123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #include "CrySystem_precompiled.h"
- #include "SpawnableLevelSystem.h"
- #include "IMovieSystem.h"
- #include <CryCommon/LoadScreenBus.h>
- #include <AzFramework/API/ApplicationAPI.h>
- #include <AzFramework/IO/FileOperations.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Entity/GameEntityContextBus.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Input/Buses/Requests/InputChannelRequestBus.h>
- #include "MainThreadRenderRequestBus.h"
- #include <AzCore/Component/TickBus.h>
- #include <AzCore/IO/Path/Path.h>
- #include <AzCore/Settings/SettingsRegistryVisitorUtils.h>
- #include <AzCore/StringFunc/StringFunc.h>
- #include <AzCore/Script/ScriptSystemBus.h>
- #include <AzCore/Time/ITime.h>
- namespace LegacyLevelSystem
- {
- constexpr AZStd::string_view DeferredLoadLevelKey = "/O3DE/Runtime/SpawnableLevelSystem/DeferredLoadLevel";
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void LoadLevel(const AZ::ConsoleCommandContainer& arguments)
- {
- AZ_Error("SpawnableLevelSystem", !arguments.empty(), "LoadLevel requires a level file name to be provided.");
- AZ_Error("SpawnableLevelSystem", arguments.size() == 1, "LoadLevel requires a single level file name to be provided.");
- if (!arguments.empty() && gEnv && gEnv->pSystem && gEnv->pSystem->GetILevelSystem() && !gEnv->IsEditor())
- {
- gEnv->pSystem->GetILevelSystem()->LoadLevel(arguments[0].data());
- }
- else if (!arguments.empty())
- {
- // The SpawnableLevelSystem isn't available yet.
- // Defer the level load until later by storing it in the SettingsRegistry
- if (auto settingsRegistry = AZ::SettingsRegistry::Get(); settingsRegistry != nullptr)
- {
- settingsRegistry->Set(DeferredLoadLevelKey, arguments.front());
- }
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void UnloadLevel([[maybe_unused]] const AZ::ConsoleCommandContainer& arguments)
- {
- AZ_Warning("SpawnableLevelSystem", !arguments.empty(), "UnloadLevel doesn't use any arguments.");
- if (gEnv && gEnv->pSystem && gEnv->pSystem->GetILevelSystem() && !gEnv->IsEditor())
- {
- gEnv->pSystem->GetILevelSystem()->UnloadLevel();
- }
- }
- AZ_CONSOLEFREEFUNC(LoadLevel, AZ::ConsoleFunctorFlags::Null, "Unloads the current level and loads a new one with the given asset name");
- AZ_CONSOLEFREEFUNC(UnloadLevel, AZ::ConsoleFunctorFlags::Null, "Unloads the current level");
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SpawnableLevelSystem::SpawnableLevelSystem([[maybe_unused]] ISystem* pSystem)
- {
- CRY_ASSERT(pSystem);
- m_fLastLevelLoadTime = 0;
- m_fLastTime = 0;
- m_bLevelLoaded = false;
- m_levelLoadStartTime.SetValue(0);
- m_nLoadedLevelsCount = 0;
- AZ_Assert(gEnv && gEnv->pCryPak, "gEnv and CryPak must be initialized for loading levels.");
- if (!gEnv || !gEnv->pCryPak)
- {
- return;
- }
- AzFramework::RootSpawnableNotificationBus::Handler::BusConnect();
- AZ_Error("SpawnableLevelSystem", AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleInterface::Get() == this,
- "Failed to register the SpawnableLevelSystem with the LevelSystemLifecycleInterface.");
- // If there were LoadLevel command invocations before the creation of the level system
- // then those invocations were queued.
- // load the last level in the queue, since only one level can be loaded at a time
- if (auto settingsRegistry = AZ::SettingsRegistry::Get(); settingsRegistry != nullptr)
- {
- if (AZ::SettingsRegistryInterface::FixedValueString deferredLevelName;
- settingsRegistry->Get(deferredLevelName, DeferredLoadLevelKey) && !deferredLevelName.empty())
- {
- // since this is the constructor any derived classes vtables aren't setup yet
- // call this class LoadLevel function
- AZ_TracePrintf("SpawnableLevelSystem", "The Level System is now available."
