123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include "EditorCommon.h"
- #include <AzCore/Asset/AssetManager.h>
- #include <AzToolsFramework/ToolsComponents/EditorOnlyEntityComponentBus.h>
- #include <LyShine/UiComponentTypes.h>
- HierarchyItem::HierarchyItem(EditorWindow* editWindow,
- QTreeWidgetItem& parent,
- int childIndex,
- const QString label,
- AZ::Entity* optionalElement)
- : QObject()
- , QTreeWidgetItem(static_cast<QTreeWidgetItem*>(nullptr), QStringList(label), HierarchyItem::RttiType)
- , m_editorWindow(editWindow)
- , m_elementId(optionalElement ? optionalElement->GetId() : AZ::EntityId())
- , m_mark(false)
- , m_preMoveChildRow(-1)
- , m_mouseIsHovering(false)
- , m_nonSnappedOffsets()
- , m_nonSnappedZRotation(0.0f)
- {
- // Add this hierarchy item to its parent at the specified child index
- QTreeWidgetItem* child = static_cast<QTreeWidgetItem*>(this);
- if (childIndex >= 0)
- {
- parent.insertChild(childIndex, child);
- }
- else
- {
- parent.addChild(child);
- }
- // If an optional existing element is specified, we don't need to create a
- // new element. This occurs when building the tree from an existing canvas
- if (!optionalElement)
- {
- // Create a new element as the last child of the specified parent element
- AZ::Entity* element = nullptr;
- HierarchyItem* parentHierarchyItem = HierarchyItem::RttiCast(&parent);
- if (parentHierarchyItem)
- {
- UiElementBus::EventResult(
- element, parentHierarchyItem->GetEntityId(), &UiElementBus::Events::CreateChildElement, label.toStdString().c_str());
- }
- else
- {
- UiCanvasBus::EventResult(
- element, editWindow->GetCanvas(), &UiCanvasBus::Events::CreateChildElement, label.toStdString().c_str());
- }
- if (element->GetState() == AZ::Entity::State::Active)
- {
- element->Deactivate(); // deactivate so that we can add components
- }
- // add a transform component to the element - all UI elements have a transform
- element->CreateComponent(LyShine::UiTransform2dComponentUuid);
- if (element->GetState() == AZ::Entity::State::Constructed)
- {
- element->Init(); // init
- }
- if (element->GetState() == AZ::Entity::State::Init)
- {
- element->Activate(); // activate
- }
- m_elementId = element->GetId();
- // Move the new child element to the desired child index
- if (childIndex >= 0)
- {
- AZ::EntityId parentEntityId;
- if (parentHierarchyItem)
- {
- parentEntityId = parentHierarchyItem->GetEntityId();
- }
- AZ::EntityId insertBeforeEntityId;
- UiElementBus::EventResult(insertBeforeEntityId, parentEntityId, &UiElementBus::Events::GetChildEntityId, childIndex);
- UiElementBus::Event(m_elementId, &UiElementBus::Events::ReparentByEntityId, parentEntityId, insertBeforeEntityId);
- }
- }
- AZ_Assert(m_elementId.IsValid(), "Invalid element ID");
- // Connect signals.
- {
- // Register with the entity map for quick lookup.
- QObject::connect(this,
- SIGNAL(SignalItemAdd(HierarchyItem*)),
- m_editorWindow->GetHierarchy(),
- SLOT(HandleItemAdd(HierarchyItem*)));
- QObject::connect(this,
- SIGNAL(SignalItemRemove(HierarchyItem*)),
- m_editorWindow->GetHierarchy(),
- SLOT(HandleItemRemove(HierarchyItem*)));
- }
- // Add to the entity map for quick lookup.
- //
- // IMPORTANT: This MUST be done BEFORE changing the
- // behavior and look of this class.
- SignalItemAdd(this);
- // Behavior and look.
- //
- // IMPORTANT: This MUST be done AFTER SignalItemAdd().
- {
- setFlags(flags() |
- Qt::ItemIsEditable |
- Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled |
- Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled);
- UpdateIcon();
- UpdateSliceInfo();
- UpdateEditorOnlyInfo();
- }
- }
- HierarchyItem::~HierarchyItem()
- {
- DeleteElement();
- // Remove from quick lookup entity map.
