123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include "EditorCommon.h"
- #include <QMimeData>
- #include <QApplication>
- #include <QClipboard>
- SerializeHelpers::SerializedEntryList& HierarchyClipboard::Serialize(HierarchyWidget* widget,
- const QTreeWidgetItemRawPtrQList& selectedItems,
- HierarchyItemRawPtrList* optionalItemsToSerialize,
- SerializeHelpers::SerializedEntryList& entryList,
- bool isUndo)
- {
- HierarchyItemRawPtrList itemsToSerialize;
- if (optionalItemsToSerialize)
- {
- // copy the list so we can sort it
- itemsToSerialize = *optionalItemsToSerialize;
- }
- else
- {
- SelectionHelpers::GetListOfTopLevelSelectedItems(widget,
- selectedItems,
- widget->invisibleRootItem(),
- itemsToSerialize);
- }
- // Sort the itemsToSerialize by order in the hierarchy, this is important for reliably restoring
- // them given that we maintain the order by remembering which item to insert before
- HierarchyHelpers::SortByHierarchyOrder(itemsToSerialize);
- // HierarchyItemRawPtrList -> SerializeHelpers::SerializedEntryList
- for (auto i : itemsToSerialize)
- {
- AZ::Entity* e = i->GetElement();
- AZ_Assert(e, "No entity found for item");
- // serialize this entity (and its descendants) to XML and get the set of prefab references
- // used by the serialized entities
- AZStd::unordered_set<AZ::Data::AssetId> referencedSliceAssets;
- AZStd::string xml = GetXml(widget, LyShine::EntityArray(1, e), false, referencedSliceAssets);
- AZ_Assert(!xml.empty(), "Failed to serialize");
- if (isUndo)
- {
- AZ::EntityId parentId;
- {
- HierarchyItem* parent = i->Parent();
- parentId = (parent ? parent->GetEntityId() : AZ::EntityId());
- }
- AZ::EntityId insertAboveThisId;
- {
- QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem = (i->QTreeWidgetItem::parent() ? i->QTreeWidgetItem::parent() : widget->invisibleRootItem());
- // +1 : Because the insertion point is the next sibling.
- QTreeWidgetItem* insertAboveThisBaseItem = parentItem->child(parentItem->indexOfChild(i) + 1);
- HierarchyItem* insertAboveThisItem = HierarchyItem::RttiCast(insertAboveThisBaseItem);
- insertAboveThisId = (insertAboveThisItem ? insertAboveThisItem->GetEntityId() : AZ::EntityId());
- }
- entryList.push_back(SerializeHelpers::SerializedEntry
- {
- i->GetEntityId(),
- parentId,
- insertAboveThisId,
- xml,
- "",
- referencedSliceAssets
- }
- );
- }
- else // isRedo.
- {
- AZ::EntityId id = i->GetEntityId();
- auto iter = std::find_if(entryList.begin(),
- entryList.end(),
- [ id ](const SerializeHelpers::SerializedEntry& entry)
- {
- return (entry.m_id == id);
- });
- // This function should ALWAYS be called
- // with ( isUndo == true ) first.
- AZ_Assert(entryList.size() > 0, "Empty entry list");
- AZ_Assert(iter != entryList.end(), "Entity ID not found in entryList");
- iter->m_redoXml = xml;
- }
- }
- return entryList;
- }
- bool HierarchyClipboard::Unserialize(HierarchyWidget* widget,
- SerializeHelpers::SerializedEntryList& entryList,
- bool isUndo)
- {
- if (!HierarchyHelpers::AllItemExists(widget, entryList))
- {
- // At least one item is missing.
- // Nothing to do.
- return false;
- }
- // Runtime-side: Replace element.
- for (auto && e : entryList)
- {
- HierarchyItem* item = HierarchyItem::RttiCast(HierarchyHelpers::ElementToItem(widget, e.m_id, false));
- item->ReplaceElement(isUndo ? e.m_undoXml : e.m_redoXml, e.m_referencedSliceAssets);
- }
- // Editor-side: Highlight.
- widget->clearSelection();
- HierarchyHelpers::SetSelectedItems(widget, &entryList);
- return true;
- }
- void HierarchyClipboard::CopySelectedItemsToClipboard(HierarchyWidget* widget,
- const QTreeWidgetItemRawPtrQList& selectedItems)
- {
- // selectedItems -> EntityArray.
- LyShine::EntityArray elements;
- {
- HierarchyItemRawPtrList itemsToSerialize;
- SelectionHelpers::GetListOfTopLevelSelectedItems(widget,
- selectedItems,
- widget->invisibleRootItem(),
- itemsToSerialize);
- for (auto i : itemsToSerialize)
- {
- elements.push_back(i->GetElement());
- }
- }
- // EntityArray -> XML.