- " Loading level %s which could not be loaded earlier\n", deferredLevelName.c_str());
- SpawnableLevelSystem::LoadLevel(deferredLevelName.c_str());
- // Delete the key with the deferred level name
- settingsRegistry->Remove(DeferredLoadLevelKey);
- }
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- SpawnableLevelSystem::~SpawnableLevelSystem()
- {
- AzFramework::RootSpawnableNotificationBus::Handler::BusDisconnect();
- }
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::Release()
- {
- delete this;
- }
- bool SpawnableLevelSystem::IsLevelLoaded() const
- {
- return m_bLevelLoaded;
- }
- const char* SpawnableLevelSystem::GetCurrentLevelName() const
- {
- return m_bLevelLoaded ? m_lastLevelName.c_str() : "";
- }
- // If the level load failed then we need to have a different shutdown procedure vs when a level is naturally unloaded
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::SetLevelLoadFailed(bool loadFailed)
- {
- m_levelLoadFailed = loadFailed;
- }
- bool SpawnableLevelSystem::GetLevelLoadFailed()
- {
- return m_levelLoadFailed;
- }
- AZ::Data::AssetType SpawnableLevelSystem::GetLevelAssetType() const
- {
- return azrtti_typeid<AzFramework::Spawnable>();
- }
- // The following methods are deprecated from ILevelSystem and will be removed once slice support is removed.
- // [LYN-2376] Remove once legacy slice support is removed
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::Rescan([[maybe_unused]] const char* levelsFolder)
- {
- AZ_Assert(false, "Rescan - No longer supported.");
- }
- // [LYN-2376] Remove once legacy slice support is removed
- int SpawnableLevelSystem::GetLevelCount()
- {
- AZ_Assert(false, "GetLevelCount - No longer supported.");
- return 0;
- }
- // [LYN-2376] Remove once legacy slice support is removed
- ILevelInfo* SpawnableLevelSystem::GetLevelInfo([[maybe_unused]] int level)
- {
- AZ_Assert(false, "GetLevelInfo - No longer supported.");
- return nullptr;
- }
- // [LYN-2376] Remove once legacy slice support is removed
- ILevelInfo* SpawnableLevelSystem::GetLevelInfo([[maybe_unused]] const char* levelName)
- {
- AZ_Assert(false, "GetLevelInfo - No longer supported.");
- return nullptr;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::AddListener(ILevelSystemListener* pListener)
- {
- AZStd::vector<ILevelSystemListener*>::iterator it = AZStd::find(m_listeners.begin(), m_listeners.end(), pListener);
- if (it == m_listeners.end())
- {
- m_listeners.push_back(pListener);
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::RemoveListener(ILevelSystemListener* pListener)
- {
- AZStd::vector<ILevelSystemListener*>::iterator it = AZStd::find(m_listeners.begin(), m_listeners.end(), pListener);
- if (it != m_listeners.end())
- {
- m_listeners.erase(it);
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool SpawnableLevelSystem::LoadLevel(const char* levelName)
- {
- if (gEnv->IsEditor())
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf("CrySystem::SpawnableLevelSystem", "LoadLevel for %s was called in the editor - not actually loading.\n", levelName);
- return false;
- }
- // Make sure a spawnable level exists that matches levelname
- AZStd::string validLevelName;
- AZ::Data::AssetId rootSpawnableAssetId;
- AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::BroadcastResult(
- rootSpawnableAssetId, &AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::Events::GetAssetIdByPath, levelName, AZ::Data::AssetType{}, false);
- if (rootSpawnableAssetId.IsValid())
- {
- validLevelName = levelName;
- }
- else
- {
- // It's common for users to only provide the level name, but not the full asset path
- // Example: "MyLevel" instead of "Levels/MyLevel/MyLevel.spawnable"
- if (!AZ::IO::PathView(levelName).HasExtension())
- {
- // Search inside the "Levels" folder for a level spawnable matching levelname
- const AZStd::string possibleLevelAssetPath = AZStd::string::format("Levels/%s/%s.spawnable", levelName, levelName);
- AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::BroadcastResult(
- rootSpawnableAssetId, &AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::Events::GetAssetIdByPath, possibleLevelAssetPath.c_str(),
- AZ::Data::AssetType{}, false);
- if (rootSpawnableAssetId.IsValid())
- {
- validLevelName = possibleLevelAssetPath;
- }
- }
- }
- if (validLevelName.empty())
- {
- OnLevelNotFound(levelName);
- return false;
- }
- // This is a valid level, find out if any systems need to stop level loading before proceeding
- bool blockLoading = false;
- AzFramework::LevelLoadBlockerBus::EnumerateHandlers(
- [&blockLoading, &validLevelName](AzFramework::LevelLoadBlockerRequests* handler) -> bool
- {
- if (handler->ShouldBlockLevelLoading(validLevelName.c_str()))
- {
- blockLoading = true;
- return false; // Stop iterating handlers. This level should be blocked.
