123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307 |
- /*
- * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- *
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- *
- */
- #pragma once
- #if !defined(Q_MOC_RUN)
- #include "native/assetprocessor.h"
- #include "native/utilities/assetUtils.h"
- #include <QString>
- #include <QByteArray>
- #include <QHash>
- #include <QObject>
- #include <AzCore/Interface/Interface.h>
- #include <AzFramework/Asset/AssetSystemTypes.h>
- #include <connection/connectionManager.h>
- #endif
- namespace AzFramework
- {
- namespace AssetSystem
- {
- class BaseAssetProcessorMessage;
- } // namespace AssetSystem
- } // namespace AzFramework
- namespace AssetProcessor
- {
- class AssetRequestHandler;
- template<typename TRequest>
- struct MessageData
- {
- static_assert(AZStd::is_base_of<AzFramework::AssetSystem::BaseAssetProcessorMessage, TRequest>::value, "TRequest must derive from BaseAssetProcessorMessage");
- AZStd::shared_ptr<TRequest> m_message;
- NetworkRequestID m_key;
- QString m_platform;
- bool m_fencingFailed{ false };
- MessageData() = default;
- MessageData(AZStd::shared_ptr<TRequest> message, NetworkRequestID key, QString platform, bool fencingFailed = false)
- : m_message(message), m_key(key), m_platform(platform), m_fencingFailed(fencingFailed)
- {}
- template<typename TOther>
- MessageData(const MessageData<TOther>& rhs)
- {
- m_message = AZStd::rtti_pointer_cast<TRequest>(rhs.m_message);
- m_key = rhs.m_key;
- m_platform = rhs.m_platform;
- m_fencingFailed = rhs.m_fencingFailed;
- }
- };
- struct IRequestRouter
- {
- friend class AssetRequestHandler;
- AZ_RTTI(IRequestRouter, "{FC7F875C-2CD1-4CD2-AC63-71097DF612AC}");
- IRequestRouter(AZStd::function<void(unsigned int, unsigned int, QByteArray, QString)> requestHandler)
- : m_requestHandler(AZStd::move(requestHandler))
- {
- AZ::Interface<IRequestRouter>::Register(this);
- }
- virtual ~IRequestRouter()
- {
- AZ::Interface<IRequestRouter>::Unregister(this);
- }
- //! Registers a QT object callback as a handler for a TRequest type of message.
- //! The callback function will be run on obj's thread
- //! If the return value of the handler is void, no response will be sent.
- //! Not thread-safe, do not call after AP initialization stage
- template<typename TRequest, typename TResponse, typename TClass>
- void RegisterQueuedCallbackHandler(TClass* obj, TResponse(TClass::* handler)(AssetProcessor::MessageData<TRequest>))
- {
- AZ_Assert(obj, "Programmer Error - Handler object is null");
- // Return type is set to void here since the response needs to be delayed along with the handler call
- // HandleResponse gets called twice in this whole chain but the first time won't attempt to send a response because of this void
- RegisterMessageHandler<TRequest, void>([=](MessageData<TRequest> messageData)
- {
- QMetaObject::invokeMethod(obj, [=]()
- {
- // This will run on the obj's thread and handle sending the response now that we're ready to process
- HandleResponse<TRequest, TResponse>([obj, handler](MessageData<TRequest> messageData) -> TResponse
- {
- return (obj->*handler)(messageData);
- }, messageData);
- }, Qt::ConnectionType::QueuedConnection);
- });
- }
- //! Registers a callback as a handler for a TRequest type of message.
- //! If the return value of the handler is void, no response will be sent.
- //! Not thread-safe, do not call after AP initialization stage
- template <class TRequest, class TResponse>
- void RegisterMessageHandler(TResponse(*handler)(MessageData<TRequest> messageData))
- {
- RegisterMessageHandler<TRequest, TResponse>(AZStd::function<TResponse(MessageData<TRequest>)>(AZStd::move(handler)));
- }
- //! Registers a callback as a handler for a TRequest type of message.
- //! If the return value of the handler is void, no response will be sent.
