123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #pragma once
- #if !defined(Q_MOC_RUN)
- #include <AzCore/Outcome/Outcome.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Asset/AssetSystemBus.h>
- #include "CryEditDoc.h"
- #include "ViewPane.h"
- #include <QSettings>
- #endif
- class CCryDocManager;
- class CCryEditDoc;
- class CEditCommandLineInfo;
- class CMainFrame;
- class CConsoleDialog;
- class QAction;
- class MainWindow;
- class QSharedMemory;
- class SANDBOX_API RecentFileList
- {
- public:
- RecentFileList();
- void Remove(int index);
- void Add(const QString& filename);
- int GetSize();
- void GetDisplayName(QString& name, int index, const QString& curDir);
- QString& operator[](int index);
- void ReadList();
- void WriteList();
- static const int Max = 12;
- QStringList m_arrNames;
- QSettings m_settings;
- };
- /**
- * Bus for controlling the application's idle processing (may include things like entity updates, ticks, viewport rendering, etc.).
- * This is sometimes necessary in special event-processing loops to prevent long (or infinite) processing time because Idle Processing
- * can perpetually generate more events.
- */
- class EditorIdleProcessing : public AZ::EBusTraits
- {
- public:
- using Bus = AZ::EBus<EditorIdleProcessing>;
- static const AZ::EBusHandlerPolicy HandlerPolicy = AZ::EBusHandlerPolicy::Single;
- static const AZ::EBusAddressPolicy AddressPolicy = AZ::EBusAddressPolicy::Single;
- /// Disable the Editor's idle processing. EnableIdleProcessing() must be called exactly once when special processing is complete.
- virtual void DisableIdleProcessing() {}
- /// Re-enables Idle Processing. Must be called exactly one time for every call to DisableIdleProcessing().
- virtual void EnableIdleProcessing() {}
- };
- using EditorIdleProcessingBus = AZ::EBus<EditorIdleProcessing>;
- enum class COpenSameLevelOptions
- {
- ReopenLevelIfSame,
- NotReopenIfSame
- };
- class SANDBOX_API CCryEditApp
- : public QObject
- , protected AzFramework::AssetSystemInfoBus::Handler
- , protected EditorIdleProcessingBus::Handler
- , protected AzFramework::AssetSystemStatusBus::Handler
- {
- friend MainWindow;
- public:
- enum ECreateLevelResult
- {
- ECLR_OK = 0,
- };
- CCryEditApp();
- ~CCryEditApp();
- static CCryEditApp* instance();
- bool CreateLevel(bool& wasCreateLevelOperationCancelled);
- void LoadFile(QString fileName);
- void ForceNextIdleProcessing() { m_bForceProcessIdle = true; }
- void KeepEditorActive(bool bActive) { m_bKeepEditorActive = bActive; };
- bool IsInTestMode() const { return m_bTestMode; };
- bool IsInPreviewMode() const { return m_bPreviewMode; };
- bool IsInExportMode() const { return m_bExportMode; };
- bool IsExportingLegacyData() const { return m_bIsExportingLegacyData; }
- bool IsInConsoleMode() const { return m_bConsoleMode; };
- bool IsInAutotestMode() const { return m_bAutotestMode; };
- bool IsInLevelLoadTestMode() const { return m_bLevelLoadTestMode; }
- bool IsInRegularEditorMode();
- bool IsExiting() const { return m_bExiting; }
- void EnableAccelerator(bool bEnable);
- void SaveAutoBackup();
- void SaveAutoRemind();
- void ExportToGame(bool bNoMsgBox = true);
- //! \param sTitleStr overwrites the default title of the Editor
- void SetEditorWindowTitle(QString sTitleStr = QString(), QString sPreTitleStr = QString(), QString sPostTitleStr = QString());
- RecentFileList* GetRecentFileList();
- virtual void AddToRecentFileList(const QString& lpszPathName);
- ECreateLevelResult CreateLevel(const QString& templateName, const QString& levelName, QString& fullyQualifiedLevelName);
- bool FirstInstance(bool bForceNewInstance = false);
- void InitFromCommandLine(CEditCommandLineInfo& cmdInfo);
- bool CheckIfAlreadyRunning();
- //! @return successful outcome if initialization succeeded. or failed outcome with error message.