- }
- return true;
- });
- if (blockLoading)
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf("CrySystem::SpawnableLevelSystem", "LoadLevel for %s was blocked.\n", validLevelName.c_str());
- return false;
- }
- // If a level is currently loaded, unload it before loading the next one.
- if (IsLevelLoaded())
- {
- UnloadLevel();
- }
- gEnv->pSystem->GetISystemEventDispatcher()->OnSystemEvent(ESYSTEM_EVENT_LEVEL_LOAD_PREPARE, 0, 0);
- PrepareNextLevel(validLevelName.c_str());
- bool result = LoadLevelInternal(validLevelName.c_str());
- if (result)
- {
- OnLoadingComplete(validLevelName.c_str());
- }
- return result;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool SpawnableLevelSystem::LoadLevelInternal(const char* levelName)
- {
- gEnv->pSystem->SetSystemGlobalState(ESYSTEM_GLOBAL_STATE_LEVEL_LOAD_START);
- AZ::Data::AssetId rootSpawnableAssetId;
- AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::BroadcastResult(
- rootSpawnableAssetId, &AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::Events::GetAssetIdByPath, levelName, AZ::Data::AssetType{}, false);
- if (!rootSpawnableAssetId.IsValid())
- {
- OnLoadingError(levelName, "AssetCatalog has no entry for the requested level.");
- return false;
- }
- // This scope is specifically used for marking a loading time profile section
- {
- m_bLevelLoaded = false;
- m_lastLevelName = levelName;
- gEnv->pConsole->SetScrollMax(600);
- ICVar* con_showonload = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("con_showonload");
- if (con_showonload && con_showonload->GetIVal() != 0)
- {
- gEnv->pConsole->ShowConsole(true);
- ICVar* g_enableloadingscreen = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("g_enableloadingscreen");
- if (g_enableloadingscreen)
- {
- g_enableloadingscreen->Set(0);
- }
- }
- // This is a workaround until the replacement for GameEntityContext is done
- AzFramework::GameEntityContextEventBus::Broadcast(&AzFramework::GameEntityContextEventBus::Events::OnPreGameEntitiesStarted);
- OnLoadingStart(levelName);
- auto pPak = gEnv->pCryPak;
- ICVar* pSpamDelay = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("log_SpamDelay");
- float spamDelay = 0.0f;
- if (pSpamDelay)
- {
- spamDelay = pSpamDelay->GetFVal();
- pSpamDelay->Set(0.0f);
- }
- AZ::Data::Asset<AzFramework::Spawnable> rootSpawnable(
- rootSpawnableAssetId, azrtti_typeid<AzFramework::Spawnable>(), levelName);
- m_rootSpawnableId = rootSpawnableAssetId;
- m_rootSpawnableGeneration = AzFramework::RootSpawnableInterface::Get()->AssignRootSpawnable(rootSpawnable);
- // This is a workaround until the replacement for GameEntityContext is done
- AzFramework::GameEntityContextEventBus::Broadcast(&AzFramework::GameEntityContextEventBus::Events::OnGameEntitiesStarted);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Movie system must be reset after entities.
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- IMovieSystem* movieSystem = AZ::Interface<IMovieSystem>::Get();
- if (movieSystem)
- {
- // bSeekAllToStart needs to be false here as it's only of interest in the editor
- constexpr bool playOnReset = true;
- constexpr bool seekToStart = false;
- movieSystem->Reset(playOnReset, seekToStart);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- gEnv->pConsole->SetScrollMax(600 / 2);
- pPak->GetResourceList(AZ::IO::IArchive::RFOM_NextLevel)->Clear();
- if (pSpamDelay)
- {
- pSpamDelay->Set(spamDelay);
- }
- m_bLevelLoaded = true;
- gEnv->pSystem->SetSystemGlobalState(ESYSTEM_GLOBAL_STATE_LEVEL_LOAD_END);
- }
- GetISystem()->GetISystemEventDispatcher()->OnSystemEvent(ESYSTEM_EVENT_LEVEL_LOAD_END, 0, 0);
- if (auto cvar = gEnv->pConsole->GetCVar("sv_map"); cvar)
- {
- cvar->Set(levelName);
- }
- gEnv->pSystem->GetISystemEventDispatcher()->OnSystemEvent(ESYSTEM_EVENT_LEVEL_PRECACHE_START, 0, 0);
- return true;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::PrepareNextLevel(const char* levelName)
- {
- AZ::Data::AssetId rootSpawnableAssetId;
- AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::BroadcastResult(
- rootSpawnableAssetId, &AZ::Data::AssetCatalogRequestBus::Events::GetAssetIdByPath, levelName, AZ::Data::AssetType{}, false);
- if (!rootSpawnableAssetId.IsValid())
- {
- // alert the listener
- OnLevelNotFound(levelName);
- return;
- }
- // This work not required in-editor.
