123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312 |
- #
- # Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- # For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- #
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- #
- #
- import os
- import numpy as np
- import tempfile
- from PIL import Image
- import azlmbr.bus as azbus
- import azlmbr.legacy.general as azgeneral
- import azlmbr.editor as azeditor
- import azlmbr.atom as azatom
- import azlmbr.entity as azentity
- import azlmbr.camera as azcamera
- # See README.md for details.
- # Some global constants
- EXPECTED_LEVEL_NAME = "ShaderReloadTest"
- SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS = {".ppm", ".bmp", ".tiff", ".tif", ".png"}
- def OverwriteFile(azslFilePath: str, begin: list, middle: list, end: list):
- fileObj = open(azslFilePath, "w")
- fileObj.writelines(begin)
- fileObj.writelines(middle)
- fileObj.writelines(end)
- fileObj.close()
- def FlipTestColorLine(line: str) -> tuple[tuple[int, int, int], str]:
- """
- Flips/toggles "BLUE_COLOR" for "GREEN_COLOR" in @line
- and viceversa. Also retuns the expected pixel color in addition
- to the modified line.
- """
- if "BLUE_COLOR" in line:
- expectedColor = "GREEN_COLOR"
- newLine = line.replace("BLUE_COLOR", expectedColor)
- return (0, 152, 15), newLine
- elif "GREEN_COLOR" in line:
- expectedColor = "BLUE_COLOR"
- newLine = line.replace("GREEN_COLOR", expectedColor)
- return (0, 1, 155), newLine
- raise Exception("Can't find color")
- def FlipShaderColor(azslFilePath: str) -> tuple[int, int, int]:
- """
- Modifies the Shader code in @azslFilePath by flipping the line
- that outputs the expected color.
- If the line is found as:
- const float3 TEST_COLOR = BLUE_COLOR;
- It gets flipped to:
- const float3 TEST_COLOR = GREEN_COLOR;
- and viceversa.
- """
- begin = []
- middle = []
- end = []
- fileObj = open(azslFilePath, 'rt')
- sectionStart = False
- sectionEnd = False
- expectedColor = ""
- for line in fileObj:
- if ("ShaderReloadTest" in line):
- if ("START" in line):
- middle.append(line)
- sectionStart = True
- continue
- elif ("END" in line):
- middle.append(line)
- sectionEnd = True
- continue
- if (not sectionStart) and (not sectionEnd):
- begin.append(line)
- continue
- if sectionEnd:
- end.append(line)
- continue
- if "TEST_COLOR" in line:
- expectedColor, newLine = FlipTestColorLine(line)
- middle.append(newLine)
- fileObj.close()
- OverwriteFile(azslFilePath, begin, middle, end)
- return expectedColor
- def UpdateShaderAndTestPixelResult(azslFilePath: str, screenUpdateWaitTime: float, captureCountOnFailure: int, screenshotImagePath: str, quickShaderOverwriteCount: int, quickShaderOverwriteWait: float) -> bool:
- """
- This function represents the work done for a single iteration of the shader modification test.
- Modifies the content of the Shader (@azslFilePath), waits @screenUpdateWaitTime, and captures
- the pixels of the Editor Viewport.
- Some leniency was added with the variable @captureCountOnFailure because sometimes @@screenUpdateWaitTime is not
- enought time for the screen to update. This function retries @captureCountOnFailure times before
- considering it a failure.
