123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include "VegetationTest.h"
- #include "VegetationMocks.h"
- #include <AzCore/Component/Entity.h>
- #include <AzTest/AzTest.h>
- #include <AzCore/UnitTest/TestTypes.h>
- #include <Vegetation/EmptyInstanceSpawner.h>
- #include <Vegetation/Ebuses/DescriptorNotificationBus.h>
- namespace UnitTest
- {
- // Mock VegetationSystemComponent is needed to reflect only the EmptyInstanceSpawner.
- class MockEmptyInstanceVegetationSystemComponent
- : public AZ::Component
- {
- public:
- AZ_COMPONENT(MockEmptyInstanceVegetationSystemComponent, "{B2AF429A-4E3A-4A59-A425-5A191733D24A}", AZ::Component);
- void Activate() override {}
- void Deactivate() override {}
- static void Reflect(AZ::ReflectContext* reflect)
- {
- Vegetation::InstanceSpawner::Reflect(reflect);
- Vegetation::EmptyInstanceSpawner::Reflect(reflect);
- }
- static void GetProvidedServices(AZ::ComponentDescriptor::DependencyArrayType& provided)
- {
- provided.push_back(AZ_CRC_CE("VegetationSystemService"));
- }
- };
- class EmptyInstanceSpawnerTests
- : public VegetationComponentTests
- , public Vegetation::DescriptorNotificationBus::Handler
- {
- public:
- void RegisterComponentDescriptors() override
- {
- m_app.RegisterComponentDescriptor(MockEmptyInstanceVegetationSystemComponent::CreateDescriptor());
- }
- void OnDescriptorAssetsLoaded() override { m_numOnLoadedCalls++; }
- int m_numOnLoadedCalls = 0;
- };
- TEST_F(EmptyInstanceSpawnerTests, BasicInitializationTest)
- {
- // Basic test to make sure we can construct / destroy without errors.
- Vegetation::EmptyInstanceSpawner instanceSpawner;
- }
- TEST_F(EmptyInstanceSpawnerTests, SpawnersAlwaysEqual)
- {
- // Two different instances of the EmptyInstanceSpawner should always be considered
- // data-equivalent.
- Vegetation::EmptyInstanceSpawner instanceSpawner1;
- Vegetation::EmptyInstanceSpawner instanceSpawner2;
- EXPECT_TRUE(instanceSpawner1 == instanceSpawner2);
- }
- TEST_F(EmptyInstanceSpawnerTests, LoadAndUnloadAssets)
- {
- // The spawner should successfully pretend to load/unload assets without errors.
- // ("Pretend" because an EmptyInstanceSpawner has no assets)
- Vegetation::EmptyInstanceSpawner instanceSpawner;
- Vegetation::DescriptorNotificationBus::Handler::BusConnect(&instanceSpawner);
- instanceSpawner.LoadAssets();
- // We expect this to be called immediately during LoadAssets for EmptyInstanceSpawner, so there's
- // no need to wait before checking it.
- EXPECT_TRUE(m_numOnLoadedCalls == 1);
- instanceSpawner.UnloadAssets();
- Vegetation::DescriptorNotificationBus::Handler::BusDisconnect();
- }
- TEST_F(EmptyInstanceSpawnerTests, CreateAndDestroyInstance)
- {
- // The spawner should successfully "create" and "destroy" an instance without errors.
- Vegetation::EmptyInstanceSpawner instanceSpawner;
- Vegetation::InstanceData instanceData;
- Vegetation::InstancePtr instance = instanceSpawner.CreateInstance(instanceData);
- EXPECT_TRUE(instance);
- instanceSpawner.DestroyInstance(0, instance);
- }
- TEST_F(EmptyInstanceSpawnerTests, SpawnerRegisteredWithDescriptor)
- {
- // Validate that the Descriptor successfully gets EmptyInstanceSpawner registered with it,
- // as long as InstanceSpawner and EmptyInstanceSpawner have been reflected.
- MockEmptyInstanceVegetationSystemComponent* component = nullptr;
- auto entity = CreateEntity(&component);
- Vegetation::Descriptor descriptor;
- descriptor.RefreshSpawnerTypeList();
- auto spawnerTypes = descriptor.GetSpawnerTypeList();
- EXPECT_TRUE(spawnerTypes.size() == 1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(spawnerTypes[0].first == Vegetation::EmptyInstanceSpawner::RTTI_Type());
- }
- TEST_F(EmptyInstanceSpawnerTests, DescriptorCreatesCorrectSpawner)
- {
- // Validate that the Descriptor successfully creates a new EmptyInstanceSpawner if we change
- // the spawner type on the Descriptor.
- MockEmptyInstanceVegetationSystemComponent* component = nullptr;
- auto entity = CreateEntity(&component);
- // We expect the Descriptor to start off with a Legacy Vegetation spawner, but then should correctly get an
- // EmptyInstanceSpawner after we change spawnerType.
- Vegetation::Descriptor descriptor;
- EXPECT_TRUE(azrtti_typeid(*(descriptor.GetInstanceSpawner())) != Vegetation::EmptyInstanceSpawner::RTTI_Type());
- descriptor.m_spawnerType = Vegetation::EmptyInstanceSpawner::RTTI_Type();
- descriptor.RefreshSpawnerTypeList();
- descriptor.SpawnerTypeChanged();
- EXPECT_TRUE(azrtti_typeid(*(descriptor.GetInstanceSpawner())) == Vegetation::EmptyInstanceSpawner::RTTI_Type());
- }
- }