- if (!gEnv || !gEnv->IsEditor())
- {
- const AZ::TimeMs timeMs = AZ::GetRealElapsedTimeMs();
- const double timeSec = AZ::TimeMsToSecondsDouble(timeMs);
- m_levelLoadStartTime = CTimeValue(timeSec);
- // switched to level heap, so now imm start the loading screen (renderer will be reinitialized in the levelheap)
- gEnv->pSystem->GetISystemEventDispatcher()->OnSystemEvent(ESYSTEM_EVENT_LEVEL_LOAD_START_LOADINGSCREEN, 0, 0);
- }
- OnPrepareNextLevel(levelName);
- }
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::OnPrepareNextLevel(const char* levelName)
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf("LevelSystem", "Level system is preparing to load '%s'\n", levelName);
- for (auto& listener : m_listeners)
- {
- listener->OnPrepareNextLevel(levelName);
- }
- AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotificationBus::Broadcast(
- &AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotifications::OnPrepareNextLevel, levelName);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::OnLevelNotFound(const char* levelName)
- {
- AZ_Error("LevelSystem", false, "Requested level not found: '%s'\n", levelName);
- for (auto& listener : m_listeners)
- {
- listener->OnLevelNotFound(levelName);
- }
- AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotificationBus::Broadcast(
- &AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotifications::OnLevelNotFound, levelName);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::OnLoadingStart(const char* levelName)
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf("LevelSystem", "Level system is loading '%s'\n", levelName);
- if (gEnv->pCryPak->GetRecordFileOpenList() == AZ::IO::IArchive::RFOM_EngineStartup)
- {
- gEnv->pCryPak->RecordFileOpen(AZ::IO::IArchive::RFOM_Level);
- }
- const AZ::TimeMs timeMs = AZ::GetRealElapsedTimeMs();
- m_fLastTime = AZ::TimeMsToSeconds(timeMs);
- GetISystem()->GetISystemEventDispatcher()->OnSystemEvent(ESYSTEM_EVENT_LEVEL_LOAD_START, 0, 0);
- for (auto& listener : m_listeners)
- {
- listener->OnLoadingStart(levelName);
- }
- AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotificationBus::Broadcast(
- &AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotifications::OnLoadingStart, levelName);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::OnLoadingError(const char* levelName, const char* error)
- {
- AZ_Error("LevelSystem", false, "Error loading level '%s': %s\n", levelName, error);
- for (auto& listener : m_listeners)
- {
- listener->OnLoadingError(levelName, error);
- }
- AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotificationBus::Broadcast(
- &AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotifications::OnLoadingError, levelName, error);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::OnLoadingComplete(const char* levelName)
- {
- const AZ::TimeMs timeMs = AZ::GetRealElapsedTimeMs();
- const double timeSec = AZ::TimeMsToSecondsDouble(timeMs);
- const CTimeValue t(timeSec);
- m_fLastLevelLoadTime = (t - m_levelLoadStartTime).GetSeconds();
- LogLoadingTime();
- m_nLoadedLevelsCount++;
- // Hide console after loading.
