lumberyard-employee-dm 324c0317e9 O3DE engine Gem rename support (#17059) 1 سال پیش
Code 66bf149a75 Generate CMake load dependencies for gem json dependencies (#15937) 1 سال پیش
Registry a283378334 Updating the Gem Templates to have public .API targets (#9206) 2 سال پیش
CMakeLists.txt 324c0317e9 O3DE engine Gem rename support (#17059) 1 سال پیش a399ba181f Fixed typo in Prebuilt Gem instructions title (#9462) 2 سال پیش
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preview.png 09c179b93f Updated the PrebuiltGem template to the new O3DE icon. (#9416) 2 سال پیش

Pre-Built Gem Hook Instructions

The following are instructions on how to reference pre-existing static libraries, shared libraries or executable files into the Pre-Built Gem CMake target

How to Hook Pre-Built Binaries into the CMake targets

To get familiar with the list of targets that need to be updated, please examine the Code/CMakeLists.txt from the root of the Gem. That CMake file contains the list of IMPORTED targets along with the list of per platform include files specified PLATFORM_INCLUDE_FILES argument to ly_add_target


The PLATFORM_INCLUDE_FILES are first segmented by OS platform first(Platform/Linux, Platform/Mac, Platform/Android, Platform/Windows, Platform/iOS) followed by having a build directory based on the build permutation that O3DE is using. Those files are pre-configured to set the IMPORTED_LOCATION for an existing target

What is a Build Permutation?

A build permutation is a different way to build O3DE engine targets based on the value of the LY_MONOLITHIC_GAME cache variable.

When the LY_MONOLITHIC_GAME=0(or FALSE) which is the default, the Build Permutation is "Default" which represents non-monolithic. In the "Default" permutation all gem modules are built as MODULE library targets which are dynamically loaded by the O3DE Gem System. When the LY_MONOLITHIC_GAME=1(or TRUE), the Build Permutation is "Monolithic". In the "Monolithic" permuation all gem modules are built as STATIC library targets and link directly into the GameLauncher and ServerLauncher applications. The O3DE Gem System initializes the gem module through invoking the CreateStaticModules function which is generated with the list of active gems when CMake configures the GameLauncher and ServerLauncher targets

Updating the IMPORTED targets IMPORTED_LOCATION to point to the pre-built binaries

First the IMPORTED_LOCATION for the IMPORTED target can be determined by opening the Code/Platform/<platform>/<permutation>/${NameLower}*.cmake file

Example: Updating the non-monolithic binaries for the Windows platform

To the update the non-monolithic binaries for the Windows platform first the Code/Platform/Windows/Default directory can be navigated to. In that directory are several *.cmake files that contains the statements to set the target properties for the IMPORTED targets specified in the gems CMakeLists.txt

get_property(${NameLower}_gem_root GLOBAL PROPERTY "@GEMROOT:${Name}@")
    IMPORTED_LOCATION ${${NameLower}_gem_root}/bin/${PAL_PLATFORM_NAME}/${LY_BUILD_PERMUTATION}/release/${Name}.dll
    IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG ${${NameLower}_gem_root}/bin/${PAL_PLATFORM_NAME}/${LY_BUILD_PERMUTATION}/debug/${Name}.dll

The mapping of CMake module targets names to ${NameLower}*.cmake file will follow.

  1. ${NameLower} -> ${NameLower}.cmake
  2. ${NameLower}.Builders -> ${NameLower}_builders.cmake
  3. ${NameLower}.Tools -> ${NameLower}_tools.cmake
  4. ${NameLower}.Tests -> ${NameLower}_tests.cmake
  5. ${NameLower}.Tools.Tests -> ${NameLower}_tools_tests.cmake

For this example, placing a dll at the location of <gem-root>/bin/Windows/Default/release/${Name}.dll will allow it to be used by non-debug configurations and placing a dll <gem-root>/bin/Windows/Default/debug/${Name}.dll will allow it to be used by debug configurations.

The gem maintainer is free to change these locations by updating the IMPORTED_LOCATION or IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG properties. The gem maintainer can even consolidate all build configurations to use the same gem dll by not setting the IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG property.

The following allows all build configurations(debug, profile, release) to use the same runtime gem dll

get_property(${NameLower}_gem_root GLOBAL PROPERTY "@GEMROOT:${Name}@")
    IMPORTED_LOCATION ${${NameLower}_gem_root}/bin/${PAL_PLATFORM_NAME}/${LY_BUILD_PERMUTATION}/release/${Name}.dll

Additional Notes

In order to configure a gem fully to be used for all platforms, the IMPORTED_LOCATION must be populated for the CMake module targets above for each platform and for each build permutation. As a side note Android and iOS only contains a ${NameLower} cmake module target and do not have .Builders, .Tools, .Tests targets so they only need to set the IMPORTED location for the runtime gem module for the "Default" and "Monolithic" permutations