- AZStd::unordered_set<AZ::Data::AssetId> referencedSliceAssets; // returned from GetXML but not used in this case
- AZStd::string xml = GetXml(widget, elements, true, referencedSliceAssets);
- // XML -> Clipboard.
- if (!xml.empty())
- {
- QMimeData* mimeData = new QMimeData();
- {
- // Concatenate all the data we need into a single QByteArray.
- QByteArray data(xml.c_str(), static_cast<int>(xml.size()));
- mimeData->setData(UICANVASEDITOR_MIMETYPE, data);
- }
- QApplication::clipboard()->setMimeData(mimeData);
- }
- }
- void HierarchyClipboard::CreateElementsFromClipboard(HierarchyWidget* widget,
- const QTreeWidgetItemRawPtrQList& selectedItems,
- bool createAsChildOfSelection)
- {
- if (!ClipboardContainsOurDataType())
- {
- // Nothing to do.
- return;
- }
- const QMimeData* mimeData = QApplication::clipboard()->mimeData();
- QByteArray data = mimeData->data(UICANVASEDITOR_MIMETYPE);
- char* rawData = data.data();
- // Extract all the data we need from the source QByteArray.
- char* xml = static_cast<char*>(rawData);
- CommandHierarchyItemCreateFromData::Push(widget->GetEditorWindow()->GetActiveStack(),
- widget,
- selectedItems,
- createAsChildOfSelection,
- [ widget, xml ](HierarchyItem* parent,
- LyShine::EntityArray& listOfNewlyCreatedTopLevelElements)
- {
- SerializeHelpers::RestoreSerializedElements(widget->GetEditorWindow()->GetCanvas(),
- (parent ? parent->GetElement() : nullptr),
- nullptr,
- widget->GetEditorWindow()->GetEntityContext(),
- xml,
- true,
- &listOfNewlyCreatedTopLevelElements);
- },
- "Paste");
- }
- AZStd::string HierarchyClipboard::GetXml(HierarchyWidget* widget,
- const LyShine::EntityArray& elements,
- bool isCopyOperation,
- AZStd::unordered_set<AZ::Data::AssetId>& referencedSliceAssets)
- {
- if (elements.empty())
- {
- // Nothing to do.
- return "";
- }
- AZ::SliceComponent* rootSlice = widget->GetEditorWindow()->GetSliceManager()->GetRootSlice();
- AZStd::string result = SerializeHelpers::SaveElementsToXmlString(elements, rootSlice, isCopyOperation, referencedSliceAssets);
- return result;
- }
- AZStd::string HierarchyClipboard::GetXmlForDiff(AZ::EntityId canvasEntityId)
- {
- AZStd::string xmlString;
- UiCanvasBus::EventResult(xmlString, canvasEntityId, &UiCanvasBus::Events::SaveToXmlString);
- return xmlString;
- }
- void HierarchyClipboard::BeginUndoableEntitiesChange(EditorWindow* editorWindow, SerializeHelpers::SerializedEntryList& preChangeState)
- {
- preChangeState.clear(); // Serialize just adds to the list, so we want to clear it first
- // This is used to save the "before" undo data.
- HierarchyClipboard::Serialize(editorWindow->GetHierarchy(),
- editorWindow->GetHierarchy()->selectedItems(),
- nullptr,
- preChangeState,
- true);
- }
- void HierarchyClipboard::EndUndoableEntitiesChange(EditorWindow* editorWindow, const char* commandName, SerializeHelpers::SerializedEntryList& preChangeState)
- {
- // Before saving the current entity state, make sure that all marked layouts are recomputed.
- // Otherwise they will be recomputed on the next update which will be after the entity state is saved.
- // An example where this is needed is when changing the properties of a layout fitter component
- UiCanvasBus::Event(editorWindow->GetActiveCanvasEntityId(), &UiCanvasBus::Events::RecomputeChangedLayouts);
- // This is used to save the "after" undo data. It puts a command on the undo stack with the given name.
- CommandPropertiesChange::Push(editorWindow->GetActiveStack(),
- editorWindow->GetHierarchy(),
- preChangeState,
- commandName);
- // Notify other systems (e.g. Animation) for each UI entity that changed
- LyShine::EntityArray selectedElements = SelectionHelpers::GetTopLevelSelectedElements(
- editorWindow->GetHierarchy(), editorWindow->GetHierarchy()->selectedItems());
- for (auto element : selectedElements)
- {
- UiElementChangeNotificationBus::Event(element->GetId(), &UiElementChangeNotificationBus::Events::UiElementPropertyChanged);
- }
- }