- gEnv->pConsole->ShowConsole(false);
- for (auto& listener : m_listeners)
- {
- listener->OnLoadingComplete(levelName);
- }
- AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotificationBus::Broadcast(
- &AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotifications::OnLoadingComplete, levelName);
- EBUS_EVENT(LoadScreenBus, Stop);
- AZ_TracePrintf("LevelSystem", "Level load complete: '%s'\n", levelName);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::OnLoadingProgress(const char* levelName, int progressAmount)
- {
- for (auto& listener : m_listeners)
- {
- listener->OnLoadingProgress(levelName, progressAmount);
- }
- AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotificationBus::Broadcast(
- &AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotifications::OnLoadingProgress, levelName, progressAmount);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::OnUnloadComplete(const char* levelName)
- {
- for (auto& listener : m_listeners)
- {
- listener->OnUnloadComplete(levelName);
- }
- AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotificationBus::Broadcast(
- &AzFramework::LevelSystemLifecycleNotifications::OnUnloadComplete, levelName);
- AZ_TracePrintf("LevelSystem", "Level unload complete: '%s'\n", levelName);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::LogLoadingTime()
- {
- if (gEnv->IsEditor())
- {
- return;
- }
- if (!GetISystem()->IsDevMode())
- {
- return;
- }
- char vers[128];
- GetISystem()->GetFileVersion().ToString(vers, sizeof(vers));
- const char* sChain = "";
- if (m_nLoadedLevelsCount > 0)
- {
- sChain = " (Chained)";
- }
- gEnv->pLog->Log("Game Level Load Time: [%s] Level %s loaded in %.2f seconds%s", vers, m_lastLevelName.c_str(), m_fLastLevelLoadTime, sChain);
- }
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::UnloadLevel()
- {
- if (gEnv->IsEditor())
- {
- return;
- }
- if (m_lastLevelName.empty())
- {
- return;
- }
- AZ_TracePrintf("LevelSystem", "UnloadLevel Start\n");
- // Flush core buses. We're about to unload Cry modules and need to ensure we don't have module-owned functions left behind.
- AZ::Data::AssetBus::ExecuteQueuedEvents();
- AZ::TickBus::ExecuteQueuedEvents();
- AZ::MainThreadRenderRequestBus::ExecuteQueuedEvents();
- if (gEnv && gEnv->pSystem)
- {
- // clear all error messages to prevent stalling due to runtime file access check during chainloading
- gEnv->pSystem->ClearErrorMessages();
- }
- if (gEnv && gEnv->pCryPak)
- {
- gEnv->pCryPak->DisableRuntimeFileAccess(false);
- }
- const AZ::TimeMs beginTimeMs = AZ::GetRealElapsedTimeMs();
- IMovieSystem* movieSystem = AZ::Interface<IMovieSystem>::Get();
- if (movieSystem)
- {
- constexpr bool playOnReset = false;
- constexpr bool seekToStart = false;
- movieSystem->Reset(playOnReset, seekToStart);
- movieSystem->RemoveAllSequences();
- }
- OnUnloadComplete(m_lastLevelName.c_str());
- // Delete level entities and remove them from the game entity context
- AzFramework::RootSpawnableInterface::Get()->ReleaseRootSpawnable();
- // Process the queued deactivate calls for the unloaded entities
- AzFramework::RootSpawnableInterface::Get()->ProcessSpawnableQueueUntilEmpty();
- m_lastLevelName.clear();
- // Force Lua garbage collection (may no longer be needed now the legacy renderer has been removed).
- // Normally the GC step is triggered at the end of this method (by the ESYSTEM_EVENT_LEVEL_POST_UNLOAD event).
- EBUS_EVENT(AZ::ScriptSystemRequestBus, GarbageCollect);
- m_bLevelLoaded = false;
- [[maybe_unused]] const AZ::TimeMs unloadTimeMs = AZ::GetRealElapsedTimeMs() - beginTimeMs;
- AZ_TracePrintf("LevelSystem", "UnloadLevel End: %.1f sec\n", AZ::TimeMsToSeconds(unloadTimeMs));
- // Must be sent last.
- // Cleanup all containers
- GetISystem()->GetISystemEventDispatcher()->OnSystemEvent(ESYSTEM_EVENT_LEVEL_POST_UNLOAD, 0, 0);
- AzFramework::InputChannelRequestBus::Broadcast(&AzFramework::InputChannelRequests::ResetState);
- AzFramework::GameEntityContextEventBus::Broadcast(&AzFramework::GameEntityContextEventBus::Events::OnGameEntitiesReset);
- }
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::OnRootSpawnableAssigned(
- [[maybe_unused]] AZ::Data::Asset<AzFramework::Spawnable> rootSpawnable, [[maybe_unused]] uint32_t generation)
- {
- }
- void SpawnableLevelSystem::OnRootSpawnableReleased([[maybe_unused]] uint32_t generation)
- {
- }
- } // namespace LegacyLevelSystem