Steve Pham cd07167884 Python Relocation (#17540) 1 rok pred
ly_test_tools 8e874f6a82 Fixed race condition in directory calls in ly_test_tools (#16420) 1 rok pred
tests 8e874f6a82 Fixed race condition in directory calls in ly_test_tools (#16420) 1 rok pred
CMakeLists.txt b609d5e2cb supporting multiple directories 3 rokov pred
README.txt cd07167884 Python Relocation (#17540) 1 rok pred 38261d0800 Shorten copyright headers by splitting into 2 lines (#2213) 3 rokov pred 02f0438ed9 Update PyTyest, custom plugin, and remove unused dependency (#13707) 2 rokov pred


Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT


LyTestTools is a Python project that contains a collection of testing tools
developed by the Lumberyard Test Tech team. The project contains
the following tools:

* Workspace Manager:
A library to manipulate Lumberyard installations
* Launchers:
A library to test the game in a variety of platforms
* O3DE:
Contains various modules to test o3de specific executables
* Environment:
Contains various modules to assist with environmental dependencies


* Python 3.10.13 (64-bit)

It is recommended that you completely remove any other versions of Python
installed on your system.

It is recommended to set up these these tools with Lumberyard's CMake build commands.
Assuming CMake is already setup on your operating system, below are some sample build commands:
cd /path/to/lumberyard/dev/
mkdir windows
cd windows
cmake -E time cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config profile

To manually install the project in development mode using your own installed Python interpreter:
cd /path/to/lumberyard/dev/Tools/LyTestTools/
/path/to/your/python -m pip install -e .

For console/mobile testing, update the following .ini file in your root user directory:
i.e. C:/Users/myusername/ly_test_tools/devices.ini (a.k.a. %USERPROFILE%/ly_test_tools/devices.ini)

You will need to add a section for the device, and a key holding the device identifier value (usually an IP or ID).
It should look similar to this for each device:
id = 988939353955305449

ip =

ip =


The project is organized into packages. Each package corresponds to a tool:

- LyTestTools.ly_test_tools._internal: contains logging setup, pytest fixture, and o3de workspace manager modules
- LyTestTools.ly_test_tools.builtin: builtin helpers and fixtures for quickly writing tests
- LyTestTools.ly_test_tools.console: modules used for consoles
- LyTestTools.ly_test_tools.environment: functions related to file/process management and cleanup
- LyTestTools.ly_test_tools.image: modules related to image capturing and processing
- LyTestTools.ly_test_tools.launchers: game launchers library
- LyTestTools.ly_test_tools.log: modules for interacting with generated or existing log files
- LyTestTools.ly_test_tools.o3de: modules used to interact with Open 3D Engine
- modules used for android/ios
- modules used for reporting
- LyTestTools.tests: LyTestTools integration, unit, and example usage tests


The directory structure corresponds to the package structure. For example, the
ly_test_tools.builtin package is located in the ly_test_tools/builtin/ directory.


Deploying the project in development mode installs only entry points for pytest fixtures.


The preferred way to uninstall the project is:
/path/to/your/python -m pip uninstall ly_test_tools