123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <AzCore/Debug/Profiler.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/smart_ptr/unique_ptr.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/containers/map.h>
- #include <AzCore/std/containers/set.h>
- #include <System/FabricCooker.h>
- // NvCloth library includes
- #include <NvCloth/Range.h>
- #include <NvClothExt/ClothFabricCooker.h>
- namespace NvCloth
- {
- namespace Internal
- {
- FabricId ComputeFabricId(
- const AZStd::vector<SimParticleFormat>& particles,
- const AZStd::vector<SimIndexType>& indices,
- const AZ::Vector3& fabricGravity,
- bool useGeodesicTether)
- {
- AZ::Crc32 upperCrc32(particles.data(), sizeof(SimParticleFormat)*particles.size());
- upperCrc32.Add(&fabricGravity, sizeof(fabricGravity));
- AZ::Crc32 lowerCrc32(indices.data(), sizeof(SimIndexType)*indices.size());
- lowerCrc32.Add(&useGeodesicTether, sizeof(useGeodesicTether));
- const AZ::u32 upper = static_cast<AZ::u32>(upperCrc32);
- const AZ::u32 lower = static_cast<AZ::u32>(lowerCrc32);
- const AZ::u64 id =
- static_cast<AZ::u64>(lower) |
- (static_cast<AZ::u64>(upper) << 32);
- return FabricId(id);
- }
- nv::cloth::BoundedData ToNvBoundedData(const void* data, size_t stride, size_t count)
- {
- nv::cloth::BoundedData boundedData;
- boundedData.data = data;
- boundedData.stride = static_cast<physx::PxU32>(stride);
- boundedData.count = static_cast<physx::PxU32>(count);
- return boundedData;
- }
- template <typename T>
- static void CopyNvRange(const nv::cloth::Range<const T>& nvRange, AZStd::vector<T>& azVector)
- {
- azVector.resize(nvRange.size());
- AZStd::copy(nvRange.begin(), nvRange.end(), azVector.begin());
- }
- void CopyCookedData(FabricCookedData::InternalCookedData& azCookedData, const nv::cloth::CookedData& nvCookedData)
- {
- azCookedData.m_numParticles = nvCookedData.mNumParticles;
- // All these are fast copies
- CopyNvRange(nvCookedData.mPhaseIndices, azCookedData.m_phaseIndices);
- CopyNvRange(nvCookedData.mPhaseTypes, azCookedData.m_phaseTypes);
- CopyNvRange(nvCookedData.mSets, azCookedData.m_sets);
- CopyNvRange(nvCookedData.mRestvalues, azCookedData.m_restValues);
- CopyNvRange(nvCookedData.mStiffnessValues, azCookedData.m_stiffnessValues);
- CopyNvRange(nvCookedData.mIndices, azCookedData.m_indices);
- CopyNvRange(nvCookedData.mAnchors, azCookedData.m_anchors);
- CopyNvRange(nvCookedData.mTetherLengths, azCookedData.m_tetherLengths);
- CopyNvRange(nvCookedData.mTriangles, azCookedData.m_triangles);
- }
- AZStd::optional<FabricCookedData> Cook(
- const AZStd::vector<SimParticleFormat>& particles,
- const AZStd::vector<SimIndexType>& indices,
- const AZ::Vector3& fabricGravity,
- bool useGeodesicTether)
- {
- // Check if all the particles are static (inverse masses are all 0)
- const bool fullyStaticFabric = AZStd::all_of(particles.cbegin(), particles.cend(),
- [](const SimParticleFormat& particle)
- {
- return particle.GetW() == 0.0f;
- });
- const int numIndicesPerTriangle = 3;
- const AZStd::vector<float> defaultInvMasses(particles.size(), 1.0f);
- nv::cloth::ClothMeshDesc meshDesc;
- meshDesc.setToDefault();
- meshDesc.points = ToNvBoundedData(particles.data(), sizeof(SimParticleFormat), particles.size());
- if (!fullyStaticFabric)
- {
- const int offsetToW = 3;
- meshDesc.invMasses = ToNvBoundedData(reinterpret_cast<const float*>(particles.data()) + offsetToW, sizeof(SimParticleFormat), particles.size());
- }
- else
- {
- // NvCloth doesn't support cooking a fabric where all its simulation particles are static (inverse masses are all 0.0).
- // In this situation we will cook the fabric with the default inverse masses (all 1.0). At runtime, inverse masses are
- // provided to the cloth when created, and they will override the fabric ones. NvCloth does support the cloth instance
- // to be fully static, but not the fabric.
