123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include "EditorCommon.h"
- #include "ViewportMoveInteraction.h"
- #include <LyShine/Bus/UiEditorCanvasBus.h>
- ViewportMoveInteraction::ViewportMoveInteraction(
- HierarchyWidget* hierarchy,
- const QTreeWidgetItemRawPtrQList& selectedItems,
- AZ::EntityId canvasId,
- AZ::Entity* activeElement,
- ViewportInteraction::CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem,
- ViewportHelpers::GizmoParts grabbedGizmoParts,
- ViewportInteraction::InteractionMode interactionMode,
- ViewportInteraction::InteractionType interactionType,
- const AZ::Vector2& startDragMousePos
- )
- : ViewportDragInteraction(startDragMousePos)
- , m_canvasId(canvasId)
- , m_coordinateSystem(coordinateSystem)
- , m_grabbedGizmoParts(grabbedGizmoParts)
- , m_interactionMode(interactionMode)
- , m_interactionType(interactionType)
- {
- LyShine::EntityArray topLevelSelectedElements = SelectionHelpers::GetTopLevelSelectedElements(hierarchy, selectedItems);
- // store the starting anchors or offsets (depending on the interaction mode)
- if (m_interactionMode == ViewportInteraction::InteractionMode::MOVE)
- {
- for (auto element : topLevelSelectedElements)
- {
- UiTransform2dInterface::Offsets offsets;
- UiTransform2dBus::EventResult(offsets, element->GetId(), &UiTransform2dBus::Events::GetOffsets);
- m_startingOffsets[element->GetId()] = offsets;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (auto element : topLevelSelectedElements)
- {
- UiTransform2dInterface::Anchors anchors;
- UiTransform2dBus::EventResult(anchors, element->GetId(), &UiTransform2dBus::Events::GetAnchors);
- m_startingAnchors[element->GetId()] = anchors;
- }
- }
- // the primary element is usually the active element (the one being clicked on and dragged),
- // but if a parent of the active element is also selected it is the top-level selected ancestor of the active element
- m_primaryElement = SelectionHelpers::GetTopLevelParentOfElement(topLevelSelectedElements, activeElement);
- if (m_primaryElement)
- {
- // remove the primary element from the array
- SelectionHelpers::RemoveEntityFromArray(topLevelSelectedElements, m_primaryElement);
- // store the top-level selected elements that are not the primary element - these will just follow along with
- // how the primary element is moved
- m_secondarySelectedElements = topLevelSelectedElements;
- // store whether snapping is enabled for this canvas
- UiEditorCanvasBus::EventResult(m_isSnapping, canvasId, &UiEditorCanvasBus::Events::GetIsSnapEnabled);
- // remember the parent of the primary element also
- m_primaryElementParent = EntityHelpers::GetParentElement(m_primaryElement);
- // store the starting pivots of the primary element for snapping (in local and canvas space)
- m_startingPrimaryLocalPivot = GetPivotRelativeToTopLeftAnchor(m_primaryElement->GetId());
- UiTransformBus::EventResult(
- m_startingPrimaryCanvasSpacePivot, m_primaryElement->GetId(), &UiTransformBus::Events::GetCanvasSpacePivot);
- }
- else
- {
- // This should never happen but when we had an assert here it was occasionally hit but not in a reproducable way.
- // It is recoverable so we don't want to crash if this happens. Report a warning and do not crash.
- AZ_Warning("UI", false, "The active element is not one of the selected elements. Active element is '%s'. There are %d selected elements and %d top level selected elements.",
- activeElement ? activeElement->GetName().c_str() : "None", selectedItems.count(), topLevelSelectedElements.size());
- }
- }
- ViewportMoveInteraction::~ViewportMoveInteraction()
- {
- }
- void ViewportMoveInteraction::Update(const AZ::Vector2& mousePos)
- {
- // If there is no primary element (should never happen) or if the primary element is controlled by a layout component
- // and therefore not movable, then do nothing
- if (!m_primaryElement || ViewportHelpers::IsControlledByLayout(m_primaryElement))
- {
- return;
- }
- // compute the total mouse delta since the start of the interaction
- AZ::Vector2 mouseDelta = mousePos - m_startMousePos;
- // Constrain this delta based on gizmo and coordinate space
- AZ::Vector2 canvasSpaceMouseDelta;
- AZ::Vector2 localMouseDelta;
- bool restrictDirection = ConstrainMovementDirection(mouseDelta, canvasSpaceMouseDelta, localMouseDelta);
- // adjust the mouse deltas for snapping
- SnapMouseDeltas(canvasSpaceMouseDelta, localMouseDelta);
- // Move the primary element
- MovePrimaryElement(restrictDirection, canvasSpaceMouseDelta, localMouseDelta);
- // Move each of the secondary elements by the same delta
- for (auto element : m_secondarySelectedElements)
- {
- if (!ViewportHelpers::IsControlledByLayout(element))
- {
- MoveSecondaryElement(element, restrictDirection, canvasSpaceMouseDelta);
- }
- }
- }
- bool ViewportMoveInteraction::ConstrainMovementDirection(const AZ::Vector2& mouseDelta, AZ::Vector2& canvasSpaceMouseDelta, AZ::Vector2& localMouseDelta)
- {
- bool restrictDirection = false;
- canvasSpaceMouseDelta = EntityHelpers::TransformDeltaFromViewportToCanvasSpace(m_canvasId, mouseDelta);
- if (m_interactionType == ViewportInteraction::InteractionType::TRANSFORM_GIZMO && m_grabbedGizmoParts.Single())
- {
- restrictDirection = true;
- if (m_coordinateSystem == ViewportInteraction::CoordinateSystem::LOCAL)
- {
- // For LOCAL space, we need to transform the translation from canvas space to the parent element's local space
- localMouseDelta = EntityHelpers::TransformDeltaFromCanvasToLocalSpace(m_primaryElementParent->GetId(), canvasSpaceMouseDelta);
- // Zero-out the non-moving axis in local space.