- """
- expectedPixelColor = FlipShaderColor(azslFilePath)
- print(f"Expecting color {expectedPixelColor}")
- for overwriteCount in range(quickShaderOverwriteCount):
- azgeneral.idle_wait(quickShaderOverwriteWait)
- expectedPixelColor = FlipShaderColor(azslFilePath)
- print(f"Shader quickly overwritten {overwriteCount + 1} of {quickShaderOverwriteCount}")
- print(f"Expecting color {expectedPixelColor}")
- azgeneral.idle_wait(screenUpdateWaitTime)
- # Capture the screenshot
- captureCount = -1
- success = False
- while captureCount < captureCountOnFailure:
- captureCount += 1
- outcome = azatom.FrameCaptureRequestBus(
- azbus.Broadcast, "CaptureScreenshot", screenshotImagePath
- )
- if not outcome.IsSuccess():
- frameCaptureError = outcome.GetError()
- errorMsg = frameCaptureError.error_message
- print(f"Failed to capture screenshot at outputImagePath='{screenshotImagePath}'\nError:\n{errorMsg}")
- return False
- azgeneral.idle_wait(screenUpdateWaitTime)
- img = Image.open(screenshotImagePath)
- width, height = img.size
- r = int(height/2)
- c = int(width/2)
- image_array = np.array(img)
- color = image_array[r][c]
- print(f"captureCount {captureCount}: Center Pixel[{r},{c}] Color={color}, type:{type(color)}, r={color[0]}, g={color[1]}, b={color[2]}")
- success = (color[0] == expectedPixelColor[0]) and (color[1] == expectedPixelColor[1]) and (color[2] == expectedPixelColor[2])
- if success:
- return success
- return success
- def ShaderReloadTest(iterationCountMax: int, screenUpdateWaitTime: float, captureCountOnFailure: int, screenshotImagePath: str, quickShaderOverwriteCount: int, quickShaderOverwriteWait: float) -> tuple[bool, int]:
- """
- This function is the main loop. Runs @iterationCountMax iterations and all iterations must PASS
- to consider the test a success.
- A single iteration modifies the Shader file, waits @screenUpdateWaitTime, captures the pixel content
- of the Editor Viewport, and reads the center pixel of the image for an expected color.
- """
- levelPath = azeditor.EditorToolsApplicationRequestBus(azbus.Broadcast, "GetCurrentLevelPath")
- levelName = os.path.basename(levelPath)
- if levelName != EXPECTED_LEVEL_NAME:
- print(f"ERROR: This test suite expects a level named '{EXPECTED_LEVEL_NAME}', instead got '{levelName}'")
- return False, 0
- azslFilePath = os.path.join(levelPath, "SimpleMesh.azsl")
- iterationCount = 0
- success = False
- while iterationCount < iterationCountMax:
- iterationCount += 1
- print(f"Starting Retry {iterationCount} of {iterationCountMax}...")
- success = UpdateShaderAndTestPixelResult(azslFilePath, screenUpdateWaitTime, captureCountOnFailure, screenshotImagePath, quickShaderOverwriteCount, quickShaderOverwriteWait)
- if not success:
- break
- return success, iterationCount
- def ValidateImageExtension(screenshotImagePath: str) -> bool:
- _, file_extension = os.path.splitext(screenshotImagePath)
- return True
- print(f"ERROR: Image path '{screenshotImagePath}' has an unsupported file extension.\nSupported extensions: {SUPPORTED_IMAGE_FILE_EXTENSIONS}")
- return False
- def AdjustEditorCameraPosition(cameraEntityName: str) -> azentity.EntityId:
- """
- Searches for an entity named @cameraEntityName, assumes the entity has a Camera Component,
- and forces the Editor Viewport to make it the Active Camera. This helps center the `Billboard`
- entity because this test Samples the middle the of the screen for the correct Pixel color.
- """
- if not cameraEntityName:
- return None
- # Find the first entity with such name.
- searchFilter = azentity.SearchFilter()
- searchFilter.names = [cameraEntityName,]
- entityList = azentity.SearchBus(azbus.Broadcast, "SearchEntities", searchFilter)
- print(f"Found {len(entityList)} entities named {cameraEntityName}. Will use the first.")
- if len(entityList) < 1:
- print(f"No camera entity with name {cameraEntityName} was found. Viewport camera won't be adjusted.")
- return None
- cameraEntityId = entityList[0]
- isActiveCamera = azcamera.EditorCameraViewRequestBus(azbus.Event, "IsActiveCamera", cameraEntityId)
- if isActiveCamera:
- print(f"Entity '{cameraEntityName}' is already the active camera")
- return cameraEntityId
- azcamera.EditorCameraViewRequestBus(azbus.Event, "ToggleCameraAsActiveView", cameraEntityId)
- print(f"Entity '{cameraEntityName}' is now the active camera. Will wait 2 seconds for the screen to settle.")