- meshDesc.invMasses = ToNvBoundedData(defaultInvMasses.data(), sizeof(float), defaultInvMasses.size());
- }
- meshDesc.triangles = ToNvBoundedData(indices.data(), sizeof(SimIndexType) * numIndicesPerTriangle, indices.size() / numIndicesPerTriangle);
- meshDesc.flags = (sizeof(SimIndexType) == 2) ? nv::cloth::MeshFlag::e16_BIT_INDICES : 0;
- AZStd::unique_ptr<nv::cloth::ClothFabricCooker> cooker(NvClothCreateFabricCooker());
- if (!cooker ||
- !cooker->cook(meshDesc, *reinterpret_cast<const physx::PxVec3*>(&fabricGravity), useGeodesicTether))
- {
- return AZStd::nullopt;
- }
- FabricId fabricId = ComputeFabricId(particles, indices, fabricGravity, useGeodesicTether);
- if (!fabricId.IsValid())
- {
- return AZStd::nullopt;
- }
- FabricCookedData fabricData;
- fabricData.m_id = fabricId;
- fabricData.m_particles = particles;
- fabricData.m_indices = indices;
- fabricData.m_gravity = fabricGravity;
- fabricData.m_useGeodesicTether = useGeodesicTether;
- CopyCookedData(fabricData.m_internalData, cooker->getCookedData());
- return AZStd::optional<FabricCookedData>(AZStd::move(fabricData));
- }
- void WeldVertices(
- const AZStd::vector<SimParticleFormat>& particles,
- const AZStd::vector<SimIndexType>& indices,
- AZStd::vector<SimParticleFormat>& weldedParticles,
- AZStd::vector<SimIndexType>& weldedIndices,
- AZStd::vector<int>& remappedVertices,
- float weldingDistance = AZ::Constants::FloatEpsilon)
- {
- // Comparison functor for simulation particles based on the position.
- // Inverse mass is not involved in the comparison.
- struct ParticlesCompareLess
- {
- bool operator()(const SimParticleFormat& lhs, const SimParticleFormat& rhs) const
- {
- if (!AZ::IsClose(lhs.GetX(), rhs.GetX(), m_weldingDistance))
- {
- return lhs.GetX() < rhs.GetX();
- }
- else if (!AZ::IsClose(lhs.GetY(), rhs.GetY(), m_weldingDistance))
- {
- return lhs.GetY() < rhs.GetY();
- }
- else if (!AZ::IsClose(lhs.GetZ(), rhs.GetZ(), m_weldingDistance))
- {
- return lhs.GetZ() < rhs.GetZ();
- }
- return false;
- }
- float m_weldingDistance = AZ::Constants::FloatEpsilon;
- };
- using ParticleToIndicesMap = AZStd::map<SimParticleFormat, AZStd::vector<size_t>, ParticlesCompareLess>;
- ParticleToIndicesMap particleToIndicesMap({ weldingDistance });
- for (size_t originalIndex = 0; originalIndex < particles.size(); ++originalIndex)
- {
- // To weld vertices with the same position we use a map where the key is the particle itself.
- // When inserting the particle to the map it will pick up the particle with the same position.
- auto insertedIt = particleToIndicesMap.insert({ particles[originalIndex], {} }).first;
- insertedIt->second.push_back(originalIndex);
- // Keep the minimum inverse mass value when welding particles.
- // It's OK to modify the W of the key element from the map because it's not involved in the comparison functor.
- insertedIt->first.SetW(
- AZStd::min(
- insertedIt->first.GetW(),
- particles[originalIndex].GetW()));
- }
- // Compose welded particles and remapped vertices.
- int remappedIndex = 0;
- const int invalidIndex = -1;
- weldedParticles.resize_no_construct(particleToIndicesMap.size());
- remappedVertices.resize(particles.size(), invalidIndex);
- for (const auto& particleToIndicesPair : particleToIndicesMap)
- {
- weldedParticles[remappedIndex] = particleToIndicesPair.first;
- for (const size_t& originalIndex : particleToIndicesPair.second)
- {
- remappedVertices[originalIndex] = remappedIndex;
- }
- ++remappedIndex;
- }
- // Compose welded indices.
