123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include <Atom/RPI.Public/Scene.h>
- #include <AtomLyIntegration/CommonFeatures/CoreLights/AreaLightComponentConfig.h>
- #include <CoreLights/DiskLightDelegate.h>
- namespace AZ::Render
- {
- static const float DefaultConeAngleDegrees = 25.0f; // 25 degrees debug display
- DiskLightDelegate::DiskLightDelegate(LmbrCentral::DiskShapeComponentRequests* shapeBus, EntityId entityId, bool isVisible)
- : LightDelegateBase<DiskLightFeatureProcessorInterface>(entityId, isVisible)
- , m_shapeBus(shapeBus)
- {
- InitBase(entityId);
- }
- float DiskLightDelegate::CalculateAttenuationRadius(float lightThreshold) const
- {
- // Calculate the radius at which the irradiance will be equal to cutoffIntensity.
- const float intensity = GetPhotometricValue().GetCombinedIntensity(PhotometricUnit::Lumen);
- return Sqrt(intensity / lightThreshold);
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::HandleShapeChanged()
- {
- if (GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetDirection(GetLightHandle(), m_shapeBus->GetNormal());
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetPosition(GetLightHandle(), GetTransform().GetTranslation());
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetDiskRadius(GetLightHandle(), GetRadius());
- }
- }
- float DiskLightDelegate::GetSurfaceArea() const
- {
- const float radius = GetRadius();
- return Constants::Pi * radius * radius;
- }
- float DiskLightDelegate::GetRadius() const
- {
- return m_shapeBus->GetRadius() * GetTransform().GetUniformScale();
- }
- DiskLightDelegate::ConeVisualizationDimensions DiskLightDelegate::CalculateConeVisualizationDimensions(const float degrees) const
- {
- const float attenuationRadius = GetConfig()->m_attenuationRadius;
- const float shapeRadius = m_shapeBus->GetRadius();
- const float radians = DegToRad(degrees);
- const float coneRadius = Sin(radians) * attenuationRadius;
- const float coneHeight = Cos(radians) * attenuationRadius;
- return ConeVisualizationDimensions{ shapeRadius, shapeRadius + coneRadius, coneHeight };
- }
- Aabb DiskLightDelegate::GetLocalVisualizationBounds() const
- {
- const auto [radius, height] = [this]
- {
- if (GetConfig()->m_enableShutters)
- {
- const auto [innerTopRadius, innerBottomRadius, innerHeight] = CalculateConeVisualizationDimensions(
- GetMin(GetConfig()->m_outerShutterAngleDegrees, GetConfig()->m_innerShutterAngleDegrees));
- const auto [outerTopRadius, outerBottomRadius, outerHeight] =
- CalculateConeVisualizationDimensions(GetConfig()->m_outerShutterAngleDegrees);
- return AZStd::pair{ GetMax(outerBottomRadius, GetMax(innerBottomRadius, GetMax(innerTopRadius, outerTopRadius))),
- GetMax(innerHeight, outerHeight) };
- }
- const auto [topRadius, bottomRadius, height] = CalculateConeVisualizationDimensions(DefaultConeAngleDegrees);
- return AZStd::pair{ GetMax(topRadius, bottomRadius), height };
- }();
- return Aabb::CreateFromMinMax(Vector3(-radius, -radius, 0.0f), Vector3(radius, radius, height));
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::DrawDebugDisplay(
- const Transform& transform,
- [[maybe_unused]] const Color& color,
- AzFramework::DebugDisplayRequests& debugDisplay,
- bool isSelected) const
- {
- debugDisplay.PushMatrix(transform);
- auto DrawConicalFrustum =
- [&debugDisplay](
- uint32_t numRadiusLines, const Color& color, float brightness, float topRadius, float bottomRadius, float height)
- {
- const Color displayColor = Color(color.GetAsVector3() * brightness);
- debugDisplay.SetColor(displayColor);
- debugDisplay.DrawWireDisk(Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, height), Vector3::CreateAxisZ(), bottomRadius);
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numRadiusLines; ++i)
- {
- const float radiusLineAngle = float(i) / numRadiusLines * Constants::TwoPi;
- const float cosAngle = Cos(radiusLineAngle);
- const float sinAngle = Sin(radiusLineAngle);
- debugDisplay.DrawLine(
- Vector3(cosAngle * topRadius, sinAngle * topRadius, 0.0f),
- Vector3(cosAngle * bottomRadius, sinAngle * bottomRadius, height));
