = 0;
- virtual SFileVersion GetProductVersion() = 0;
- //! Retrieve pointer to game engine instance
- virtual CGameEngine* GetGameEngine() = 0;
- virtual CDisplaySettings* GetDisplaySettings() = 0;
- //! Create new object
- virtual CBaseObject* NewObject(const char* typeName, const char* fileName = "", const char* name = "", float x = 0.0f, float y = 0.0f, float z = 0.0f, bool modifyDoc = true) = 0;
- //! Delete object
- virtual void DeleteObject(CBaseObject* obj) = 0;
- //! Get access to object manager.
- virtual struct IObjectManager* GetObjectManager() = 0;
- virtual CSettingsManager* GetSettingsManager() = 0;
- //! Get Music Manager.
- virtual CMusicManager* GetMusicManager() = 0;
- virtual float GetTerrainElevation(float x, float y) = 0;
- virtual Editor::EditorQtApplication* GetEditorQtApplication() = 0;
- virtual const QColor& GetColorByName(const QString& name) = 0;
- virtual struct IMovieSystem* GetMovieSystem() = 0;
- virtual class CPluginManager* GetPluginManager() = 0;
- virtual class CViewManager* GetViewManager() = 0;
- virtual class CViewport* GetActiveView() = 0;
- virtual void SetActiveView(CViewport* viewport) = 0;
- virtual struct IEditorFileMonitor* GetFileMonitor() = 0;
- //! QMimeData is used by the Qt clipboard.
- //! IMPORTANT: Any QMimeData allocated for the clipboard will be deleted
- //! when the editor exists. If a QMimeData is allocated by a different
- //! memory allocator (for example, in a different DLL) than the one used
- //! by the main editor, a crash will occur on exit, if data is left in
- //! the clipboard. The solution is to enfore all allocations of QMimeData
- //! using CreateQMimeData().
- virtual QMimeData* CreateQMimeData() const = 0;
- virtual void DestroyQMimeData(QMimeData* data) const = 0;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Access for CLevelIndependentFileMan
- // Manager can be used to register as an module that is asked before editor quits / loads level / creates level
- // This gives the module the change to save changes or cancel the process
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- virtual class CLevelIndependentFileMan* GetLevelIndependentFileMan() = 0;
- //! Notify all views that data is changed.
- virtual void UpdateViews(int flags = 0xFFFFFFFF, const AABB* updateRegion = nullptr) = 0;
- virtual void ResetViews() = 0;
- //! Update information in track view dialog.
- virtual void ReloadTrackView() = 0;
- //! Current position marker
- virtual Vec3 GetMarkerPosition() = 0;
- //! Set current position marker.
- virtual void SetMarkerPosition(const Vec3& pos) = 0;
- //! Set current selected region.
- virtual void SetSelectedRegion(const AABB& box) = 0;
- //! Get currently selected region.
- virtual void GetSelectedRegion(AABB& box) = 0;
- virtual void SetOperationMode(EOperationMode mode) = 0;
- virtual EOperationMode GetOperationMode() = 0;
- //! Set constrain on specified axis for objects construction and modifications.
- //! @param axis one of AxisConstrains enumerations.
- virtual void SetAxisConstraints(AxisConstrains axis) = 0;
- //! Get axis constrain for objects construction and modifications.
- virtual AxisConstrains GetAxisConstrains() = 0;
- //! Set whether axes are forced to the same value when they are changed (x = y = z).
- virtual void SetAxisVectorLock(bool bAxisVectorLock) = 0;
- //! Get whether axes are forced to the same value when they are changed (x = y = z).
- virtual bool IsAxisVectorLocked() = 0;
- //! If set, when axis terrain constrain is selected, snapping only to terrain.
- virtual void SetTerrainAxisIgnoreObjects(bool bIgnore) = 0;
- virtual bool IsTerrainAxisIgnoreObjects() = 0;
- //! Set current reference coordinate system used when constructing/modifying objects.
- virtual void SetReferenceCoordSys(RefCoordSys refCoords) = 0;
- //! Get current reference coordinate system used when constructing/modifying objects.
- virtual RefCoordSys GetReferenceCoordSys() = 0;
- virtual XmlNodeRef FindTemplate(const QString& templateName) = 0;
- virtual void AddTemplate(const QString& templateName, XmlNodeRef& tmpl) = 0;
- virtual const QtViewPane* OpenView(QString sViewClassName, bool reuseOpen = true) = 0;
- virtual QWidget* FindView(QString viewClassName) = 0;
- virtual bool CloseView(const char* sViewClassName) = 0;
- virtual bool SetViewFocus(const char* sViewClassName) = 0;
- virtual void CloseView(const GUID& classId) = 0; // close ALL panels related to classId, used when unloading plugins.
- //! Opens standard color selection dialog.
- //! Initialized with the color specified in color parameter.
- //! Returns true if selection is made and false if selection is canceled.
- virtual bool SelectColor(QColor& color, QWidget* parent = 0) = 0;
- //! Get shader enumerator.
- virtual class CUndoManager* GetUndoManager() = 0;
- //! Begin operation requiring undo
- //! Undo manager enters holding state.