- AZ::Outcome<void, AZStd::string> InitGameSystem(HWND hwndForInputSystem);
- void CreateSplashScreen();
- void InitPlugins();
- bool InitGame();
- bool InitConsole();
- int IdleProcessing(bool bBackground);
- bool IsWindowInForeground();
- void RunInitPythonScript(CEditCommandLineInfo& cmdInfo);
- void DisableIdleProcessing() override;
- void EnableIdleProcessing() override;
- // Print to stdout even if there out has been redirected
- void PrintAlways(const AZStd::string& output);
- //! Launches the Lua Editor/Debugger
- //! \param files A space separated list of aliased paths
- void OpenLUAEditor(const char* files);
- QString GetRootEnginePath() const;
- void RedirectStdoutToNull();
- // Overrides
- public:
- virtual bool InitInstance();
- virtual int ExitInstance(int exitCode = 0);
- virtual bool OnIdle(LONG lCount);
- virtual CCryEditDoc* OpenDocumentFile(const char* filename,
- bool addToMostRecentFileList=true,
- COpenSameLevelOptions openSameLevelOptions = COpenSameLevelOptions::NotReopenIfSame);
- CCryDocManager* GetDocManager() { return m_pDocManager; }
- // Implementation
- void OnCreateLevel();
- void OnOpenLevel();
- void OnAppAbout();
- void OnAppShowWelcomeScreen();
- void OnUpdateShowWelcomeScreen(QAction* action);
- void OnDocumentationTutorials();
- void OnDocumentationGlossary();
- void OnDocumentationO3DE();
- void OnDocumentationReleaseNotes();
- void OnDocumentationGameDevBlog();
- void OnDocumentationForums();
- void OnEditHold();
- void OnEditFetch();
- void OnFileExportToGameNoSurfaceTexture();
- void OnViewSwitchToGame();
- void OnViewSwitchToGameFullScreen();
- void OnMoveObject();
- void OnRenameObj();
- void OnUndo();
- void OnEditLevelData();
- void OnFileEditLogFile();
- void OnFileEditEditorini();
- void OnPreferences();
- void OnOpenProjectManagerSettings();
- void OnOpenProjectManagerNew();
- void OnOpenProjectManager();
- void OnRedo();
- void OnUpdateRedo(QAction* action);
- void OnUpdateUndo(QAction* action);
- void OnSwitchPhysics();
- void OnSwitchPhysicsUpdate(QAction* action);
- void OnSyncPlayer();
- void OnSyncPlayerUpdate(QAction* action);
- void OnResourcesReduceworkingset();
- void OnDummyCommand() {};
- void OnFileSave();
- void OnUpdateDocumentReady(QAction* action);
- void OnUpdateFileOpen(QAction* action);
- void OnUpdateNonGameMode(QAction* action);
- void OnUpdateNewLevel(QAction* action);
- void OnUpdatePlayGame(QAction* action);
- void OnToolsLogMemoryUsage();
- void OnToolsPreferences();
- protected:
- // ------- AzFramework::AssetSystemInfoBus::Handler ------
- void OnError(AzFramework::AssetSystem::AssetSystemErrors error) override;
- // -------------------------------------------
- // ------- AzFramework::AssetSystemStatusBus::Handler ------
- void AssetSystemWaiting() override;
- // -------------------------------------------
- private:
- friend class EditorActionsHandler;
- void InitLevel(const CEditCommandLineInfo& cmdInfo);
- bool ConnectToAssetProcessor() const;
- void CompileCriticalAssets() const;
- CMainFrame* GetMainFrame() const;
- void WriteConfig();
- bool UserExportToGame(bool bNoMsgBox = true);
- static void ShowSplashScreen(CCryEditApp* app);
- static void CloseSplashScreen();
- static void OutputStartupMessage(QString str);
- bool ShowEnableDisableGemDialog(const QString& title, const QString& message);
- QString ShowWelcomeDialog();
- bool FixDanglingSharedMemory(const QString& sharedMemName) const;
- //! Displays level load errors after a certain number of idle frames have been processed.
- //! Due to the asyncrhonous nature of loading assets any errors that are reported by components
- //! can happen after the level is loaded. This method will wait for a few idle updates and then
- //! display the load errors to ensure all errors are displayed properly.
- void DisplayLevelLoadErrors();
- class CEditorImpl* m_pEditor = nullptr;
- static CCryEditApp* s_currentInstance;
- //! True if editor is in test mode.
- //! Test mode is a special mode enabled when Editor ran with /test command line.
- //! In this mode editor starts up, but exit immediately after all initialization.
- bool m_bTestMode = false;
- //! In this mode editor will load specified cry file, export t, and then close.