- }
- };
- const uint32_t innerConeLines = 8;
- const Color coneColor = isSelected ? Color::CreateOne() : Color(0.0f, 0.75f, 0.75f, 1.0f);
- // With shutters enabled, draw inner and outer debug display frustums
- if (GetConfig()->m_enableShutters)
- {
- const auto [innerTopRadius, innerBottomRadius, innerHeight] = CalculateConeVisualizationDimensions(
- GetMin(GetConfig()->m_outerShutterAngleDegrees, GetConfig()->m_innerShutterAngleDegrees));
- const auto [outerTopRadius, outerBottomRadius, outerHeight] =
- CalculateConeVisualizationDimensions(GetConfig()->m_outerShutterAngleDegrees);
- // Outer cone frustum 'faded' debug cone
- const uint32_t outerConeLines = 9;
- // Draw a cone using the cone angle and attenuation radius
- DrawConicalFrustum(innerConeLines, coneColor, 1.0f, innerTopRadius, innerBottomRadius, innerHeight);
- DrawConicalFrustum(outerConeLines, coneColor, 0.75f, outerTopRadius, outerBottomRadius, outerHeight);
- }
- else
- {
- const auto [topRadius, bottomRadius, height] = CalculateConeVisualizationDimensions(DefaultConeAngleDegrees);
- DrawConicalFrustum(innerConeLines, coneColor, 1.0f, topRadius, bottomRadius, height);
- }
- debugDisplay.PopMatrix();
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetEnableShutters(bool enabled)
- {
- Base::SetEnableShutters(enabled);
- if (GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetConstrainToConeLight(GetLightHandle(), true);
- }
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetShutterAngles(float innerAngleDegrees, float outerAngleDegrees)
- {
- if (GetShuttersEnabled() && GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetConeAngles(GetLightHandle(), DegToRad(innerAngleDegrees), DegToRad(outerAngleDegrees));
- }
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetEnableShadow(bool enabled)
- {
- Base::SetEnableShadow(enabled);
- if (GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetShadowsEnabled(GetLightHandle(), enabled);
- }
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetShadowBias(float bias)
- {
- if (GetShadowsEnabled() && GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetShadowBias(GetLightHandle(), bias);
- }
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetNormalShadowBias(float bias)
- {
- if (GetShadowsEnabled() && GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetNormalShadowBias(GetLightHandle(), bias);
- }
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetShadowmapMaxSize(ShadowmapSize size)
- {
- if (GetShadowsEnabled() && GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetShadowmapMaxResolution(GetLightHandle(), size);
- }
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetShadowFilterMethod(ShadowFilterMethod method)
- {
- if (GetShadowsEnabled() && GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetShadowFilterMethod(GetLightHandle(), method);
- }
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetFilteringSampleCount(uint32_t count)
- {
- if (GetShadowsEnabled() && GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetFilteringSampleCount(GetLightHandle(), static_cast<uint16_t>(count));
- }
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetEsmExponent(float exponent)
- {
- if (GetShadowsEnabled() && GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetEsmExponent(GetLightHandle(), exponent);
- }
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetShadowCachingMode(AreaLightComponentConfig::ShadowCachingMode cachingMode)
- {
- if (GetShadowsEnabled() && GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetUseCachedShadows(GetLightHandle(),
- cachingMode == AreaLightComponentConfig::ShadowCachingMode::UpdateOnChange);
- }
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetAffectsGI(bool affectsGI)
- {
- if (GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetAffectsGI(GetLightHandle(), affectsGI);
- }
- }
- void DiskLightDelegate::SetAffectsGIFactor(float affectsGIFactor)
- {
- if (GetLightHandle().IsValid())
- {
- GetFeatureProcessor()->SetAffectsGIFactor(GetLightHandle(), affectsGIFactor);
- }
- }
- } // namespace AZ::Render