- //! Not thread-safe, do not call after AP initialization stage
- template <class TRequest, class TResponse>
- void RegisterMessageHandler(AZStd::function<TResponse(MessageData<TRequest>)> handler)
- {
- static constexpr unsigned int MessageType = TRequest::MessageType;
- m_messageHandlers[MessageType] = [handler = AZStd::move(handler)](MessageData<AzFramework::AssetSystem::BaseAssetProcessorMessage> messageData)
- {
- MessageData<TRequest> downcastData = messageData;
- if (downcastData.m_message)
- {
- IRequestRouter::HandleResponse<TRequest, TResponse>(AZStd::move(handler), downcastData);
- }
- else
- {
- AZ_TracePrintf(AssetProcessor::DebugChannel, "Expected message type (%d) but incoming message type is %d.\n", MessageType, messageData.m_message->GetMessageType());
- }
- };
- using namespace AZStd::placeholders;
- ConnectionManagerRequestBus::Broadcast(&ConnectionManagerRequestBus::Events::RegisterService, MessageType, AZStd::bind(m_requestHandler, _1, _3, _4, _5));
- }
- template<class TRequest>
- void UnregisterMessageHandler()
- {
- static constexpr unsigned int MessageType = TRequest::MessageType;
- auto messageItr = m_messageHandlers.find(MessageType);
- if(messageItr != m_messageHandlers.end())
- {
- m_messageHandlers.erase(messageItr);
- }
- }
- protected:
- //! Helper to handle sending a response for a message if one is needed.
- template<class TRequest, class TResponse, typename AZStd::enable_if_t<!AZStd::is_void_v<TResponse>>* = nullptr>
- static void HandleResponse(AZStd::function<TResponse(MessageData<TRequest>)> handler, MessageData<TRequest> messageData)
- {
- auto&& response = handler(messageData);
- ConnectionBus::Event(messageData.m_key.first, &ConnectionBus::Events::SendResponse, messageData.m_key.second, response);
- }
- template<class TRequest, class TResponse, typename AZStd::enable_if_t<AZStd::is_void_v<TResponse>>* = nullptr>
- static void HandleResponse(AZStd::function<TResponse(MessageData<TRequest>)> handler, MessageData<TRequest> messageData)
- {
- // This template handles void returns which mean no response should be sent
- handler(messageData);
- }
- using MessageHandler = AZStd::function<void(MessageData<AzFramework::AssetSystem::BaseAssetProcessorMessage>)>;
- //! Map of messageType to message handler callback
- AZStd::unordered_map<unsigned int /*messageType*/, MessageHandler> m_messageHandlers;
- //! Parent object callback which will be registered with the ConnectionManager for each message
- AZStd::function<void(unsigned int, unsigned int, QByteArray, QString)> m_requestHandler;
- };
- //! AssetRequestHandler
- //! this exists to handle requests from outside sources to compile assets.
- //! or to get the status of groups of assets.
- class AssetRequestHandler
- : public QObject
- {
- using AssetStatus = AzFramework::AssetSystem::AssetStatus;
- using BaseAssetProcessorMessage = AzFramework::AssetSystem::BaseAssetProcessorMessage;
- public:
- AssetRequestHandler();
- protected:
- //! This function creates a fence file.
- //! It will return the fencefile path if it succeeds, otherwise it returns an empty string
- virtual QString CreateFenceFile(unsigned int fenceId);
- //! This function delete a fence file.
- //! it will return true if it succeeds, otherwise it returns false.
- virtual bool DeleteFenceFile(QString fenceFileName);
- //! Request that a compile group is created for all assets that match that platform and search term.
- //! emitting this signal will ultimately result in OnCompileGroupCreated and OnCompileGroupFinished being executed
- //! at some later time with the same groupID.
- void RequestCompileGroup(NetworkRequestID groupID, QString platform, QString searchTerm, AZ::Data::AssetId assetId, bool isStatusRequest, int searchType);
- //! This request goes out to ask the system in general whether an asset can be found (as a product).
- void RequestAssetExists(NetworkRequestID groupID, QString platform, QString searchTerm, AZ::Data::AssetId assetId, int searchType);
- void RequestEscalateAssetByUuid(QString platform, AZ::Uuid escalatedAssetUUID);
- void RequestEscalateAssetBySearchTerm(QString platform, QString escalatedSearchTerm);
- public Q_SLOTS:
- //! ProcessGetAssetStatus - someone on the network wants to know about the status of an asset.
