crycommon_files.cmake 2.0 KB

  1. #
  2. # Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. # For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. #
  5. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  6. #
  7. #
  8. set(FILES
  9. ICmdLine.h
  10. IConsole.h
  11. IFont.h
  12. IGem.h
  13. IIndexedMesh.h
  14. ILevelSystem.h
  15. ILocalizationManager.h
  16. LocalizationManagerBus.h
  17. LocalizationManagerBus.inl
  18. ILog.h
  19. IMiniLog.h
  20. IMovieSystem.cpp
  21. IMovieSystem.h
  22. IRenderer.h
  23. ISerialize.h
  24. ISplines.h
  25. ISystem.h
  26. ITexture.h
  27. IValidator.h
  28. IWindowMessageHandler.h
  29. IXml.h
  30. SerializationTypes.h
  31. CryEndian.h
  32. CryRandomInternal.h
  33. Random.h
  34. LCGRandom.h
  35. BaseTypes.h
  36. AnimKey.h
  37. CryAssert.h
  38. CryFile.h
  39. CryListenerSet.h
  40. CryPath.h
  41. CrySystemBus.h
  42. CrySystemBus.cpp
  43. CryVersion.h
  44. MiniQueue.h
  45. MultiThread_Containers.h
  46. ProjectDefines.h
  47. Range.h
  48. ScopedVariableSetter.h
  49. SerializeFwd.h
  50. SimpleSerialize.h
  51. smartptr.h
  52. StlUtils.h
  53. TimeValue.h
  54. VectorMap.h
  55. VertexFormats.h
  56. XMLBinaryHeaders.h
  57. MainThreadRenderRequestBus.h
  58. Cry_Matrix33.h
  59. Cry_Matrix34.h
  60. Cry_Matrix44.h
  61. Cry_Vector4.h
  62. Cry_Color.h
  63. Cry_Geo.h
  64. Cry_GeoDistance.h
  65. Cry_GeoIntersect.h
  66. Cry_Math.h
  67. Cry_Quat.h
  68. Cry_ValidNumber.h
  69. Cry_Vector2.h
  70. Cry_Vector3.h
  71. CryHalf.inl
  72. MathConversion.h
  73. AndroidSpecific.h
  74. AppleSpecific.h
  75. Linux32Specific.h
  76. Linux64Specific.h
  77. Linux_Win32Wrapper.h
  78. LinuxSpecific.h
  79. LoadScreenBus.h
  80. MacSpecific.h
  81. platform.h
  82. platform_impl.cpp
  83. Win64specific.h
  84. Maestro/Bus/EditorSequenceAgentComponentBus.h
  85. Maestro/Bus/EditorSequenceBus.h
  86. Maestro/Bus/EditorSequenceComponentBus.h
  87. Maestro/Bus/SequenceComponentBus.h
  88. Maestro/Bus/SequenceAgentComponentBus.h
  89. Maestro/Types/AnimNodeType.h
  90. Maestro/Types/AnimParamType.h
  91. Maestro/Types/AnimValueType.h
  92. Maestro/Types/AssetBlendKey.h
  93. Maestro/Types/AssetBlends.h
  94. Maestro/Types/SequenceType.h
  95. WinBase.cpp
  96. )