123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247 |
- #pragma once
- #include <Atom/Features/SrgSemantics.azsli>
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ShaderResourceGroup PassSrg : SRG_PerPass_WithFallback
- { // [To Do] No needto use StructuredBuffer - change to buffer and test
- RWStructuredBuffer<int> m_meshletsSharedBuffer;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! The following meshlet descriptor structure must reflect the structure as
- //! appeared in MeshletsData.h
- struct MeshletDescriptor
- {
- //! Offset into the indirect indices array representing the global index of
- //! all the meshlet vertices.
- //! The Indirect vertices array is built as follows:
- //! std::vector<uint32_t> indirectIndices;
- //! indirectIndices = { { meshlet 1 vertex indices }, { meshlet 2 }, .. { meshlet n} }
- uint vertexOffset; // In uint32_t steps
- //! Offset into the global meshlets triangleIndices array represented as:
- //! std::vector<uint8_t> triangleIndices;
- //! triangleIndices = { {meshlet 1 local indices group}, ... { meshlet n} }
- //! The local indices are an 8 bits index that can represent up to 256 entries.
- uint triangleOffset; // In bytes from the start of the array
- //! Finding a vertex within the meshlet is done like that:
- //! triangleOffset = currentMeshlet.triangleOffset + meshletTrIndex * 3;
- //! localIndex_i = meshletTriangles[triangleOffset + i]; // i = triangle vertex index 0..2
- //! vertexIndex_i = indirectIndices[currentMeshlet.vertexOffset + localIndex_i];
- //! Amount of vertices and triangle for the meshlet - based on this the arrays
- //! indirectIndices and triangleIndices are created per meshlet.
- uint vertexCount;
- uint triangleCount;
- };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This structure is used per mesh (object) and represents the meshlets data
- // for this mesh.
- // This is not the instance data but rather the object data that can be used
- // across instances of the same mesh.
- ShaderResourceGroup MeshletsDataSrg : SRG_PerObject
- {
- // Shared buffer offset in uint to be used when using the shared buffer when
- // addressing the properties
- uint m_indicesOffset;
- uint m_texCoordsOffset;
- uint2 padding;
- // For the next array review the structuee 'MeshletDescriptor'.
- // The array holds the offsets and amount of vertices and triangles per
- // meshlet.
- StructuredBuffer<MeshletDescriptor> m_meshletsDescriptors;
- // The following array consistes of sub arrays of triangles - one per meshlet.
- // Each uint (32 bits) represents 3 x 8 bits indices into the meshlet indices
- // lookup array (the top byte is unused).
- Buffer<uint> m_meshletsTriangles;
- // Array of sub-tables, each one represents lookup table for a meshlet that
- // maps between a meshlet local vertex index and its global index in the mesh.
- Buffer<uint> m_meshletsIndicesLookup;
- // ---------------------------------------------
- // The following two buffers are in fact buffer views into the shared buffer
- // so that the GPU memory can be synchronized via the pass system using only
- // a single buffer and barier between passes.
- // ---------------------------------------------
- // Index buffer of the mesh comprised of meshlets
- // Meshlets Compute threads will write the calculated indices per meshlet and
- // store it in the array if the meshlets are not culled.
- RWBuffer<uint> m_indices;
- // Mesh texture coordinates - will be used for debug purposes to color meshlets
- RWBuffer<float2> m_uvs;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uint GetVertexIndex(uint index)
- {
- return PassSrg::m_meshletsSharedBuffer[m_indicesOffset + index];
- }
- void SetVertexIndex(uint index, uint vertexIndex )
- {
- PassSrg::m_meshletsSharedBuffer[m_indicesOffset + index] = vertexIndex;
- }
- void SetTriangleIndices(uint index, uint3 triIndices)
- {
- uint indexOffset = m_indicesOffset + index;
- PassSrg::m_meshletsSharedBuffer[indexOffset] = triIndices.x;
- PassSrg::m_meshletsSharedBuffer[indexOffset+1] = triIndices.y;
- PassSrg::m_meshletsSharedBuffer[indexOffset+2] = triIndices.z;
- }
- void SetUVs(uint index, float2 texCoords)
- {
- // index multiplied by 2 since we have two coordinates
- uint texCoordIndex = m_texCoordsOffset + (index << 1);
- PassSrg::m_meshletsSharedBuffer[texCoordIndex] = asint(texCoords.x);
- PassSrg::m_meshletsSharedBuffer[texCoordIndex+1] = asint(texCoords.y);
- }
- };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Given the local meshlet's triangle index and the meshlet, the function calculates
- // the global triangle's vertex indices and returns them along with the global
- // triangle offset.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- uint4 GetGlobalVertexIndicesAndTriOffset(MeshletDescriptor meshlet, uint localTriangleIdx)
- {
- uint globalTriangleIndex = meshlet.triangleOffset + localTriangleIdx;
- uint encodedTri = MeshletsDataSrg::m_meshletsTriangles[globalTriangleIndex];
- uint3 localIndices = uint3(
- (encodedTri) & 0xff,
- (encodedTri >> 8) & 0xff,
- (encodedTri >> 16) & 0xff
- );
- uint3 globalIndirection = meshlet.vertexOffset + localIndices;
- uint4 globalVertexIndicesAndTriOffset = uint4(
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_meshletsIndicesLookup[globalIndirection.x],
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_meshletsIndicesLookup[globalIndirection.y],
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_meshletsIndicesLookup[globalIndirection.z],
- globalTriangleIndex * 3
- );
- return globalVertexIndicesAndTriOffset;
- }
- /*
- * Modifications Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! The group's threads count should match either Meshlets::maxVerticesPerMeshlet
- //! or Meshlets::maxTrianglesPerMeshlet depending on our algorithm for minimizing
- //! amount of work per thread and achieving max parallelizm.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define THREADS_COUNT 64
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The following method demonstartes the usage of the meshlets data buffers to
- // create the index buffer content on the fly and as debug display it also
- // generates the meshlets color in the UV channel.