- SignalItemRemove(this);
- }
- void HierarchyItem::DeleteElement()
- {
- // IMPORTANT: DeleteElement() can be called from ~HierarchyItem().
- // Parent HierarchyItem are destroyed BEFORE their children.
- // When a parent HierarchyItem is destroyed, all its AZ::Entity
- // children are destroyed. Therefore, it's NECESSARY to use
- // SAFE_DELETE(). That's because our AZ::Entity might have already
- // been deleted. In which case GetElement() will return nullptr.
- // ~HierarchyItem() is the ONLY place where GetElement() is allowed
- // return nullptr.
- UiElementBus::Event(m_elementId, &UiElementBus::Events::DestroyElement);
- }
- AZ::Entity* HierarchyItem::GetElement() const
- {
- // IMPORTANT: "element" will NEVER be nullptr, EXCEPT in ~HierarchyItem().
- // In the ~HierarchyItem(), deleting the parent of our element will cause
- // our own element to be destroyed. ~HierarchyItem() is the ONLY place
- // where we CAN'T assume that our m_elementId is always valid.
- return EntityHelpers::GetEntity(m_elementId);
- }
- AZ::EntityId HierarchyItem::GetEntityId() const
- {
- return m_elementId;
- }
- void HierarchyItem::ClearEntityId()
- {
- m_elementId.SetInvalid();
- }
- void HierarchyItem::SetMouseIsHovering(bool isHovering)
- {
- m_mouseIsHovering = isHovering;
- UpdateIcon();
- }
- void HierarchyItem::SetIsExpanded(bool isExpanded)
- {
- // Runtime-side.
- UiEditorBus::Event(m_elementId, &UiEditorBus::Events::SetIsExpanded, isExpanded);
- // Editor-side.
- setExpanded(isExpanded);
- }
- void HierarchyItem::ApplyElementIsExpanded()
- {
- bool isExpanded = false;
- UiEditorBus::EventResult(isExpanded, m_elementId, &UiEditorBus::Events::GetIsExpanded);
- setExpanded(isExpanded);
- }
- void HierarchyItem::SetIsSelectable(bool isSelectable)
- {
- // Runtime-side.
- UiEditorBus::Event(m_elementId, &UiEditorBus::Events::SetIsSelectable, isSelectable);
- // Editor-side.
- UpdateIcon();
- UpdateChildIcon();
- m_editorWindow->GetViewport()->Refresh();
- }
- void HierarchyItem::SetIsSelected(bool isSelected)
- {
- // Runtime-side.
- UiEditorBus::Event(m_elementId, &UiEditorBus::Events::SetIsSelected, isSelected);
- // Editor-side.
- setSelected(isSelected);
- UpdateIcon();
- m_editorWindow->GetViewport()->Refresh();
- }
- void HierarchyItem::SetIsVisible(bool isVisible)
- {
- // Runtime-side.
- UiEditorBus::Event(m_elementId, &UiEditorBus::Events::SetIsVisible, isVisible);
- // Editor-side.
- UpdateIcon();
- UpdateChildIcon();
- m_editorWindow->GetViewport()->Refresh();
- }
- void HierarchyItem::UpdateIcon()
- {
- // Eye icon.
- {
- const char* textureName = nullptr;
- bool isVisible = false;
- UiEditorBus::EventResult(isVisible, m_elementId, &UiEditorBus::Events::GetIsVisible);
- if (isVisible)
- {
- // This item is visible.
- bool areAllAncestorsVisible = true;
- UiEditorBus::EventResult(areAllAncestorsVisible, m_elementId, &UiEditorBus::Events::AreAllAncestorsVisible);
- }
- else
- {
- // This item is NOT visible.
- textureName = (m_mouseIsHovering ? UICANVASEDITOR_HIERARCHY_ICON_OPEN_HIDDEN : "");
- }
- }
- // Padlock icon.
- {
- const char* textureName = nullptr;
- bool isSelectable = false;
- UiEditorBus::EventResult(isSelectable, m_elementId, &UiEditorBus::Events::GetIsSelectable);
- if (isSelectable)
- {
- // This item is NOT locked.