- bool m_bExportMode = false;
- QString m_exportFile;
- //! This flag is set to true every time any of the "Export" commands is being executed.
- //! Once exporting is finished the flag is set back to false.
- //! UI events like "New Level" or "Open Level", should not be allowed while m_bIsExportingLegacyData==true.
- //! Otherwise it could trigger crashes trying to export while exporting.
- bool m_bIsExportingLegacyData = false;
- //! If application exiting.
- bool m_bExiting = false;
- //! True if editor is in preview mode.
- //! In this mode only very limited functionality is available and only for fast preview of models.
- bool m_bPreviewMode = false;
- // Only console window is created.
- bool m_bConsoleMode = false;
- // Skip showing the WelcomeScreenDialog
- bool m_bSkipWelcomeScreenDialog = false;
- // Level load test mode
- bool m_bLevelLoadTestMode = false;
- //! Current file in preview mode.
- char m_sPreviewFile[_MAX_PATH];
- //! True if "/runpythontest" was passed as a flag.
- bool m_bRunPythonTestScript = false;
- //! True if "/runpython" was passed as a flag.
- bool m_bRunPythonScript = false;
- //! File to run on startup
- QString m_execFile;
- //! Command to run on startup
- QString m_execLineCmd;
- //! Autotest mode: Special mode meant for automated testing, things like blocking dialogs or error report windows won't appear
- bool m_bAutotestMode = false;
- CConsoleDialog* m_pConsoleDialog = nullptr;
- float m_fastRotateAngle = 45.0f;
- float m_moveSpeedStep = 0.1f;
- ULONG_PTR m_gdiplusToken;
- QSharedMemory* m_mutexApplication = nullptr;
- //! was the editor active in the previous frame ... needed to detect if the game lost focus and
- //! dispatch proper SystemEvent (needed to release input keys)
- bool m_bPrevActive = false;
- // If this flag is set, the next OnIdle() will update, even if the app is in the background, and then
- // this flag will be reset.
- bool m_bForceProcessIdle = false;
- // This is set while IdleProcessing is running to prevent re-entrancy
- bool m_idleProcessingRunning = false;
- // Keep the editor alive, even if no focus is set
- bool m_bKeepEditorActive = false;
- // Currently creating a new level
- bool m_creatingNewLevel = false;
- bool m_openingLevel = false;
- bool m_savingLevel = false;
- // Flag indicating if the errors for the currently loaded level have been displayed
- bool m_levelErrorsHaveBeenDisplayed = false;
- // Number of idle frames that have passed before displaying level errors
- int m_numBeforeDisplayErrorFrames = 0;
- QString m_lastOpenLevelPath;
- QString m_rootEnginePath;
- int m_disableIdleProcessingCounter = 0; //!< Counts requests to disable idle processing. When non-zero, idle processing will be disabled.
- CCryDocManager* m_pDocManager = nullptr;
- // Disable warning for dll export since this member won't be used outside this class
- AZ::IO::FileDescriptorRedirector m_stdoutRedirection = AZ::IO::FileDescriptorRedirector(1); // < 1 for STDOUT
- private:
- // Optional Uri to start an external lua debugger. If not specified,
- // then the Editor will open LuaIDE.exe.
- // For example, if using The Visual Studio Debugger Extension provided by lumbermixalot
- // The value will be: "vscode://lumbermixalot.o3de-lua-debug/debug?"
- // The following parameters will be added to the URI at runtime:
- // "projectPath". Absolute path of the game projec root.
- // "enginePath". Absolute path of the engine root. if not specified, it will be assume to be one directory above the game project root.