- // A future step should be to run a culling compute before this and generate
- // a visibility list of the meshlets. This visibility list will be used to
- // generate the dispatch groups per the visible meshlets and populate the index
- // buffer accordingly hence saving most of the rasterization of culled meshlets.
- // Care should be taken for synchronizing between threads for the location of
- // the indices to be written - possibly single thread per mesh can be used to
- // prepare the look up table for writing the indices by each thread in a unique
- // location.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [numthreads(THREADS_COUNT, 1, 1)]
- void ComputeMeshletsIndexBuffer(
- uint groupIndex : SV_GroupIndex,
- uint3 groupId : SV_GroupID,
- uint3 dispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID)
- {
- uint meshletId = groupId.x;
- MeshletDescriptor meshlet = MeshletsDataSrg::m_meshletsDescriptors[meshletId];
- uint uvDebugIndex = meshletId + 7; // to start off with some interesting color
- float2 debugUVs = float2( (uvDebugIndex % 3), ((uvDebugIndex / 3) % 3) ) * 0.5;
- //#define _DEBUG_TEST_CONTENT_
- ///////////////////////// Start - Test Debug Only ////////////////////////////
- // Simple test of the first entries of each meshlet - this will test writing
- // Tests writing data and data validity using both direct and indirect approach
- if ((groupIndex < meshlet.triangleCount) && (groupIndex < 4))
- {
- uint4 vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset = GetGlobalVertexIndicesAndTriOffset(meshlet, groupIndex);
- // Both method work!!!
- if (groupIndex < 2)
- { // Sub-Buffers address
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_indices[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w] = 555;
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_indices[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w + 1] = meshletId;
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_indices[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w + 2] = groupIndex;
- // Notice that writing to address is writing float2! (not a single element)
- // This is ok for testing, but wrong in general since there is no 1:1 correlation
- // between vertices and indices.
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_uvs[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w].x = 555;
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_uvs[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w].y = groupIndex;
- // This is the indirection in into the vertex pointed by the Index Buffer but since it
- // can be located anywhere, it is harder to verify
- // MeshletsDataSrg::m_uvs[MeshletsDataSrg::m_indices[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w]].x = 555;
- // MeshletsDataSrg::m_uvs[MeshletsDataSrg::m_indices[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w]].y = meshletId;
- }
- else
- { // Shared Buffer using offsets
- uint3 testIndex = uint3(22,meshletId,groupIndex);
- MeshletsDataSrg::SetTriangleIndices(vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w, testIndex);
- MeshletsDataSrg::SetUVs(vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w, groupIndex);
- MeshletsDataSrg::SetUVs(vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w + 1, groupIndex);
- MeshletsDataSrg::SetUVs(vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w + 2, groupIndex);
- }
- return;
- }
- ///////////////////////// End - Test Debug Only ////////////////////////////
- #endif
- if (groupIndex < meshlet.triangleCount)
- { // groupIndex is used here as the index of the triangle we process
- uint4 vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset = GetGlobalVertexIndicesAndTriOffset(meshlet, groupIndex);
- //// Setting the various properties via usage of the shared buffer with offsets
- // Construct the triangles using the meshlets data
- MeshletsDataSrg::SetTriangleIndices(vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w, vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.xyz);
- // Mark the triangles based on the meshlets Id.
- MeshletsDataSrg::SetUVs(vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.x, debugUVs);
- MeshletsDataSrg::SetUVs(vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.y, debugUVs);
- MeshletsDataSrg::SetUVs(vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.z, debugUVs);
- #else
- // Setting the properties directly through the buffer views that represent areas
- // in the memory of the shared buffer.
- // Set the global mesh index buffer for this meshlet triangle
- // Future progress will require meshlets as visible or not and accordingly write this data
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_indices[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w] = vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.x;
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_indices[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w + 1] = vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.y;
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_indices[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.w + 2] = vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.z;
- // Set the vertices UV according to the meshlet Id as a debug indication
- // This is for testing only and should not be touched in the actual PBR render
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_uvs[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.x] = debugUVs;
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_uvs[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.y] = debugUVs;
- MeshletsDataSrg::m_uvs[vtxGlobalVerticesAndTriOffset.z] = debugUVs;
- #endif
- }
- }