- weldedIndices.resize_no_construct(indices.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
- {
- const int remappedVertexIndex = remappedVertices[indices[i]];
- AZ_Assert(remappedVertexIndex >= 0, "Vertex Index %u has an invalid remapping", indices[i]);
- weldedIndices[i] = static_cast<SimIndexType>(remappedVertexIndex);
- }
- }
- void RemoveStaticTriangles(
- const AZStd::vector<SimParticleFormat>& particles,
- const AZStd::vector<SimIndexType>& indices,
- AZStd::vector<SimParticleFormat>& simplifiedParticles,
- AZStd::vector<SimIndexType>& simplifiedIndices,
- AZStd::vector<int>& remappedVertices)
- {
- using ParticleIndexSet = AZStd::set<size_t>;
- using TriangleIndices = AZStd::array<SimIndexType, 3>;
- ParticleIndexSet particleIndexSet;
- const size_t numTriangles = indices.size() / 3;
- size_t simplifiedNumTriangles = 0;
- auto isTriangleStatic = [&particles](const TriangleIndices& triangleIndices)
- {
- return (particles[triangleIndices[0]].GetW() == 0.0f)
- && (particles[triangleIndices[1]].GetW() == 0.0f)
- && (particles[triangleIndices[2]].GetW() == 0.0f);
- };
- // Collect all the vertices that belongs to non-static triangles
- for (size_t triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex < numTriangles; ++triangleIndex)
- {
- const TriangleIndices triangleIndices =
- {{
- indices[triangleIndex * 3 + 0],
- indices[triangleIndex * 3 + 1],
- indices[triangleIndex * 3 + 2]
- }};
- if (isTriangleStatic(triangleIndices))
- {
- continue;
- }
- for (const auto& vertexIndex : triangleIndices)
- {
- particleIndexSet.insert({ vertexIndex });
- }
- ++simplifiedNumTriangles;
- }
- // Compose simplified particles and remapped vertices.
- int remappedIndex = 0;
- const int invalidIndex = -1;
- simplifiedParticles.resize_no_construct(particleIndexSet.size());
- remappedVertices.resize(particles.size(), invalidIndex);
- for (const auto& particleIndex : particleIndexSet)
- {
- simplifiedParticles[remappedIndex] = particles[particleIndex];
- remappedVertices[particleIndex] = remappedIndex;
- ++remappedIndex;
- }
- // Compose simplified indices.
- size_t simplifiedIndex = 0;
- simplifiedIndices.resize_no_construct(simplifiedNumTriangles * 3);
- for (size_t triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex < numTriangles; ++triangleIndex)
- {
- const TriangleIndices triangleIndices =
- {{
- indices[triangleIndex * 3 + 0],
- indices[triangleIndex * 3 + 1],
- indices[triangleIndex * 3 + 2]
- }};
- if (isTriangleStatic(triangleIndices))
- {
- continue;
- }
- for (const auto& vertexIndex : triangleIndices)
- {
- const int remappedVertexIndex = remappedVertices[vertexIndex];
- AZ_Assert(remappedVertexIndex >= 0, "Vertex Index %u has an invalid remapping", vertexIndex);
- simplifiedIndices[simplifiedIndex++] = static_cast<SimIndexType>(remappedVertexIndex);
- }
- }
- AZ_Assert(simplifiedIndex == simplifiedIndices.size(),
- "Number of indices after removing static particles is %zu, but it's expected %zu.", simplifiedIndex, simplifiedIndices.size());
- }
- }
- AZStd::optional<FabricCookedData> FabricCooker::CookFabric(
- const AZStd::vector<SimParticleFormat>& particles,
- const AZStd::vector<SimIndexType>& indices,
- const AZ::Vector3& fabricGravity,
- bool useGeodesicTether)
- {
- return Internal::Cook(particles, indices, fabricGravity, useGeodesicTether);
- }
- void FabricCooker::SimplifyMesh(
- const AZStd::vector<SimParticleFormat>& particles,
- const AZStd::vector<SimIndexType>& indices,
- AZStd::vector<SimParticleFormat>& simplifiedParticles,
- AZStd::vector<SimIndexType>& simplifiedIndices,
- AZStd::vector<int>& remappedVertices,
- bool removeStaticTriangles)
- {
- // Weld vertices together
- AZStd::vector<SimParticleFormat> weldedParticles;
- AZStd::vector<SimIndexType> weldedIndices;
- AZStd::vector<int> weldedRemappedVertices;
- Internal::WeldVertices(
- particles, indices,
- weldedParticles, weldedIndices,
- weldedRemappedVertices);
- if (!removeStaticTriangles)
- {
- simplifiedParticles = AZStd::move(weldedParticles);
- simplifiedIndices = AZStd::move(weldedIndices);
- remappedVertices = AZStd::move(weldedRemappedVertices);
- return;
- }
- // Remove static particles
- AZStd::vector<int> simplifiedRemappedVertices;
- Internal::RemoveStaticTriangles(
- weldedParticles, weldedIndices,
- simplifiedParticles, simplifiedIndices,
- simplifiedRemappedVertices);
- // Compose final remapped vertices
- remappedVertices.resize_no_construct(particles.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < particles.size(); ++i)
- {
- const int weldedRemappedIndex = weldedRemappedVertices[i];
- remappedVertices[i] = simplifiedRemappedVertices[weldedRemappedIndex];
- }
- }
- } // namespace NvCloth