- // "files[]". A list of files,
- // Full example using the Uri shown below:
- // "vscode://lumbermixalot.o3de-lua-debug/debug?projectPath=D:\mydir\myproject&enginePath=C:\GIT\o3de&files[]=D:\mydir\myproject\scripts\something.lua&files[]=D:\mydir\myproject\scripts\utils\something2.lua"
- // or
- // "vscode://lumbermixalot.o3de-lua-debug/debug?projectPath=D:\GIT\o3de\AutomatedTesting&files[]=D:\GIT\o3de\AutomatedTesting\Assets\Scripts\something.lua"
- static constexpr AZStd::string_view LuaDebuggerUriRegistryKey = "/O3DE/Lua/Debugger/Uri";
- struct PythonOutputHandler;
- AZStd::shared_ptr<PythonOutputHandler> m_pythonOutputHandler;
- friend struct PythonTestOutputHandler;
- void OpenProjectManager(const AZStd::string& screen);
- void OnUpdateWireframe(QAction* action);
- void OnViewConfigureLayout();
- void OnCustomizeKeyboard();
- void OnToolsScriptHelp();
- void OnViewCycle2dviewport();
- void OnDisplayGotoPosition();
- void OnFileSavelevelresources();
- void OnClearRegistryData();
- void OnSwitchToSequenceCamera();
- void OnUpdateSwitchToSequenceCamera(QAction* action);
- void OnSwitchToSelectedcamera();
- void OnUpdateSwitchToSelectedCamera(QAction* action);
- void OnSwitchcameraNext();
- void OnOpenProceduralMaterialEditor();
- void OnOpenAssetBrowserView();
- void OnOpenTrackView();
- void OnOpenAudioControlsEditor();
- void OnOpenUICanvasEditor();
- // @param files: A list of file paths, separated by '|';
- void OpenExternalLuaDebugger(AZStd::string_view luaDebuggerUri, AZStd::string_view enginePath, AZStd::string_view projectPath, const char * files);
- public:
- void ExportLevel(bool bExportToGame, bool bExportTexture, bool bAutoExport);
- static bool Command_ExportToEngine();
- };
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class CCrySingleDocTemplate
- : public QObject
- {
- private:
- explicit CCrySingleDocTemplate(const QMetaObject* pDocClass)
- : QObject()
- , m_documentClass(pDocClass)
- {
- }
- public:
- enum Confidence
- {
- noAttempt,
- maybeAttemptForeign,
- maybeAttemptNative,
- yesAttemptForeign,
- yesAttemptNative,
- yesAlreadyOpen
- };
- template<typename DOCUMENT>
- static CCrySingleDocTemplate* create()
- {
- return new CCrySingleDocTemplate(&DOCUMENT::staticMetaObject);
- }
- ~CCrySingleDocTemplate() {};
- // avoid creating another CMainFrame
- // close other type docs before opening any things
- virtual CCryEditDoc* OpenDocumentFile(const char* lpszPathName, bool addToMostRecentFileList, bool bMakeVisible);
- virtual CCryEditDoc* OpenDocumentFile(const char* lpszPathName, bool bMakeVisible = TRUE);
- virtual Confidence MatchDocType(const char* lpszPathName, CCryEditDoc*& rpDocMatch);
- private:
- const QMetaObject* m_documentClass = nullptr;
- };
- class CDocTemplate;
- class CCryDocManager
- {
- CCrySingleDocTemplate* m_pDefTemplate = nullptr;
- public:
- CCryDocManager();
- virtual ~CCryDocManager() = default;
- CCrySingleDocTemplate* SetDefaultTemplate(CCrySingleDocTemplate* pNew);
- // Copied from MFC to get rid of the silly ugly unoverridable doc-type pick dialog
- virtual void OnFileNew();
- virtual bool DoPromptFileName(QString& fileName, UINT nIDSTitle,
- DWORD lFlags, bool bOpenFileDialog, CDocTemplate* pTemplate);
- virtual CCryEditDoc* OpenDocumentFile(const char* filename, bool addToMostRecentFileList, COpenSameLevelOptions openSameLevelOptions = COpenSameLevelOptions::NotReopenIfSame);
- QVector<CCrySingleDocTemplate*> m_templateList;
- };
- #include <AzCore/Component/Component.h>
- namespace AzToolsFramework
- {
- //! A component to reflect scriptable commands for the Editor
- class CryEditPythonHandler final
- : public AZ::Component
- {
- public:
- AZ_COMPONENT(CryEditPythonHandler, "{D4B19973-54D9-44BD-9E70-6069462A0CDC}")
- virtual ~CryEditPythonHandler() = default;
- SANDBOX_API static void Reflect(AZ::ReflectContext* context);
- // AZ::Component ...
- void Activate() override {}
- void Deactivate() override {}
- class CryEditHandler
- {
- public:
- AZ_RTTI(CryEditHandler, "{6C1FD05A-2F39-4094-80D4-CA526676F13E}")
- virtual ~CryEditHandler() = default;
- };
- class CryEditCheckoutHandler
- {
- public:
- AZ_RTTI(CryEditCheckoutHandler, "{C65EF439-6754-4ACD-AEA2-196F2DBA0AF3}")
- virtual ~CryEditCheckoutHandler() = default;
- };
- };
- } // namespace AzToolsFramework
- extern "C" AZ_DLL_EXPORT void InitializeDynamicModule();
- extern "C" AZ_DLL_EXPORT void UninitializeDynamicModule();