- textureName = (m_mouseIsHovering ? UICANVASEDITOR_HIERARCHY_ICON_PADLOCK_ENABLED : "");
- }
- else
- {
- // This item is locked.
- }
- }
- }
- void HierarchyItem::UpdateChildIcon()
- {
- // Seed the list.
- HierarchyItemRawPtrList items;
- HierarchyHelpers::AppendAllChildrenToEndOfList(this, items);
- // Update child icons.
- HierarchyHelpers::TraverseListAndAllChildren(items,
- [](HierarchyItem* childItem)
- {
- childItem->UpdateIcon();
- });
- }
- HierarchyItem* HierarchyItem::Parent() const
- {
- // It's ok to return a nullptr.
- // nullptr normally happens when we've reached the invisibleRootItem(),
- // We DON'T consider the invisibleRootItem() the parent of a HierarchyItem.
- return HierarchyItem::RttiCast(QTreeWidgetItem::parent());
- }
- HierarchyItem* HierarchyItem::Child(int i) const
- {
- HierarchyItem* item = HierarchyItem::RttiCast(QTreeWidgetItem::child(i));
- AZ_Assert(item, "There's an item in the Hierarchy that isn't a HierarchyItem.");
- return item;
- }
- void HierarchyItem::SetMark(bool m)
- {
- m_mark = m;
- }
- bool HierarchyItem::GetMark()
- {
- return m_mark;
- }
- void HierarchyItem::SetPreMove(AZ::EntityId parentId, int childRow)
- {
- m_preMoveParentId = parentId;
- m_preMoveChildRow = childRow;
- }
- AZ::EntityId HierarchyItem::GetPreMoveParentId()
- {
- return m_preMoveParentId;
- }
- int HierarchyItem::GetPreMoveChildRow()
- {
- return m_preMoveChildRow;
- }
- void HierarchyItem::ReplaceElement(const AZStd::string& xml, const AZStd::unordered_set<AZ::Data::AssetId>& referencedSliceAssets)
- {
- AZ_Assert(!xml.empty(), "XML is empty");
- AZ::Entity* parentEntity = Parent() ? Parent()->GetElement() : nullptr;
- AZ::Entity* replaceEntity = GetElement();
- // find the element after the one to be replaced
- AZ::Entity* insertBeforeEntity = nullptr;
- {
- LyShine::EntityArray childElements;
- if (parentEntity)
- {
- UiElementBus::EventResult(childElements, parentEntity->GetId(), &UiElementBus::Events::GetChildElements);
- }
- else
- {
- UiCanvasBus::EventResult(childElements, m_editorWindow->GetCanvas(), &UiCanvasBus::Events::GetChildElements);
- }
- // find the enity we are replacing in the list (it must exist)
- auto iter = std::find(childElements.begin(), childElements.end(), replaceEntity);
- AZ_Assert(iter != childElements.end(), "Entity not found");
- // if there is an element after the replace element then that is the one to insert before
- if (++iter != childElements.end())
- {
- insertBeforeEntity = *iter;
- }
- }
- // If restoring to a slice, keep a reference to the slice asset so it isn't released when the entity
- // is deleted, only to immediately reload upon restoring.
- AZStd::vector<AZ::Data::Asset<AZ::SliceAsset>> preservedAssetsRefs;
- for (auto assetId : referencedSliceAssets)
- {
- preservedAssetsRefs.push_back(AZ::Data::AssetManager::Instance().FindAsset(assetId, AZ::Data::AssetLoadBehavior::Default));
- }
- // Discard the old element.
- DeleteElement();
- // Load the new element.