- //! isStatusRequest will be TRUE if its a status request. If its false it means its a compile request
- void ProcessAssetRequest(MessageData<AzFramework::AssetSystem::RequestAssetStatus> messageData);
- //! OnCompileGroupCreated is invoked in response to asking for a compile group to be created.
- //! Its status will either be Unknown if no assets are queued or in flight that match that pattern
- //! or it will be Queued or Compiling if some were matched.
- //! If you get a Queued or Compiling, you will eventually get a OnCompileGroupFinished with the same group ID.
- void OnCompileGroupCreated(NetworkRequestID groupID, AssetStatus status);
- //! OnCompileGroupFinished is expected to be called when a compile group completes or fails.
- //! the status is expected to be either Compiled or Failed.
- void OnCompileGroupFinished(NetworkRequestID groupID, AssetStatus status);
- //! Called from the outside in response to a RequestAssetExists.
- void OnRequestAssetExistsResponse(NetworkRequestID groupID, bool exists);
- void OnFenceFileDetected(unsigned int fenceId);
- //! This will get called for every asset related messages or messages that require fencing
- virtual void OnNewIncomingRequest(unsigned int connId, unsigned int serial, QByteArray payload, QString platform);
- public:
- //! Just return how many in flight requests there are.
- int GetNumOutstandingAssetRequests() const;
- protected:
- template<typename TRequest, typename TResponse>
- AZStd::function<TResponse(MessageData<TRequest>)> ToFunction(TResponse(AssetRequestHandler::* func)(MessageData<TRequest>))
- {
- using namespace AZStd::placeholders;
- return AZStd::function<TResponse(MessageData<TRequest>)>(AZStd::bind(func, this, _1));
- }
- // Invokes the appropriate handler and returns true if the message should be deleted by the caller and false if the request handler is responsible for deleting the message
- virtual bool InvokeHandler(MessageData<AzFramework::AssetSystem::BaseAssetProcessorMessage> message);
- //! This is an internal struct that is used for storing all the necessary information for requests that require fencing
- struct RequestInfo
- {
- RequestInfo() = default;
- RequestInfo(NetworkRequestID requestId, AZStd::shared_ptr<BaseAssetProcessorMessage> message, QString platform)
- : m_requestId(requestId)
- , m_message(AZStd::move(message))
- , m_platform(platform)
- {
- }
- NetworkRequestID m_requestId{};
- AZStd::shared_ptr<BaseAssetProcessorMessage> m_message{};
- QString m_platform{};
- };
- AZStd::unordered_map<unsigned int, RequestInfo> m_pendingFenceRequestMap;
- protected:
- void DeleteFenceFile_Retry(unsigned fenceId, QString fenceFileName, NetworkRequestID key, AZStd::shared_ptr<BaseAssetProcessorMessage> message, QString platform, int retriesRemaining);
- void SendAssetStatus(NetworkRequestID groupID, unsigned int type, AssetStatus status);
- void HandleRequestEscalateAsset(MessageData<AzFramework::AssetSystem::RequestEscalateAsset> messageData);
- // we keep state about a request in this class:
- class AssetRequestLine
- {
- public:
- AssetRequestLine(QString platform, QString searchTerm, const AZ::Data::AssetId& assetId, bool isStatusRequest, int searchType);
- bool IsStatusRequest() const;
- QString GetPlatform() const;
- QString GetSearchTerm() const;
- const AZ::Data::AssetId& GetAssetId() const;
- QString GetDisplayString() const;
- int GetSearchType() const;
- private:
- bool m_isStatusRequest;
- QString m_platform;
- QString m_searchTerm;
- AZ::Data::AssetId m_assetId;
- int m_searchType{ 0 };
- };
- // this map keeps track of whether a request was for a compile (FALSE), or a status (TRUE)
- QHash<NetworkRequestID, AssetRequestLine> m_pendingAssetRequests;
- unsigned int m_fenceId = 0;
- IRequestRouter m_requestRouter{ [this](unsigned int connId, unsigned int serial, QByteArray payload, QString platform) {OnNewIncomingRequest(connId, serial, payload, platform); } };
- };
- } // namespace AssetProcessor