- if (!m_grabbedGizmoParts.m_right)
- {
- localMouseDelta.SetX(0.0f);
- }
- if (!m_grabbedGizmoParts.m_top)
- {
- localMouseDelta.SetY(0.0f);
- }
- // now convert back to canvas space
- canvasSpaceMouseDelta = EntityHelpers::TransformDeltaFromLocalToCanvasSpace(m_primaryElementParent->GetId(), localMouseDelta);
- }
- else // if (coordinateSystem == ViewportInteraction::CoordinateSystem::VIEW)
- {
- // Zero-out the non-moving axis in viewport space.
- if (!m_grabbedGizmoParts.m_right)
- {
- canvasSpaceMouseDelta.SetX(0.0f);
- }
- if (!m_grabbedGizmoParts.m_top)
- {
- canvasSpaceMouseDelta.SetY(0.0f);
- }
- // For LOCAL space, we need to transform the translation from canvas space to the parent element's local space
- localMouseDelta = EntityHelpers::TransformDeltaFromCanvasToLocalSpace(m_primaryElementParent->GetId(), canvasSpaceMouseDelta);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Not single gizmo - just convert canvas translation to local
- localMouseDelta = EntityHelpers::TransformDeltaFromCanvasToLocalSpace(m_primaryElementParent->GetId(), canvasSpaceMouseDelta);
- }
- return restrictDirection;
- }
- void ViewportMoveInteraction::SnapMouseDeltas(AZ::Vector2& canvasSpaceMouseDelta, AZ::Vector2& localMouseDelta)
- {
- if (m_isSnapping)
- {
- float snapDistance = 1.0f;
- UiEditorCanvasBus::EventResult(snapDistance, m_canvasId, &UiEditorCanvasBus::Events::GetSnapDistance);
- if (m_coordinateSystem == ViewportInteraction::CoordinateSystem::LOCAL)
- {
- // calculate what the pivot of the active element should be (ignoring snapping)
- AZ::Vector2 translatedLocalPivot = m_startingPrimaryLocalPivot + localMouseDelta;
- // snap the position of the pivot
- AZ::Vector2 snappedPivot = EntityHelpers::Snap(translatedLocalPivot, snapDistance);
- AZ::Vector2 localSnapAdjustment = snappedPivot - translatedLocalPivot;
- // adjust the local translation to allow for snapping
- if (m_grabbedGizmoParts.Single())
- {
- if (m_grabbedGizmoParts.m_right)
- {
- localMouseDelta.SetX(localMouseDelta.GetX() + localSnapAdjustment.GetX());
- }
- if (m_grabbedGizmoParts.m_top)
- {
- localMouseDelta.SetY(localMouseDelta.GetY() + localSnapAdjustment.GetY());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- localMouseDelta += localSnapAdjustment;
- }
- // Compute a canvas space delta based on local delta
- canvasSpaceMouseDelta = EntityHelpers::TransformDeltaFromLocalToCanvasSpace(m_primaryElementParent->GetId(), localMouseDelta);
- }
- else
- {
- // calculate what the pivot of the active element should be (ignoring snapping)
- AZ::Vector2 translatedCanvasSpacePivot = m_startingPrimaryCanvasSpacePivot + canvasSpaceMouseDelta;
- // snap the position of the pivot
- AZ::Vector2 snappedPivot = EntityHelpers::Snap(translatedCanvasSpacePivot, snapDistance);
- AZ::Vector2 canvasSpaceSnapAdjustment = snappedPivot - translatedCanvasSpacePivot;
- // adjust the local translation to allow for snapping
- if (m_grabbedGizmoParts.Single())
- {
- if (m_grabbedGizmoParts.m_right)
- {
- canvasSpaceMouseDelta.SetX(canvasSpaceMouseDelta.GetX() + canvasSpaceSnapAdjustment.GetX());
- }
- if (m_grabbedGizmoParts.m_top)
- {
- canvasSpaceMouseDelta.SetY(canvasSpaceMouseDelta.GetY() + canvasSpaceSnapAdjustment.GetY());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- canvasSpaceMouseDelta += canvasSpaceSnapAdjustment;
- }
- // Compute a local delta based on canvas space delta
- localMouseDelta = EntityHelpers::TransformDeltaFromCanvasToLocalSpace(m_primaryElementParent->GetId(), canvasSpaceMouseDelta);