- SerializeHelpers::RestoreSerializedElements(m_editorWindow->GetCanvas(),
- parentEntity,
- insertBeforeEntity,
- m_editorWindow->GetEntityContext(),
- xml,
- false,
- nullptr);
- // Update any visual information that may have changed with this element or any of its descendants
- UpdateEditorOnlyInfoRecursive();
- }
- void HierarchyItem::UpdateSliceInfo()
- {
- // This is deliberately slightly different to the blue color used for hover, so that we can still see a change on hover
- static const QColor sliceForegroundColor(117, 156, 254);
- //determine if entity belongs to a slice
- AZ::SliceComponent::SliceInstanceAddress sliceAddress;
- AzFramework::SliceEntityRequestBus::EventResult(sliceAddress, m_elementId,
- &AzFramework::SliceEntityRequestBus::Events::GetOwningSlice);
- bool isSliceEntity = sliceAddress.IsValid();
- AZStd::string sliceAssetName;
- if (isSliceEntity)
- {
- auto sliceReference = sliceAddress.GetReference();
- auto sliceInstance = sliceAddress.GetInstance();
- // determine slice asset name (for tooltip display)
- AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::BroadcastResult(sliceAssetName, &AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequests::GetAssetPathById, sliceReference->GetSliceAsset().GetId());
- //determine if entity parent belongs to a slice
- AZ::EntityId parentId;
- UiElementBus::EventResult(parentId, m_elementId, &UiElementBus::Events::GetParentEntityId);
- AZ::SliceComponent::SliceInstanceAddress parentSliceAddress;
- AzFramework::SliceEntityRequestBus::EventResult(parentSliceAddress, parentId,
- &AzFramework::SliceEntityRequestBus::Events::GetOwningSlice);
- //we're a slice root if our parent doesn't have a slice reference or instance or our parent slice reference or instances don't match ours
- auto parentSliceReference = parentSliceAddress.GetReference();
- auto parentSliceInstance = parentSliceAddress.GetInstance();
- bool isSliceRoot = !parentSliceReference || !parentSliceInstance || (sliceReference != parentSliceReference) || (sliceInstance->GetId() != parentSliceInstance->GetId());
- // set the text color to the slice color
- setForeground(0, sliceForegroundColor);
- // use bold or italic to indicate whether this is the root of the slice instance or a child entity within an instance
- auto itemFont = font(0);
- if (isSliceRoot)
- {
- itemFont.setBold(true);
- }
- else
- {
- itemFont.setItalic(true);
- }
- setFont(0, itemFont);
- }
- else
- {
- // get the normal text color from the palette
- auto parentWidgetPtr = static_cast<QWidget*>(m_editorWindow);
- setForeground(0, QBrush(parentWidgetPtr->palette().color(QPalette::Text)));
- // set to normal font
- auto itemFont = font(0);
- itemFont.setBold(false);
- itemFont.setItalic(false);
- setFont(0, itemFont);
- }
- // Set tooltip to indicate which slice this is part of (if any)
- QString tooltip = !sliceAssetName.empty() ? QString("Slice asset: %1").arg(sliceAssetName.data()) : QString("Slice asset: This entity is not part of a slice.");
- setToolTip(0, tooltip);
- }
- void HierarchyItem::UpdateEditorOnlyInfo()
- {
- bool isEditorOnly = false;
- AzToolsFramework::EditorOnlyEntityComponentRequestBus::EventResult(isEditorOnly, m_elementId, &AzToolsFramework::EditorOnlyEntityComponentRequests::IsEditorOnlyEntity);
- if (isEditorOnly)
- {
- static const QColor editorOnlyBackgroundColor(60, 0, 0);
- setBackground(0, editorOnlyBackgroundColor);
- }
- else
- {
- setBackground(0, Qt::transparent);
- }
- }
- void HierarchyItem::UpdateEditorOnlyInfoRecursive()
- {
- UpdateEditorOnlyInfo();
- for (int i = 0; i < childCount(); ++i)
- {
- HierarchyItem* item = HierarchyItem::RttiCast(child(i));
- item->UpdateEditorOnlyInfoRecursive();
- }
- }
- void HierarchyItem::SetNonSnappedOffsets(UiTransform2dInterface::Offsets offsets)
- {
- m_nonSnappedOffsets = offsets;
- }
- UiTransform2dInterface::Offsets HierarchyItem::GetNonSnappedOffsets()
- {
- return m_nonSnappedOffsets;
- }
- void HierarchyItem::SetNonSnappedZRotation(float rotation)
- {
- m_nonSnappedZRotation = rotation;
- }
- float HierarchyItem::GetNonSnappedZRotation()
- {
- return m_nonSnappedZRotation;
- }
- #include <moc_HierarchyItem.cpp>