- print(f"REMARK: It is expected that the camera is located at [0, -1, 2] with all euler angles at 0.")
- azgeneral.idle_wait(2.0)
- return cameraEntityId
- def ClearViewportOfHelpers():
- """
- Makes sure all helpers and artifacts that add unwanted pixels
- are hidden.
- """
- # Make sure no entity is selected when the test runs because entity selection adds unwanted colored pixels
- azeditor.ToolsApplicationRequestBus(azbus.Broadcast, "SetSelectedEntities", [])
- # Hide helpers
- if azgeneral.is_helpers_shown():
- azgeneral.toggle_helpers()
- # Hide icons
- if azgeneral.is_icons_shown():
- azgeneral.toggle_icons()
- #Hide FPS, etc
- azgeneral.set_cvar_integer("r_displayInfo", 0)
- # Wait a little for the screen to update.
- azgeneral.idle_wait(0.25)
- # Quick Example on how to run this test from the Editor Console (See README.md for more details):
- # Runs 10 iterations:
- # pyRunFile C:\GIT\o3de\AutomatedTesting\Levels\ShaderReloadTest\shader_reload_test.py -i 10
- def MainFunc():
- import argparse
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description="Records several frames of pass attachments as image files."
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-i",
- "--iterations",
- type=int,
- default=1,
- help="How many times the Shader should be modified and the screen pixel validated.",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--screen_update_wait_time",
- type=float,
- default=3.0,
- help="Minimum time to wait after modifying the shader and taking the screen snapshot to validate color output.",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--capture_count_on_failure",
- type=int,
- default=2,
- help="How many times the screen should be recaptured if the pixel output failes.",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-p",
- "--screenshot_image_path",
- default="",
- help="Absolute path of the file where the screenshot will be written to. Must include image extensions 'ppm', 'png', 'bmp', 'tif'. By default a temporary png path will be created",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-q",
- "--quick_shader_overwrite_count",
- type=int,
- default=0,
- help="How many times the shader should be overwritten before capturing the screenshot. This simulates real life cases where a shader file is updated and saved to the file system several times consecutively",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-w",
- "--quick_shader_overwrite_wait",
- type=float,
- default=1.0,
- help="Minimum time to wait in between quick shader overwrites.",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "-c",
- "--camera_entity_name",
- default="Camera",
- help="Name of the entity that contains a Camera Component. If found, the Editor camera will be set to it before starting the test.",
- )
- args = parser.parse_args()
- iterationCountMax = args.iterations
- screenUpdateWaitTime = args.screen_update_wait_time
- captureCountOnFailure = args.capture_count_on_failure
- screenshotImagePath = args.screenshot_image_path
- quickShaderOverwriteCount = args.quick_shader_overwrite_count
- quickShaderOverwriteWait = args.quick_shader_overwrite_wait
- cameraEntityName = args.camera_entity_name
- tmpDir = None
- if not screenshotImagePath:
- tmpDir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
- screenshotImagePath = os.path.join(tmpDir.name, "shader_reload.png")
- print(f"The temporary file '{screenshotImagePath}' will be used to capture screenshots")
- else:
- if not ValidateImageExtension(screenshotImagePath):
- return # Exit test suite.
- cameraEntityId = AdjustEditorCameraPosition(cameraEntityName)
- ClearViewportOfHelpers()
- result, iterationCount = ShaderReloadTest(iterationCountMax, screenUpdateWaitTime, captureCountOnFailure, screenshotImagePath, quickShaderOverwriteCount, quickShaderOverwriteWait)
- if result:
- print(f"ShaderReloadTest PASSED after retrying {iterationCount}/{iterationCountMax} times.")
- else:
- print(f"ShaderReloadTest FAILED after retrying {iterationCount}/{iterationCountMax} times.")
- if cameraEntityId is not None:
- azcamera.EditorCameraViewRequestBus(azbus.Event, "ToggleCameraAsActiveView", cameraEntityId)
- if tmpDir:
- tmpDir.cleanup()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- MainFunc()