- }
- }
- }
- void ViewportMoveInteraction::MovePrimaryElement(bool restrictDirection, AZ::Vector2& canvasSpaceMouseDelta, AZ::Vector2& localMouseDelta)
- {
- if (m_interactionMode == ViewportInteraction::InteractionMode::MOVE)
- {
- const UiTransform2dInterface::Offsets& startingOffsets = m_startingOffsets[m_primaryElement->GetId()];
- EntityHelpers::MoveByLocalDeltaUsingOffsets(m_primaryElement->GetId(), startingOffsets, localMouseDelta);
- }
- else if (m_interactionMode == ViewportInteraction::InteractionMode::ANCHOR)
- {
- const UiTransform2dInterface::Anchors& startingAnchors = m_startingAnchors[m_primaryElement->GetId()];
- AZ::Vector2 constrainedLocalTranslation = EntityHelpers::MoveByLocalDeltaUsingAnchors(m_primaryElement->GetId(), m_primaryElementParent->GetId(),
- startingAnchors, localMouseDelta, restrictDirection);
- if (constrainedLocalTranslation != localMouseDelta)
- {
- // The anchor limits prevented moving the active element the requested amount.
- // We want the secondary elements to move the same amount as the primary one.
- // NOTE: if the secondary elements hit an anchor limit they will be constrained but other elements will not - so relative positions
- // are not ALWAYS preserved.
- localMouseDelta = constrainedLocalTranslation;
- // Recompute the canvas space delta based on local delta
- canvasSpaceMouseDelta = EntityHelpers::TransformDeltaFromLocalToCanvasSpace(m_primaryElementParent->GetId(), localMouseDelta);
- }
- }
- UiElementChangeNotificationBus::Event(m_primaryElement->GetId(), &UiElementChangeNotificationBus::Events::UiElementPropertyChanged);
- }
- void ViewportMoveInteraction::MoveSecondaryElement(AZ::Entity* element, bool restrictDirection, const AZ::Vector2& canvasSpaceMouseDelta)
- {
- AZ::Entity* parentElement = EntityHelpers::GetParentElement(element);
- AZ::Vector2 localMouseDelta = EntityHelpers::TransformDeltaFromCanvasToLocalSpace(parentElement->GetId(), canvasSpaceMouseDelta);
- if (m_interactionMode == ViewportInteraction::InteractionMode::MOVE)
- {
- const UiTransform2dInterface::Offsets& startingOffsets = m_startingOffsets[element->GetId()];
- EntityHelpers::MoveByLocalDeltaUsingOffsets(element->GetId(), startingOffsets, localMouseDelta);
- }
- else if (m_interactionMode == ViewportInteraction::InteractionMode::ANCHOR)
- {
- const UiTransform2dInterface::Anchors& startingAnchors = m_startingAnchors[element->GetId()];
- EntityHelpers::MoveByLocalDeltaUsingAnchors(element->GetId(), parentElement->GetId(), startingAnchors, localMouseDelta, restrictDirection);
- }
- UiElementChangeNotificationBus::Event(element->GetId(), &UiElementChangeNotificationBus::Events::UiElementPropertyChanged);
- }
- AZ::Vector2 ViewportMoveInteraction::GetPivotRelativeToTopLeftAnchor(AZ::EntityId entityId)
- {
- UiTransform2dInterface::Offsets currentOffsets;
- UiTransform2dBus::EventResult(currentOffsets, entityId, &UiTransform2dBus::Events::GetOffsets);
- // Get the width and height in canvas space no scale rotate.
- AZ::Vector2 elementSize;
- UiTransformBus::EventResult(elementSize, entityId, &UiTransformBus::Events::GetCanvasSpaceSizeNoScaleRotate);
- AZ::Vector2 pivot;
- UiTransformBus::EventResult(pivot, entityId, &UiTransformBus::Events::GetPivot);
- AZ::Vector2 pivotRelativeToTopLeftAnchor(currentOffsets.m_left + (elementSize.GetX() * pivot.GetX()),
- currentOffsets.m_top + (elementSize.GetY() * pivot.GetY()));
- return pivotRelativeToTopLeftAnchor;
- }