- virtual void BeginUndo() = 0;
- //! Restore all undo objects registered since last BeginUndo call.
- //! @param bUndo if true all Undo object registered since BeginUpdate call up to this point will be undone.
- virtual void RestoreUndo(bool undo = true) = 0;
- //! Accept changes and registers an undo object with the undo manager.
- //! This will allow the user to undo the operation.
- virtual void AcceptUndo(const QString& name) = 0;
- //! Cancel changes and restore undo objects.
- virtual void CancelUndo() = 0;
- //! Normally this is NOT needed but in special cases this can be useful.
- //! This allows to group a set of Begin()/Accept() sequences to be undone in one operation.
- virtual void SuperBeginUndo() = 0;
- //! When a SuperBegin() used, this method is used to Accept.
- //! This leaves the undo database in its modified state and registers the IUndoObjects with the undo system.
- //! This will allow the user to undo the operation.
- virtual void SuperAcceptUndo(const QString& name) = 0;
- //! Cancel changes and restore undo objects.
- virtual void SuperCancelUndo() = 0;
- //! Suspend undo recording.
- virtual void SuspendUndo() = 0;
- //! Resume undo recording.
- virtual void ResumeUndo() = 0;
- // Undo last operation.
- virtual void Undo() = 0;
- //! Redo last undo.
- virtual void Redo() = 0;
- //! Check if undo information is recording now.
- virtual bool IsUndoRecording() = 0;
- //! Check if undo information is suspzended now.
- virtual bool IsUndoSuspended() = 0;
- //! Put new undo object, must be called between Begin and Accept/Cancel methods.
- virtual void RecordUndo(struct IUndoObject* obj) = 0;
- //! Completely flush all Undo and redo buffers.
- //! Must be done on level reloads or global Fetch operation.
- virtual bool FlushUndo(bool isShowMessage = false) = 0;
- //! Clear the last N number of steps in the undo stack
- virtual bool ClearLastUndoSteps(int steps) = 0;
- //! Clear all current Redo steps in the undo stack
- virtual bool ClearRedoStack() = 0;
- //! Retrieve current animation context.
- virtual CAnimationContext* GetAnimation() = 0;
- //! Retrieve sequence manager
- virtual CTrackViewSequenceManager* GetSequenceManager() = 0;
- virtual ITrackViewSequenceManager* GetSequenceManagerInterface() = 0;
- //! Returns external tools manager.
- virtual CToolBoxManager* GetToolBoxManager() = 0;
- //! Get global Error Report instance.
- virtual IErrorReport* GetErrorReport() = 0;
- virtual IErrorReport* GetLastLoadedLevelErrorReport() = 0;
- virtual void StartLevelErrorReportRecording() = 0;
- virtual void CommitLevelErrorReport() = 0;
- // Retrieve interface to FileUtil
- virtual IFileUtil* GetFileUtil() = 0;
- // Notify all listeners about the specified event.
- virtual void Notify(EEditorNotifyEvent event) = 0;
- // Notify all listeners about the specified event, except for one.
- virtual void NotifyExcept(EEditorNotifyEvent event, IEditorNotifyListener* listener) = 0;
- //! Register Editor notifications listener.
- virtual void RegisterNotifyListener(IEditorNotifyListener* listener) = 0;
- //! Unregister Editor notifications listener.
- virtual void UnregisterNotifyListener(IEditorNotifyListener* listener) = 0;
- //! Register document notifications listener.
- virtual void RegisterDocListener(IDocListener* listener) = 0;
- //! Unregister document notifications listener.
- virtual void UnregisterDocListener(IDocListener* listener) = 0;
- //! Retrieve interface to the source control.
- virtual ISourceControl* GetSourceControl() = 0;
- //! Retrieve true if source control is provided and enabled in settings
- virtual bool IsSourceControlAvailable() = 0;
- //! Only returns true if source control is both available AND currently connected and functioning
- virtual bool IsSourceControlConnected() = 0;
- virtual void ReduceMemory() = 0;
- virtual ESystemConfigPlatform GetEditorConfigPlatform() const = 0;
- virtual void ReloadTemplates() = 0;
- virtual void ShowStatusText(bool bEnable) = 0;
- // Provides a way to extend the context menu of an object. The function gets called every time the menu is opened.
- typedef AZStd::function<void(QMenu*, const CBaseObject*)> TContextMenuExtensionFunc;
- virtual void RegisterObjectContextMenuExtension(TContextMenuExtensionFunc func) = 0;
- virtual SSystemGlobalEnvironment* GetEnv() = 0;
- virtual IImageUtil* GetImageUtil() = 0; // Vladimir@conffx
- virtual SEditorSettings* GetEditorSettings() = 0;
- virtual ILogFile* GetLogFile() = 0; // Vladimir@conffx
- // unload all plugins
- virtual void UnloadPlugins() = 0;
- // reloads the plugins
- virtual void LoadPlugins() = 0;
- };
- //! Callback used by editor when initializing for info in UI dialogs
- struct IInitializeUIInfo
- {
- virtual void SetInfoText(const char* text) = 0;
- };